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Student Book Audio Scripts and Answer Keys

Final Test (Units 7~12)

A. B.
1. (A) The boy is running around the hall. 1. Where is the best bakery in town? 7. How can I find the library?
(B) The boy is watching a movie. (A) It opens at 8 a.m. (A) It is two blocks away from the subway station.
(C) The boy is looking at animals in a zoo. (B) The store sells all sorts of bread. (B) There are many books and DVDs.
(D) The boy is in a museum. (C) The one next to the library is the best. (C) You can study with your friends there.

2. (A) The school bus is broken. 2. How many malls do you have in your town? 8. Could you tell me where the grocery store is?
(B) The children just got off the school bus. (A) Yes, the mall is very big. (A) Yes, it takes one hour by taxi.
(C) A girl is running to catch the school bus. (B) We have two large malls. (B) Yes, there is one right across the street.
(D) Two girls are getting on the school bus. (C) There are four bookstores in our town. (C) No, I don’t need anything.

3. (A) The girl is pointing at a stuffed toy. 3. What is the fastest way to get to the hotel? 9. What are you going to do in the school festival?
(B) The girl is paying for a toy. (A) I raced with my friend yesterday. (A) It will be this Friday.
(C) All the toys are on sale. (B) My father drives me to school every day. (B) I will be in the play Romeo and Juliet.
(D) All the toys are on the ground. (C) You can take a taxi. (C) I really like the school festival.

4. (A) The girl is asking for directions. 4. How can I get to the island? 10. Why did you join the school choir?
(B) The girl is looking at a map. (A) The only way to the island is by boat. (A) Because I like singing.
(C) The girl is drawing a map. (B) I usually walk to school. (B) The sign up sheet is on the bulletin board.
(D) The girl is holding a camera. (C) It will take about 3 hours to get there. (C) I am listening to music.

5. (A) The boys are playing basketball. 5. Can I get a discount on this jacket? 11. Who can join the reading club?
(B) The children are in art class. (A) Yes, let's count from one to ten. (A) I collected many books.
(C) The children are studying in a classroom. (B) No, the woman is at the counter. (B) Anybody who likes to read.
(D) A boy is holding a bat. (C) Yes, you can get an extra 10 percent off. (C) Reading makes you smarter.

6. (A) Some girls are wearing soccer uniforms. 6. Can I try on this sweater? 12. What club are you interested in?
(B) The children are planting trees. (A) Yes, you are sweating. (A) I’m interested in the science club.
(C) There are four girl scouts in the crowd. (B) No, it's very sweet. (B) I’m good at drawing.
(D) The children are signing up for girl scouts. (C) Sure, the fitting room is over there. (C) Yes, I am a member of the ski club.

Answer: 1. (D) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (A) 6. (C) Answer:

1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (C) 6. (C) 7. (A) 8. (B) 9. (B) 10. (A) 11. (B) 12. (A)

Student Book Audio Scripts and Answer Keys

C.1. D1-D2.
A: What are the best places to visit in your town? Welcome to our school, Frank. My name is Brian and I'm your new teacher. Everything
B: There are shopping malls, amusement parks, and a beautiful river walk. Also, there is may be unfamiliar to you. First, I will explain the school buildings. In front of this building,
the Alamo which is one of the most famous places to visit in my town. there is a gym and you can exercise there. Right next to the gym, there is a cafeteria. You
A: Great! I would love to visit all those places. can bring your lunch and eat there. The library is near the cafeteria. It opens from Monday
B: Anytime. I will show you around. to Friday. I hope you will like our school. Now let's go meet your classmates.

C.2. D3-D4.
A: Dad, how long will it take us to fly to Los Angeles? Hi, I am the sales representative at the store. We are currently having a big sale this week.
B: It’s not too far. It will just take an hour by airplane. All jackets are half off and shirts are buy one get one free! Please feel free to look around
A: Really? Then what if we drive there? and let me know if you want to try on anything. I will also bring you any sizes you may
B: It usually takes about eight hours. need while you are trying on clothes.
A: Wow! We save a lot of time by flying.

C.3. D5-D6.
A: Mom, I need to buy school supplies. Today, we had show and tell at school. I brought a picture of my family that I drew. In this
B: What kinds of things do you need? way, I was able to present my family and my art skills at the same time. I told my
A: I need two notebooks, colored pencils, and a ruler. classmates about each person in the picture and their special relationship to me. I also
B: Okay, let’s go to the stationery store after lunch. explained my favorite painting style. I like show and tell because I can share not only my
talent, but things that are important to me.
A: Excuse me, I think I am lost. How can I get to room 300? Answer: 1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (C) 4. (C) 5. (B) 6. (B)
B: Well, you are in the wrong building. Go to the building next door, and then walk
up to the third floor.
A: Oh! Thank you so much for your help.
B: No problem.

A: Why are you so busy these days?
B: I’m volunteering for the Red Cross club after school.
A: Oh, what kinds of things do you do?
B: We help give out food and clothing to the children in poor countries.
A: How nice you are. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

A: To be or not to be, that is the question.
B: What are you doing, Tom?
A: I’m practicing my lines for the play. I will be playing the main character.
B: Wow, great! What is the title?
A: It’s Shakespeare's Hamlet. You should come and watch. It will be a great performance.

Answer: 1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (C) 4. (B) 5. (A) 6. (B)


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