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The Journey March 2018

Welcome to the March installment of The Journey “Provision and Covering”. My prayer is that this takes you on a
journey of revelation regarding the covering of the King over your life and the riches of His heart and Kingdom set
before you.

There were several scriptures that I either sang parts of or that their essence contributed to some of the prophetic
declarations throughout this session. They are amazing scriptures to sing/pray over yourself/meditate on. I would
encourage you to dig into their depths.

Psalm 91
Psalm 23
Psalm 125:1
Ezekiel 47: 9-11
Rev. 22:1
Psalm 46:4
Proverbs 18:10
Romans 11:33
Ephesians 2:7
Ephesians 1:3

As you listen and posture your heart in worship, I would encourage you to enter into the realms open to you in heavenly
places. As I was recording this, I was surrounded by the angelic and had such a revelation of the reality of His covering
over my life. I saw new dimensions of His strength and power that upholds me. I encountered such an infusion of
revelation in terms of the activity of the angels He gives charge over me. I would encourage you to open your heart and
let Him show you new things and infuse you with strength, confidence, identity, and the reality of His provision and
covering over your life.

If you are new to The Journey, I’d like to give you a few thoughts about engaging with this type of worship:

• Loose yourself from the structures of how you typically engage with corporate worship.This is worship
with no inhibitions between you and Him.
• Open your heart to see, hear, feel, know things beyond what you expect or have experienced
before.Set yourself up to receive supernaturally from His heart.
• When you sense things, acknowledge and honor those things, His presence, the angelic, healing, signs
and wonders, etc. We create and enlarge the space for the things of the Kingdom when we
acknowledge and honor them. Then press into those things to open them up further. If you are
sensing, seeing, hearing something specific, engage it. Engaging it can look different ways. It can look
like asking a question, i.e. what am I seeing, God? What does this mean? Can I see/hear/feel more? It
can look like simply leaning in with our hearts without words, just communing in the Spirit with Him
and pressing into what He is opening up before us. It can look a lot of ways…explore, learn how to
press in in new ways, engage with Him, with heaven, with the things of the Kingdom.
• Go with the prophetic journey in the music and the words. This isn’t primarily about singing the same
thing together. This is about entering into the realms of supernatural riches of His heart and Kingdom.
Let the music open up realms before you. Let the words open up revelation. Press into them and go
further than what is sung or spoken or played.
• Your imagination is given to you by God, for God. Allow Him to activate it. Use it. In His presence, you
are covered. He will use your imagination as a tool to allow you to see in the Spirit.

Enjoy The Journey!

PS- I am actively working to create an app for The Journey to make things much easier for you all. I appreciate your
patience as I work to improve this for you. I so appreciate your support and joy in participating in this expression of
worship. Words cannot express how blessed I am to have you all with me. I pray your hearts overflow with blessing,
revelation, and transformation as you worship.

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