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Someone To Love

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of
Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi, Other
Fandoms: เพราะเราคูกัน | 2gether: The Series (Thailand TV), เพราะเราคูกัน |
2gether: The Series (Thailand TV) RPF, คน มนตร เวท | Enigma
(Thailand TV 2023), พิพิธภัณฑรัตติกาล | Midnight Museum (TV), F4
Thailand (TV), หัวใจในสายลม | Dangerous Romance (TV 2023)
Relationships: Bright Vachirawit Chivaaree/Win Metawin Opas-iamkajorn, Win
Metawin Opas-iamkajorn/Original Character(s), Bright Vachirawit
Chivaaree/Original Character(s), Tine Teepakorn Aekaranwong/Sarawat
Guntithanon, Ajin Nakharittha/Tul
Characters: Bright Vachirawit Chivaaree, Win Metawin Opas-iamkajorn, Papang
Phromphiriya Thongputtaruk, Neo Trai Nimtawat, Mark Pakin
Kunaanuwit, AJ Chayapol Jutamas, Mond Tanutchai Vijitvongthong,
Jennie Panhan, Godji Tatchakorn Boonlapayanan
Additional Tags: Bright Vachirawit Chivaaree is Whipped, Bright Vachirawit
Chivaaree/Win Metawin Opas-iamkajorn Character Combinations,
Bottom Win Metawin Opas-iamkajorn, Top Bright Vachirawit Chivaaree,
Love/Hate, Enemy Lovers, High School
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-01-23 Completed: 2024-01-31 Words: 9,607 Chapters:
Someone To Love
by Babyneo__firefy


"Oh? Why didn't you go home? Won't your parents be upset? Or are you jerking off?" Win
says while chuckling softly.

Bright didn't say anything, but just stared back at Win.

"Hooy, don't tease him too much na or he'll tell the guards," the joyful looking guy, Mark,
gave a quiet whine.

━━BRIGHT comes from a wealthy family that has a hidden problem. He has been suffering
from depression for a long time, which resulted in self-harm. Then he met Win.


❛. this story is just a random creation by me. None of it is real. I mixed a lot of different types
of dramas scenes for ideas and fun :')

this book contains heavy subjects such as suicide and self-harm, explicit scene, violence, foul
language and use of drugs.
Chapter 1

❛━. 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 01

"Ugh-" Bright had been having trouble breathing, as if the blanket were suffocating him
while he tried to fall asleep and he couldn't recall when it all started.

Bright would wake up every morning feeling extremely depressed, as though he were really
drowning in his own severe thoughts. Every time he opened his eyes, he would always feel so
helpless and empty. Just glancing in the mirror each morning would make him feel awful
about himself. Bright would frequently feel self-conscious.

His constant sense of suffocation, emptiness, hopelessness, and darkness contributed to his
severe depression symptoms.

The sense of drowning returns in the morning, and for him it has turned into a vicious cycle.
It drains him and it's quite exhausting. Each night he experienced an irrational sense of
sadness. The pain, oddly enough, is what makes Bright feel alive. It's the one thing that
brings him comfort. It may seem strange, but it works for him.

In school, while others are enjoying themselves while eating or conversing over lunch, Bright
would just spend his time alone, on the school rooftop, gazing at the sky. He finds that being
alone is much more peaceful.

"So, yesterday, your homeroom teacher called in. She informed me that your grades were
falling." And that's the first thing Bright's father said in the morning as he sipped from his
hot, freshly prepared coffee, with his eyes glued on his kid.

It has never been about Bright's health or interest, but rather, it has always been about his
academic performance.

As the years pass, Bright no longer feels threatened by the expression on his father's face
since, after all, his father only worries about the reputation and the image of the family name.

Bright's father has consistently upheld strict standards, placing great importance on image,
reputation, and status. Even in the face of personal tragedy, such as the passing of his wife, he
prioritized his overseas meeting over attending her funeral.

"I've already asked teacher Yoo to come over for your tutor session," the father continues,
causing Bright to stop picking at his food.

And so, the father would constantly make decisions without consulting his kid since he
knows his son won't be able to object to whatever he planned.
"I'm full already." Bright grumbles as he quickly picks up his school bag and tries to make his
way out of the house as fast as he can. Because he knows, even if he stays and talks back,
nothing would change.

"I can't believe you're just like your mother. Stubborn!" his father grumbled and sighed

Bright's body went stiff as he listened to the man's criticism. Coming from a guy who had
never shown his wife any affection while she was alive, it was quite upsetting to hear. Even
after she passed away, the man's hateful statements persisted, and Bright was never able to
figure out why he married her.

Slowly, he shifted his gaze towards the man who was nonchalantly savoring his coffee,
causing a sense of irritation to well up within him. He paused momentarily, inhaling deeply
and clenching his jaws.

Then, at school, is when he feels the safest. It was the nicest feeling in the world to be by
himself and doing his own thing.

Bright would generally choose to spend time alone on the rooftop during break time. As he
took a deep breath, he couldn't help but be captivated by the breathtaking view that stretched
out before him. The gentle hum that escaped his lips was a melody that seemed to have no
name, yet it had become his latest obsession.

The warmth of the sun and the gentle caress of the wind didn't bother him in the slightest as
he settled himself near the edge. He wished that the time would just stand still. Then when
the bell goes off signaling that break time is over,Bright was hesitant to go down again.

"Aow, Bright," As he strolls down the hallway, a soft and gentle voice, barely audible,
reaches out to him.

Bright glanced over at the young female student as she approached him, her arms burdened
with a stack of papers and a collection of books. The papers in her arms were neatly
organized, each one carefully labeled and arranged in a precise order. The weight of the
books seemed to have no effect on her, as she effortlessly balanced them against her chest.

As she drew nearer, Bright noticed the determination etched on her face, a reflection of her
unwavering commitment to her studies.

"These are the papers and homework that you missed last week... do you know that the
teachers are worried for you... even your classmates." Jane, the student body president, said
as she handed him the stuff in her hands.

When Jane said classmates, Bright wanted to laugh because he knew too well that all his
classmates care about is his money.

"Huh? Oh... Thanks..." Was all Bright said as he looked at the books and papers in his hands,
then watching her walking away hurriedly.
After a long day of school, while his classmates hurried home, Bright would take a different
path. He would make his way to the steps that led up to the rooftop, a hidden gem that offered
a peaceful escape from the bustling world below. With each step he took, he could feel the
weight of the day slowly lifting off his shoulders.

The rooftop was his safe zone, a place where he could let his thoughts wander and find
comfort in the gentle breeze that brushed against his face. Bright would always make it a
point to stay at the rooftop, lingering there until everyone else had left the building. And
when it's the night, he would find himself lying on the cool ground, his gaze fixed upon the
vast expanse of the sky above.

The moon and stars, they were like Bright's comfort, always there to cheer him up. But today
is a bit gloomy, adding to the lack of peace that usually fills the air. Sitting here, staring at the
sky, the silence is deafening.

It's like the world is holding its breath, waiting for something to happen.

Bright is aware that his emotions are often overshadowed by the voices in his mind.
Whenever the relentless voices fill his head, he would clench his lips even more firmly, until
he could taste the metallic tang of blood.

Did you hear? He's a freak!


His father didn't even care about him! I bet his mother died because of him.

Who cares? At least he has money.

He's nothing without his father's name and money.

Bright felt a lump forming in his throat as the voices in his head took over him and watched
intently as the crimson liquid trickled down his wrist, the deep red contrasting against the
pale skin while tears began to trickle down his cheeks.

As he gazes at the gleaming blade in one hand and his other hand stained crimson, he can't
help but feel how they were trembling. It's only natural to admit that it will stings a lot, but
strangely enough, this discomfort seems to bring him some relief. It has become his only way
to stop the voices in his head and to feel like he's actually alive.

Eventually, once he felt better, he would patch himself up and goes back home.

"Shia! The guard is here." As Bright eventually walks out, someone shouts from a distance
while pointing to Bright with his hand.

Bright furrow his eyebrows as he looks over at the one who shouted.

"Are you a moron? Hold on-that is definitely a student. Oh, isn't it already too late? Why are
you still in school at this hour?" Mond asks.
Bright kept his mouth shut as he watched the group of guys who had randomly gathered and
were making their way towards him from a distance. At first glance, it was hard to tell if they
were students from his school, but once they stepped into the illuminated area, Bright noticed
that they weren't wearing the uniform.

"Oh? Why didn't you go home? Won't your parents be upset? Or are you jerking off?" The
other guy, Win, says while chuckling softly.

Bright didn't say anything, but just stared back at Win.

"Hooy, don't tease him too much na or he'll tell the guards," the joyful looking guy, Mark,
gave a quiet whine.

"Eerr eerr! I didn't want to start any trouble, either, okay. As you can see, we're not thieves.
Instead, we're simply here to just film some skating videos for our brand." Win chuckled and
kindly attempted to clarify things for Bright, as he really didn't want any complications
considering the fact that he had entered the school without permission.

Bright didn't know how he should be responding because right now, he felt that he could faint
any moment. Probably the cut he did was too much and he could feel that the bandage that he
put on is getting wetter.

"This is Mark, AJ, Mond and Neo. They're my friends and I'm Metawin, but you can call me
Win. We're also students here," Win introduced himself to the boy and doesn't get any
response besides the silent stare.

Win smiles as he gazes at Bright, taking in every detail from head to toe. There's just
something about the way Bright looks that Win finds intriguing. Then, he couldn't help but
notice how Bright was looking as pale as a ghost. He seemed like he was about to pass out
any second.

Before Win even had a chance to open his mouth to ask how the boy was feeling, Bright
walks away without any expression on his face. He didn't care who Win was or who his
friends was, because he knows it doesn't concern him.

"Okay okay, let's continue where we left off. Eerr, Neo, take the video from that angle. Mond
and Mark stand by with the skateboard," AJ instructed as he pulls Win back to work on their
chapter 2

❛━. 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 02

Bright wipes the corner of his lip as he shakily exhales and holds onto the bathroom sink
firmly, breaking out in a cold sweat as he looks at his reflection in the mirror. He had to go
through the fear and anxiety attacks as he did every day and it was agonising.

It will become worse every day, but nobody is aware of it because he would flawlessly keep
it to himself. Bright doesn't want anybody to see how his world uncontrollably came
tumbling down around him while he's the only one struggling to survive.

So, after Bright freshened up, he's now dressed in his all-time favorite pair of worn-out black
jeans, a super comfortable oversized sweater, those trusty Converse shoes that have been with
him through thick and thin for the past five years, and to top it all off, a cool baseball cap. It
seems like he had mastered the art of effortlessly cool fashion but Bright really just couldn't
be bothered with what he put on.

Bright felt self-conscious about his body and his scars, so he usually kept things simple and
wore anything long sleeved and oversized, even when it's scorching outside.

As Bright strolls down the bustling alley lined with charming shop houses that he used to
visit, his mind drifts back to the cherished memories of his past. Those carefree days spent
with his friends, after school, daringly skipping class to witness the thrilling competitions of
their beloved skateboarder. Still, Bright couldn't stop blaming himself after knowing that he's
the reason why his friend's hopes and dreams were crushed.

Bright used to be a real smiley guy, a laid-back person who was simple to approach, always
having a blast and cracking jokes with his friends. He would frequently join them at the
skateboard park, where he would have a great time playing skateboarding.

Like the typical rich parent, the father didn't want Bright to hang out with those young
skateboarders because he believed they would negatively impact his son's studies and brings
shame to his name and reputation in the politics industry.

Bright's father took matters into his own hands when his son wouldn't listen to him.

He took an unexpected action by hiring someone to ensure that Bright would no longer be
able to skateboard.

And that little plan ended up causing Bright to injure his left knee in a car crash.

Ever since the accident and the death of his mother that all happened on the same day,
Bright's smile has vanished and his love for skateboarding has turned into hatred. The severe
injuries to his left knee have taken away his ability to enjoy his favorite activity.
Any strenuous activity that puts strain on his knees could potentially rob him of his ability to

Bright's relationship with his father was already on thin ice before everything but after
learning that it was his own father who caused his accident to happen, he completely lost any
ounce of respect he had for the old man. Then months later, it wasn't pretty. He falls into a
deep depression and basically locks himself in his room, only leaving his room when he
absolutely had to.

Only the choice of getting some fresh air by attending school was suggested by the
housekeeper, Fah, who had been taking care of him since he was a kid, he decided to listen to
her. He decided to switch schools, seeking a fresh start where his past wouldn't define him.

However, his gloomy and withdrawn demeanor, combined with a bored expression, has
caused some confusion and miscommunication with both students and teachers at the new
school. But of course nobody dares to mess with him, because they know who Bright father

Anyone in the school knows that Bright father is the biggest sponsor to school foundation.

Right at that moment, Win casually strolls out of his shop, coincidentally just as Bright was
about to walk away.

"You- oh~ it's you... This time you're not jerking off on that rooftop, huh?" Win flashes a
mischievous grin as he looks at Bright from head to toe.

Bright knows what he was talking about but instead of focusing on Win, his eyes are
naturally drawn to the expressive display on the outside of the store. As he continues to look,
Bright gaze then shifts towards the TV in the storefront, where skateboarding advertisement
films are playing.

Now, Win wasn't bothered by the fact that Bright was ignoring him just like that.

However, Win couldn't help but remember how the boy looked the other day in school. It was
the look of a person who's lost or broken. Although today Win is looking at Bright under the
sunny sky, he could still see that similar gloomy demeanor from that night.

"Sure I've heard some rumours... But are you really this quiet?" Win let out a gentle sigh and
raised his eyebrows curiously as he asked.

Bright didn't respond right away, choosing instead to remain silent and cast a sluggish gaze
back at Win.

It's weird how his legs wouldn't move, making it impossible for him to just take the
opportunity and go.

"Then, are you interested in skateboarding?" Win smiles and asks while pointing to the
skateboard on display behind the glass window to his shop.
While Bright was fixated on the skateboard behind the glass window, Win chuckled to

Little did he realise, that Bright wasn't feeling any excitement looking at it. Win could clearly
see how the expression on Bright's face had turned dark.

"I must have entered the wrong district then," Bright finally says something after the long
stare at the skateboard.

"What? Then are you going to the red district?" Win chuckles at his own jokes, but then he
quickly clears his throat when he notices that Bright's expression remains unchanged.

There is something about Win that made Bright feel a certain way. He isn't sure if it's
annoying or just something else and additional to that, something inside of him tells him to
stay away from Win.

"Oh, okay! Don't pay attention to what I just said. How about this? I'll show you around my
brother's business. It's really cool!" Win says, attempting to restart the conversation with

Bright, however, was unwilling. He yearned to be alone. He didn't want to revive the
memories. He just know that having friends would hurt him.

Because after that incident, his friends were all angry at him, blaming him for the things that
he couldn't even have control over. Bright had told himself that, once he entered the new
school, he would just live his life as quietly as possible. He built a wall so that no one can
approach him. Bright even made himself into a person that he was never before.

"Just drop the act. You don't have to be the nice one here," Bright, with a tinge of bitterness in
his voice, gazes at Win, his eyes filled with a hint of boredom.

The cheeky smile on Win's faces gradually fades away upon hearing Bright's words. Even
before he gets to say anything in response, Bright walks away almost immediately.

"Yeah, drop the act Khun Won kharp." AJ, with a gentle chuckle, kindly pats Win on the
shoulder before stepping into the shop.

Win snaps out of it and walks in after AJ, into the shop.

"What act? I'm a nice guy," Win grumbles as he goes behind the counter.

AJ burst out laughing and shaking his head.

"Meung, you, don't make me laugh like this... My stomach hurts a lot!" AJ, in the midst of his
uncontrollable laughter, clutches his stomach and exclaims.

Win then throws a rag, aiming directly at AJ's face perfectly.

"What's so funny?" Mark asks, coming out from the door behind the counter.
"Oh Mark! No, it's just... someone finally caught Win with his 'kind' act," AJ says and
continues to shake his head.

Mark raise his eyebrows and chuckles softly before he looks at Win.

"Ai Shia meung! Fuck you! I've always been a nice person!" Win let out a gentle sigh as he
tried to express his frustration to his friend.

"Everyone seems to be in a good mood huh?" Mond chuckled as he entered the shop.

Win can only sigh and continue with sanding the new skateboard. He still couldn't get the
look on Bright's face off his mind. What Win thinks is that, Bright has a really beautiful face
but is also sad at the same time. Win remembers the first day of school he first met Bright.
The boy was really cold and quiet. When the teacher told him to introduce himself, he
refused and just went straight to the desk designated.

The girls in the class were attracted to his cold charms while the boys were busy trying to
stick to him because of his background.

It's weird that even after a year after he was transferred, Win hardly sees the boy around,
except for during class.

"Hoy, you're gonna cut that board in half na if you're sanding it that hard," AJ calls out after
seeing how engrossed Win was with sanding the edge of the board.
chapter 3

❛━. 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 03

Bright would always choose to wear his hoodie over his uniform, regardless of the
weather conditions. It would seem absurd to wear something like that every day given the
weather, but Bright's hoodie was his only form of defence. It somehow kept him safe and
grew to become a part of him. He started wearing it after he developed depression and self-

He vividly recalled the day he was rushed to the hospital following the car accident. The
memory remains crystal clear in Bright's mind. He distinctly remembered seeing a car that he
recognized as belonging to his family, and a man who bore a striking resemblance to his
father's personal secretary.

Upon regaining consciousness from a three day coma, he was informed of the heartbreaking
news that his mother had passed away on the very day he was admitted to the hospital. The
only person in his world that loves him genuinely and takes good care of him had left him
behind without him being able to see her for the last time.

It was incredibly difficult for him to witness his father dismissing the grieving process as if it
hadn't happened. Even after Bright had been discharged, his father would constantly ask
about when he would return to school, placing pressure on him to maintain a good image for
the family name.

Before that accident, Bright had been a top-performing student, excelling in all subjects. But
now, he no longer cares. That's how much his personality has changed. In the new school,
despite his previous academic success, he no longer put in the effort to achieve straight A's.
When his father suggested getting a tutor, he didn't react strongly, perhaps feeling a bit
annoyed that his father hadn't noticed the changes.

"Studying hard huh?" a comment caused Bright to lift his head away from the math papers he
was working.

Seated at a bench table, far from the school canteen, Bright hoped to avoid being seen by
anyone at this point. The table was located at the back of the old school building, a neglected

Bright look at Win, the guy he's been wanting to avoid after meeting him at the street the
other weekend. From what Bright heard, Win is well-known among his classmates, as the
girls gossip about him. It seems that he is quite popular with both male and female students.
He is described as good looking, quite tall, and having fair skin tones. When he smiles,
Bright's first impression was that he literally look like a bunny.
The teachers weren't exactly thrilled with Win because he was always causing a ruckus with
his buddies. His grades, when compared to Bright's current grade, were far from impressive.

But still, Bright doesn't understand why Win would come to talk to him. It was obvious that
Bright was avoiding him.

He picked the spot behind the school, away from the usual hangouts of other students,
specifically to avoid running into anyone else. But, surprisingly, he ended up crossing paths
with Win.

"Oh ho... These are some high-level mathematics shit... Shia! I never knew you were this
smart!" Win's surprise is obvious on his face as he gazes at the papers that Bright was
completely absorbed in.

Bright felt a surge of terror when Win snatched the papers away, realizing his secret was
about to be exposed. He never wanted anyone to know he could do such a difficult paper.

"I heard from some kids that you're actually bad at study- "

"Stop acting as though you know me. You and I do not know each other." Bright was clearly
in a bad mood as he snapped at Win.

Bright then snatch the papers away. He then quickly grabs his things and heads towards the
canteen, heading towards the drink stall. As he walked, he senses someone behind him. And
he's spot on. Win is right there, hands in pockets, closing in on him in no time. Like a

"Why are you so grumpy?" Win playfully huffs and ask.

It made Bright frown as he took a deep breath before facing Win again.

"I just prefer to be alone," Bright, with a bitter tone, responds in a monotonous manner as he
walks away.

Win watched the boy leave while gritting his teeth. It's the first time he's encountered
someone difficult to converse with, but still, he's curious about Bright.

From the moment he first laid eyes on Bright that night to the day he spotted him on the
street, Win's curiosity about him has been unwavering. He noticed how icy and weak the boy
looks but yet, beautiful under that moonlight. Win asked around and found out that Bright is
actually in the same class as him. He was seated right at the other end of the class, last row,
next to the window.

Maybe it was because the boy's voice was barely heard in class. The first day he came, Win
wasn't in class. So he didn't get to see Bright.

"You're still annoying that kid?" Win's train of thought is abruptly interrupted as Mond gently
nudges his arms.
"What do you mean, annoying?" After rubbing his face and running his fingers through his
hair, Win scowls and puts his hands by his sides.

Mond bit his lip and cocked his head, looking in the same direction Bright had ultimately

"I mean, you've been bothering that kid since that night," AJ mumbled under his breath as he
casually sidled up next to Mond.

"Everyone has been calling him a freak or more precisely, someone who has heartless
disorder," Mark, his eyes fixated on the glowing screen of his phone, stood there beside

"A what disorder?" Win frowns as he turns to look at his friends who suddenly had gathered
beside him.

"A heartless disorder," Mark says again, this time, putting away his phone and looking at his

"I didn't realise you were this stupid, Mark..." Win let out a dry chuckle, his lips curling into a
faint smirk, as he slowly shook his head.

Mark, feeling a surge of annoyance, rolls his eyes and scowls in response to his friends'
sudden burst of laughter.

"Laugh... laugh... " Mark, feeling a bit frustrated, playfully raises his fist in AJ's direction, as
if to jokingly threaten a punch.

"Hoy! Calm down na ..." AJ laughs and holds on to Mark's fist.

"A heartless disorder... Ha... Probably explains how cold he is huh? That guy never really
care about anything..." Mond mumbles softly and then walks away to one of the drink stall.

"But does anyone know why he transferred here in the middle of the semester?" Win asks,
casually stealing away Mond's drink from his hand.

Mond stare at Win, speechless by how casually it was taken away from him. It was like he
bought it for Win instead for himself.

"Beats me~ there's many reasons..." AJ says, taking the drink away from Win and begins

"Some say there was an accident in his old school," Mark says and takes the drink away from
AJ, drinking it.

Mond watches the way his drink was passed around and by the time it reaches his hand again,
what's left was just ices.

"Ai sat! I buy this for me drink! Not for you all!" Mond's frustration suddenly erupted,
causing him to shoot a piercing glare towards Win, AJ, and Mark.
"Eerr, where's Neo?" AJ cleared his throat, avoiding eye contact with Mond.

Mark gulped as he could feel the fire in Mond's intense glaring. He takes his phone out again
and begins playing games.

"Are you all seriously -"

Win pat Mond on his shoulder, attempting to calm his friend down and grins.

"I can buy you another cup," Win says proudly as he grins like a dork.

"How about you pay me back all the drinks I bought for you?" Mond says with oozing
sarcasm and flashing the fake smiles at Win.

Win flashes a mischievous grin at his friend, almost as if he's got a sixth sense for trouble.
Chapter 4


Win couldn't quite grasp why he felt so unsettled whenever he saw Bright all by himself.
He was genuinely puzzled by the fact that he had never witnessed Bright engaging in
conversation with anyone at school.

The reason for this, Win realized, was that he had never actually heard Bright speak, which is
why he had never taken notice of him being in the same class. When the teacher instructed
the entire class to form groups for projects, it was noticeable that Bright consistently chose to
work alone.

The hoodie that Bright always wears to school is something that Win cannot get his mind out
of. It's a deep navy blue hoodie, with a worn-out logo of a band that Win has never heard of.
Despite the teacher calling him out multiple times, Bright doesn't bother taking it off. It's as if
the hoodie is a part of him, an extension of his identity. But because the teachers had learnt
who Bright's father is, they let him wear it even if it's against the rules.

Win often struggles to handle the heat, especially during the scorching summer days when
the sun beats down mercilessly. But when he sees Bright confidently walking around, his
hoodie pulled up over his head, it makes Win feel even hotter.

"You know, it's really a mystery to me how he manages to score lower than you on that test. I
mean, he looks like he studies more than you..." AJ leaned in closer to Win, his voice filled
with genuine curiosity and a touch of concern as he spoke.

Then they had just witnessed Bright casually strolling past them, seemingly uninterested and

Win turned to look at AJ, feeling a mix of frustration and confusion. He couldn't decide
whether to give his friend a playful slap on the back or simply come to terms with the fact
that he wasn't the lowest-ranked student in their class test this time. However, something
happened the other day that caught Win's attention. He witnessed Bright skillfully solving a
challenging paper at the bench table.

"Wasn't he the last one to submit the papers?" Win asks as he enjoys his ice cool drink.

Now, he and his friends are seated at the tables in the canteen, enjoying each other's company
and the delicious food during their break time.

"I heard from Look that Bright submitted a blank paper." Neo says as he eats another
spoonful of his food.

Win scratches his head as he tries to figure out. It was bothering him at some point.
"Blank paper?" Mark appeared to be quite surprised as he gazed at Neo with his mouth is full
of food.

"Eerr, he said that Bright was just asleep throughout the test." Neo confirms as he remembers
what Look had told him.

"Wait, so Bright actually ranked last in class this month, just cause he hand in a blank test
paper? Not Win? The one who studied with us last weekend?" Mond couldn't help but let out
a chuckle as he processed the news. His amusement was obvious in his voice as he found this
turn of events quite unexpected.

As Mond's laughter filled the table, everyone's attention shifted towards him. The sound of
snickering echoed through the air, but Win's reaction was quite different. With a piercing
glare, it was clear that he had reached his limit and had no patience for Mond's amusement.

Mond gently clears his throat and awkwardly coos at Win.

"Ai sat!" Win hiss at Mond and tosses an ice cube towards Mond's face.

"Shouldn't you feel a little better? I mean, you're not the last one anymore," Neo chuckles
heartily, savouring every bite of his meal, when suddenly, out of nowhere, an ice cube comes
flying towards him.

Win shoots his friends a disapproving look, clearly unimpressed by their jokes and let out an
exasperated sigh and a dramatic slump of his shoulders.

"What do you think? The teacher is still busy chasing after my ass. And my grandmother...
She'll probably nag at me till my ears bleed," Win mutters bitterly and shudders as he
remembers how badly he was nagged last month for failing the papers.

"Admit it... You're just stupid... You're smart when it comes to skateboarding only right?"
Mark playfully taunts his friend, unable to contain his laughter.

Again, Win throws the remaining ice cubes that he had to Mark.

"Oh, luuk, son, you're back," a warm, feminine voice greets as soon as Bright step through
the front door.

Bright's grip tightens on his bag and his jaw clenches as he hears the voice.

"Have you eaten dinner?" The lady, smiling, approaches him and asks if he has eaten dinner
but Bright, without looking at her, doesn't respond.
Bright remained silent, feeling unfamiliar with the lady's presence in the house. He walked
past her with his head lowered, pausing only when he heard his father's voice.

"Is that how you show respect to your mother?" The father voiced his disapproval of his son's
treatment of his wife, asking if this was his way of showing respect.

When Bright learned that his father was remarrying only two years after the passing of his
mother couldn't feel anything. Because normal men would have mourned the loss of their
wives, but his father is different. Even at the age of 10, it was crystal clear to Bright that his
parents marriage was a total train wreck. The memories he has of his mom looking all
gloomy and shattered are just downright unpleasant. Their argument was so consistent that it
escalated to violence.

Bright reluctantly bows to the woman who is smiling regretfully in his direction.

"Satisfied? Good night, I'm heading to my room now," Bright says bitterly to his father.

Bright couldn't understand why a woman in her late thirties would marry a man in his fifties,
even though he had no reason to dislike her. He did admit that she was pretty and had an
hourglass body shape. Bright thought she could have chosen a younger-looking man instead
of his father. Surprisingly, despite her age, she had a son who was at least four years older
than Bright.

"I had a call from your teacher again this afternoon," his father says after taking a deep breath
and glares at his son.

Bright wasn't surprised to hear his father saying the teacher called.

"She said you submitted a blank test paper... Why the hell did you do that? Are trying to
bring shame to my name?" The man's voice grew harsher as he clenched his fist, his glare
fixed on Bright.

Bright glanced back at his father, his face betraying a hint of boredom. It was as if he had
become accustomed to his father's way of speaking to him. Surprisingly, his father's words
didn't seem to affect him emotionally.

"Then, it's okay for you to ruin my future?" Bright's voice is filled with anger as he confronts
the man, reminding him about the car accident that resulted in him injuring his leg.

Without hearing what the man had to say next, Bright goes up the stairs, completely ignoring
him. He can hear the woman's voice soothing his father with gentle, comforting words fading
in the background.

Bright life may appear beautiful on the surface, but it is just as stifling as those soap operas
play about wealthy children on television. The pressure to show an ideal image, the constant
observation from others, and the never-ending expectations may be exhausting. It's like being
confined to a gold cage, where freedom is restricted and truth is sacrificed for looks.
Chapter 5

❛━. 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 05

Bright sat at his desk, feeling a mix of exhaustion and relief. He had successfully made it
through another week of school, despite his lack of enthusiasm for the social aspects of it.
While his classmates were perfectly pleasant, he preferred to keep to himself and avoid the
dramas of friendship.

He was aware that people only approached him because of his family name. Knowing it all
too well, Bright didn't place much importance on having friends in his life.

After school, instead of going to the rooftop, he hopped on his motorbike and rode out of the
school grounds, enjoying the calm and peaceful ride.

But as soon as he passed the dark alley, he suddenly stopped and furrowed his brow, straining
to hear the sound of people fighting. Bright's spine tingled with a chill as he heard the
unmistakable sounds of a heated physical fight. He squinted his eyes to get a better view out
of curiosity, only to witness a group of gangsters-looking men mercilessly beating up a lone
guy who was wearing a school uniform.

Just witnessing how the severe beating the guy was enduring, Bright couldn't help but feel
guilty about simply driving away. Although Bright usually remained unaffected by his
surroundings, the unfairness of the fight just made him unable to drive away.

It was a five against one fight that he was witnessing.

Aaahh! Fuck it. Without hesitation, Bright gets off his bike and grabs a wooden stick nearby
and swiftly charges towards the group of men, ready to confront them head-on.

Bright shows off a somewhat cool movement and urgency with his kicks and swinging. Swift
hands and legs. Strong motions and focused blows that mercilessly cripple the thugs men.

All of it using only a wooden stick as a weapon.

Bright's movements went completely unnoticed by the guy who was desperately struggling to
push himself off the dirty ground. He didn't fail to notice that the guy was wearing the same
uniform as him.

At this point , with the excessive bleeding from the stabbing wound, Win could only focus
solely on his pain.

He moves like an expert. Was he a sportsperson? perhaps a dancer Or a combatant?

Perhaps a member of another gang? Win had a lot of questions in his head after barely
watching the back view of the guy who just came to his rescue.
Even in so much pain, Win could plainly see how fast those motions were even though it was
blurry. After a while, those men had all run away.

"Are you okay?" Bright says, catching his breath after beating up all the thugs men with just
a wooden stick.

Despite the pain from his stabbing wound, Win musters the strength to hunch over and
observe the person who came to his rescue. Win notices a familiar face in the midst of his
agony — a student who wears the same school uniform as him.

However, due to his intense pain, he is unable to fully register the boy's features clearly. Win
watches as Bright rummaging through his backpack. Suddenly, without warning, Win felt a
tight pressure constricting around his torso causing him to scream out in pain.

"Hoy meung... Hey you... Stay with me," Bright had to make sure that Win did not close his
eyes because from what he sees, he is losing a lot of blood.

By a lot, he means a lot of blood.

Metawin woke up with a sharp intake of breath, wincing as he opened his eyes. To his
discomfort, he found himself in the hospital, of all places. The sterile white walls and the
faint smell of antiseptic filled the room.

"You're awake," Neo mumbles softly as he steps up next to Win's bed, helping him to get up.

At the end of his bed there was a man dressed in a suit that had a bad expression. The man is
having a mixture of emotions as he observed his nephew lying on the hospital bed.

"Lung Aat. Uncle Aat." Win groans softly as he looks at his uncle.

Aat could only sigh as he looked at his nephew's condition. It has always been either the
hospital or the police station that he sees Win's face. He just didn't know how to control the
teenage boy anymore. Aat has been taking care of Win and his brothers since they were small
boys with their grandmother because their parents have been working overseas and hardly
take note of their son's well-being.

Thankfully, his older brother's are working with stable income. One is married while the
other is making his dream come true by becoming the hottest actors of the year.

Their parents would simply phone every few months to ask about their son's condition, which
would take only about a minute.

And if Win said that he didn't have any parents, no one could blame the child for saying such
"You're lucky you're alive. And I've told grandma that you're staying with your friends for a
week... I don't want her to worry about this," Aat muttered quietly as he folded his arm.

Win sits on the bed, sighing softly as he reflects on his unfortunate situation.

It all happened after he had finished his late lunch and was on his way to meet his friends.
Out of nowhere, he was cowardly ambushed by a rival gang, who resorted to using weapons
against him. To make matters worse, Win was completely alone when the attack occurred.

"Do you know who did this to you?" AJ asks, biting his lip out of annoyance.

"Eerr, it must have been Phan and his boys." Win grumbled and nodded his head.

"Chip-haai! Damnit! How can he do this to you!" Mark clenched his fists, his face contorted
with frustration.

With a sudden burst of rage, he struck the table with a forceful punch, the impact
reverberating through the room.

"Are you sure that it's him?" Aat asks, raising his eyebrows as he looks at the two of the boys

"It has to be it, Lung Aat! I bet it was because they're not happy about our fight from before,"
AJ grumbles, frowning and huffing.

"Without evidence, I cannot arrest those boys. But, if I can get the witness to go to the station
with me– just maybe I can arrest that boy," Aat mutter tiredly, scratching his head and taking
out his notebook to jot down details he recalls from the witness earlier.

"There's a witness?" Mark asks, looking at Aat with his eyes slightly wide.

"Eerr! It was that kid we saw the other time!" Mond says, remembering the boy's face when
he saw him before the ambulance came.

"Yeah, he called the ambulance. The paramedics said that that person had stopped your
bleeding. Anyways, you boys better stay out of trouble!" Aat warns the boys and walks out
from the ward with a headache.
Chapter 6

❛━. 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 06

Bright stared at his hands in disbelief. He had just helped someone, and to his surprise, it
was Win. The same kid who had been getting on his nerves since that night at school. So,
Bright had made up his mind that he absolutely did not want to run into Win, like, at all.

But, how life works is a mystery, it just has to go and throw them together.

He thought he could've have been a mysterious person helping, but Mond came running to
the scene while he was wrapping Win's wound up. After he was done stopping the bleeding,
he left without saying anything to Mond who was just watching him.

Then, instead of going to the family house, he goes to his condo.

He still can't believe what he did yesterday. It's been on his mind all night. He's really curious
about why Win was alone when it happened. Bright can't stop thinking about whether Win is
okay or not. It wasn't the blood that bothers him, it's when he wrapped the bandage over the
stabbed wound, that he could see how weak Win was that bothers him.

Even now he could still feel how cold Win hands were at that time.

"What are you thinking about, kid? Come here and eat," Papang calls out to Bright, while
carefully placing the freshly cooked plate of fried rice onto the table.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Bright got up from the couch and walked over to the dining
table. Looking at the man who just cooks for him, Bright smiles a little.

"It's nothing and thank you phi..." Bright mumbles as he takes a seat at the dining table.

As he gazed upon the steaming plate of fried rice, he reached for the spoon, ready to dig in.
In that moment, a realization washed over him — amidst the ups and downs of life, there was
one person who had consistently been his unwavering support. It's his step brother, Papang.

Bright's father had two wives in his lifetime. The first wife, of course, is Bright's mother, and
the current wife is the mother of Papang.

Papang understands the elder man's character and is burdened by the fact that the man who is
blood related to Bright was the one responsible for the accident that affected his son. The
accident was horrible and it was also used to gain support through the media for his politics
campaign. And so, Papang also experiences a sense of guilt. He had never met anyone as
selfish as the man that his mother had married.
"Did father know you're not going home tonight?" Papang asks, then takes a seat before he
eats his share of food he made for Bright.

"Why would he care?" Bright says tiredly as he eats a spoonful of the fried rice.

The two of them enjoyed their meal together, quietly savoring each bite.

Even after the slightly uncomfortable conversation, they continued to pick at their food, lost
in their own thoughts.

Bright had never been a picky eater but however, in front of his father, he couldn't even
swallow anything. The discomfort he had while sharing a table with the man who cares
nothing more than his own fame.

"Ah, I heard from my mother that your father said you submitted a blank test paper... And he
seems quite furious about it..." Papang says quietly, looking over at Bright whose eyes stare
bored at his spoon.

Papang had a hunch that Bright wasn't the type to struggle academically. He observed that
Bright used to excel in school, winning medals for his achievements and consistently ranking
first. However, after the accident and the loss of his mother, everything seemed to shift.
Papang couldn't help but notice a change in the look in Bright's eyes.

Papang recalls his mother's expression of intense anxiety when she told him about Bright
locking himself in his room for months. It was hard to get Bright out of his room. Even the
housekeeper, Fah, the one who's been taking care of Bright, finds it hard to talk to him.
However, Papang's heart skipped a beat when he received the unexpected news that Bright
finally had made the decision to go to school.

The day he finally sees Bright's face, Papang still couldn't help but to feel worried. The boy
was frail, almost too weak to even pick a fight with. He even looks really pale.

"I didn't have enough time to fill in the test... I was asleep anyway..." Bright mumbles bitterly
as he takes a sip of his water and looks over at Papang.

Bright could see the older male's deep concern written over his face, his forehead wrinkled
and his eyes filled with anxiety. It was clear that the weight of his anxieties had fallen heavily
on him. As Bright think back, he couldn't help but wonder at the unexpected connection that
they had.

Probably because of what happened in the past. It was when Papang unexpectedly stumbled
upon him in the bathroom one day, catching him off guard.

He remembers how the bathroom itself was shrouded in an unsettling silence, only
interrupted by the sound of his labored breaths and the steady drip of water from the
showerhead. As he sits on the floor, Bright's wrist bore the unmistakable crimson evidence of
his pain, while his eyes seemed to gaze aimlessly at the walls, boringly staring at it.
It was since then that Papang had taken extra care with Bright. He would often spend time
with Bright, be it going out, or spending time with him at his condo.

"Have you been taking the medication, Bright?" Papang asks seriously, looking over at his

Papang wonders sometimes, even before he came into the family picture, what was Bright
like. He'd seen a few pictures of baby Bright, smiling widely with his mother. But never one
where he smiles around his father.

"Yeah, I have..." Bright hesitate at first but answer after thinking.

"You better not lie... The medication is to help you, Bright." Papang suddenly got up after
mumbling. He goes to one of the kitchen cabinets where he knows Bright puts all his stuff.

He checks the medicine Bright had and sighs softly in relief.

"I'm really alright, Phi." Bright says with a small smile.

Am I really?

"Eerr... I've seen you've been taking them. That's good." Papang chuckles as he puts back the
medicines and walks back to the table.

"Today you don't have any date?" Bright asks, raising his eyebrows as he glances over the
clock on his wall.

Papang looks over and sighs again, then taking off the apron he was wearing the whole time,
even after he was done having a meal with Bright.

"You're lucky that I have a date, you little kid. If not, you'll be hearing me nagging at you.
Alright. Call me if there's anything okay?" Papang laughs and ruffles Bright's hair with a

Bright chuckles as he pushes away Papang's hand.

"I'm not a kid! And yeah yeah... I'll call you if there's anything!" Bright laughs and watches
how Papang did a little jog as he goes out the front door.

As soon as Papang presence was gone, Bright found himself sinking into the chair, overcome
with a sense of heaviness. A deep sigh escaped his lips, causing his once radiant smile to
vanish completely. It was as if the closing of the door had taken away all the joy in his heart.
Chapter 7

❛━. 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 07

Wanpadej, the homeroom teacher, pauses to clear his throat as he continues to fold a
stack of papers while standing behind his desk. As he looked around the classroom, he
simply took a little breath.

"I'm going to let you all fill in your future goals, before I let you go." Wanpadej says as he
walks around the classroom passing out papers.

Just after the bell rang, Wanpadej merely nodded his head while observing the pupils exiting
the room with joy.

"Be careful on your way home," he reminded his students as he exited the class soon behind a

Bright made his way towards the stairs that led to the other building, running his fingers
through his hair.

Suddenly, he was grabbed by the collar by a taller guy. With a frown, he glanced at the

"Hello." Phan, feeling a surge of frustration, clenched his teeth tightly together while firmly
grasping Bright by the collar.

As Phan pulled forcefully, Bright noticed Phan's intense anger. Reacting swiftly, Bright
pushed Phan away with force, causing both of them to momentarily lose their balance.

Knowing where all of this is going, he effortlessly follows Phan to the back of the school
building, the place where anyone hardly go to. Then, Bright was surrounded by five other
guys that Phan had brought along.

It almost made Bright laugh at the thought of having five to six to just take down one person.

"What do you want?" Bright ponders, building his courage before confronting the thug and of
course stopping himself from laughing like a maniac.

Phan grinned as he moved onward. He was watching Bright with his hands in his pocket.

"Do you realise that because of you, I was forced to spend a week in that cell?" Phan scowled
a little and growled.

"Um... so, you get some free meals at least?" Bright murmurs quietly unsurely.
Phan didn't like the way Bright spoke and took a step forward while rolling his neck, clearly

"You babble way too much. Aren't you concerned that someone could kill your ass today?"
When Phan pulled out a little pocket knife, he sent Bright a glare.

When Bright saw the weapon the guy pulled out, he could only hold back his smirk.

"What's the problem? Don't tell me you're about to pee your pants," As he approaches, Phan

No, but maybe you're about to pee your pants instead. Bright gritted his teeth and holds back
his anger. The last thing he wanted is to fight.

When Phan struck him with the weapon in hand, Bright grabbed the chance to dodge the
attack. The only option left to him is to flee after he managed to avoid the stabbing. When the
knife is only a few inches from Bright's face now, his eyes start to enlarge. He tries to push
the man away, and when he succeeds, they stand apart and take a moment to gaze at one

"Are you a fighter, then?" Phan smirks subtly.

Bright coughs out with a smirk, "Just protecting myself," and observes Phan's body language.
Before he kicked Phan and ran between the other guys who were to kill him, Bright took a
moment to throw his backpack over Phan's face, temporarily blinding and blocking him while
he attacked.

Bright somehow manages to throw aside the knife after he pulls off from the bag attack. Phan
is coughing in pain as he clutches his body while glaring at Bright angrily. He couldn't
believe his eyes that a weak and frail looking guy like Bright could fight.

But that doesn't stop him from wanting to knock Bright down by all means. He launches
another attack with his fist but gets himself another strong blow to his stomach. Causing him
to wheeze and fall to the ground in pain.

"Stop it. With that cast on your arm... You're not gonna make it far," Bright says as he grabs
his bag that's now on the floor. He dusts it off and looks over at Phan who is definitely ready
to attack him.

"Getting all cocky just cause you hit me twice?" Phan wasn't ready to back down just because
he was beaten by Bright once or twice.

Then, when Bright moved and landed a high kick to the chin, Phan collapsed to the ground
and went unconscious. Phan somehow looks pathetic laying on the ground looking all beaten

Bright only stares at the unconscious guy on the floor and then up to the sky before groaning
softly. He was made aware that the other five minions were still around by the sound of shoes
being shuffled. Simply stunned by how quickly Bright took down the 25-year-old dude.
None of them are willing to move further since they have a vague realisation that Bright is
strong while appearing weak.


"I know you're the one who helped Win that day," Mond says softly as he approaches Bright
from the other side of the school garden.

Bright looks up from his books and closes them as he watches Mond and few of his friends
walking over to his table.

"Huh?" Bright is confused by what Mond had said.

"You- You're the one that saved Win's life right??" Neo asks, eyes sparkling like he's looking
at a saviour.

Bright bits his bottom lip and looks at the four guys standing before him.

Then again, Bright thinks back about the day he had saved Win's life. He had fought against
five adult men with just a wooden stick. He could have just walked away but when he saw
that knife, and how it was five against one fight, he couldn't possibly just walk away.

"What are you talking about?" Bright mutters bitterly and shakes his head.

"Aow... We just need your help! Lung Aat just needs your statement!" AJ says impatiently.

Bright frown.

"What help? I think you got the wrong person," Bright says and began packing his bag.

"Shia... Is it really not you then? Mond says it's really you!" Neo groans as he bites his lip.

Bright got ready to stand and walk away when Mond suddenly grabbed his arm, stopping
him. He looks at the guy. Bright could see the disappointment in his eyes but what does that
have to do with him? After all, they're just strangers.

Win needed help and Bright happens to be there.

"Win- that kid is still not waking up... So I really hope that if you helped him, please go to the
station and help with identifying the culprit... " Mond says heavily and let go of Bright's arm.

Sighing helplessly, Bright scratches the back of his head. If Mond hasn't said those words like
Win not waking up, Bright would have just ignored them asking him to testified.

"Get rid of him. Any of you, I don't want to fight. Never use the knife in a fight. You guys
come out as a bunch of worthless thugs." Bright mutters angrily before leaving.

He watches how the minions hurriedly carry their boss away. Bright didn't know that just
going to the police station as requested by one of Win's friends would give him this hell.

What the hell? I testified and he had to get back at me? Bright groaned in annoyance and felt
his phone ringing in his pocket.

"I've sent a driver to pick you up," Bright father spoke as soon as the call was answered.

"Huh? I'm not going hom- "

"There's a dinner tonight. So I need you back before Rosé and her father come,"

"What does that have to do with me? They can come and have dinner with you,"

"You! Save me some face! You'll be getting engaged to his daughter for goodness sake!- oh
dear... Rosé did say they could have dinner with Bright... Don't be so harsh on him, dear..."
Bright can hear how badly his father was trying to not yell in the phone call and his wife tried
to calm him down.

Bright rolled his eyes and put back on his hoodie. He didn't bother to say anything and just
hung up the call.
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