Islamiyat Assignment

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Department of Professional Psychology

BS Psychology (2-B)


Title: Responsibilities of the youth in the way of deen

Submitted by:

1. Mohammad Haider Rehman Malik (01-171232-054)

2. Muhammad salim (01-171232-060)

3. Kamran Ali (01-171232-036)

4. Muhammad mugheez (01-171232-058)


Globalization has left the common man anxious, especially the youth, thoroughly overwhelmed by the
media channels, shopping malls, food courts, branded consumables, information technology, even the
stationary book shops, all globalized to the core. For young, religious and practicing Muslims growing up
in modern global world, issues of religion, identity and relations with dominant societies are increasingly
significant. Until recently, these issues have often been addressed by others for instance, elder
generations or non-Muslims. Present young Muslim equipped with new and instant information
technologies, such as comedy clips, fashion blogs and online discussion platforms, to negotiate issues of
concern to their lives, such as cultural identity, and their participation in society. Such new technologies
are not just entertainment, but also generate cultural products that are a deliberation of pressing social
and political concerns affecting wider society especially the youth.

For any society and its future, the youth plays vital and integral role both for its progress and decline.
The reason is that youth can make the future dark or bright through their role as individuals and active
members of society depending upon the role they play in a particular community. Youth is particularly
charged with a potential for intense emotions, energy, feelings and motivation which the other
generational groups lack. But on the other hand they also have the ability to adopt negative traits and
habits more quickly as compared to members of other age groups. Though the negative thoughts and
emotions are strong enough in young people, these can be easily removed by influential sincere effort,
care and passion. One thing to be considered in the training of youth is the need to respect their good
qualities, and understanding of their emotions along with the noble traits. In view of a number of
political and economic changes taking place during last two decades bringing about processes of political
democratization and economic liberalization, young people are now conceptualized as social agents in
the public sphere or may be defined as a space for the exchange of conflicting ideas and discourses. As
far as Muslim youth is concerned, according to a recent study Islamic identity is being prioritized by
young people over the traditional cultural identifications of older generation.


By uniting youth who belong to various forms of Islam and proclaim a "true," "universal" Islamic identity.
However, these conversations highlight the richness and diversity of the Muslim community as well as
the degree to which identities are actively constructed and contested through unique interactions in
unique settings. It is necessary to determine how young people might contribute actively and
successfully through certain social interactions and relationships in various circumstances. Furthermore,
how the creation of a young person's identity can be understood through religious identities.

As members of the Islamic community, young Muslims have a lot of duties to do in order to safeguard
the religion's identity and Muslims' faith while also acting as an integral part of the community.


Knowledge of any thing gives confidence to find logic and evidence to prove the specific point of view on
any subject matter. The knowledge of Islam is the only knowledge which gives benefit for both in this
world and here after. Youth as backbone of Muslim society must be aware about the fundamental
background of Islam that is Qur’an and Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (‫صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬.(In this way they
may be able to set right their views and judgment with a view to knowing their din on the root of clear
confirmation and Understanding according to the proper arguments. Sound knowledge of foundations
of Islam about the beliefs, worships, and social dealings will help in making strong argument to support
the logics. (2) But the argument should be given with proper wisdom and well-behaved manner as
mentioned in the Qur’an:

“Invite towards the way of lord (Allah) with wisdom and well behaved manner that is better. No doubt
your lord knows who is guided and astray”

Understanding the principles of Islam can assist young people in overcoming secular issues.
Understanding the Qur’an can provide a solid ideological foundation against secular enlightenment from
the West.


The methodology of Prophet Muhammad and his companions should be followed by Muslim
youngsters. They should be obeyed accurately. However, what is accepted by an evidence from the
Book of Allah, the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (‫)صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬, or a consensus of the Pious
scholars of the Muslim Ummah, regardless of the set. Our Prophet (‫ )صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬revealed a single
road for Muslims to follow, known as the Straight road and the manner of Allah's upright religion. In the
Qur'an, Allah the Almighty states:
And this is My Straight Path, so pursue it and do not go behind other paths that will split you from His
Path. This has He designed for you, that you may become virtuous.

Be moral and fair in your conduct:

Youth are thought to be the backbone of any nation. Moral development, civilization, and authority are
all influenced by the morality of the youth. Nations thrive based on their ethical foundation. Morality
leads to flawless individuals and societies. If a nation loses its moral code, it loses glory in Allah's eyes, as
well as esteem among people. This occurs when young people lose their moral integrity and lack nice
and noble features. To create a moral society for the future, young people must develop fair and moral
character traits. According to the Qur'an, Allah praises those who refrain from immoral behavior.

“Victorious are the believers, who are modest in their prayers”

Be unified in the cause of Allah:

The current state of the Muslim nation is characterized by religious, social, and political divisions. Youth
are the future of this. The nation may tackle this challenge by unity in the sake of Allah. The Qur'an
outlines a clear route for all Muslims to follow, as stated by Allah Almighty.
Allah warns Muslims to avoid division and dissension, as it is a major cause of enemy rule.

“And beholds fast in total the rope of Allah and do not be divided”

Rather Allah has encouraged Muslim to work together with one another in the matters of Shariah and
way of Allah. As said in the Qur’an:

And help you one another in virtue and piousness, but do not help one another in sin and disobedience.

Da'wah is a religious association dedicated to bridging gaps in both Muslim and non-Muslim
communities. Cooperation among Muslims can help the religion and its followers. If one group accuses
another of being mistaken, it might undermine the teachings of Islam. Young Da'wah leaders must
explain the current situation and persuade others to follow the path outlined by Allah in the Qur'an and
Prophet Muhammad (‫)صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬.

Relations with Non-Muslims:

Living in a global environment, one cannot exist in isolation. A society cannot live without interacting
with other societies, whether Muslim or non-Muslim. Muslim youth should exercise caution while
engaging with non-Muslims via mass media, social media, or the internet, as secularism and nationalism
or moderation can be harmful. It is important for youth to understand their purpose in life and the
factors that may influence their observance of Islam.
Companionship is crucial in human life, particularly among young individuals who value friendship.
Muslim kids should be cautious when making friends in real life, on Facebook, or online. As instructed in
the Qur'an:
“O you who have believed, do not take as intimates those other than yourselves, for they will not spare
you [any] ruin. They wish you would have hardship. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths,
and what their breasts conceal is greater. We have certainly made clear to you the signs, if you will use

Undoubtedly, we have made the acquaintances clear to you, if you will recognize

Make the youth productive and valuable:

Youth is highly valued for its energy, strength, and vitality. Youth who believe in life after death should
view this world as limited and prepare for what comes beyond death. As a result of this sensation, young
believers tend to act in a subtle and right manner, similar to a student focusing on a test with full
attention. Just as the student who knows the magnitude of each split second of the partial time during
examination which is critical for his future life, and is not disposed to squander it, for a believer and
especially young believer should also spend each moment of his life in useful and productive way as it is
weight age in life after death. Students understand the importance of exams better than anybody else.
During the exam, students focused solely on the exam. Students worked hard and sacrificed sleep, play,
and other activities to achieve good exam results. Why? Only for the sake of the future. What about
students that engage in worthless activities instead of studying for their exams? They differentiate
between individuals who study diligently and those who do not.

The life of this world is one examination or one test which human beings are taking. Each moment, each
minute even each second is monitored are examined. The exam of this life is real test including matter
of death and what will face after death. As said in Qur’an:

“Blessed is He in whose hand is dominion, and He is over all things competent.”

Life in this world is fleeting, but life after death holds true value. Adolescence is a pivotal period in life,
characterized by youth, strength, and power. Now is the moment for motivation, enthusiasm, and
desire. Throughout history, it has been the youth who have led revolutions, sacrificed, and embraced
new ideas for change.

A problem with today’s youth:

Findings of recent research on youth reflect the simultaneously Christian, secular and religiously plural
nature of modern civilization. They show that whilst young Muslim represents a highly diverse group
even within one national context somewhat artificially grouped together, there are commonalities and
trends. Their lives are affected by communication technologies in diverse ways. There is continuity in
public concern, particularly with the behavior of young men.(1) Categorically in the present time living in
a global world and as an entity, the Muslim youth can be observed under three categories according to
their lifestyle, priorities and behavior.

Corrupt, deviant, or warped youth:

Young people who have departed from religion tend to prioritize material possessions. The Qur'an
portrays them as misguided and self-centered. They prioritize worldly prosperity and are less concerned
with their religious identity. Some individuals attempt to alter their physical and mental characteristics
in pursuit of worldly interests.
They not only suffer from disbelief, but also hold a rigid belief system. Non-believers disagreed with
Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬and refused to believe. According to the Qur’an, those who are
blind to truth have a seal on their hearts, preventing them from hearing or seeing it.

Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision is a veil. And for them
is a great punishment. And of the people are some who say, "We believe in Allah and the Last Day," but
they are not believers.

Young individuals, who depart from religion, as described in the Qur'an, are blind to the truth of Islam
and have a seal on their hearts to recognize the ultimate truth.
They see themselves as absolute, and their pride in their acts leads them to justify bad behavior.
Ultimately, they will experience loss of life after death, as described in the Quran:

“[They are] those whose effort is lost in worldly life, while they think that they are doing well in work.”

Due to their mental sickness they are proud of their wrongdoings.

Confused young people: (Stuck between evil and good)

This group of kids lacks confidence in their understanding of Islamic practices, leading to confusion
regarding life and behavior patterns.
Young people from many religions and social classes face uncertainty and change. These folks especially
value Close, trustworthy relationships and family still have a great influence, but parents' and religious
leaders' religion may be questioned, raising the question of trustworthiness and authenticity.
The narrow definition of religion as a church-like organization fails to capture the many experiences of
individuals, leading to clashes with the secular mainstream. One of the issues contributing to the erosion
of Islamic identity in Muslim countries is the deviance of young Muslims from their religious base.
Secular and materialistic components present a false sense of practicality and glamour to young people.
Islam is sometimes portrayed as an outdated religion that hinders prosperity and survival in today's
global environment. Liberals, supported by media and social action groups, are portraying Muslims and
Islam incorrectly. . On the other hand, the so called liberalism has been spreading through nakedness of
women, drunken men and provoking images and movies in Muslim society. Distraction from ethical
code of conduct has been spreading with the name of entertainment through literature, music, art,
dramas, and movies.

This group of kids is less likely to identify with religion, attend services, or prioritize religion in their daily
life. The speaker dismisses the idea that younger generations are less spiritual or religious, instead
emphasizing a variety of issues. This group of youngsters is larger than the other two due to their
exposure to powerful media and secular influences in their society. Religious organizations are actively
supporting Da'wah. They are perplexed about how to plan their life.

The paper's findings reflect the importance of youth in Islam. Young Muslims can use modern
technologies like comedy clips, fashion blogs, and online discussion forums to address cultural identity
and social participation. New technologies not only provide amusement, but also address important
social and political issues impacting young Muslims. Youth is regarded as the backbone of any nation.
Moral development, civilization, and authority are all influenced by the morality of the youth.

Western ideology and media have had a negative impact on Muslim youth, both in Islamic and non-
Islamic communities. The harmful impacts of these powers are terrible for dedicated Muslims,
particularly young people who lack a solid understanding of Islam. Secular beliefs are widely promoted
in public, often with a focus on glamour.
During difficult moral, social, and political situations, Muslim youth may struggle to identify success
criteria and methods for achieving them.

Muslim youth should follow Qur'anic instructions as taught by Prophet Muhammad and his companions.
(They should be obeyed accurately. Initially, Islam was strengthened by the contributions of young
companions of Prophet Muhammad.(The majority of those who initially accepted Islam in Makah were
young. The youth, as the nation's future, may overcome this problem by working together for Allah. The
Qur'an outlines a clear route for Muslims to follow in accordance with Allah Almighty's commands.


Youth are thought to be the backbone of any nation. Moral development, civilization, and authority are
all influenced by the morality of the youth. Nations thrive based on their ethical foundation.
Adolescence is a period of active engagement in identity development, which is considered worthless in
Islam. The Qur'an emphasizes the significance of this particular period.

“Man has created in condition of weakness, than blessed with power and after that again turns into
weak with the white head: Allah has the power to create any thing He wills.”

Youth who believe in life after death should view the world as limited and prepare for the afterlife.
Young believers tend to operate in a manner similar to a student taking an exam, with full attention to
mind, body, and soul. A believer, especially a young believer, should spend each moment of their life in
a productive and meaningful way, similar to how a student understands the importance of each split
second during an exam. The life of this world is provisional and after death life is the definite worth of
life. The significant part of life is the time of adolescence when we are young, strong and powerful. It is
the time of motivation, vigor and passion. History of human beings tells that it is the youth, who can
bring revolution and change the societies, who can sacrifice and who can dare to see new dreams and
ideas for change.

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