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Water loss in valve regulated batteries
Chalasani S C Bose
Power Systems, Lucent Technologies,
3000 Skyline Drive, Mesquite, TX 75 149

Abstract: Water loss in a Valve Regulated Lead of the electrolyte condition, with the battery
Acid battery (VRLA) due to inefficient oxygen transforming from a flooded to a starved
recombination, corrosion of the positive grid, and electrolyte condition. Volumetric, voltammetric
water permeation through the battery housing and gas chromatographic techniques were used to

were measured as a function of the electrolyte separate the contributions from oxygen and
condition from a flooded state to a starved state. hydrogen evolution reactions, oxygen
In starved electrolyte condition, the rate of recombination and positive grid corrosion. As the
measured water loss was found to be consistent battery transformed from flooded to starved
with prediction based on weight loss. However, in electrolyte condition, oxygen recombination
flooded electrolyte conditions the rate of water increased from 0% to about 80%. At the same
loss determined by weight loss is much higher time, the corrosion rate increased three times. In
than that calculated from vented gas this paper, we discuss further the‘ various water
measurements. The rate of water loss from the loss mechanisms which eventually lead to failure
battery decreases as the battery transforms from of the battery. We will also discuss life
flooded state to starved state. Because of this predictions from water loss estimations.
change in the electrolyte condition, which is
inherent to VRLA battery technology, life
estimates based on water loss is not a straight Theory
forward calculation.
1. Water loss mechanisms
Introduction Most of the water loss in VRLA batteries is

caused by (i) inefficient oxygen recombination,
Dry out, a common failure mode of VRLA (ii) positive grid corrosion, and (iii) water
batteries, occurs as a consequence of permanent

permeation through the battery container and
water loss. The rate of water loss has been widely cover.

used as a method to estimate battery life.
Recently, Feder and Jones [ l ] presented a i. Ineficient oxygen recombination - Under
comprehensive analysis of the literature data for normal float charging conditions, water
VRLA battery life estimations. Their review
dissociation occurs in the battery as shown below.
noted that the published data is wide spread and
the predicted battery life varies by three orders of
2H20 3 O2 + 4H’ + 4e-
magnitude. The discrepancies are proposed to be
(a) lack of a suitable method to accurately The liberated oxygen at the positive electrode
determine the corrosion rate of the positive grid,
diffuses to the negative electrode and gets
and (b) experimental difficulties in getting reliable reduced. This reduction of oxygen regenerates
gas analysis and weight loss.
water and suppresses generation of hydrogen. This
reaction is known as the “oxygen recombination
These problems were addressed in an earlier paper
process” and is key for the successful operation of
presented by the author [ 2 ] .In that paper, it was
a VRLA battery. Inefficiency of this reaction will
shown that it was possible to separate contribute to water loss from the battery.
quantitatively and determine accurately the
cathodic and anodic processes occurring in a
ii. Positive grid growth - A second cause of water
VRLA battery. These processes including the consumption in the battery is corrosion of the
oxygen recombination and the grid corrosion of positive grid. It is the leading failure mode of
the positive electrode were studied as a function

0-7803-5069-3 /98/$10.00 01998 IEEE 79

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lead acid batteries, and it results in water loss
from the battery as shown in equation (2).

Pb + 2H20 + PbO2 + 4H+ + 4e-

Conjugate to this reaction at the negative
electrode is hydrogen evolution.
recombination and positive grid corrosion rates
have been discussed in reference [2]. Water loss
due to water permeation was calculated as
explained in reference [3].

According to equation (4), water losses H20 I.E.R.C.

and H20Perm.result in battery weight loss.
However, according to equation (2) water loss due
to H20corr.does not result in equivalent weight loss
since Pb consumes oxygen from water to form
In flooded batteries, water is periodically heavier Pb02. Therefore, experimentally
replenished during preventive maintenance, so the measured weight change in a battery on float is the
life of the battery is not limited by water loss net difference between two components: (a)
through inefficient oxygen recombination and grid weight loss due to water losses and (b) weight
corrosion. In VRLA batteries, however, water gain due to positive grid corrosion. Thus,

replenishment is usually not possible, so these experimentally-measurable weight loss is not a
reactions result in permanent water loss from the direct measure of the amount of water loss. In
battery. It is estimated that the loss of 10% of the order to get the total water loss from the battery
total water content in the battery can result in a (Wt loss H20), the measured weight loss (Wt
20% drop in the ampere-hour capacity of a loss,,,) has to be corrected by the weight gain
telecom battery [l]. caused by positive grid corrosion.

iii. Water permeation - A third cause of water Wt loss H 2 0 = Wt loss net + Wt gain (5)

loss is water permeation through the battery
container and cover. Water permeation largely Where,
depends on the nature of the plastic material used Wt loss net = weight loss of the battery as
for the battery housing. A detailed discussion for measured
water loss through the battery housing can be
found in a paper by Vaccaro and Klatte [3]. Wt loss H 2 0 = weight loss due to total water loss

2. Calculations of water losses Wt gain = weight gain due to

positive grid corrosion
Assuming the water vapor carried by the venting
gases is minimum, the water loss ( HZOT,,~~
) can
be determined as shown below. Experimental
All the experiments were carried out on a 12V,
125 AH battery, which was floated at 65 OC at
Where, 2.27 Vkell. Compositional analysis and volume
H20~otal= Total water loss from the battery measurements of gases vented from the battery
were made as the battery aged. Further
H2OI.E.R.c.= Water loss through inefficient experimental details can be found in reference [2].
recombination As evident from the results in reference [2], the
nitrogen contribution in the gas collected was
H20corr, =Water loss through corrosion of negligible, indicating that the leaks' in the gas
positive grid collection setup were negligible. In addition to the
volumetric, voltametric and gas compositional
H20pem, =Water loss through permeation
through the plastic housing of battery

H201.E.R.C.can be calculated from the oxygen

vented from the battery whereas H20corr.can be
calculated from the corrosion current. Procedure
for the accurate determination of oxygen
analysis measurements, we calculated weight loss
by taking the weight of the battery at regular
intervals during the accelerated aging of the
battery. The accuracy of the balance was within
+1 gram.

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The value for the water permeability coefficient increase in the corrosion current is due to
for polypropylene was obtained from reference depolarized negative electrode. In constant float
[4] where the results of water permeability of voltage applications, such as in telecom standby
polypropylene samples cut from the actual battery applications, the potential drop at the negative
container were presented. The value for the water electrode must be compensated by the
permeability coefficient used for the water loss corresponding increase in potential at the positive
calculations was 2.5 x g/(cm hr mmHg) [41 electrode [5-71. The increase at the positive
and was assumed that the water permeability was electrode potential results in increase in the
independent of the float time and the battery corrosion current [2].
In figure 2 water loss due to inefficient
recombination is plotted as a function of the float

Results and Discussion time at 65OC. When the battery is in flooded
condition (approximately for the first 100 hours)
the recombination efficiency is almost 0% and the
1. Rates of water loss water loss due to that reaction is at maximum. The
recombination efficiency increases as the battery
In figure 1 the corrosion current and oxygen begins to dry out. For comparison, the float
recombination efficiency are plotted as a function current was converted to water loss (assuming all
of the float time at 65 OC while the battery was the current goes into the electrolysis of water) and

plotted on the same graph. Since the
recombination is very poor in the beginning, most
Float and corrosion currents
and oxygen recombination

efficiency% Water loss through
2. a recombination i~ffiiiencvy
$j- 0.001
+r 1.4 EU)
eL 1.21 0.00075


5 0.8 -t
0.6 0.00025

0 200 400
Time on float Q 6S°C, Hrs

Figure 1: Float and corrosion currents and

oxygen recombination efficiency as a function of
float time at 65 OC and 2.27 V/ cell. For clarity the

100 200 390 400


Time on float d 65 C, Hrs


Figure 2: Calculated water loss from float current

and inefficient oxygen recombination.
of the float current results in the electrolysis of
water. As the battery becomes _starved,
corrosion current is multiplied by a factor of 5. recombination begins to take place and the gap
between these two curves increases. The gap is a
floated at 2.27V/ cell. For comparison, the float
measure of oxygen recombination occurring in the
current is also shown. As the battery ages, battery
changed from a flooded state to a starved
condition. In starved electrolyte condition, oxygen Figure 3 shows the cumulative weight loss of the
recombination is promoted at the negative
battery as it is floated at 13.62V (2.27Vkell) and
electrode. The increase in oxygen recombination 65OC. As it can be seen from the plot, weight loss
efficiency can be seen in figure 1. The corrosion rate is decreasing with float time. The weight loss
current also increases after 200 hrs of float. The
rate in the beginning is high and drops off to a


in the battery. The water loss through inefficient
Battery weight loss oxygen recombination is high when the battery is
0.8 T flooded and decreases to about 113 of the initial


8 0.4
value as the battery becomes starved. The total
water loss rate is high for the first 100 hrs. As the
battery becomes a recombinant battery, water loss
rate decreases dramatically.

From figure 4 the rates of water losses due to

inefficient oxygen recombination, corrosion and

T 0.2 water permeation are converted to percentages
0.1 of the total calculated water loss and plotted as a

function of the float time in figure 5 . When the
battery is in a flooded state, 80% of the water loss
0 100 200 300 400 is through inefficient oxygen recombination.
Time on float @ 65OC, Hrs Water loss through corrosion is about 10% in the
flooded state and increases to about 30% in the
Figure 3: Battery cumulative weight loss as a starved state. The contribution from water
function of the float time at 65OC. permeation increased from 14% in flooded stage
to about 20% in starved state.
lower rate as the battery becomes starved over
Rate of water loss%
Rate of water losses
U) 0.0007 201. E. R .
\ ~


- 0.0005
3 0.0004
r 0.0003 0 100 200 300 400
g 0.0002 Time on Float @ 65OC. Hrs
0 Figure 5: Calculated water loss rates for
0 100 200 300 400 inefficient oxygen recombination, corrosion of
Time on float 0 65OC, Hrs positive grid and permeation of water through the
plastic container as a function of float time. The
Figure 4: Rate of calculated water losses from data is the same as in figure 4. For more details
gas measurements as a function of float time. see the legend for the figure 4.
~ ~Total water loss, (H201 E R c ): Water
( H z O T ):
loss due to inefficient recombination, (HzOcorr): The rate of net weight loss (Wt loss,,,) between
water loss due to corrosion of the positive grid, each battery weight measurement (from figure 3)
(H20Pem): water loss through water vapor is plotted in figure 6 . Corrosion corrected weight
permeation. loss (Wt loss H20)and the rate of calculated water
loss ( H ~ O T from
~ ~ ~ gas
) measurements are also
In figure 4 the results of the water loss through
plotted in the same figure. All these water loss
various mechanisms are depicted. It is assumed
rates are high in flooded state. As the battery
that the water permeation through battery housing
becomes starved, oxygen recombination increases
is independent of float time and battery aging. The
and it reduces water loss from the battery.
water loss through corrosion is in the same order
as the water loss through plastic case permeation


Rate of water loss
gas venting is more than two times in flooded state
compared to the starved state.

.r? Gas venting rate

0 0.0009
6 80
0 70
$ 0.0007
m 2 60
0.0006 3 50

3 0.0005 40
2 -c@
~ ~ i '
0.0004 30

zyxwvutsrq +
0.0003 I
0 100 200 300 400
Time on float Q 65'C, Hrs 0
0 100 200 300 400
Figure 6: Rate of calculated water loss (H*OTod,
from the gas measurements), measured weight loss lime on float @ 65OC Hrs
(Wt lossnet,from the weight loss measurements),
and corrosion corrected water loss (Wt Figure 7: Gassing rate as a function of the float
from weight loss measurements) as a function of time at 65OC.
float time. Contribution from high rates of water permeation
As explained earlier, the difference between the through battery housing can also be another
two weight loss plots is equal to the water loss due source. High rates of water permeation is possible
to positive grid corrosion. The water loss under flooded electrolyte condition due to higher
contribution from the corrosion is about 7% of the water vapor pressure in side the battery.
measured weight loss (Wt loss,,,) in flooded
condition and it increases to about 40% in starved Water vapor loss can be measured only by
state. weighing the battery and not through the gas
analysis set-up used in the present study [ 2 ] .
The difference in the total calculated water loss
(H20Total)and the corrosion corrected weight loss 2. Float life estimates

(Wt is high in the beginning and
decreases with float time. The close agreement of Weight loss measurements have been widely used
these two values after the battery reaches the to estimate the float life of the battery [I]. In these
starved condition reinforces the validity of the estimates water loss was assumed to be the same
method and the accuracy of the gas measurements. as the weight loss of the battery. However,
according to equation (3, the weight loss as
In flooded state the rate of corrosion corrected measured should be corrected for the contribution
weight loss calculated from the weight from the weight gain from the positive grid
measurements is higher than the total water loss corrosion in order to calculate accurate water loss.
calculated from the gas measurements (see figure Comparison of the weight loss curves before and
6). This difference is probably due to higher water after correcting for corrosion from figure 6 shows
vapor losses through vent. Water vapor pressure that the weight contribution for the corrosion can
always exists in the battery at any given vary from 7% in flooded state to 40% in starved
temperature .[8]. The water vapor losses will be state. In the present study the corrosion rates
high in flooded condition because vent opens calculated are for the pure lead grids. If the
frequently. The frequency of vent opening positive grids are made of lead alloy, higher
depends on the pressure buildup within the battery corrosion rates can be expected. It is evident from
which also controls the venting rate of the gas. these studies that the battery weight losses as
The gas venting rate is plotted as a function of the measured can not be used for water loss
float time in figure 7. It can be seen that the rate of

4-2 zyxwvutsrqpon
calculations without accounting for the weight As evident from this study, accurate determination
gain due to corrosion of the positive grid. of the water loss from a VRLA battery is possible.
However, float life estimations based on this value
Corrosion of positive grid strongly depends on the is not straight forward, since the rate of water loss
electrolyte condition as demonstrated in earlier from battery is not constant and never gets
study [2] and can increase by three times when the stabilized in the entire lifetime of the battery.

electrolyte changed from flooded state to starved
condition. Therefore, it is important to determine
in situ corrosion rates accurately under actual float Acknowledgments
operating conditions in order to calculate reliable
water losses from the battery. The author gratefully acknowledge S . Klaren for
his support for the experiments and C. Mak, S .
A typical VRLA battery under goes electrolyte McCluer, F. Laman and P. Ng for helpful
changes from flooded, wet, moist, and dry state as discussions.
explained in the reference [9]. As seen in this
study the water loss rate depends on the state of
the electrolyte condition; it is high in the flooded
condition compared to starved condition. The life References
estimations based on these water losses are not
straight forward. [I] D. 0.Feder and W. E. M. Jones
Proceedings of INTELEC 96 PP. 184.
Further work is in progress to see whether
accelerated testing can be used to estimate battery [2] C. S . C. Bose and Greg Mathiesen
float life [IO]. Proceedings of INTELEC 97 PP. 13.

[3] F. J. Vaccaro and J. A. Klatte
Proceedings of INTELEC 89 pp 6.4,
Summary and conclusions
[4] W. R. Lambert et. al.
Accurate determination of water losses due to “Water vapor permeability of plastics for valve
inefficient recombination and corrosion of the regulated lead acid batteries” - BLOl11740-
positive grid of a VRLA battery floated at 65 OC 95 1013-22TM, AT&T Technical Memorandum.
has been shown to be possible using in situ
measurements of volumetric, voltammetric and [5] J. A. Magyan, M. K. Kepros and R. F. Nelson
gas analysis. Water losses through water J. Power Sources 31(1990), 93.
permeation were also computed. The calculated
total water losses thus determined are in good [6] W. B. Brecht, The Battery Man (1998) 24.
agreement with the corrosion corrected weight
loss measurements when the battery is in a starved [7] D. Berndt and U. Teutsch
electrolyte condition. J. Electrochem. Soc., 143 (1996) 790.

The unaccounted weight losses in flooded [8] D. Berndt in “Maintenance-Free Batteries”,

condition is likely to be due to the higher water Second edition, 1997, Research Studies Press
vapor losses because of the frequent vent opening Ltd., Taunton, England.
when the gassing rates are higher. Gassing rate is
about two times higher when the battery is in [9] W. E. M. Jones and D. 0. Feder
flooded state compared to the starved condition. Proceedings of INTELEC 95, pp. 154.

For accurate determination of water loss form the [IO] F. Laman et. al., to be presented at
battery, the weight loss of the battery as measured INTELEC 98.
should be corrected for the weight gain from
positive grid corrosion.


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