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S.Y. 2023-2024


Grade and Section:_______________________________________Date:______________________

I. Direction: Write the letter that corresponds the correct answer in the space provided.

______1. John wants to enhance his skills in leadership. Which type of development should
he focus?
a. Social development c. Cognitive development
b. Personal development d. Spiritual development
______2. Sherly recently lost his favorite pet, but she managed to overcome the sadness by
thinking that there is always a reason for every happening in this world. What important
skills does she convey?
a. Persistence b. Creativity c. Optimism d. Self-confidence
______3. It is the period when the child moves from dependency to autonomy.
a. Childhood b. Infancy c. Adolescence d. Late Adulthood
_______4. These are conscious experiences, although not every conscious experience, such as
seeing or believing.
a. Beliefs b.Feelings c. Thoughts d. Behaviors
________5. It consists of an organism's external reactions to its environment.
a. Emotion b. Feeling c. Thought d. Behavior
_________6. These are the basic building blocks of the nervous system.
a. Amino Acid b. Nerve Cells c. Cell Body d. Neurons
_________7. They are cell parts that receive nervous system impulses
A. axons B. dendrites C. cell bodies D. myelin sheath
________8. It is the brain structure that regulates movement and balance.
a. Hypothalamus b. Pituitary gland c. Cerebellum d. Spinal Cord
________9. It can be likened to a tree trunk, transmits messages away from the cell body to
other cells.
a. Dendrite b. Cell Body c. Mitochondrion d. Axon
______10. Which of the following items complement a healthy lifestyle?
a. Piattos b. Instant Noodles c. French Fries d. Moringa
_______11. It is about the innate capacity to relate with others, to connect, and feel the sense
of belongingness.
a. Social development c. Spiritual development
b. Emotional development d. Cognitive development
________12. It is defined as discovering oneself beyond the ego known as the soul. Spirit or
the “inner essence” that is often disregarded or taken for granted.
a. Social development c. Spiritual development
b. Emotional development d. Physiological development
_______13. It is the way your thoughts, feelings and behaviour affect your life.
a. Social Health c. Physiological Health
b. Spiritual Health d. Mental Health
_______14. These are displeasures that could be encountered everyday.
a. Background Stressor b. Cataclystic Stressor c. Eustress d. Distress
_______15. It allows individual to find extraordinary ways to carry out a specific action that
no one has tried to use
a. Persistence b. Creativity c. Determination c. Self-Confidence
_______16. It is a kind of stress that gives harmful implications to any individual.
a. Background Stressor b. Cataclystic Stressor c. Eustress d. Distress
________17. It can be defined as the subjective evaluation of one’s body and appearance is
called __________.
a. Self-Concept b. Self-image c. Self-knowledge d. Body image
________18. Among the following statements, which of them contradicts positive thinking in
these pandemic times?
a. Always criticize the government.
b. Be prejudiced especially of those who are not wearing a face mask.
c. Post negative comments in twitter.
d. Reading positive quotes every morning.
_________19. Which of the following promotes maintaining high levels of Mental Activity?
a. Sleeping in bed in a week
b. Running in the oval platform of Luneta
c. Sitting and watching Netflix the whole day
d. Watching a Korean marathon every week ends
______20. Having criticism in our lives is a necessity in shaping our self-concept. Which of
the following is contrary to this statement?
a. Allan tells those who criticize his work, to leave him, because they are not the
ones who actually had a hard time doing his work.
b. Rebecca, constantly tells his/her students to be open-minded and open for new
developments for people who show approval or disapproval of their work.
c. Milo is usually upset when someone criticizes his TVE project, but after soiling, he
gets back to his work and show more determination and enthusiasm for his
d. Perola always tells herself that both constructive and disapproval statements are
key ingredients in becoming a better person.

______21. Lisa is known to be prim and proper student in school. But his teacher is worried
about her inordinate behavior in keeping her things in an orderly manner. She has
difficulty finishing tasks due to repetitive answer sheets being thrown on the waste basket
because of erasures. She also lost her focus on a school task whenever she is trying to
arrange her school materials which she would like to get it orderly even if it means doing it
over and over again.
a. Social Phobia b. Panic Disorder
c. Post-Traumatic Disorder d.Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder
_____22. Belle and two of her classmates were being held up last week by unknown culprits.
Her cellular phone and wallet were taken from her. Her mother observed her having
nightmares and excessive sweating during her sleep. She also has difficulty going to school
alone that her mother always accompanies and picks her up from school.
a. Separation Anxiety Disorder b. Panic Disorder
c. Post-Traumatic Disorder d.Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder
______23. Mia is an incoming senior high school student. But she does not want to go to
school anymore because the school is in a different town. This means she will be staying
alone in the dormitory with some unfamiliar students. She worries a lot that something
that may happen to her parents if she will be with them at all times. She also had an idea
that she might be lost or kidnapped. This gives her a hard time that she cries all night long
and having nightmares.
a. Social Phobia b. Panic Disorder
c. Post-Traumatic Disorder d.Separation Anxiety Disorder
______24. Quitting smoking is one way to improve your brain health. How does it help?
a. It keeps you away from having dementia.
b. It can give harmful illness.
c. It can refresh the air.
d. It will keep you close to your family.
______25. John's parents always give his younger brother anything he wants, but not with
him. He felt unfair and sad and had a little anger inside him. What do you think is the
emotion he is showing?
a. Loneliness b. Confidence c. Anger d. Jealousy
_____26. . When you feel stressed about your school works and started acting
inappropriately, What kind of skills do we need to improve to manage our emotions?
a. Understanding how others feel and why
b. Emotions of adolescence
c. Choosing your mood
d. Managing emotional reactions
_____27. All of these are ways to manage emotions except?

a. Exercise b. Distract yourself c. Eat junk foods d. Be grateful

_____28. Your friend told you she has suffered depression. What would you do?

a. Convince her to go out with some friends and get her mind out of it.
b. Give her some time to herself
c. Spend time with her but avoid talking about her depression
d. Allow your friend to express her feelings and show support
_____29. Many people feel confident when they?
a. Tell people to do something
b. Know how to do something
c. Forget to do something
d. Don't want to do something
______30.Which of the following statements does not follow a good relationship?
a. Debbie and Jona are best friends. During the quarantine, they skipped past 9 in
the evening and went to a nearby friend to attend a slumber party.
b. Alan is very considerate to his friend Ruben, because of the COVID-19 pandemic,
he lends his friend money at an interest rate of 10% after the pandemic.
c. Randy amends with his long time enemy, boss Charlie. He promised to be on time
during work and cooperate with his officemates. Charlie sees this as an opportunity to be
with his friend. So, he accepts Randy's apology as an act of consideration for his kind
d. In line with the department’s initiative to halt operation and cost cutting their
expenditures. BMR Corporation, dismissed some of its employees, regardless of their
performance and conditions in life.
31-32 Analogy.
_____31. Sleep well: _____ ; Meditate: _____.
a. 12:00 PM/Listening to rock songs
b. 8:00PM/listening classical music
c. Up until 12 noon/Playing with your nieces/nephews
d. 4:00 AM/ Praying the Rosary
_____32. CNS: spinal cord and brain ; PNS: ________________
a. Thalamus b. Hindbrain c. Fore Brain c. Nerve cells
_____33. Giving speech in the class is processed in the _______________.
a. Right Hemisphere b. Left Brain c. Pons d. RAS
_____34: Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Logic b. Science and Math c. Number skills d. Imagination
_____35. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Autonomic System b. Sympathetic Nervous System
c. Spinal Cord d. Parasympathetic Nervous System
II. True or False. Write T if the statement is False and F if the statement is True.
_______36. Emotions are responses that generate biochemical reactions in our bodies,
changing the physical state.
_______37. The more we study, the more we are confused; while the more we learn, the more
we can study better.
_______38. Keeping your body clean is an important part of staying healthy.
_______39. Adolescent boys require 10% more nutrients, iron and iodine in particular than
_______40. Deep breathing reduces stress and energizes the body
_______41. The human body has 43 pairs of peripheral nerves, one nerve from each pair on
the left side of the body and the other on the right.
_______42. Our brain works, but in a slower pace, after all, if the brain stops, then the
meaning of the “self” will cease to exist.
_______43. Having a good rest and healthy food keeps the brain functions intact and
functions well on an everyday basis.
_______44. An adolescent does not feel emotional highs or lows during the adolescence stage.
_______45. Being dependent on his/her parents is one of the struggles of an adolescent.
TRIVIA QUESTIONS: Train your brain, identify what the following brain teasers suggest.
(Bonus Points)
Name the Person: What has four legs in the morning , two legs at midday and three
legs in the evening?(3pts)
If Teresa’s daughter is my daughter’s mother, what am I to Teresa?(3 pts)
A couple went for a picnic. They have 5 sons and each son has 3 sisters. Each sister
has 1 baby. In total, how many people went for the picnic? (3 pts)

“Recipe for Success: Study while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare
while others are playing, and dream while others are wishing”-William A. Ward
Keep going, you’re on it!!! -Teacher Danna

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