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Name: Subject: English

Class: 5

Lesson 4 – There is a Crocodile in Our Pickle Jar (Literature Reader)

-Artie Knapp

Learning Objective

• To be able to infer the theme of the story and answer questions


Key Words and Meanings

countertop – the flat, horizontal working surface of a counter, as in a kitchen

blurted – said something suddenly without much thought
call it a night – to decide or agree to stop doing something
took the cake – to be the most surprising and annoying thing that has
happened or that somebody has done
Frame sentences
blurted – He blurted out this information after the very first ring.
call it a night – At midnight, I called it a night and went to bed.

Answer the following:

Q1. Why was Alex sent to bed?

Ans. Alex was sent to bed because he refused to have his dinner and only
wanted dessert.

Q2. If Alex was not hungry, why do you think he wanted a share of the

Ans. Alex did not want to have carrots and peas so he made an excuse that he
wasn’t hungry. He wanted the chocolate cake though.

Q3. Why did Alex find it difficult to sleep at night?

Ans. Alex found it difficult to fall asleep because he was really hungry since he
hadn’t eaten dinner.

Q4. What is it that Alex saw in the refrigerator that made him so scared?

Ans. Alex claimed to have seen a crocodile in the pickle jar.

Q5. What did Alex’s parents explain to him?

Ans. Alex’s parents explained to him that when one goes to bed hungry, one’s
eyes can play tricks on them. They told him that food was important for
energy and good health.

Q6. Was Alex’s behaviour at the dinner table different the next evening?

Ans. Yes. Alex learnt his lesson and the next evening, he had three helpings of
broccoli to ensure he wouldn’t suffer from hunger that night.

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