Gad Plan 2024

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Republic of the Philippines

Province of South Cotabato

Municipality of Tboli
Region : XII Total Brgy. Budget : P 6, 880,410.00
Province : SOUTH COTABATO Total GAD Budget : P 349, 000.00
Municipality : TBOLI
Barangay : EDWARDS

Gender Issue or GAD GAD Programs/Projects/ Performance Target and Indicator Approved GAD Responsible
Mandate Activities (PPA) Budget Person
Increased number of common Purchase of medicine for 20 box of Paracetamol, 20 box of P 30, 000.00 Brgy. Council
diseases smong children and common colds, cough and Ambroxol, 20 box of Carbocistine and
Senior Citizens due to rapid other diaseses caused by 20 box of Lagundi Purchased at the
climate change. climate change. end of 2024.
Insufficient knowledge of Conduct Semonar on VAWC 1 training conducted about VAWC P 10, 000.00 Brgy. Council
IP and Non IP Battered wife/ among 50 women from Speakers Honorarium (2 x 1, 000.00)
women in Sitio Bangkaing, Sitio Bangkaing, Sitio Calis Meals & Snacks - ( 4 meals/snacks x 50.00
Sitio Lamslayang and Sitio Calis and Sitio Lamslayang x 50 participants) = P 10, 000.00
about VAWC Supplies ( Bond Papers, Manila Papers
pentel pen, Ball pens) = P 1, 000.00
Lack of awareness in the Attendance to Forums/ Capacity Building attended by 50 women P 10, 000.00 Brgy. Council
Rights of Women and other Capacity Building
related laws Supplies - (P 100.00 x 50.00 )
Limited capacity of Barangay Attendance of BPLK to 1 Training conducted by 15 BPLK at P 20,000.00 Brgy. Council
Tanods on responding to Skills enhancement and the end of 2017.
crime and disaster enterpersonal skills Speakers Honorarium (2 x 1, 000.00)
incidents that ivolves development Training Supplies - P 3, 000.00
women and children and Public safety updates Meals and Snacks - ( P 4 meals/snacks x
to BPLK P 50.00 x 15 participants) = P 3, 000.00
Lack of access for affordable and Conduct of blood letting program Meals and snacks for 150 participants
P 15, 000.00 Brgy. Council
safe blood supply for those in need to have safe blood supply P 100.00 x 150 pax = P 15,000.00
Inadequate blood supply for constituents Blood Donation Program 100 participants x 30.00 = 3,000.00 P 15, 000.00 Brgy. Council
with emergency cases. 3000.00 x 2 schedules = 6,000.00 Health Personnel
3 kgs rice for every donor = 9,000.00
Early engagement of youth to pre - marital Conduct of RAC - RAS Seminar 150 students of Edwards NHS x 50.00 meals P 15, 000.00 Brgy. Council
sex that leads to unplanned marriages, early P 7,500.00 x 2 days Edwards NHS
pregnancy, and the used of illegal substances teachers and students
Lack of personnel for monitoring health and Monitoring of health and wellness 5 BHW x 2,000.00/month P 144, 000.00 Brgy. Council
wellness of different sectors such as women of the constituents in the barangay
children and Senior citizen's members by health personnel
Title of Barangay program or Project HGDG Design/Funding Facility/ Total Annual Program/ GAD Attributed Responsible
Generic Checklist Score Project Budget Program Person
Installation of Additional CCTV 20 points P 65, 000.00 P 65,000.00 Brgy. Council

Renovation of Pre K - I 20 points P 25, 000.00 P 25, 000.00 Brgy. Council

GRAND TOTAL ( A + B + C ) P 349, 000.00
Prepared by: Approved by: Date:

January 31, 2024

Chairperson, GFP - TWG

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