Q3 OrgMan Reviewer

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Nature and Concept of 4. LEADING/DIRECTING

➔ Entails influencing or motivating
Management subordinates to do their best so that
they would be able to help the
Management organization’s endeavor to attain their
➔ It is the “Brain of Enterprises” set goals
➔ Coordination of Human Effort and
Material Resource toward the 5. CONTROLLING
organization to achieve its objectives ➔ Involves evaluating and, if necessary,
➔ Management is the process of correcting the performance of the
coordinating and overseeing the work individuals or work groups or teams
performance of individuals working to ensure that they are all working
together in organizations, so that they toward the previously set goals and
could efficiently accomplish their plans of the organization.
chosen aims or goals. It is also
defined the process of designing and The Evolution of the Management
maintaining an environment for Theories are Divided into Three:
efficiently accomplishing selected 1. The Classical Theory of Management
aims (Heinz, Weihrich, and Koontz, 2. Neo-Classical Theory
2005). 3. The Modern Management Theory

History of Management Intrinsic to the Nature of

➔ The word manage comes from the Management
Italian word “Maneggiare” meaning to 1. COORDINATION
handle; which in turn derives from the ➔ Harmonious, integrated action of the
Latin word “Manus” meaning hand. various parts and processes of an
Functions of Management
➔ Involves determining the ➔ Being able to yield the maximum
organization’s goals or performance output from a minimum amount of
objectives, input.
➔ defining strategic actions that must be
done to accomplish them, and 3. EFFECTIVENESS
developing coordination and ➔ To produce an effect, or being able to
integration activities. do things correctly.

2. ORGANIZING Evolution of Management

➔ Demands assigning tasks, setting Theories
aside funds, and bringing harmonious
relations among the individuals and
work groups or teams in the
➔ Oldest formal school of thought which
began around 1900 and continued into
the 1920s
➔ This theory is mainly concerned with
➔ Indicates filling in the different job
the increasing efficiency of workers
positions in the organization’s
and organizations based on
management practices, which were an
outcome of careful observation
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The Classical Theory of
Management has three kinds of ★ Deming’s 14 Points for Top
Management: Management
1. Create a constancy of purpose for
SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT improvement of products and services
➔ Scientific Management focuses on 2. Adopt a new TQM philosophy
worker and machine relationships. 3. Cease dependence on mass
➔ Organizational productivity can be inspection by doing things right and
increased by increasing the efficiency doing it right the first time
of production processes 4. End the practice of awarding business
➔ F.W. Taylor (1856-1915) on the basis of price tag alone.
5. Constantly improve the system of
production and services
Scientific Management Principles (under
6. Institute training.
Scientific Management) 7. Adopt and institute leadership.
➔ develop a science for each element of 8. Drive out fear
an individual’s work to replace the old 9. Break down barriers between staff
rule of thumb method. areas.
➔ scientifically select and then train, 10. Eliminate slogans, focus on correction
teach, and develop workers of defects in the system.
➔ heartily cooperate with the workers so 11. Eliminate numerical quota for the
as to ensure that all the work is done workforce.
in accordance with the principles of 12. Remove barriers that rob people of
the science that has been developed. “pride of workshop”
➔ divide work and responsibility almost 13. Encourage education and
equally between management and self-improvement for everyone.
workers. 14. Take action to accomplish the
➔ Involves rules and regulations to ★ Juran’s Fitness Quality
eliminate managerial inconsistencies 1. Quality of Design- through market
➔ A Bureaucracy should have: Written research, product, and concept
Rules, System of task relationships, 2. Quality of Conformance- through
Fair evaluation and reward, and management, manpower, and
Hierarchy of authority technology
➔ Max Weber (1864-1920) 3. Availability- through reliability,
maintainability, and logistic support.
ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT 4. Full Service- through promptness,
➔ An approach in management and competence, and integrity
increasing productivity by
emphasizing organizational structure ★ Juran’s Quality Planning Roadmap
and human behaviour 1. Identify your customers
➔ Henri Fayol (1841-1925) 2. Determine their needs
3. Translate them into one’s language
TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT 4. Develop a product that can respond to
Management philosophy that focuses needs
on the satisfaction of customers, their 5. Develop processes which are able to
needs, and expectations produce those product features
W. Edwards Deming (1900-1993) and 6. Prove that the process can produce
Joseph M. Juran (1904-2008) the product
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7. Transfer the resulting plans to the ➔ Leaders can use these theories as
operating forces. guidance to meet organizational goals
or motivate employees. They can also
GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE THEORY apply ideas from different theories
➔ Concentrates on the manager’s rather than solely relying on one
functions and what makes up good management theory. Modern
management practice or management theory represents one of
implementation the numerous theories used by
➔ Henri Fayol (1841-1925) and Max organizations.
Weber (1864-1920)
1. Quantitative Approach
2. NEO-CLASSICAL THEORY ➔ The quantitative approach involves the
➔ Referred as human relation of use of quantitative techniques, such
thoughts as statistics, information models, and
➔ The basic premise of this theory is the computer simulations, to have better
the physiological and social aspects decision-making.
of the worker as an individual and his ➔ We use this approach when managers
workgroup ought to be focused on. make budgeting, scheduling and
quality control. It is helpful in
Human Relations (under Neo-Classical managing the production and delivery
Theory) of goods.
➔ Emphasized the idea that individuals
are driven to perform better when they 2. System Approach
feel like they belong and are valued on ➔ Related to organization system
the team. defined as -“An established
➔ Elton Mayo conducts a social arrangement of components which
experiment with Fritz Roethlisberger leads to accomplish of particular
and William Dickinson at Western objectives as per plan.
Electric Company’s Hawthorne Plant in
Chicago which led them to the result 3. Contingency Approach
called the “Hawthorne Effect” which ➔ This theory was developed by Fred
means that the workers collaborate Fiedler.
with others and do better in their tasks ➔ This theory is a very special kind of
when they are given special attention. approach which states the success of
a leader does not only depends on his
Behavioral Approach (under abilities. This concept promotes that
Neo-Classical Theory) managers must be able to adapt to the
➔ This approach was developed as a changing environments of their
response to consider the behavior and organizations, they should also make
motivation of employees. better decisions depending on the
given situation.
THEORIES 4. Operational Approach
➔ Management theories represent ideas ➔ Regards management as a universally
that provide recommendations for applicable body of knowledge that can
management strategies, frameworks, be brought to bear at all levels of
and tools that organizations can managing and in all types of
implement to aid their workforce or enterprise
culture. ➔ Recognizes that the actual problems
which managers face and the
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environment in which they operate Traditional - top-level executives set the
may vary between different companies general direction by designing
enterprises and levels. strategies and by controlling various sources

Managerial Levels Present Time - top-level executives must also

➔ Organizations typically have three act as organizational guides who must
levels of management with their elaborate on the wider purpose of their
respective managers–top-level organizational existence, so that their
managers, middle-level managers, and subordinates could identify and be committed
frontline or lower-level managers. to its success in the three levels of
➔ an individual engaged in management Middle-Level Managers
activities such as supervising, ➔ The tactical managers in charge of the
sustaining, upholding, and assuring organization’s middle levels
responsibilities for the work of others ordepartments.
in his/her work group, team, ➔ They formulate specific objectives and
department, or the organization, in activities based on the strategic or
general. general goals and objectives
developed by top-level managers.
Managerial Roles
➔ the various roles played by managers, Frontline or Lower-Level Managers
such as interpersonal, informational, ➔ They are also known as operational
and decision-making roles. managers and are responsible for
supervising the organization's
Managerial Skills day-to-day activities; they are the
➔ the various skill that managers must bridges between management and
process, such as conceptual human non-management employees.
and technical skills. Traditionally they are controlled and
instructed by top- and middle-level
managers to follow their orders in
support of the organization's major
strategy. Lately, however, their roles
have been expanded in some large
companies, as they are now
encouraged to be more creative and
intuitive in the exercise of their
Top-Level Managers functions, so that they, too, could
contribute to their company's progress
➔ The general or strategic managers
and development of new projects.
who focus on long-term organizational
concerns and emphasize the
organization’s stability, development,
progress, and overall efficiency and
➔ The top-level manager is the
professional who comes in c-suite
positions. He works as the head of the
organization. CEOs, COOs, Presidents,
Managing Directors, etc. come under
the category of top-level manageres.
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Managerial Roles general public, the media, and
governmental organizations.

Negotiator Role
➔ A manager has to negotiate and
bargain with different outsides and
sometimes within the organization to
protect the organizational interests.

Resource Allocator
➔ Allocating human, finance,
information, and physical resources
properly are essential for productivity
and goal achievement.
Figurehead Role
➔ In this role, a manager serves as the Entrepreneurial Role
organization’s symbolic leader. He has ➔ Managers have to apply new,
to set a good example on behalf of his innovative, and creative ways to do the
company in important programs. task as entrepreneurs do.

Leader Role Disturbance Handler

➔ Guiding and influencing teams of ➔ Unexpected conflicts and
employees toward organizational disturbances do arise in the
interests is an important leadership organization they need to be
role of the manager. managed.

Liaison Role Managerial Skills

➔ Managers communicate different
organizational matters to inside and 1. Conceptual Skills
outside people. He needs to establish ➔ Enables managers to think of
good relationships with outside people possible solutions to complex
and the community. problems. Through their ability
to visualize abstract
Monitor Role situations, they develop a
➔ Collecting important information from holistic view of their
inside and outside the organization organization and its relation to
and scanning involves a monitor role. the wider external
A SWOT analysis is an effective way to environment surrounding it.
better perform the monitor role. 2. Human Skills
➔ Enable managers in all levels
Disseminator Role to relate well with people.
➔ After collecting and scanning he has Communicating, leading,
to distribute useful information to inspiring, and motivating them
different organizational units and become easy with the help of
outsiders also. human skills. Dealing with
people, both in the
Spokesperson Role organization’s internal and
➔ He has a legal obligation to disclose external environment, is
information about the company to the inevitable, so it is necessary
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for managers to develop these
human skills. Factors of Internal
3. Technical Skills Environment
➔ Technical skills are also ➔ Internal business environment refers
important for managers for to the factors/elements within the
them to perform their task organization which may affect, either
with proficiency with the use positively or negatively, the
of their expertise. Lower-level performance of the organization. The
managers find these skills following are the controllable factors
very important because they affecting the business:
are the ones who manage the
non management workers
1. Plans and Policies
who employees varied
➔ The plans and policies of the firm
techniques and tools to be
should be properly framed taking into
able to yield good quality
consideration the objectives and
products and services for their
resources of the firm. Proper plans
and policies help the firm to
accomplish its objectives.
The Firm and Its Environment 2. Human Resources
➔ The survival and success of the firm
Business Environment largely depends on the quality of
➔ refers to the factors or elements human resources.
affecting business organization 3. Financial Resources
➔ It is divided into the External and ➔ A firm needs adequate funds to meet
Internal Business Environment. its working capital and fixed capital
➔ The combination of external and requirements.There is a need to have
internal factors that influence a proper management of working
company’s operating situation. capital and fixed capital.
➔ The business environment can include
4. Corporate Image
factors such as: clients and suppliers,
➔ A firm should develop, maintain and
its competition and owners;
enhance a good corporate image in
improvements in technology; laws and
the minds of employees, investors,
government activities; and market,
customers etc. Poor corporate image
social and economic trends
is a weakness of the firm.
5. Plant and Machinery
➔ Plant and machinery are the internal
Internal Environment External Environment part of the business firm. If the
machines are obsolete or outdated,
Existing within market Lies outside the
they should be replaced by a new one,
firm organization.
or that adversely affects the business
Set of elements or Is a set of political, firm.
forces which affects economic, 6. Labor and Management
organization's or firm's social and technological Relationship
behavior that are
➔ Better Labor- Management
largely outside the
control and influence of relationship helps in increasing the
business morale of the employees and
motivates them to put efforts in the
Controllable factors. Unpredictable and business. Such strong relationships
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enhance an organization's ➔ An important factor in the external
development. micro-environment of a firm is the
7. Promoter’s Vision supplier of its inputs such as raw
➔ The promoter should have far sight materials and components. To reduce
vision to forecast opportunities and risk and uncertainty business firms
threats in the business so that the prefer to keep multiple suppliers of
opportunities are properly grabbed, inputs.
and threats are diffused off in time. 2. Customers
➔ The people who buy and use a firm's
Factors of External product and services are an important
part of the external micro
environment. It is necessary to keep
➔ External environment consists of
the customers satisfied. A business
those factors that affect a business
firm must compete with rival firms to
enterprise from outside.
attract customers and thereby
➔ External environment includes
increase the demand and market for
shareholders, competitors, customers,
its product.
society. government laws and
★ Ultimate Customers - These
regulations, policies, and technology.
customers may be individual and
➔ It consists of micro-environment and
★ Industrial Customers - These
customers are organization which buy
goods and services for producing
Micro-Environment Macro-Environment other goods and services for the
purpose of other earning profits or
Operating General Environment
fulfilling other objectives.
Environment or Remote
Environment. ★ Resellers - They are the intermediaries
who purchase goods with a view to
The factors that major and resell them at a profit. They can be
influence the uncontrollable wholesalers, retailers, distributors, etc.
company’s factors ★ Government and other non-profit
non-capacity to that influence the
customers - These customers
produce and serve organization's
the market. decision- making purchase goods and services to those
and affect its for whom they are produced, for their
performance and consumption in most of the cases.
strategies. ★ International Customers - These
customers are individual and
organizations of other countries who
Factors of Micro-Environment
buy goods and services either for
➔ Micro-environment includes those
consumption or for industrial use.
players whose decisions and actions,
Such buyers may be consumers,
have a direct impact on the company.
producers, resellers, and governments.
➔ Production and selling of
commodities. are the two important
3. Marketing Intermediaries
aspects of modern business. ➔ In the firm's external
➔ Accordingly, the factors that affects micro-environment, marketing
the micro-environment of business intermediaries play an essential role of
are; selling and distributing its products to
the final customer. Marketing provides
an important link between a business
1. Suppliers of Inputs
firm and its ultimate customers.
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4. Competitors production and processes. Business
➔ Different firms in an industry compete makes it possible for technology to
for sale of their products. This reach the people in proper format.
competition may be based on pricing 4. Cultural Environment
of their products and non- price ➔ Culture involves knowledge, beliefs,
competition through competitive morals, law, customs, traditions, etc.
advertising such as sponsoring some Culture shapes the attitude and
events to promote the sale of different behavior of the society.
varieties and models of their products. 5. Natural Environment
5. Publics ➔ Natural environment influences
➔ Environmentalists, media groups, business in diverse ways. Business in
women's associations, consumer modern times is dictated by nature.
protection groups, local groups, The natural environment is the
Citizens Association are some ultimate source of many inputs such
important examples of publics which as raw materials and energy, which
have an important bearing on the firms use in their productive activity.
business decisions of the firm. The 6. Political Environment
existence of various types of publics ➔ The political environment in a country
influences the working of business influences the legislation and
firms and compels them to be socially government rules and regulations
responsible. under which a firm operates.
7. Legal Environment
Factors of Macro-Environment ➔ The state sets the formal rules, law
1. Demographic Factors and regulations for the country’s
➔ includes the size and growth of operational system. It creates a
population, life expectancy of the framework of rules and regulations
people, rural-urban distribution of within which a business has to operate
population, the technological skills, and follow. Some of the laws are (1)
and educational levels of the labor Consumer Protection Act-1986, (2)
force. Factories Act-1948 (3) The
2. Economic Factors Environmental Protection Act-1986.
➔ includes all those forces which have
an economic impact on business. Environmental Scanning
Accordingly, total economic ➔ It involves the seeking for and sorting
environment consists of agriculture, through data about the organization’s
industrial production, infrastructure, environment. It is a process of
and planning, basic economic gathering, analyzing, and dispensing
philosophy, stages of economic information for tactical or strategic
development, trade cycles, national purposes. It is monitoring and
income, per capita income, savings, interpreting sweeps of social, political,
money supply, price level and economic, ecological, and
population. technological events to spot budding
3. Technological Factors trends that could eventually impact
➔ Technology implies systematic industry.
application of scientific or other
organized knowledge to practical Components of Environmental
tasks or activities. Technology is Scanning
about the application of tools,
1. Developing a competitive mindset
methods and techniques to improve
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➔ by seeking and sorting through data. /consumer protection laws,
about the environment, you may be funding grants & initiatives,
able to understand and predict the etc.
various changes, opportunities and ● Questions to ask: What
threats that may affect organizations government policies or
in the future. political groups could be
2. Considering future business beneficial or detrimental to
scenarios our success? Is the political
➔ by realistic consideration of both environment stable or likely to
worse-case scenario or unfavorable change?
future conditions, as well as middle ● ECONOMIC - Overall economic
ground possible conditions, you will forces that could impact on
have an idea or what to do in the your success.
future. ● Examples: Economic trends,
3. Business prediction (also known growth rates, industry growth,
seasonal factors, international
as business forecasting)
exchange rates, International
➔ is a method of predicting how
trade, labor costs, consumer
variables in the environment will alter
disposable income,
the future of business. It could be
unemployment rates, taxation,
used in making decisions regarding
inflation, interest rates,
offshoring, branching out locally, and
availability of credit, monetary
expanding or downsizing the
policies, raw material costs,
company. However. the accuracy of
such business predictions cannot
● Questions to ask: What
always be assured.
economic factors will affect
us moving forward? How does
the performance of the
➔ is the process of measuring or
economy affect us at the
comparing one’s own products,
moment? How are our pricing,
services, and practices with those of
revenues, andcosts impacted
the recognized industry leaders in
by each economic factor?
order to identify areas for
● SOCIAL - Social attitudes,
behaviors, and trends that
impact on your organization
Techniques of Environmental and target market.
Scanning ● Examples: Attitudes and
➔ PEST ANALYSIS - stands for shared beliefs about a range
Political, economic, social, and of factors including money,
technological analysis customer service, imports,
● POLITICAL - or politically religion, cultural taboos,
motivated factors that could health, work, leisure, the
impact the organization. environment; population
● Examples: Government policy, growth and demographics,
political stability or instability, immigration/emigration,
bureaucracy, corruption, family size/structure, lifestyle
competition regulation, trends, etc.
foreign trade policy, tax policy, ● Questions to ask: How do our
trade restrictions, customer’s beliefs and values
labor/environmental/copyright influence their buying habits?
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How do cultural trends and significantly benefit an
human behavior play a role in organization in the future.
our business? ● THREATS - are economic,
● TECHNOLOGICAL - cultural, political,
Technology that can affect the technological, demographic
way you make, distribute, and and industrial trends and
market your products and events that are potentially
services. harmful to an organization’s
● Examples: Technology and present and future
communications competitive position.
infrastructure, legislation
around technology, consumer
access to technology,
competitor technology and
development, emerging A measurement tool The identification of
technologies, automation, which is used to strengths,
research and innovation, assess markets for weaknesses,
intellectual property a product or a opportunities, and
business at a given threats is called
regulation, technology
time frame. SWOT analysis, and
incentives, etc. help management
● Questions to ask: What These can influence formulate
technological advancements marketing and strategies. These
and innovations are available relationships that a factors determine
or on the horizon? How will company has the course of action
worked hard to to ensure the growth
this technology impact our
develop. Knowing of the business.
ahead of time that a
➔ SWOT ANALYSIS - stands for change may be
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities occurring will help in
and Threats analysis. This method making better
was created in the 1960s by Albert business decisions.
Humphrey of the Stanford Research
Institute, during a study conducted to ➔ ETOP ANALYSIS - stands for the
identify why corporate planning Environmental Threat Opportunity
consistently failed. Since its creation, Profile. It helps an organization to
SWOT has become one of the most analyze the impact of the environment
useful tools for business owners to based on threats and opportunities.
start and grow their companies. ➔ QUEST - stands for the Quick
● STRENGTHS - refer to internal Environmental Scanning Technique.
competencies possessed by This technique is designed to analyze
an organization that will the environment quickly and
enable it to achieve its inexpensively so that businesses can
objective. focus on critical issues that have to be
● WEAKNESSES - are areas that addressed in a short span.
limit or inhibit an
organization’s overall success.
The Local and International
● OPPORTUNITIES - refer to
economic, socio-cultural, Business Environment of the
political, technological, Firm
demographic, and industrial
trends and events that could Local Business Environment
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➔ is driven by specific local conditions Geert Hofstede, cited by
and market characteristics. Yet, it also SCHERMERHORN (2008), showed how
operates in a larger economic context. selected countries ranked on the five cultural
➔ At the local level, the business must dimensions he studies
compete for employees, resources
from suppliers at a competitive price, ➔ POWER DISTANCE - The degree to
local advertising and marketing which a society accepts or rejects the
channels. The most successful unequal distribution of power among
businesses are well-managed creating people in organizations and the
a compelling value proposition relative institutions of society.
to its local competitors.
➔ Business intelligence and local
degree to which society is
community buyer values are critical for
uncomfortable with risk, change, and
management pricing, inventory, and
situational uncertainty.
marketing strategies. Still, a local
business operates in a larger
The degree to which a society
economic context.
emphasize individual
accomplishments versus collective
The International Business Environment accomplishments.
➔ is the environment outside the
Philippines and in different sovereign
degree to which a society values
countries, with factors that are distinct
assertiveness and feelings of material
to the home environment of the
success versus concern for
organization and the foreign country
where the organization operates.
➔ TIME ORIENTATION - The degree to
which a society emphasizes
Understanding the local and international
short-term thinking versus greater
business environment of the firm requires
concern for the future or long- term
managers of organizations to sharpen their
cultural intelligence.

Cultural Intelligence Phases of Economic

➔ is an individual’s ability to favorably Development
receive and adjust to an unfamiliar
way of doing things. Economic Development
➔ is a total process which includes not
Anthropologist EDWARD T. HALL, as cited by only economic growth or the increase
SCHERMERHORN (2008), the way people in the given amount of goods and
approach and deal with the time varies across services produced by the country's
cultures. economy, but also considers the
social, political, cultural, and spiritual
➔ Monochronic Culture is a culture aspects of the country's growth
where people tend to do one thing at a
time Economic Development Phases
➔ Polychronic Culture is a culture that ➔ are the distinct stages involved in the
total process of economic
is more flexible on time and is used to
development in a particular country.
accomplish many different things at
These include economic growth,
one time.
improvement of the Human
Development Index (HDI), availability
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of benefits provided by science and which "adopts a framework of inclusive
technology, and the societal growth, which is high growth that is sustained,
improvement of the opportunities and generates mass employment, and reduces
general welfare of its members poverty." The PDP is focused on the following
Economic Growth
➔ increase in the given amount of goods 1. Pursuit of Inclusive Growth
and services produced by the 2. Macroeconomic Policy
country's earning 3. Competitive Industry and Services Sectors
4. Competitive and Sustainable Agriculture and
Adam Smith was the first "development Fisheries Sector
5. Accelerating Infrastructure Development
economist." His work, The Wealth of Nations,
6. Resilient and Inclusive Financial Sector
was published in 1776. The scientific study of
7. Good Governance and the Rule of Law
the processes and problems of society in Asia,
8. Social Development
Africa, and North America has emerged only
9. Peace and Security
over the past 50 years.
10. Conservation, Protection, and
Rehabilitation of the Environment and Natural
In September 2000, world leaders gathered for
the Millennium Summit, and thus adopted the
United Nations (UN) Millennium Declaration.
The MDGs and the PDP can help guide the
By doing so, they had committed their nations
management of businesses in the Philippine
to a global partnership toward the reduction of
setting. In particular, the PDP must be taken
extreme poverty and the pursuit of the
into consideration in order to deem
Millennium Development Goals (MDG).
management as appropriate or
The MDGs, according to the UN, are "the
world's time-bound and quantified targets for
Another potential means for economic growth
addressing extreme poverty in its many
and development is the planned integration of
dimensions income poverty, hunger, disease,
the 10 Southeast Asian nations in 2015 which
lack of adequate shelter, and exclu- sion-while
include the Philippines. The Association of
promoting gender equality, education, and
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Economic
environmental stability." The deadline for the
Community (AEC) could help the Philippines
fulfillment of the MDGs was set for 2015. The
achieve its goal of inclusive growth that
following are the MDGs:
creates jobs and reduces poverty.
1. Eradicate extreme hunger and poverty
ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) presents
2. Achieve universal primary education
both opportunities and challenges: "ASEAN
3. Promote gender equality and empower
Community 2015: Managing Integration for
Better Jobs and Shared Prosperity”
4. Reduce child mortality
5. Improve maternal health
● Benefits: Freer flow of goods, services,
6. Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and other
investments, and labor leading to
diseases 7. Ensure environmental
potential growth and prosperity.
● Challenges: Ensuring inclusive growth
8. Develop a global partnership for
and shared prosperity by
implementing policy
Meanwhile, the National Economic and
Development Authority (NEDA) has laid out the
Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2011-2016,
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- Strengthening regional Forms of Business
cooperation for structural
➔ The form of a business organization
- Improving business and job
may depend on its purpose, nature of
opportunities, quality, and
operations, and resources. However, a
business organization's form may
- Enhancing skills, boosting
change with the changing times and
the demands they present.
- Managing labor migration
➔ a collection of people working
It is evident from the PDP focused areas that
together to achieve a common
they cover not only the economic and
industrial goals of the Philippines but also the
Business Organization
social, environmental, and peace and security
➔ a collection of people working
together to achieve a common
purpose in relation to their
Obviously, managers of businesses here in the
organization’s mission, vision, goals,
Philippines must be concerned about the
and objectives, sharing a common
findings of the study, as these are new
organizational culture.
challenges for them. The improvement of
management style and the skills training and Organizational Culture
education of their human resources are ➔ the set of beliefs and values shared by
needed in order to cope with the possible organization members which guide
changes that will be brought about by the them as they work together to achieve
ASEAN integration in 2015. their common purpose

For Philippine businesses: Changing Forms of Business

- Prepare for new competition and Organizations
adapt management styles. ➔ Change is constant and organizations
- Invest in skills training and education continue to undergo various changes
for human resources. to ensure effectiveness, efficiency, and
- Embrace AEC for shared regional relevance in the world of business
prosperity. ➔ Business organizations may be
- traditional (simple, functional,
"Inclusive growth means, first of all, growth divisional, profit, or nonprofit) or
that is rapid enough to matter, given the open/flexible in form according to
country's large population, geographical Robbins and Coulter (2009).
differences, and social complexity. It is a
sustained growth that creates jobs, draws the 1. Simple Business Organizations
majority into the economic and social ➔ these refer to business organizations
mainstream, and continuously reduces mass with few departments, centralized
poverty." authority with a wide span of control,
and with few formal rules and
NEDA regulations.
(National Economic and Development 2. Functional Business Organizations
Authority.) ➔ these pertain to business
organizations that group together
those with similar or related
specialized duties that introduce the
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concept of delegation of authority to together on one or more
functional managers like the projects;exhibit dual reporting
personnel manager, sales manager, or relationships in which managers
financial manager but allow CEOs to report to two superiors-the functional
retain authority for strategic decisions. manager and the divisional manager.
3. Divisional Business Organizations 3. Project Business Structure
➔ these are business organizations ➔ a business organizational form with a
made up of separate business units flexible design, where the employees
that are semi-autonomous or semi- continuously work on projects
independent, with a division head assigned to them; projects may be
responsible for his or her unit’s short-term or long-term and members
performance. disband
4. Profit Business Organizations 4. Boundaryless Business
➔ these are business organizations Organization
designed for the purpose of achieving ➔ a business organization whose design
their organizations' mission, vision, eliminates vertical, horizontal, or
goals, and objectives and maintaining external boundaries, and is described
their organizational stability through to be flexible and unstructured; there
income generation and profit-making are no barriers to information flow
activities. Immediate revenues or cost and, therefore, completion of work is
factors account for their success or fast.
failure. 5. Virtual Business Organization
5. Non-Profit Organizations ➔ made up of a small group of full-time
➔ these are business organizations workers and outside experts who are
designed for the purpose of achieving hired on a temporary basis to work on
their organizations' mission, vision, assigned projects;members usually
goals, and objectives, providing communicate online.
service to clients without expecting
monetary gains or financial benefits Planning
for their endeavors. Their success or ➔ refers to a process that involves
failure may be measured by the high setting the organization’s goals,
or low evaluation scores they obtain. establishing strategies for
6. Open/Flexible Business accomplishing those goals, and
Organizations developing plans of action or means
➔ these are formed to meet today’s that managers intend to use for the
changing work environment. organization’s goals.

Other Forms of Business Planning is important because:

1. Planning provides direction to all the
organization’s human resources. - If a
1. Team Structures
firm or a work unit knows what they
➔ where the organization as a whole is
are trying to achieve, they would
made up of work teams (small, but
coordinate their actions and
focused) that work together to achieve
the organization's purpose; popular in
2. Planning reduces uncertainty. -
collectivist culture.
Managers consider future variables or
2. Matrix Business Organizations events that may affect the company.
➔ those which assign experts or By knowing what to do, uncertainty
specialists belonging to different gets lessened, and workers/managers
functional departments to work
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know how to react to changes in scope and used to achieve
appropriation. long-term objectives.
3. Planning results in minimizing waste. - It involves the analysis of
- Proper coordination makes sure that various external
negative practices, ineffectiveness, environmental factors,
and inefficiencies can be detected competitions, and internal
easily to be corrected or eliminated. resources and often looks at
4. Controlling won’t be possible without the future for about three to
planning. - Goals and standards will be five years.
absent when there are no plans, and - These plans are in the hands
organizations can’t check someone’s and the responsibility of the
work properly without standards. CEO, president, general
manager of the company, or
Goals vs Plans the top-level management in
Goals general.
➔ refer to the targets that the b. Tactical Plans
management wants to reach. - Plans that translate the
Plans strategic plans into specific
➔ refer to the means/action to achieve goals for specific parts of the
the goals. organization. These plans
concern with the coordination
Vision, Mission, and Objectives of work in different
Vision departments.
➔ refers to the mental image of what the - Most of these are short in
organization will be in the future, as time frame, and these plans
desired by the management and contribute to the overall
employees. In other words, what does strategic plans but are
the company aspire to be? independent of other tactical
Mission plans.
➔ refers to the basic purposes of an c. Operational Plans
organization and the range of its - Plans that only apply to a
operations. In other words, how will it particular unit area only, with a
be achieved and why does the narrow scope. These are
company exist? common in the small units of
Objectives the company.
➔ refer to the steps needed to attain the - Operational plans are
desired ends. straight-to-the-point and least
complex, but the achievement
Types of Plans of the company goals won’t be
1. Comprehensiveness - The attained if these aren’t
completeness of planning coverage of precise.
a certain plan. Some plans may cover 2. Time-frame - The representation of
the entire organization or just one the amount of time or how far into the
specific firm. future you want to plan. Sometimes, it
a. Strategic Plans might cover entire years or certain
- Plans that establish the months.
organization’s overall goals a. Long-term plans
and apply to the entire firm. - Plans that go beyond three
These plans are broad in years or longer. Long-term
plans mostly involve all of the
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functional areas of the - Examples include: budgets,
organization itself. targets, projects
- Everyone must understand the b. Standing plans
long-term plans of the - Plans that are ongoing. These
company to avoid confusion provide guidance for different
and for the organization activities that are done
members’ attention to stay on repeatedly.
track. - Standing plans are used over
b. Shore-term plans and over again, unless
- Plans that cover one year or abandoned or modified. These
less. These plans lead toward help in consistently solving
the overall long-term goal of routine matters.
the company, no matter how - Examples include: policies,
short. rules, procedures, long-term
- These plans are the objectives and missions.
responsibility of the unit or
department heads. The Steps in Planning
3. Specificity - Refers to very detailed, According to Schermerhorn (2008). these are
clearly defined plans in which the the 5 steps in planning:
goals and objectives are explicitly 1. Define your goals/objectives; by
stated, and easily understandable by identifying desired outcomes/results
someone. in very specific ways
a. Specific Plans 2. Determine where you stand in relation
- Plans that are clearly stated to set goals/objectives; know your
and which have no room for strengths/weaknesses
interpretation.These plans are 3. Develop premises regarding future
achieved in what is only said conditions; anticipating future events,
in the plan. generating alternative scenarios,
- These plans must be very identifying if the things in it help or
understandable in language. hinder your goals
b. Directional Plans 4. Analyze and choose among action
- Plans that are flexible and give alternatives; list and carefully evaluate
general guidelines, and allow possible options and choose the one
freedom for interpretation. that is most likely to accomplish the
- Even if flexible, these plans goals
must still be related to the 5. Implement the plan and evaluate
strategic plans which won’t results; take corrective action and
get out of what it entails. revise plans as needed
4. Frequency - Refers to the number of
instances or times in which a plan may Planning at DIfferent Levels in the Firm
be used. Some plans are single-use
but sometimes, some plans are
reused and used frequently.
a. SIngle-use plans
- Plans that are only used or
stated once only. These are
plans that are only relevant for
a specific time period.
- These plans are applied to the Top-level Management Planning (Strategic
entire organization. Planning)
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➔ Top-level managers are responsible stock market data, etc.). Forecasting
for the organization’s strategic can be inaccurate, due to human
planning, which involves the judgment.
organization’s long-term goals and 2. Contingency Plans
strategies. These plans are planned ➔ are prepared by managers, ready for
and executed by the CEOs, company implementation when things turn out
presidents or senior executives. They as they should be.
are helped by a management team by ➔ This is colloquially referred to as Plan
creating these. B by some.
➔ Strategic planning may include the ➔ Trigger points are contingency factors
overall goals of the organization, the that indicate whenever the prepared
maintenance of its stability, and the alternative plan should be
culture inside it to increase implemented. These are changes in
productivity, profitability, effectiveness, attributes, conditions or factors that
and efficiency among others. initiate a reaction that may lead to
different states of affairs.
Middle-level Management Planning (Tactical 3. Scenario Planning
Planning) ➔ Planning that considers the future
➔ refers to a set of procedures for state of affairs is known as scenario
transforming broad strategic goals planning. It is the long-term version of
into specific plans/goals that are contingency planning.
applicable in one portion or ➔ It allows the organization to plan
department of an organization. ahead, to make adjustments in their
➔ It focuses on major actions that strategies. Future state of affairs are
contribute its share for the identified and as such, alternative
achievement of the strategic plan. plans are made to prepare for sudden
Frontline/Lower-level Management Planning ➔ Future scenario challenges might
(Operational Planning) include environmental pollution,
➔ involve identifying the specific human rights violations, climate &
processes/procedures required at the weather changes, earthquake
lower level. It also involves repetitive, damages, and others.
routine tasks that are done by the 4. Benchmarking
lower-level units. Frontline managers ➔ is the process of making meaningful
can influence the strategy formation in comparisons between a company's
the higher levels. performance and the performance
of identified best practices.
Planning Techniques and Tools and their ➔ The main purpose of benchmarking is
Applications to find out what other
1. Forecasting people/organizations do well, and to
➔ is an attempt to predict what may incorporate it in their own company’s
happen in the future, according to practices.
Schermerhorn (2008). All planning ➔ Benchmarking has two types:
types often use forecasting, and are a. External Benchmarking
planning aids. - refers to the search for the
➔ Forecasting may be qualitative using best practices used by other
opinions (like consumer surveys, organizations that enabled
market research, asking of experts, them to achieve superior
etc.) or quantitative using statistics performance.
(like unemployment rates, GDP/GNP, b. Internal Benchmarking
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- The encouragement of the branch in a new city, with a new
employees working in market and new people. This problem
different departments to learn has incomplete information and needs
and involve by sharing each of to be solved with unstructured
their best practices. decisions, to meet the demand.
5. Participatory Planning
➔ A planning process that includes the Conditions in Decision-Making
people who will be affected by the 1. Certainty conditions
plans, and those who will be asked to ➔ Known as the ideal conditions for
implement them in all planning steps. deciding problems. A manager can
➔ The positive results of this technique make exact decisions as the results of
include creativity, increased all alternatives are already known.
acceptance, understanding and ➔ For instance, fixed interest rates in
commitment to the plan’s success. banks and fixed costs in materials.
2. Risk conditions
Decision-making ➔ More common conditions in deciding
➔ The process of choosing any action problems. The possible outcomes can
among different alternatives. It is a be estimated by quantifiable means,
process that starts withidentifying the but the exact result is unknown.
problem and often ends with ➔ For example, launching a new product
evaluating the solutions to that in the market or investing in a
problem. company.
➔ After careful consideration, a choice 3. Uncertainty conditions
will be made, which is called a ➔ All possible outcomes and their
decision. effects are unknown to the
➔ Deciding things is a component of decision-maker, and the results cannot
planning, as this is where you weigh be estimated. In other words, you have
possible measures for the best no knowledge about what can happen
outcome possible. next.
➔ Sudden unforeseen disasters
Types of Decisions impacting production and supply can
1. Structured or programmed decision be an example of this.
➔ Decisions that are repetitive and can
be handled with a routine approach. Process of Decision-Making
These are used for resolving problems According to Robbins and Coulter (2009) in
that are straightforward, familiar, and their book, Management:
easily defined.
➔ For example, a customer complains
about hair in their food. This is not
unusual, and standardized solutions to
the problem may be available.
2. Unstructured or nonprogrammed
➔ Decisions that are made for new,
unusual problems that arise or
incomplete information. These are
unique, non-recurring, and need
custom-made decisions.
➔ For example, a hotel company is
suddenly asked to put up a new

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