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You need TWO clauses = IF Clause (condition) / Result Clause (consequence)


Facts or things that are generally true
Structure: If / When +Present, / Present.

If / When you heat ice, it melts.

If / When you press the button, the doorbell rings.

Real / Possible situations in the present or future.
Structure: If + Present (Simple) / Will + V

a. Affirmative: If I graduate, I will have a party.

b. Negative: If I don’t graduate, I won’t have a party.
c. Questions Will you have a party, if you graduate?
What will you do if you graduate?

An imaginary (hypothetical or unreal) situation in the PRESENT. You can also give advice.
Structure: If + Past (Simple) / Would + V NEVER: If + Would

a. Affirmative: If I had more time, I would call you.

… but I don’t and so I don’t call you…
b. Negative: If I didn’t have time, I wouldn’t call you.
c. Questions: Would you call me, if you had more time?
What would you do, if you had more time?

1. A hypothetical situation: If I won the lottery, I would buy a Porsche.

2. An unreal situation: If pigs could fly, that would be weird.
3. To give advice: If I were you, I would keep social distancing.

Situations that are hypothetical and impossible in the PAST and which we can’t change now
– and we often regret this.
Structure: If + Past Perfect (had + Vpp) // Perfect Conditional (Would + have + Vpp)

a. Affirmative: If I had been hungry, I would have eaten your dinner.

…but I wasn’t and so I didn’t eat your dinner.
b. Negative: If I hadn’t been hungry, I wouldn’t have eaten your dinner.
.. but I was so hungry that I ate your dinner.
c. Questions: Would you have eaten my dinner, if you had been hungry?
What would you have done, if you had been hungry?
a. NEVER If + Will / Would / Would have + Vpp
b. `d = would or had? If I’d been hungry, I’d have eaten your food.
If… ‘d + Vpp = HAD ’d + V (have…) = WOULD
c. Advice If I were you, = C2
d. Use If // would / may / might /could
e. Comma: If I graduate, I will have a party Comma
I will have a party if I graduate. Comma

0- ZERO Conditional True facts or things (General)

Structure: If or When + Present // Present

Example: If / When you eat fruit // you become healthier.

I- Conditional 1 Real Situations (Present or Future)

Structure: If + Present (Simple) // Future (Will + V)

Example: If I pass my English test, I will throw a party.

II- Conditional 2 Imaginary situations (real or unreal) / Present

Structure: If + Past (Simple) // Would + V

Example: If I passed my English test, I would throw a party.

III- Conditional 3 Hypothesis / Impossible situations (Past)

Structure: If + Past Perfect // Would + have + Vpp (perfect form)

Example: If I had studied, I would have thrown a party.

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