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1.India is the—------------ largest country in the world.
2. The Indian subcontinent is located in —----
3. The northernmost point of India lies in—--------
4. The southernmost point of India lie in —---
5. India is divided into—--------- states and —----- union territories.
6. —---------------- is the largest state in India
7. —------------ is the smallest state in India
8. —--------- is the world's second highest peak.
9. The word himalaya means —--------- in sanskrit.
10. —---------- is the highest mountain range in the world
11.------------ is the highest peak in the world.
12.Flat longitudinal valleys are called—----------
13.The marshy region at the base of shiwalik range are called—-----------
14.------------ is the largest tributary of Ganga.
15. The Nilgiri Hills are called —------
16.The western hills are called—--------
17.The eastern hills are called—----------
18.The northern part of the western coastal plain is called—----
19.The eastern coastal plain is known as —---------------
20.------------- are a group of small coral islands.
21.---------- and —-------------- islands are a part of the Lakshadweep
22.The palk strait lies between—--------- and —---------
23.-------------- is the largest delta in the world
24 The Greater Himalayas are also known as—----------
25.------------- is the capital of India
1. Explain the size and location of India
2. Which are the neighboring countries of India?
3. Write a short note on Northern mountains
4. Write a short note on Himalayas
5. How many countries share the land border with India?
6. Which are the three parallel ranges of the Himalayas
7. Give an account of the Northern plain
8. Mention the significance of each physical division of India
9. Distinguish between western Ghats and Eastern Ghats
10.Describe the deccan plateau
11.Why are northern plains very fertile?
12.Distinguish between Andaman islands and Lakshadweep islands
13.Write a short note on peninsular plateau

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