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Critical Policies, Programs, Projects, Services and Activities

Chapter E - Critical Policies, Programs, Projects, Services and Activities

1. POPS Issue: Increase in the occurrence of crimes against person

Objective: - to reduce the commission of crimes at the end of 2023
Office(r) Primary Start Date of Completion Date of
Indicator Target Strategy Title of PPSAs Expected Output
Responsible Implementation Implementation

Conduct of investigation, filling of case, intel Project CITED(Anti- no. of Conducted investigation, filling of case, intel
PNP/MPOC Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025
monitoring, case build-up and OPLAN Katok Criminality Campaign) monitoring, case build-up and OPLAN Katok

Conduct of public information activities thru fora no. of conducted public information activities thru
symposia/dialogue/lectures, production and fora symposia/dialogue/lectures, production and
Project CITED PNP/MPOC Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025
No. of programs, distribution of IEC materials, purchase of IT distribution of IEC materials, purchase of IT
projects, equipment and office supplies equipment and office supplies
activities and 177
strategies Conduct of police visibility, security coverage in the
no. of conducted police visibility, security coverage
implemented delivery of basic government services, ligtas
in the delivery of basic government services, ligtas
sumvac,lenten and during holiday season and Project CITED MPOC/PNP Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025
sumvac,lenten and during holiday season and
conduct of law enforcement operation/police patrol,
conduct of law enforcement operation/police patro
police visibility and security assistance

Assistance to MPOC/POPS PCMS/ADAC/CSO MPOC Assistance MPOC Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025 No of assistance rendered

2. POPS Issue: Occurrence of Gender Based Violence Cases

Objective: to reduce and prevent of the commission of Gender Based Violence Cases at the end of 2025
Office(r) Primary Start Date of Completion Date of
Indicator Target Strategy Title of PPSAs Expected Output
Responsible Implementation Implementation

Conduct of investigation, filing of case, case

study, public information activities thru no. of Conduct of investigation, filing of
No. of programs,
symposium/dialogue/lectures, distribution of IEC case, case study, public information
projects, activities Project CITED (Anti-Criminality-
177 materials and other related activities PNP/WCPD Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025 activities thru symposium/dialogue/lectures,
and strategies VAWC/BCPC)
Strengthening the Barangay VAWC/EVA Desk distribution of IEC materials and other
and BCPC Assistance to Women and Children related activities Strengthening t
Protection Desk

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Critical Policies, Programs, Projects, Services and Activities

3. POPS Issue: Occurrence of Robbery Case within AOR

Objective: To reduce or prevent the crime of Robbery within the community by the end of 2025
Start Date of Completion Date of
Indicator Target Strategy Title of PPSAs Primary Expected Output
Implementation Implementation

Conduct of investigation, filing of cases, intel monitoring,

case build-up, conduct of public information activities thru
no. of Conduct of investigation, filing of cases,
symposium/dialogue/lectures, distribution of IEC
Project CITED intel monitoring, case build-up, conduct of
materials, capability enhancement (purchased of
(Implementation of PNP Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025 public information activities thru
equipment for public information campaign) and other
No. of programs, LACAP) symposium/dialogue/lectures, distribution of
related activities including social media activities
projects, activities IEC materials, capability
177 Formulation/implementation of Local Anticriminal Action
and strategies
Strengthening the
Recruitment/Mobilization of BPATs/BIN and other force Barangay Peace Keeping no. of Recruitment/Mobilization of BPATs/BIN
PNP Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025
multipliers Action Team and other and other force multipliers
PNP Auxiliary

4. POPS Issue: Increase in the number of Violation of Special Laws

Objective: to reduce violation of special laws at the end of 2025 - to protect life and property and environment
Start Date of Completion Date of
Indicator Target Strategy Title of PPSAs Primary Expected Output
Implementation Implementation

Conduct of investigation, filling of case, intel

monitoring, case build-up, conduct of public
information activities thru no. of Conduct of investigation, filling of
symposium/dialogue/lectures, distribution of IEC case, intel monitoring build-up, conduct of
no. of programs, Project CITED (Anti-Criminality-
materials, capability enhancement (purchased of PNP Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025 public information activities thru
projects, implementation of LACAP)
equipment for public information campaign) and other symposium/dialogue/lectures, distribution
strategies and 177
related activities including social media activities of IEC materials, capability enhanc
Formulation/implementation of Local Anti-criminal
Action Plan

Recruitment/Mobilization of BPATs/BIN and other

BPATs Training PNP Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025 no of BPATs traning
force multipliers

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Critical Policies, Programs, Projects, Services and Activities

5. POPS Issue: Occurrence of Violation of RA 9165 in the Municipality

Objective: -to increase activities in the supply and Demand Reduction Activities -Prevent proliferation of illegal drugs down to barangay level - maintain
100%BADAC functionality
Office(r) Primary Start Date of Completion Date of
Indicator Target Strategy Title of PPSAs Expected Output
Responsible Implementation Implementation

No. of intel monitoring, drug operations

Project JMSP (Join our
Strengthen advocacy campaigns (Drug Free
Intensify intel monitoring and conduct of Anti- Mission to Sustain
MADAC Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025 Workplace, implementation of Project JMSP
Illegal Drug drug operations Drug Cleared and
Improve drug rehabilitation and aftercare
Peaceful Angadanan)

Recruitment/Mobilization of BADAC Auxiliary No of Recruited Mobilized BADAC Auxiliary

% reduction of Project JMSP PNP/BADAC Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025
Team Team
violation of RA 8%
conduct of administrative search and warehouse no. of conducted administrative search and
Project JMSP MADAC/PNP/BFP Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025
inspection warehouse inspection

Strengthening advocacy campaigns thru the no of conducted Drug Free Workplace,

conduct of Drug Free Workplace, implementation implementation of Project JMSP, support to
Project JMSP MADAC Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025
of Project JMSP, support to Community Based Community Based drug rehabilitation and
drug rehabilitation and aftercare program aftercare progra

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Critical Policies, Programs, Projects, Services and Activities

6. POPS Issue: Possiblity of Reversion of Drug Cleared Status

Objective: Maintain Drug Cleared Status
Office(r) Primary Start Date of Completion Date of
Indicator Target Strategy Title of PPSAs Expected Output
Responsible Implementation Implementation

thru the conduct of Annual BADAC Audit FUNCTIONALITY OF BARANGAY
MADAC Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025 NO. OF HIGH FUNCTIONAL BADAC

Orientation Seminar for Drug Free No. of Orientation Seminar for Drug Free
Assistance to ADAC FP/Encoder/PNP/PDEA PNP/MADAC Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025
Worlplace and KKDAT Summit Workplace and KKDAT Summit

Maintenance and Assistance to Balay Assistance to Balay

no. of Assistance to Balay Silangan,Special
Silangan,Rehabilitation,Aftercare Program and Silangan,Special Drug MADAC Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025
Drug Education,PNP,PDEA
Special Drug Education for OSY Education,PNP,PDEA

MADAC Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025
sustain their
drug cleared SUPPORT IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF BIDA No. of Buhay ay Ingatan,Droga'y Ayawan
BIDA Program MADAC Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025
status by the PROGRAM activities conducted
end of 2025
No. of Random Barangay Visitation

Strengthen support mechanism for drug clearing Strengthening the Barangay Drug No. of PWUDs undergone monitoring and drug
MADAC Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025
operations Clearing Operation testing

No. of Declared Drug Free Workplace

no of Intensify intel monitoring Intensify drug

operations Strengthen advocacy campaigns
Intensify intel monitoring and anti- illegal drug
Project CITED (Anti- Illegal Drug) MADAC Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025 (Drug Free Workplace, implementation of
Project JMSP Improve drug rehabilitation and
aftercare program

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Critical Policies, Programs, Projects, Services and Activities

7. POPS Issue: Possible occurrence of armed conflict and ecruitment of suppporters of CTgs among the 59 barangays of Angadanan
Objective: - to prevent the proliferation of local terrorist within the barangay and recruitment among the youth as members of the CTGs -to counter the black
propaganda of the CPP NPA NDF against the government that they are using to recruit new members - to support the EO 70 or the End Local Communist
Armed Conflict
Title of Office(r) Primary Start Date of Completion Date of
Indicator Target Strategy Expected Output
PPSAs Responsible Implementation Implementation

Conduct of Propelactic Patrol, target hardening No. of Conduct of Propelactic Patrol,

measures, increase recruitment of BIN, intel target hardening measures, increase
no. of strategies/programs,
monitoring implementation of CATA/KTE, recruitment of BIN, intel monitoring
projects and activities 177 Project CITED MPOC Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025
Implementation and support to EO 70, KKDAT implementation of CATA/KTE,
Recruitment/mobilization to threatened Implementation and support to EO 70,
barangays KKDAT Recruitment/mobili

8. POPS Issue: Occurrence of vehicular accidents

Objective: Reduce number of vehicular accidents by 25% at the end of 202 - intensify implementation of Project Lovel life and other related ordinances
pertaining to Road Safety -strict implementation of Angadanan Traffic Code and Order
Office(r) Primary Start Date of Completion Date of
Indicator Target Strategy Title of PPSAs Expected Output
Responsible Implementation Implementation

Strict implementation of traffic laws and no.of traffic violation and ordiancd
Project ROSA MPOC Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025
ordinances (Project ROSA) implemented
5 % reduction of
road traffic accidents No of assitance rendered for the
Assitance to MPSMU/Kasimbayanan MPOC Asssitance MPOC Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025 implementation of KAsimbayan and

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Critical Policies, Programs, Projects, Services and Activities

9. POPS Issue: Occurrence of Fire Incident within AOR

Objective: To reduce occurrence of fire incidents
Office(r) Primary Start Date of Completion Date of
Indicator Target Strategy Title of PPSAs Expected Output
Responsible Implementation Implementation

no. of Conduct of fire drill and public information activities and

Project CITED
BFP/MPOC Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025 distribution of IEC materials inspection and intensify the
(Public Safety)
implementation of Fire Code of the Philippines
Conduct of fire drill and public
information activities and
no. of Conduct of fire drill and public information activities and
5% reduction distribution of IEC materials Project CITED
5% BFP/MPOC Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025 distribution of IEC materials inspection and intensify the
of fire incident inspection and intensify the (Public Safety)
implementation of Fire Code of the Philippines
implementation of Fire Code of
the Philippines
no. of Conduct of fire drill and public information activities and
Project CITED
BFP/MPOC Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025 distribution of IEC materials inspection and intensify the
(Public Safety)
implementation of Fire Code of the Philippines

10. POPS Issue: Occurrence of Natural Calamities

Objective: - to save life and property - to obtain at 100% disaster resiliency during calamities and zero casualty
Office(r) Primary Start Date of Completion Date of
Indicator Target Strategy Title of PPSAs Expected Output
Responsible Implementation Implementation

no. of disaster preparedness Conduct of disaster No. of Conduct of disaster

Project CITED (Disaster
activities, simex, seminars and 36 preparedness activities, MDRRMC/MPOC Jan 01, 2023 Dec 31, 2025 preparedness activities,
trainings conducted trainings and SIMEX trainings and SIMEX

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