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Chen, Y. Zhou, Z. Wan, M. Ding, W. Bai and Z. Ji, Dalton Trans., 2016, DOI: 10.1039/C5DT04909A.

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DOI: 10.1039/C5DT04909A

Graphical Abstract

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Published on 01 February 2016. Downloaded on 02/02/2016 02:09:36.

A novel perovskite La0.5Na0.5TiO3:Eu3+ red-emitting phosphor and the related

phosphor-in-glass (PiG) inorganic color converter for high-power warm w-LEDs

were fabricated. Through simply adjusting the contents of red phosphors in PiG, the

correlated color temperature of PiG-based w-LEDs evolved from cool white (6771 K)

to warm white (4417 K) and the color rendering index increased from 73.4 to 86.4.
Dalton Transactions Page 2 of 18

New Eu3+-Activated Perovskite La0.5Na0.5TiO3 Phosphors in Glass forView Article Online

DOI: 10.1039/C5DT04909A

Warm White Light Emitting Diodes

Jiasong Zhong1, Daqin Chen1, 2, *, Yang Zhou1, Zhongyi Wan1, Mingye Ding1, Wangfeng Bai1,

Zhenguo Ji1

Dalton Transactions Accepted Manuscript

College of Materials and Environmental Engineering, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China
State Key Laboratory of Structural Chemistry, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese

Academy of Sciences, Fuzhou, Fujian 350002, PR China

Abstract: With increasing demand for high-power warm white light emitting diodes (w-LEDs),
Published on 01 February 2016. Downloaded on 02/02/2016 02:09:36.

discovery of efficient red-emitting inorganic color converters is greatly in demand. Herein, a

novel perovskite La0.5Na0.5TiO3:Eu3+ red-emitting phosphor with excellent thermal stability and

high quantum efficiency has been successfully synthesized by a traditional solid-state reaction.

Then, the developed La0.5Na0.5TiO3:Eu3+ red phosphor and commercial YAG:Ce3+ yellow

phosphor were incorporated into an innovatively designed low-melting glass. Impressively, the

destruction of La0.5Na0.5TiO3:Eu3+ and YAG:Ce3+ phosphor particles during glass melting was

quite low. Remarkably, the fabricated w-LEDs using an InGaN-based blue chip combined with

the Phosphor in Glass (PiG) plates exhibited improved chromaticity feature and superior optical

performance. Through simply adjusting the contents of red phosphors in PiGs, the correlated

color temperature of PiG-based w-LEDs evolved from cool white (6771 K) to warm white (4417

K) and the color rendering index increased from 73.4 to 86.4. Moreover, such PiG-based warm

w-LED presented superior thermal stability.

1. Introduction

Following an increasing awareness of energy crisis and environmental issue, energy efficiency

has become an very important criterion for pervasive products such as light sources.1,2 Compared

to the traditional incandescent and fluorescent, white-light-emitting diodes (w-LEDs) have

received increasing interest due to their superiorities of high efficiency, long lifetime,

environmental friendliness (mercury-free), high brightness and fast response time.3-5 At present,

white light can be obtained by different approaches, as shown in Fig. S1. One pattern to generate

white light with high color rendering is to couple tri-color (red, green and blue) phosphors pumped

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by a near-ultraviolet (NUV) LED. The major challenge with this approach is the low conversion
DOI: 10.1039/C5DT04909A

efficiency of the device, the strong re-absorption between different kinds of phosphors and

complex coating technology.2,6 The other pattern to generate white light is to combine a blue LED

chip with the YAG:Ce3+ yellow phosphors.7 Although this w-LED possesses high luminous

efficiency and simple structure, low color rendering index (CRI) and high correlated color

Dalton Transactions Accepted Manuscript

temperature (CCT) limit its application due to the shortage of red emission in the luminescence

spectrum.8 Furthermore, silicone or organic resin is usually used to encapsulate the blue LED chip

and yellow phosphors in the commercial w-LEDs, which lead to the degradation in luminous

efficiency and shifting of chromaticity under the high temperature and high photon radiation
Published on 01 February 2016. Downloaded on 02/02/2016 02:09:36.

environment.9, 10 Hence, it is urgently required to develop a novel red phosphor with satisfactory

stability and efficient luminance properties to apply in warm w-LEDs; besides, a novel inorganic

material as an alternative to organic sealing polymer is highly desired.

Up to now, most commercial red phosphors are based on Eu2+ or Ce3+ activated (oxy)nitride

compounds.11,12 However, these materials still have several drawbacks such as extremely harsh

preparation conditions and high production-cost.13 In comparison with (oxy)nitride, Eu3+ doped

oxide-based red emitters have been extensively investigated because of their easy preparation,

eco-friendliness and impressive chemical stability.14 In addition, Eu3+ ions have the direct

excitation peaks at about 393 nm (7F0-5L6) and 465 nm (7F0-5D2) in oxide hosts, which could

match well with the ultraviolet or blue LED chip. Recently, perovskite type compounds with

chemical formula ABO3 constitute an attractive class of materials in which unusual dielectric and

optical behaviors can be integrated.15 Among them, rare-earth doped Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3 (BNT)

phosphors are attractive to researchers because of its excellent photoluminescence and

ferroelectric properties.16 In particular, strong red emissions with high quantum efficiency and

excellent thermal stability can be realized by doping Eu3+ or Pr3+.17,18 Unfortunately, Bi3+ ions

exhibit intrinsic luminescence and variable valence, which strongly affect the luminance efficacy.

To solve this problem, using non-luminous La3+ ions to replace Bi3+, a novel perovskite oxide

La0.5Na0.5TiO3 (LNT) is expected as an alternative to BNT. Moreover, LNT is more suitable

environment for the Eu3+ ions owing to both La3+ and Eu3+ ions belong to the lanthanides.

On the other hand, to avoid the deterioration of the organic resin matrix which is utilized to fix

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phosphor layer onto the blue LED chip and protect LED chip, glass-based encapsulantDOI:

considered as a feasible substitute.19 In fact, phosphor-based glasses including phosphor-in-glass

(PiG), glass-ceramic and ceramic plate can be adopted.15,20 Among them, PiG has been considered

as the promising encapsulant and has been studied extensively due to its outstanding

advantage.21-26 It is a simple mixture of phosphors and glass frits, and then sintered at an optimal

Dalton Transactions Accepted Manuscript

temperature to form a stable matrix. In the sintering process, the glass melting temperature is

considerably low that the phosphors remain solid without degradation. In addition, the phosphor

with excellent luminescent performance can be distributed uniformly in the glass matrix. More

importantly, different phosphors can be easily mixed with different ratios to adjust the CRI and
Published on 01 February 2016. Downloaded on 02/02/2016 02:09:36.

CCT as required.23 Herein, the newly synthesized Eu3+-activated LNT red phosphor and

commercial YAG:Ce3+ yellow phosphor with different ratios have been successfully introduced

into the TeO2-based glass matrix by the PiG method, and the CCT and CRI can be effectively


2. Experimental and characterization

2.1 Preparation

A series of LNT:xEu3+ (0≤x≤0.3) were synthesized by a conventional high temperature

solid-state reaction. Stoichiometric amounts of Na2CO3 (99.8%), La2O3 (99.99%), Eu2O3 (99.99%)

and TiO2 (99.8%) were accurately weighed and ground in an agate mortar. The mixtures were first

pre-sintered at 600 oC for 6 h, then reground thoroughly, and finally heated at 1000 oC for 6 h in

air atmosphere. Afterwards, the products were obtained by cooling down to room temperature


PiGs were fabricated by a low-temperature co-sintering route.26 Two key steps were involved

in fabricating glass phosphor including: (1) preparation of tellurate mother glass; (2) introducing

the synthesized LNT:Eu3+ red phosphors and YAG:Ce3+ yellow phosphors into glass matrix. The

glass matrix composed of TeO2, ZnO, Sb2O3, Al2O3, B2O3 and Na2O was mixed and melted at

1000 oC for 0.5-1.5 h in air atmosphere. Then, the melt was poured into a cold copper mold and

gradually cooled to room temperature, followed by milling to powders using a ball grinder.

Afterwards, LNT:Eu3+ red phosphors and YAG:Ce3+ yellow phosphors (purchased from XinLi

Illuminant Co. LTD) were thoroughly mixed with the glass matrix powder followed by sintering at

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600 oC for 30 min. Then, the molten glass was poured into a 300 oC pre-heated copper DOI:
mold andView Article Online

annealed at 230 oC for 5 h to relinquish inner stress. Finally, these PiG were cut into various

shapes for optical measurement and LED application.

2.2 Characterization

The composition and phase purity of the as-obtained phosphors were studied by X-ray powder

Dalton Transactions Accepted Manuscript

diffraction (XRD) measurements using Bruker D8 advance automatic diffractometer at 40 kV and

40 mA. The X-ray Rietveld refinement data was collected over 2θ range of 10o to 120o at intervals

of 0.01o and analyzed using a general structure analysis system (GSAS). The photoluminescence

(PL), PL excitation (PLE), temperature-dependent PL spectra and decay curves were measured
Published on 01 February 2016. Downloaded on 02/02/2016 02:09:36.

using a fluorescence spectrometer (Edinburgh Instrument FS5) equipped with a 150 W continuous

and pulsed Xenon lamp as light sources. The quantum efficiency (QE) was recorded using a

BaSO4 coated integrating sphere that attached to the spectrophotometer. The surface morphologies

and structures of the obtained PiG were characterized using a scanning electron microscope (SEM,

FEI, operated at an acceleration voltage of 15 kV) with an attached energy-dispersive X-ray

spectrometer (EDX). The photoelectric properties including LE, CCT, CRI and Commission

International de I’Eclairage (CIE) chromaticity coordinates of the fabricated w-LEDs were

evaluated by an integrating sphere (HAAS-2000; Everfine Photo-E-Info Co. Ltd, Hangzhou,

China) at an operating current of 60 mA.

3. Results and discussion

3.1 Phase purity and crystal structure

The phase purity and crystal structure are analyzed by GSAS Rietveld refinements for the

representative LNT:0.05Eu3+, and ICSD-43771 (La0.5Na0.5TiO3) is served as the starting model to

refine LNT, as shown in Fig. 1. By comparing the experimental spectrum with the calculated data,

no impurity or secondary phases are observed. The refinement data converge to Rw = 5.89 %, Rwnb

= 6.83 %, Rb = 4.49 %, and Rexp = 3.94 %. The lattice parameters are fitted to be a = b = c = 3.865

Ǻ and cell volume V = 57.74 Ǻ3, which are smaller than those of LNT due to the different ionic

radium between Eu3+(r = 1.07 Ǻ, CN = 8) and La3+(r = 1.16 Ǻ, CN = 8). A schematic diagram of

the LNT structure is displayed in the inset of Fig. 1. Compounds La0.5Na0.5TiO3 belongs to cubic

system with the space group Pm3m and their crystal structure diagram is plotted with Diamond

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3.1. The crystal structure is derived from the typical perovskite ABO3, i.e., La3+ and NaDOI:
cations View Article Online

occupy the A site, while Ti4+ on the B site. In LNT, La3+ ions can be easily replaced by other rare

earth activators, indicating that it can serve as an excellent phosphor host.27

The XRD patterns of the as-prepared LNT:xEu3+(0≤x≤0.3) phosphors are presented in Fig. S2.

All of the diffraction peaks share the same characteristic peaks to the standard data of

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La0.5Na0.5TiO3 (JCPDS no.39-0065), indicating that the introduction of Eu3+ ions into LNT host

lattice does not result in any change for the host structure. The magnified XRD patterns of

LNT:xEu3+(0≤x≤0.3) between 32o and 34o demonstrate the gradually shifting of diffraction peaks

towards the higher-angle direction with increase of Eu3+ doping content, confirming the
Published on 01 February 2016. Downloaded on 02/02/2016 02:09:36.

substitution of the larger La3+ ions in the host by the smaller Eu3+ ones.

Intensity (a.u.)

20 40 60 80 100 120
Fig. 1 XRD profiles for Rietveld refinement results of LNT:0.05Eu3+. Inset is the crystal structure

of LNT.

3.2 Photoluminescence of LNT:Eu3+ phosphors

The PLE spectrum of LNT:0.05Eu3+ phosphor by monitoring 615 nm emission corresponding to

the Eu3+ 5D0→7F1 transition is shown in Fig. 2a. There are several peaks from 350 to 500 nm

corresponding to the typical Eu3+ intra-configurational 4f-4f transitions.28,29 Obviously, the f-f

transitions are much higher than the Eu-O charge transfer band, indicating that the phosphor can

be a promising candidate for solid-state lighting.30 Furthermore, the two strong peaks at 397 nm

and 465 nm are attributed to 7F0→5L6 and 7F0→5D2 transitions, which match well with the output

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wavelength of near-ultraviolet and blue chips. The PL spectrum consist of several sharp linesView Article Online
DOI: 10.1039/C5DT04909A

ranging from 575 to 750 nm, which are attribute to the 5D0→7FJ (J=0, 1, 2, 3, 4) transitions of

Eu3+.31 According to the magnetic dipole (MD) transition selection rule (ΔJ=0, ±1) and electric

dipole (ED) transition (ΔJ≤6, when J or J’ =0, ΔJ=2, 4, 6) selection rule, the 5D0→7F1 transition is

the MD transition and the crystal field has little effect on its intensity while the 5D0→7F2 transition

Dalton Transactions Accepted Manuscript

is attributed to ED transition and its intensity is very sensitive to the local structure surrounding of

the Eu3+ ions. 28, 32 Based on the Judd-Ofelt theory, the MD transition is permitted when the Eu3+ is

located at site with inversion symmetry, whereas the ED transition is allowed only when the Eu3+

ions occupies a site without an inversion centre.33-35 Therefore, the intensity ratio value (R) of
Published on 01 February 2016. Downloaded on 02/02/2016 02:09:36.

D0→7F2 to 5D0→7F1 is a good parameter to detect the symmetry of the coordinated environment

around Eu3+ ions.35 In LNT perovskite (ABO3) structure, Eu3+ activators enter into the LNT host

by substituting La3+, and Na+ and La3+ cations randomly occupy the A-site. In this case, the

calculated R values for LNT:xEu3+(0.025≤x≤0.3) phosphors are around 2.85 (Fig. S3), indicating

that Eu3+ ions do locate in the sites without the inversion symmetry.

(a) PLE em=615 nm PL ex=465 nm (b) ex= 465 nm

F0 D2
F0 L6

Relatively Intensity (a.u.)


D0 F2
Relatively Intensity (a.u.)



log (I/)

F0 L7

D0 F1

D0 F4

F0 D3



D0 F3
D0 F0


-0.66 -0.63 -0.60 -0.57 -0.54 -0.51

log ()

250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
Wavelength (nm) Eu Concentration (mol)
Emission spectrum of sample
Excitation line of BaSO4
Intensity (a.u.)
Intensity (a.u.)

Ln (I0/IT-1)

-1 data
linear fit
-2 550 600 650 700 750
Wavelength (nm)
Enlarged profile
24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
-1 Wavelength (nm)
1/kT (eV )

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Fig. 2 (a) PLE (λem=615 nm) and PL (λex=465 nm) spectra of LNT:0.05Eu3+ phosphor.DOI: View Article Online

emission intensity as a function of Eu3+ concentration in LNT:xEu3+ (0.025≤x≤0.3). Inset is the

dependence of log (I/x) versus log (x) in LNT:Eu3+ phosphors. (c) The calculated activation energy

for thermal quenching of LNT:0.225Eu3+. (d) Excitation line of BaSO4 and emission spectrum of

the selected LNT:0.225Eu3+ phosphor collected by an integrating sphere. Inset is the magnification

Dalton Transactions Accepted Manuscript

of the emission spectrum.

The PL spectra of the LNT:xEu3+ (0.025≤x≤0.3) phosphors are presented in Fig. S3. The

luminescence intensity enhances with increase of Eu3+-doping content, reaches a maximum

Published on 01 February 2016. Downloaded on 02/02/2016 02:09:36.

intensity at x=0.225 (22.5 mol%), and then decreases gradually owing to concentration quenching.

Generally speaking, the concentration quenching phenomenon usually occurs as a result of

exchange interaction, radiation re-absorption or multipole–multipole interaction.35,36 To

investigate the mechanism of energy transfer in phosphor, the critical distance (Rc) among Eu3+

ions for energy transfer can be estimated using the relation given by Blasse:37

 3V 
Rc  2  
 4 XC
N  (1)

Where V is the volume of the unit cell, N is the number of the substituted host cation (La3+) in the

unit cell, and Xc is the critical concentration of Eu3+ ions. In the case of LNT:Eu3+ phosphors, N =1,

V = 57.74 Å3, and Xc=0.225. Therefore, Rc is calculated to be 7.89 Å. The exchange interaction

become ineffective when the critical transfer distance is larger than 5 Å, and the radiation

re-absorption is unlikely to occur as there is no overlap between PL and PLE spectra in present

case.38 Thus, the concentration quenching mechanism of Eu3+ ions in LNT system is dominated by

the multipole-multipole interaction. In generally, there are three types of electric multipole

interactions, including dipole-dipole (d-d), dipole-quadrupole (d-q) and

quadrupole-quadrupole(q-q) ones. According to the Dexter theory, the interaction type can be

calculated by the following formula:39, 40


 1  (  ) 3 (2)

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where x is Eu3+ concentration beyond the quenching concentration; I is the integrated PLDOI:
emission View Article Online

intensity; K and β are constants for the given host crystal; θ is a function of multipolar interaction,

and θ = 6, 8, 10 are related to d-d, q-d, q-q interactions, respectively. As shown in the inset of

Fig.2b, it is evident that the linear relationship between log(x) and log (I/x) can be obtained, and

the slope fits to be -3.42. Therefore, the value of θ is 10.26, which is close to 10, indicating that

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the concentration quenching mechanism of Eu3+ in LNT host is the q-q interaction. To further

validate the concentration quenching effect of Eu3+ in LNT:Eu3+, the PL decay curves monitored

at the 5D0→7F2 emission (615 nm) are investigated, as displayed in Fig. S4. Evidently, the decay

lifetimes decline from 0.83 to 0.50 ms as the doping contents increases from 2.5 to 30 mol%.
Published on 01 February 2016. Downloaded on 02/02/2016 02:09:36.

As a phosphor applied in lighting, especially used in high-power devices, its luminescence

stability on thermal quenching is one of the most important technological parameters because it

has great influence on the CIE coordinates and light output.41 The temperature-dependent PL

spectra of LNT:0.225Eu3+ is measured under the excitation of 465 nm, as presented in Fig. S5.

The relative peak intensity of LNT:0.225Eu3+ decreases with rising temperature. It reaches about

60% of initial value at 423 K, which is better than the reported Sr1.7Zn0.3CeO4:Eu3+ (20% at 423 K)

and Ba2ZnB2O6:Eu3+ (30% at 423 K).28,42 Furthermore, based on the Arrhenius equation, the

experimental data can be well fitted by a linear fit, and the experimental activation energy is

evaluated to be 0.27 eV. The QE is defined as the ratio of the number of photons emitted to that of

photons absorbed and the value can be calculated as the following:

QE 
L S

 E - E

where LS is the luminescence emission spectrum of the sample, ER and ES are the spectra of the

excitation light without and with the sample in the sphere, respectively. The PL QE of

LNT:0.225Eu3+ phosphor under the excitation of 465 nm reached 47.1%, which is comparable to

those of previously reported LiGd5P2O13:Eu3+ (46.5%) and Sr1.7Zn0.3CeO4:Eu3+ (46.1%)


3.3 Microstructure and luminescence of PiG containing LNT:Eu3+ and YAG:Ce3+ Phosphors

XRD curves of the LNT:Eu3+ PiG, and LNT:Eu3+ and YAG:Ce3+ PiG are displayed in Fig. 3.

As shown in Fig. 3a, all of the diffraction peaks are well consistent with the standard data of

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La0.5Na0.5TiO3 (JCPDS no.39-0065), suggesting that the LNT:Eu3+ phosphor particles have been View Article Online
DOI: 10.1039/C5DT04909A

successfully introduced into the host lattice. From the Fig. 3b, the YAG and LNT crystal phases

are clearly indentified without other phases in LNT:Eu3+ and YAG:Ce3+ co-doped PiG, indicating

that the LTO:Eu3+ and YAG:Ce3+ particles have been incorporated into the glass host. The

amorphous hump is originated from the TeO2-based glass matrix.

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Y3Al5O12 JCPDS no.33-0040

 (a) 4 wt% NLT:Eu


 3+
(b) 4 wt% NLT:Eu +3 wt% YAG:Ce

Intensity (a.u.)

(b)  NLT:Eu
 YAG:Ce
 
   
Published on 01 February 2016. Downloaded on 02/02/2016 02:09:36.

    
 
 

Na0.5La0.5TiO3 JCPDS no. 39-0065

20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Fig. 3 XRD patterns of the as-fabricated PiG containing: (a) 4 wt% LNT:0.225Eu3+ phosphor, and

(b) 4 wt% LNT:0.225Eu3+ and 3 wt% YAG:Ce3+ phosphors. The standard cubic La0.5Na0.5TiO3

(JCPDS no. 39-0065) and Y3Al5O12 (JCPDS no. 33-0040) are also shown.

The distribution and microstructure of LNT:Eu3+ and YAG:Ce3+ phosphor particles in the glass

matrix are analyzed by SEM. The homogeneous distribution of YAG:Ce3+ phosphor particles

(yellow circles) and NTL:Eu3+ particles (red circles) can be found in the glass matrix, as depicted

in Fig. 4, indicating that the glass-melting procedure has not significantly influence on the doped

phosphors. The EDX line scans across the particles marked by a green frame in SEM image

clearly proved the phosphors and glass matrix. The profiles of Al and Y are recorded along a line

through one particle as labeled in yellow circle, and Na, La, Ti and Eu are detected in another

particle as signed in red circle, demonstrating characteristic composition of phosphor phases. Te

and Zn signals are detected in glass matrix. These results further confirm that the coexistence of

YAG:Ce3+ particles and LNT:Eu3+ particles in the glass matrix. Optical transmission spectra of the

blank glass and LNT:Eu3+ and YAG:Ce3+ co-doped PiG, as presented in Fig. S6, shows that the

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transmittance reaches about 58% for glass and 51% for PiG sample at 800 nm. DOI: 10.1039/C5DT04909A


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Published on 01 February 2016. Downloaded on 02/02/2016 02:09:36.

70 16 100

(b) 14
(c) (d) 120
80 100
50 12

10 60 80
8 60
30 40
20 40
10 2 20

0 0 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Tellurium Zinc Yttrium Aluminum
35 40 18

(f) 35 (g) 25
(h) 15
30 20
20 15
20 9
15 10
5 3
5 5

0 0 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Sodium Titanium Lanthanum Europium

Fig. 4 (a) SEM image of PiG, yellow and red circles corresponding to YAG:Ce3+ and LNT:Eu3+

particles, respectively. EDX line scan curves of (b) Te, (c) Zn, (d) Y, (e) Al, (f) Na, (g) Ti, (h) La,

and (i) Eu profiles across two representative phosphor particles in the PiG sample are shown.

The PLE and PL spectra of the LNT:Eu3+ PiG, LNT:Eu3+ and YAG:Ce3+ co-doped PiG are

displayed in Fig. 5a. The LNT:Eu3+ PiG exhibits red luminescence with several Eu3+: 5DJ→7F0

sharp peaks in PL spectrum and two main excitation peaks locate at 393 nm and 465 nm in PLE

spectrum. For the LNT:Eu3+ and YAG:Ce3+ co-doped PiG, except the characteristic

intra-configuration f-f transition of Eu3+, a typical Ce3+:4f↔5d broadband excitation (peak at 465

nm) and emission (peak at 550 nm) can be observed. Especially, the Ce3+:5d→4f yellow-emitting

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and Eu3+: 5D0→7F2 red-emitting can be simultaneously achieved under 465 nm blue lightView Article Online
DOI: 10.1039/C5DT04909A

excitation, indicating that the investigated PiG is a promising candidate for warm w-LEDs.44

(a) PLE
4 wt%NLT:Eu +3 wt%YAG:Ce
7 5
em=615 nm F0 D2
Normalized Intensity (a.u.)

5 7
D0 F2

7 5 4f5d
F 0 L 6

Dalton Transactions Accepted Manuscript

PL ex=465 nm

 =465 nm 4 wt%NLT:Eu3+
F0 L6 F0 D2 PL ex
7 5 7 5
PLE 5 7
em=615 nm D0 F2

5 7
D0 F1 5 7
D0 F4
Published on 01 February 2016. Downloaded on 02/02/2016 02:09:36.

300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 5 (a) PLE and PL spectra of LNT:Eu3+ single-doped PiG and LNT:Eu3+ and YAG:Ce3+

co-doped PiG. (b) Photograph of LNT:Eu3+ PiG in the daylight and under 365 nm UV light

excitation (left), and LNT:Eu3+ and YAG:Ce3+ PiG–based LED in the daylight and under 465 nm

blue light excitation (right).

Considering the practical application in high power w-LEDs, the junction temperature of the

chips will reach as high as 150–200 oC. Therefore, the thermal stability of the inorganic color

converter is of key important. The influence of temperature on the relative emission intensity of

YAG:Ce3+ and LNT:Eu3+ co-doped PiG is presented in Fig. 6. When temperature increases from

30 to 270 oC, the PL intensity of PiG gradually declines due to the enhanced nonradiative

relaxation. Impressively, compared to room temperature, the PiG remains an emission intensity of

79 % at 150 oC. This result mainly originates from higher thermal conductivity of PiG than that of

the organic resin, which benefits to release the heat emitted and then reduce the probability of Eu3+

nonradiative transitions in the phosphor.45 The fluorescence decay lifetimes of PiG composite also

illustrate a strong dependence on the temperature, as shown in Fig. 6. As the temperature increases,

the lifetime decreases from 0.66 to 0.36 ms. The PL QE of the YAG:Ce3+ and LNT:Eu3+ co-doped

PiG is measured to be 89.6%.

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0.70 View Article Online

DOI: 10.1039/C5DT04909A

Relative Integrated Intensity (%)


Lifetime (ms)
60 0.55


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0 0.35
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Temperature ( C)
Fig. 6 Temperature-dependent emission intensity and average lifetime of PiG.
Published on 01 February 2016. Downloaded on 02/02/2016 02:09:36.

As we all know, the current leading commercial w-LEDs technology has an innate deficiency

in red component; therefore, an additive red phosphor is highly demanded. To validate the

availability of this approach, LNT:Eu3+ red phosphors with various concentrations (1-11 wt%) and

3 wt% YAG:Ce3+ yellow phosphors have been introduced into glass matrix. To evaluate the device

performance, the w-LEDs are fabricated by encapsulating the PiG plates on the InGaN blue chip.

The electroluminescent (EL) spectra of the PiG with different concentrations of LNT:Eu3+, driven

under 60 mA current, are displayed in Fig. 7a. Evidently, with increase of LNT:Eu3+ contents from

1 to 11 wt%, the Eu3+ red emissive component increases gradually. As a result, the photoelectric

parameters of these w-LEDs are modified correspondingly, as tabulated in Table 1. The related

chromaticity color coordinates are plotted on the CIE 1931 chromaticity diagram in Fig. 7b. As

expected, the emitted white-light develops gradually from cool to warm (inset of Fig. 7b), the CIE

coordinate experiences an approximately linear shifts from point (0.2998, 0.3450) to (0.3768,

0.4328), the CCT decreases from 6771 to 4417 K and the CRI increases from 73.4 to 86.4. These

results indicate that the incorporation of LNT:Eu3+ red phosphor can effectively improve the CCT

and CRI values to more suitable for indoor illuminations applications.

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(a) 11wt%NLT:Eu
(b) DOI: 10.1039/C5DT04909A

EL Intensity (a.u.)



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400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750

Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 7 (a) EL spectra of the 3 wt% YAG: Ce3+ and y wt% LNT: Eu3+ (y=1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11)
Published on 01 February 2016. Downloaded on 02/02/2016 02:09:36.

PiG-based LED devices under a 60 mA driving current. (b) CIE coordinates of the PiG-based

LEDs; insets are photographs of the PiGs and PiG-based LEDs in operation.

Table 1. Measured optical parameters of the PiG-based LEDs under a 60 mA driving current

No. LNT:Eu3+ Chromaticity coordinate

LE (lm/W) CCT (K) Ra
content (wt%) X Y

a 1 0.2998 0.3450 109.3 6771 73.4

b 3 0.3132 0.3611 103.6 6180 78.9

c 5 0.3269 0.3817 99.8 5607 80.5

d 7 0.3474 0.4106 97.5 5122 82.6

e 9 0.3606 0.4205 93.4 4813 84.1

f 11 0.3768 0.4328 89.1 4417 86.4

The color stability for high-quality lighting applications is usually detected by the color

deviation of a LED device under various driving currents.46 The EL spectra of the fabricated

w-LEDs using an InGaN-based blue chip combined with the PiG under the current regulation

from 60 to 600 mA are presented in Fig. 8. The shape of transmitted blue LED peaks (λmax=465

nm) and emitted yellow YAG:Ce3+ (λmax=560 nm) and red LNT:Eu3+ (λmax=615 nm) are consistent

under different operating currents. Upon increasing the forward-bias current from 60 to 600 mA,

the CIE chromaticity coordinates of the fabricated LED are found to be slightly blue-shifted from

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(0.3768, 0.4328) to (0.3743, 0.4253), the CCT increases from 4411 K to 4439 K andDOI: CRIView Article Online

decreases from 89.2 to 87.2, as shown in Fig. 9. These results demonstrate that the developed

PiG-based w-LEDs possess excellent color stability.

60 mA
120 mA
180 mA
240 mA

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EL Intensity (a.u.)
300 mA
360 mA
0.6 420 mA
480 mA
540 mA
0.4 600 mA

Published on 01 February 2016. Downloaded on 02/02/2016 02:09:36.

400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 8 EL spectra of the fabricated PiG-based w-LEDs at various driving currents (60–600mA)

4800 110
(a)0.434 (b)4600
60 mA
180 mA 120 mA 4200
Tc (K)


240 mA 4000 95
300 mA
0.428 3800
420 mA 360 mA 90
540 mA 3600
0.426 480 mA 85
600 mA
0.424 3200 80
0.3740 0.3745 0.3750 0.3755 0.3760 0.3765 0.3770 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
CIE X Current (mA)

Fig. 9 (a) The variation of the CIE chromaticity coordinates of the white LEDs under different

forward bias currents. (b) The variation of CCT and CRI in the PiG-based warm w-LED operated

at different currents.

4. Conclusions

In summary, the LNT:Eu3+ phosphors have been synthesized and systematically investigated.

XRD patterns indicate that only one phase crystallized in the cubic perovskite-type structure with

the Pm3m space group are observed. These phosphors can be efficiently excited by UV and blue

light and exhibit a dominant peak at 615 nm due to the electric dipole 5D0 →7F2 transition of Eu3+.

The optimal concentration of Eu3+ in the LNT reached as high as 22.5 mol% with QE of 47.1%,

and the corresponding concentration quenching mechanism is certified to be

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quadrupole-quadrupole interaction. Furthermore, the developed LNT:Eu3+ red phosphor andView Article Online
DOI: 10.1039/C5DT04909A

commercial YAG:Ce3+ yellow phosphor can be introduced into a special low-melting glass and

applied to fabricate w-LEDs. Impressively, such PiG-based w-LEDs exhibited excellent thermal

stability, and the CCT and CRI can be finely tuned through adjusting the concentration of red

phosphors in the PiG.

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This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (LR15E020001,

LQ14E020006, LQ15E020004), National Natural Science Foundation of China (21271170,

51502066, 61372025 and 51572065) and the 151 talent’s projects in the second level of Zhejiang
Published on 01 February 2016. Downloaded on 02/02/2016 02:09:36.


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