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As a researcher my wish

Name: Shanigarapu Rajitha

Course:Ph.D – BM
As a PhD student and a researcher, my primary motivation is to contribute to the body of
knowledge in my field and to make a positive impact on society. Here are some key aspects of
my wishes and motivations for performing research:
1. Advancing Knowledge: My primary wish is to advance the understanding of a particular
subject within my field. This could involve exploring new theories, developing novel
methodologies, or uncovering previously unknown phenomena. By pushing the boundaries
of what is known, I hope to contribute to the collective knowledge of humanity.
2. Solving Real-World Problems: Research isn't just about abstract concepts; it's about
addressing real-world challenges and issues. I am passionate about identifying and solving
problems that affect society. Through my research, I aspire to offer practical solutions or
insights that can lead to improvements in various aspects of people's lives.
3. Personal Growth: Conducting research allows me to develop critical thinking, problem-
solving, and analytical skills. It challenges me to think deeply, question assumptions, and
approach complex issues with creativity. This personal growth is invaluable and will serve me
well in my future career.
4. Contribution to Society: Ultimately, the goal of research is to benefit society. Whether it's
through innovations in technology, improvements in healthcare, solutions to environmental
challenges, or enhancements in education, I hope that my research can make a meaningful
contribution to the well-being of people and the planet.
5. Collaboration and Networking: Research is often a collaborative endeavour. I look forward
to working with other researchers, experts, and institutions to share knowledge and ideas.
Building a network within my field will not only enrich my research but also provide
opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration.
6. Influence and Impact: As a researcher, I aspire to have a positive impact on policies,
practices, and decisions. Whether it's influencing government policies, informing industry best
practices, or shaping public opinion, I aim to be a source of credible information and guidance.

7. Inspiring Future Generations: I hope that my research can inspire and educate future
generations of scholars and scientists. By contributing to the academic discourse and sharing
my findings, I can help mentor and guide students who may follow a similar path.

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