Student Evaluations Summary 3 - 6 - 24

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# of % of General Feedback
students Total

Rank/Grade 1
Rank/Grade (MEANING) How to grade their Didn't % of Overall What
answer? 4 = like or Total didn't they like
LOVED/Learned a Lot, 3 learn a or why didn't
= LIKED a lot, lot they learn a lot?
2 = Just OK,
1 = DIDN'T
# Self Evaluation Question
1 How much do you like the lessons How much did they Love,
that we teach at the JOY Center like or NOT like it?
and why?

2 How do you like the teachers at the How much did they Love,
JOY Center and why? like or NOT like?
3 What did you learn from the Did they learn A LOT? 4=
Visualization Tools and Goal yes, 1 = NO
Setting lessons?
4 What did you learn from the Career Did they learn A LOT? 4=
Development Mapping (Follow what yes, 1 = NO
you LOVE) lessons?
5 What did you learn from the Self Did they learn A LOT? 4=
Empowerment (I have the Power) yes, 1 = NO

6 What did you learn from the Did they learn A LOT? 4=
Positive Thinking lessons? yes, 1 = NO
7 What did you learn from the Self- Do they really believe? 4=
Confidence & Communication yes, 1 = no

8 What did you learn from the Did they learn A LOT? 4=
Creativity & Resourcefulness yes, 1 = NO
(Garbage workshop) lessons?

9 Do you believe the JOY Center Did they believe? 4= yes, 1

lessons have helped you to = NO
develop? If YES, please describe?

10 Do you believe the JOY Center has 4 = YES, 1 = NO

helped to improve your English
speaking skills and if YES, please

11 Do you incorporate any lessons 4 = YES, 1 = NO

from this course into your daily life?
If yes, kindly specify which ones
and explain how they align with
your routine

12 no question
13 Which lessons at the JOY Center
have helped you the MOST?
a) # of kids that selected this lesson Visualization & Goal Setting
b) # of kids that selected this lesson Career Development/LOVE
c) # of kids that selected this lesson Self Empowerment
d) # of kids that selected this lesson Positive Thinking
e) # of kids that selected this lesson Self-Confidence &
Communication Skills
f) # of kids that selected this lesson Gratitude
g) # of kids that selected this lesson Creativity &
Bag Workshop

h) # of kids that selected this lesson ESL

14 Do you apply the JOY Center They practice/apply the JOY
lessons in your life? If YES, please lessons in their lives now
explain the details? (yes =4, No =1)

15 What skills did you learn from the

JOY Center?
a) # of kids that selected this lesson Visualization
b) # of kids that selected this lesson Goal Setting
c) # of kids that selected this lesson Career Path
d) # of kids that selected this lesson Self Empowerment
e) # of kids that selected this lesson Positive Thinking
f) # of kids that selected this lesson Self-Confidence &
Communication Skills
g) # of kids that selected this lesson Gratitude
h) # of kids that selected this lesson Creativity
i) # of kids that selected this lesson ESL
16 Do you recommend any friends to Did they recommend friends
attend JOY Center? Please provide 4=yes, No =1
Psychological Test Questions (read the grading instructions in
1 Always=1, Usually=2,
I get upset when things don't go my Sometimes=3,
way. Rarely/Never=4

2 Always=1, Usually=2,
I make comments that I wish I Sometimes=3,
could take back. Rarely/Never=4

3 Always=1, Usually=2,
I procrastinate. Sometimes=3,

4 Always=1, Usually=2,
If I'm not good at something, I'd Sometimes=3,
rather quit than waste my time Rarely/Never=4

5 Before making a decision I Always=4, Usually=3,

contemplate all the pros and cons Sometimes=2,
6 Always=4, Usually=3,
I can accurately calculate the time it Sometimes=2,
will take me to complete a task Rarely/Never=1

7 Always=1, Usually=2,
When I'm really sad or down, I seek Sometimes=3,
the company of others Rarely/Never=4

8 Always=4, Usually=3,
No matter what life throws at me, I Sometimes=2,
believe I can deal with it Rarely/Never=1

9 Always=1, Usually=2,
People tell me that I’m negative Sometimes=3,
Total # -
Total %
Semester 1 Student Evaluation
# of % of # of % of General Feedback # of % of General Special comments Special
students Total students Total students Total Feedback from Kids comments from
responded responded responded Kids

2 3 4
Just % of LIKE, % of Overall what LOVED, % of Overall what
OK Total learned Total did they Like? or Total did they
some Learned LOVE?
things A LOT
- - -
Special Special Special Special Special
comments from comments from comments from comments from comments from
Kids Kids Kids Kids Kids

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