Blog Post Questions 1

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Blog Post Questions #1

1) What have you accomplished so far with your Capstone Project?

Currently, I have fully designed two characters with character design sheets for my animation project
and have done storyboarding tests following the characters and their mannerisms. Although, I decided
to bypass a few of the steps following my mind map as I chose a scene from a movie to use for audio
and to have reference footage which would speed up the amount of editing and story development
tremendously. This is the scene I have chosen to
adapt as it fits within the world and characters I have already built but also, I just love Pride and

2) What do you foresee as challenges that you will need to overcome with your project? (Be honest
and be specific) Ex: I have a part-time job and I have both Chemistry and English this semester. I think
that one of my struggles will be time management and prioritizing my classwork and responsibilities.
I plan to overcome this by scheduling specific times during my week to work on my Capstone project.
Currently, my schedule is preoccupied by my IB art exhibition which will be completed within the next
two weeks, so I would have time to work on my Capstone after the fact, but it is frustrating having to put
it off until then. Other than that, my seasonal work has ended, and my other four classes don't have
intense workloads other than the occasional biology test.

3) What work / goals do you have for your Capstone project between now and Spring Break?
For spring break, I couldn’t find time to work on the project as I went on two vacations consecutively
and couldn’t take my laptop with me to work on it along the way. Although regardless, shortening some
of the original steps from my mind map helped me deal with the workload during these times where I
have less available working opportunities.

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