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1. Experience learning English

Hello, My Name is Aditiya Rachmayani. Here I want to tell you about my experience
learning english from the first semester to the fourth semester.
My Experience of learning english from the first semester to the fourth semester
yesterday may not have been too are different from my learning English at school.
In the first semester to the second semester yesterday due to the covid pandemic
the material was delivered online so it was quite difficult to understand the material
In the third Semester to the fourth semester we start studying offline. in this
semester there is a lot of material that must be presented in front of the class. as a whole
we studied tenses material, made dialogues between 2 or more people, and also
Actually when learn english sometimes I feel nervous, not confident and so on. like I
can't say what I want to say because I'm not used to speaking english. But until now I am still
learning to be more confident when speaking English.
1. IRFAN TODING PAMARA (216511056)


Mara : Hi Guys
Irfan : Hi Mara
Tiya : Hi mara
Mara: How are you today guys?
Tiya : I'm fine and you guys!
Irfan: I'm fine too. Oh ya, have you all been following developments in the world of
international finance lately?
Mara: of Course, it's a rolercoaster ride in the foreign exchange market.
Tiya : I've been listening. But can someone explain how the foreign exchange market works?
Irfan : of course. The foreign exchange market, or forex is where various currencies are
bought and sold. It's like a giant market where currencies are exchanged.
Mara: And exchange rates which determine how much one currency is worth in relation to
another Currency!
Tiya: so what influences the exchange rate?
Irfan : Yes, there are many factors. Economic data, political events and central bank policies
all play a role. For example, when a country's economy is good, its currency tends to
Mara: How do you think this will impact global trade?
Tiya: Fluctuating exchange rates can be both a risk and an oppurtunity. It all depends on
how the company manages its currency exposure.
Irfan: Agread, this is a complicated game. And central bank decisions have a big role in
shaping these dynamics.
Mara: That's quite complicated. is there a theory or principle that guides all this?
Tiya: yes. There are theories such as purchasing power parity (PPP) and Interest Rate Parity
(IRP). This helps explain how exchange rates should theoretically move over time.
Irfan: understanding these theoris is important for traders and investors in the world of
international finance. This helps them make the right decisions.
Mara: That's right. This is a world where even a single tweet from a world leader can send
shockwaves through the markets.
Tiya: sounds like an interesting but challenging world to explore. Staying informed is
Important, right?
Irfan : of course, whether you are an Investor or simply interstad in the global economy.
Under standing these concepts is invaluable in today's interconnected world.
Mara : well said. The world is dynamic, and staying impormed is key to making good
financial decisions.
Irfan: How do you think about national economics affect the global financial landscape?
Tiya : Great question Irfan. National economics are like puzzle pieces that from the global
financial landscape. A country's economic health, policies and performance have ripple
effect worldwide.
Mara: Absolutely, Irfan the interconnectednes of global financial markets means that what
happens in one country can have far reaching consequences.
Tiya: so, it's like a grant economic web where each country's actions create waves across
Irfan : precisely!
Mara : And let's not forget the role of trade exports and imports play a Significant part in
shaping a country's balance of a payments.
Tiya: Now, as our final Thought, how can individuals and business navigate the foreign
exchange Market effectively?
Irfan: consider using hedging strategies such as fatures contracts to mange Currency risk.
Tiya: Right on target! Thanks for the insight, everyone. I feel like I've learned a lot about
international Finance and foreign exchange Today.

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