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Report of Analysis

Job Number : SMDST2400043C

Principal : PT Catur Rizki Gemilang
Address : Samarinda
Attention, Contact :-
Weight of Sample : ± 7 kg
Tested for : TM, Proximate, Total Sulphur, Gross Calorivic Value, HGI
Client Code Sample : CRG-DRA
Date of Received : 18 March 2024
Date of Analysis : 19 March 2024


NO PARAMETER Result Basis Method

1 Total Moisture (%) 32.63 As Received Basis ASTM D3302/3302M

2 Proximate Analysis (%)
Moisture in Analysis (%) 13.84 Air Dried Basis ASTM D3173/D3173M
Ash Content (%) 13.85 Air Dried Basis ASTM D3174
Volatile Matter (%) 40.10 Air Dried Basis ASTM D3175
Fixed Carbon (%) 32.21 Air Dried Basis Calculated
3 Total Sulphur (%) 0.88 Air Dried Basis ASTM D4239
4 Gross Calorific Value (kcal/kg) 4830 Air Dried Basis ASTM D5865/D5865M
Gross Calorific Value (kcal/kg) 3777 As Received Basis ASTM D5865/D5865M
Gross Calorific Value (kcal/kg) 5606 Dry Basis ASTM D5865/D5865M
Gross Calorific Value (kcal/kg) 6680 Dry Ash-free Basis ASTM D5865/D5865M
5 HGI (point) 48 Indeks Point ASTM D 409

For and on behalf of

PT. Consult International Indonesia

Chandra Pribadi
Laboratory Manager

- This report reflect our finding at time and place of analysis only and does not certify (or report) any other matters.
- This report is issued without prejudice and our responsibility is limited to the exercise of reasonable care and due diligence

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