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Quarter 3
Module 4, Week 4
The Components, Operations,
Effects and Networks of
Quarter 3 - Module 4, Week 4
The Components, Operations, Effects,
and Networks of Globalization

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding the components,

operations, effects, and networks of globalization in daily
Performance Standard The learners shall be able to locate on a map the different
geographical origins of the various components, and
elements of an industrial, technological, agricultural

Competencies Explain the effects of globalization to one’s daily life

Learning Objectives 1. Identify the concrete effects of globalization.
2. Explain the need of collaboration and cooperation to
achieve interconnectedness of people and nations.
3. Appreciate the importance of collaboration and
cooperation in global networks.

What I Know

Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. It is an act of working together toward a common goal.

A. Cooperation C. Creativity
B. Communication D. Collaboration

2. It refers to the study of regionalism or the interrelations among the people in a particular
geographic area.
A. Cooperation C. Creativity
B. Communication D. Collaboration

3. It is an act of leaving the country to seek overseas employment.

A. Migration C. Immigration
B. Collaboration D. Internal Migration

4. It refers to international business which covers all contracts and negotiations concerning sales,
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investments, mobilization, and related transactions undertaken by two or more regions,
countries, and nations outside their political territories.
A. Economic globalization
B. Sociocultural globalization
C. Social globalization
D. Political globalization

5. It covers the diffusion of beliefs, practices, and issues concerning population growth, media,
urbanization, tourism, education, and sports that also drive nations, institutions, and
governments to expand social relations.
A. Economic globalization
B. Sociocultural globalization
C. Social globalization
D. Political globalization

6. The following are disadvantages of globalization, EXCEPT____________.

A. Delocalization
B. Exploitation of the workers in a developing country.
C. Equal opportunities and financial insecurities
D. Non-controlled circulation of money (free market)

7. The following are advantages of globalization, EXCEPT_____________.

A. Access to new markets
B. Decrease production of companies due to high demand.
C. Job creation Higher standard of living across the globe.
D. Higher standard of living across the globe.

8. It helps to create trust and strong relationship from government to the citizens by keeping
informed and updated.
A. Collaboration C. Creativity
B. Communication D. Critical Thinking

9. It is the avenue for communication which pave the way for the creation of social interaction in
both local and global organization.
A. Business Networks C. Local Networks
B. Global Network D. Social Networks

10.It refers to the rise of telecommunication networks and the ongoing process of increasing the
mobility of goods, services, labor, capital, technology, and information.
A. Delocalization C. Internationalization
B. Globalization D. Localization

11. Refers to the international business which covers all contracts and negotiations concerning
sales, investments, mobilization, and related transactions within and outside territories.
A. Social Globalization C. Political
B. Socio-cultural D. Economic

12. It involves institutions, public policies, and practices that cut across national borders to
facilitate international agreements and transactions.
A. Social C. Political
B. Socio-cultural D. Economic

13. It is an asset or item acquired with the goal of generating income or appreciation in return.
A. Asset C. Investment
B. Credit D. Liabilities

14. It is the decrease of face-to-face encounter both local and international transactions.
A. Delocalization C. Globalization
B. Internationalization D. Localization

15. It is a concept where it promotes understanding and goodwill among different countries.
A. Glocalization C. Globalization
B. Nationalization D. Localization

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Lesson The Components, Operations, Effects,
1 and Networks of Globalization

What I Need to Know

This module discussed the nature of globalization and importance of cooperation and
collaboration to achieve interconnectedness of people and nations. This is further explained on how
global network works.
Let us ask ourselves to this, where am I in this world and what can I offer? This lesson will
present the vast and powerful capacity of interconnecting the world. It deals on globalization, labor,
migration, economic system, collaboration through the ASEAN 2015, and democracy. The 21 st century
world has made globalization mark powerfully the borderlessness.

What’s In

The 21st century world has made it possible for everyone to access everything so easily. Global
networks cover interrelations and interconnections of people, services, and institutions beyond the
local, domestic, or national borders. It also appears in many forms such as international production
networks, international security alliances, international amnesty, world health, world watch for marine
life and territories and among others. The networks are characterized by actors composed of people,
governments, and institutions or firms sharing common interests and exchanging and interacting with
one another.

What’s New

Global networks are basically avenues for communication which pave the way for the creation of
new forms of social interaction and organization. So, to start with let us know how far you get to know
and understand the scope of globalization.


Directions: In a separate paper, in your own simple understanding, make a map about globalization of
any designs/samples below. Use the criteria as basis for rating for your output.

Criteria Content : 10 points

Creativity : 5 points
Organization of Concepts : 10 points
Lay-out : 5 points
Total : 30 Points


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What Is It

One outstanding phenomenon from which emanated several global networks is globalization.
It comes from the word globalize which refers to the rise of global networks of economic systems.
Generally, globalization is a process involving the interconnections, diffusion, and exchange of
goods(production), services(technology), ideas (communication), and people.

In line with this definition, social theorist Paul James (2014) identified Four Different Forms of

1. Embodied Globalization – refers to the movement or migration of people.

2. Agency-extended Globalization – which deals with the dispersion and exchange of agents or
representatives of various institutions, politics, and organization.
3. Object extended Globalization – which involves the mobility of goods, commodities, and other
objects of exchange such as machinery, money, and food items.
4. Disembodied Globalization – which covers the diffusion of ides, knowledge, and information
such as the do’s and don’ts of dating. Confucian philosophy, and good study habits across the


Globalization affects your life and everyone else’s no matter your location and distance from
other people. Globalization has the following dimensions:

1. Economic Globalization – refers to international business which covers all contracts and
negotiations concerning sales, investments, mobilization, and related transactions
undertaken by two or more regions, countries, and nations outside their political territories. It
also involves human power, capital, goods for global consumption and maintenance services
such as banking, insurance, engineering, construction, information technology and other
profitable ventures.
2. Sociocultural Globalization – refers to the spread of ideas, values, and broadening social
relations. It paves the way for the creation of shared norms as well as of broader and deeper
knowledge of other cultural identities. This facilitates increased interrelation and
interconnection among variegated cultures and populations and a better appreciation for one
3. Social Globalization – covers the diffusion of beliefs, practices, and issues concerning
population growth, media, urbanization, tourism, education, and sports that also drive
nations, institutions, and governments to expand social relations.
4. Political Globalization – this involves institutions, public policies, and practices that cut
across national borders to facilitate international agreements and transactions.
5. Natural Environment Globalization – concerns of the environment where the interaction of
living species takes place. Many environmental problems to be addressed such as water and
air pollution, overconsumption of fish and other marine resources, and global warming. The
intense desire for high economic growth, foreign capital and technological advancement of
many countries has forced them to deregulate some of their environmental and resource
protection laws.

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International travel, trade and migration served as the stimuli for globalization. However, a new
vehicle of globalization, and the fastest at that has appeared. The Internet both a product and a
stimulus of globalization, plays a key role in connecting peoples and integrating polities, economies,
and cultures and is unconstrained by national boundaries. It offers individual access to an enormous
amount of information and data available. The internet connects computer users all over the world.

In 2010, computer users comprised 22% of the world’s population. Three hundred million were
internet users reading blogs, 1 billion used google daily, and 2 billion viewed YouTube videos every

Indeed, the internet is currently the fastest vehicle of globalization, defying distance that once
hampered communication and human interaction. All these happen within the confines of the home.
Much time, money, and energy are saved and can be utilized for other productive activities. The speed
of communication and transaction among individuals and firms have become faster with the aid of

Globalization seems to have two faces like the yin and yang, or the positive and negative
elements close together. This concept describes opposites as interdependent and interconnected with
each other.
1. Delocalization – covers the decreasing face-to-face encounter both local and international
transactions. Telephone, mobile phone, email and video chat have substituted for the
physical interactions of people, diminishing the opportunity to establish closer and
improved relations through personal encounters.
2. Decrease in the Power of National Government – is perceived to have shrunk the power of
national governments due to the internationalization of financial markets, new
technology, and services which tend to constrain the national government’s freedom of
3. Social Inequality – unregulated capitalism led to the unbalanced economic development of
some regions. While a few countries in a particular region gained tremendous wealth,
many were left in poverty.

1. Access to New Cultures
2. The spread of technology and innovation
3. Lower costs for products
4. Higher standard of living across the globe.
5. Access to new markets
6. Job creation
7. Increase production of companies due to high demand.
1. Delocalization
2. Non-controlled circulation of money (free market)
3. Exploitation of the workers in a developing country.
4. The mix of cultures can lead to racism, xenophobia, intolerance, and loss of national identity.
5. Gap between rich and poor people increases.
6. Unequal opportunities and financial insecurities
7. Environment degradation and destruction of small farmers
8. Low wages and exploitation of child labor

The migration of people in search of work, whether domestic or international, has ever since been
a common phenomenon. People are unable to find work in their locality or home country and would
search for places where work opportunities are available.
The interrelations and exchange among peoples, nations industries, and institutions have been
carried out more effectively and fruitfully by means of collaboration and cooperation. These
concepts are interchangeably used, although there are, in a stricter sense, some differences.
Collaboration is working together toward a common end or goal by actors (people, nations,
industries, and institutions) who are not necessarily allies. In collaboration, the actors
set aside their differences and focus on their mutual interest which is the attainment
of common goals. Cooperation is jointly working in pursuit of a common end or goal
by actors.
Cooperation is better understood in the study of regionalism or the interrelations among the
actors in a particular geographic area.

Collaboration and Cooperation is somehow a mutually beneficial relationship between two or

more parties to achieve common goals by sharing responsibility, authority, and
accountability for achieving results. It is more than simply sharing knowledge and
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information (communication) and more than a relationship that helps each party
achieve its own goals (cooperation and coordination). The purpose of collaboration is
to create a shared vision and joint strategies to address concerns that go beyond the
purview of any party (Crislip and Larson, 1994).

What’s More


Directions: Using a separate paper, identify the dimension of globalization to where each item
belongs. Write E for economics, S for sociocultural, P for political, and NE for natural

1. Contracts of sales and investments

2. Sharing and spreading of ideas, values, and meanings
3. Public policy on illegal drugs across nations
4. Protection of marine resources
5. Joint military exercises
6. Diminishing trade barriers
7. Sufficient energy supply
8. Women and youth health programs
9. COVID-19 Health Issues and Protocols
10. Standardization and upgrade of both local and internal salary and wages

What I have Learned


Directions: Answer briefly the following questions base on the given statement using a separate sheet
of paper.

“Everything is connected to everything else because of internet.”

1. What would your life be without the Internet? Enumerate five benefits it brings to your life.

2. Are you ready to take the risks of working abroad, leaving your family in the pursuit of a
better life, and be contented in using internet as a form of communication? Why or why not?

What I can Do


Directions: Using a separate answer sheet, complete the following ideas below.

1. Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) are the ones who_________________________


2. I know some OFWs, and their jobs are ______________________________________


3. Individuals migrate because_________________________________________________


4. They left to work abroad because____________________________________________



Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on a separate
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1. The decrease of face-to-face encounter both local and international transactions.
A. Delocalization C. Institutionalize
B. Globalize D. Localize

2. It is an act of leaving the country to seek overseas employment.

A. Migration C. Immigration
B. Collaboration D. Internal Migration

3. It refers to international business which covers all contracts and negotiations

concerning sales, investments, mobilization, and related transactions undertaken by two or
more regions, countries, and nations outside their political territories.
A. Economic globalization
B. Sociocultural globalization
C. Social globalization
D. Political globalization
4. It covers the diffusion of beliefs, practices, and issues concerning population growth, media,
urbanization, tourism, education, and sports that also drive nations, institutions, and
governments to expand social relations.
A. Economic globalization
B. Sociocultural globalization
C. Social globalization
D. Political globalization

5. The following are disadvantages of globalization, EXCEPT______________.

A. Delocalization
B. Exploitation of the workers in a developing country.
C. Equal opportunities and financial insecurities
D. Non-controlled circulation of money (free market)

6. The following are advantages of globalization, EXCEPT_______________.

A. Access to new markets
B. Decrease production of companies due to high demand.
C. Job creation Higher standard of living across the globe.
D. Higher standard of living across the globe.

7. It helps to create trust and strong relationship from government to the citizens by keeping
informed and updated.
A. Collaboration C. Creativity
B. Communication D. Critical Thinking

8. This promotes understanding and goodwill among different countries.

A. Globalization C. Localization
B. Glocalization D. Nationalization

9. It is a working together toward a common goal.

A. Collaboration C. Cooperation
B. Communication D. Creativity

10. The study of regionalism or the interrelations among the people in a particular geographic
A. Collaboration C. Cooperation
B. Communication D. Creativity

11.The act of leaving the country for overseas employment.

A. Deportation C. Internal migration
B. Immigration D. Migration

12. It is the avenue for communication which pave the way for the creation social interaction in
both local and global organization.
A. Business Networks C. Local Networks
B. Global Networks D. Social Networks

13. Refers to the rise of global networks of economic system.

A. Delocalize C. Globalize
B. Institutionalize D. Localize

14. Refers to the international business which cover all contracts and negotiations concerning
sales, investments, mobilization, and related transactions within and outside territories.
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A. Business Networks C. Local Networks
B. Global NetworksD. Social Networks

15. It involves institutions, public policies and practices that cut across national borders to
facilitate international agreements and transactions.
A. Economic Globalization C. Social Globalization
B. Political Globalization D. Sociocultural

Answer Key


Mangiduyos, G. P. (2017). Trends and Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century. Rex
Book Store, (pp.171-200)

Trends and Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture. (2017). Diwa
Learning System Inc., (pp. 55-83)

Globalization. Retrieved from

Investing. Retrieved from


Globalization concept map. Retrieved from

Globalization(flags). Retrieved from

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