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Peace and Order and Public Safety Situation

Chapter B - The Peace and Order and Public Safety Situation
1. Peace and Order and Public Safety Situation Matrix
Base Year: 2022
Actual Data

Focus Area Indicator City/Municipality

(Indicate name of C/M and its Barangay (if available) Cases/Qualitative Data
corresponding quantitative data)

Peace And Order

Crime and Disorder

- Centro II (Pob.) - 1
- Cumu - 1
Incidence of Index Crimes Total: 4 4
- Macalauat - 1
- Mangandingay - 1

Alarms & Scandal-2

Grave threats - 1
Frustrated/Attempted Homicide-1
Light Threats-1
Malicious Mischief-1
Frustrated Murder- 1 Illegal
Possession of Deadly Weapon-1
- Centro II (Pob.) - 12
Incidence of Non-Index Crimes Total: 59 Resisting to Authorities-2
- Dalakip - 6
PD 705-2
Chainsaw Act of 2002-2
Anti-gambling – 31
RA 10591-8
RA 9165-5
Reckless Imprudence Resulting
in Homicide/Damage to

Crime Volume Total: 65

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Peace and Order and Public Safety Situation

Actual Data

Focus Area Indicator City/Municipality

(Indicate name of C/M and its Barangay (if available) Cases/Qualitative Data
corresponding quantitative data)

Crime Solution Efficiency Total: 100%

Crime Clearance Efficiency Total: 100%

Ratio of police personnel to total population Total: 1:1000

Number of police outposts/1000 population Total: 1

Number and types of human rights violations, with information on perpetrators and victims and disaggregated by
Total: 0
sex, age and ethnicity

Number and types of election-related violent incidents Total: 0

Number of Children in Conflict with the Law Total: 2

1.a Illegal Drugs (mandatory per RA 9165, NADPA, DILG MCs)

Number of drug personalities Total: 0

Number of drug affected barangays Total: 0

Number of drug clearing operations Total: 59

Number of buy-bust operations Total: 8

Presence of Special Drug Education Centers (for P/HUC/ICC only) Total: 0

Presence of rehabilitation services for drug dependents (centers/ outpatient care) Total: 1

Partnerships with CSOs/NGOs/POs for rehabilitation and aftercare of drug dependents Total: 2


Number and types of violent incidents related to armed groups Total: 0

Number and types of violent ethnic conflicts Total: 0

Number and types of resource-based conflicts (i.e. minerals, forestry, agrarian land, water) Total: 0

Number of communities, households and individuals displaced by armed conflict Total: 0

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Peace and Order and Public Safety Situation

Actual Data

Focus Area Indicator City/Municipality

(Indicate name of C/M and its Barangay (if available) Cases/Qualitative Data
corresponding quantitative data)

Ratio of military and police personnel to total population Total: 1/1000

- Macalauat - 1
Number and location of military camps and police stations Total: 2
- Centro II (Pob.) - 1

Types of issues affecting Indigenous Peoples (i.e., human rights violations, ancestral domain, natural resource
Total: 0
conflicts, displacement, royalty tax, etc.)

Number of women who were affected by gender-based violence (i.e., in situations of armed conflict and natural
Total: 0
disasters, includes sexual violence, displacement, trafficking, etc.

Number of children who are affected by armed conflict (i.e., displacement, recruitment, trafficking, etc.) Total: 0

Number of former rebels enrolled in integration programs, by age, sex and ethnicity Total: 0

Violent extremism and terrorism

Insurgency/armed conflict

Prevalence of private armed groups, contributing to the proliferation of gun culture, “rido” or clan wars, unjust use of military and police auxiliaries

Threats to the environment and human security (illegal logging, illegal mining, illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing (IUUF), smuggling, illegal activities related to quarrying, etc.)

Other related-peace and order concerns that may be deemed necessary

Public Safety

Road and Vehicle Safety

Number of Road Accidents Total: 2

Number Roads with poor condition Total: 0

Number of traffic warning signage installed

Number of CCTV installed

Emergency/Crisis Management and Fire Safety

Number and type of available resources to respond to an emergency (e.g. human/physical/financial

resources)/Number and type of needed resources

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Peace and Order and Public Safety Situation

Actual Data

Focus Area Indicator City/Municipality

(Indicate name of C/M and its Barangay (if available) Cases/Qualitative Data
corresponding quantitative data)

Number of High Value Targets

Number of vital installations/lifelines

Number of fire incidents

Establishment and Maintenance of CCTVs

Unregulated use of firecrackers

2. The Overview of the Peace and Order and Public Safety Situation in the LGU
Crime and Disorder

????A.1. Crime Data Statistics

The recorded Total Crime Volume (TCV) for the period was 65 incidents, 4 were categorized as index crimes while 61 were non-index crimes. Among the 65 crimeincidents, 65 incidents were
solved rendering 100 % Crime Clearance Efficiency and100 % Crime Solution Efficiency (CSE). Base on the statistics we have an averagemonthly crime rate (AMR) of 5.41.

A.2. Major Crime Trends

The major crime trends in the municipality are crime of murder, rape, theft and violation of PD 1602 or illegal gambling has been committed within the municipality. This crime of murder and rape recorded
is considered most serious crime and it allures concern from the public.

????A.3. Other crime Trends

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Peace and Order and Public Safety Situation

A.3.1 Vehicular Incident

As compared to year 2021, there is a significant decrease invehicular accident wherein a total of two (2) Reckless Imprudence was recorded which resulted to one (1) homicide and one (1) Reckless
Imprudence that resulted to physical injury and damage to property.Based on the investigation conducted, the most common cause of vehicular accident is alcohol intoxication, reckless driving
and violation of traffic rules.

A.3.2 Violation of Specials Laws

With the relentless effort of the Angadanan Police Station in thefight against illegal drugs and criminality a total of four (4) Violation of RA 9165 (Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002) through buy bust operation
and eight (8) successful implementation of search warrant, 26 Anti-illegal Gambling Operation, two (2) Violation of Chainsaw Act, two (2)Violation of PD 705 (Illegal Logging), five (5) Violation of Illegal
Numbers Game and one (1) Illegal Possession of Deadly Weapons were recorded for the period.

????A. 4. Crime Hotspot

As to distribution of crime incidents reported, Barangay Centro 2 has the highest number of crime incident recorded for CY 2022.

????A.5. Victimization Data

Nature of Victimization Number ofVictimization Percentage

Property Victimization

Theft 1 4%

Personal Victimization

Murder 2 8%

Domestic Violence

Violation of RA 9262 1 4%

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Peace and Order and Public Safety Situation

Sexual Victimization

Rape 2 8%

Other Crimes

RIR to Physical Injury 2 4%

Total 8 30%

Review of Local Strategic Direction | 1

A.6. Household survey results on Peace and Order Situation

Respondents Description on Peace andorder Situation







Do not know?NotPeaceful


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Peace and Order and Public Safety Situation




As part of theformulation of this plan, asurvey was conducted bythe PNP Angadanan to1,000 respondents living inresidential and agricultural lands in order to determine the level of understanding of the
populace with regards to the peace and order situation of the Municipality of Angadanan.

The neighborhood orthe community where aperson resides and hislength of residency in a particular area can be considered as among the factors of how aperson would perceive peace
and order situation. Moreover, his familiarity with the environment and surroundings somehow influences his feeling of safety and the likelihood of him being victimized. In this study, majority of
the respondents or 89% ofthem live in residential areas, 11% in agricultural areas. Among the respondents 49% have been residents in their areas for a long time while 24% of them have been residingfor
more than 15 years, respectively, while only 12% have been residents of the barangay for 5 years or less. Apparently, respondents viewed their residential areas as relatively peaceful. Three out of four
respondents described their communities as peaceful or very peaceful. On the other hand, 17% stated that their place is sometimes peaceful, while only 2% described it as not peaceful. The same ratio is
observed with regard to respondent’s feeling of safety wherein 44% felt safe and 33% felt very safe. (See illustration)

A.7. Effects and Implication

Crimes committed in the municipality somehow have a negative effect in the overall societal well- being in ways that go beyond the residents of the community in which the crime occurs. The people in
the community may draw closer or may develop public improvement opportunities as a result of crime.

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Peace and Order and Public Safety Situation

On the above stated data of crime incidents, the following are the effects and implication among the people base on the barangay survey being conducted to the people who are directly and indirectly
affected in the reported crime incident.

1. It creates a negative a negative impression to the populace and neighboring municipality.

2. The populace developed fear and anxiety for their safety.

3. Fear to strangers or personalities who are unknown in the barangay.

4. On the other side it empowers the community to be vigilant and report crime incidents.

5. Destruction of property and loss of life caused by vehicular accidents.

6. Broken Family and emotional trauma among the children.

A. Priority Peace and Order and Public Safety (POPS)

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