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Speed Dating the 10 Golden Bullet Points of 'Titanium' (2) 16/04/2024, 10:04

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3 Brandon Shingler 32:11

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Firstly, based on the lyrics what do you think the song is about? *

David Guetta - Titanium (Lyrics) ft. Sia

Shootings in general, inner-strength…pview=SurveyResults&qid=rb1a8fdc130604764b3dc34441b8fc4eb&ridx=2 Page 1 of 5
Speed Dating the 10 Golden Bullet Points of 'Titanium' (2) 16/04/2024, 10:04

How do the representations

(people, places, events, issues) in
'Titanium' chosen by the producers
promote the artist (David Guetta)
in your opinion? *

Shows his support of anti-establishment and caring for the injured and their freedom. Escaping

How does the music video reflect

individuals or social, cultural and
historical issues and events? *

School shootings, bullying, loneliness, power of the police.

Is Titanium influenced by the

concept of intertextuality,
bricolage or parody? Would you
describe it as a postmodern text
based on the Tate definition? *

intertextuality and yes it's postmodren text base don the music video showing anti-establishment
features such as anti-police but also shows throughout the video the kid shows his powers.…pview=SurveyResults&qid=rb1a8fdc130604764b3dc34441b8fc4eb&ridx=2 Page 2 of 5
Speed Dating the 10 Golden Bullet Points of 'Titanium' (2) 16/04/2024, 10:04

What viewpoints and messages and values does the media language of the music
video highlight about society ? *

Too controlling and harsh on children, parental issues with society and how parents now-a-days
don't look after their own children.

Does the music video challenge or

subvert the codes and conventions
of a music video? Explain your
answer here. *

No, this music video I believe fall under the narrative aspect of the music videos out there.…pview=SurveyResults&qid=rb1a8fdc130604764b3dc34441b8fc4eb&ridx=2 Page 3 of 5
Speed Dating the 10 Golden Bullet Points of 'Titanium' (2) 16/04/2024, 10:04

Have stereotypes been used in a positive or negative manner (or both) how and
why? *

No, a lot of the stereotypes used in the music video have been used in a negative manner such as
suggest American suburban life is similar to what is in the music video aside from the super powers

Do you think that the music video

offers representations that are
under or over represented in
society. Which ones? Why do you
think this? *

I feel like children are over represented in society but specifically this child is portrayed in a
unconventional manner. Classes in society with the boy living in a lower-middle class environment
and this can be used in a way to suggest the artist is more closer to the audience.…pview=SurveyResults&qid=rb1a8fdc130604764b3dc34441b8fc4eb&ridx=2 Page 4 of 5
Speed Dating the 10 Golden Bullet Points of 'Titanium' (2) 16/04/2024, 10:04

How could [different] audience/s

respond and interpret the
representations/messages and
values/ideologies that the music
videos offer the audience? *

The setting of the music video to an older audience would feel nostalgia when watching this as its
filled with intertextuality to 80s movies like E.T., Star Wars etc. And a younger generation would feel
empowered by this video though the video surrounding a kid beating the authority.


What do you think the purpose of

this music video is? *

Promote the artist, send a message, reinforced lyrics and ideology of the song, attract an new
demographic, another way the artist can express themselves and their interests.…pview=SurveyResults&qid=rb1a8fdc130604764b3dc34441b8fc4eb&ridx=2 Page 5 of 5

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