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CUET Mathematics Syllabus: Important Topics, Books and

How to Prepare Mathematics for CUET

Manisha Kumari
Asso ciate Senio r Executive

Updated on Jan 18, 2024 12:42 IST

Have you passed or appearing for the Board Exams of Class 12? Then you must be preparing
for CUET 2024. This article of Shiksha brings the complete Mathematics syllabus for CUET
along with the best books and preparation strategy.

CUET 2024 Mathematics Syllabus

National T esting Agency (NT A) will release CUET UG 2024 application f orm in the month of
February. Bef ore starting the preparation f or the Mathematics stream courses, candidates
must go through the CUET Mathematics syllabus 2024. CUET Mathematics syllabus includes
the chapters and topics of Class 12, which is the Board exam syllabus. Hence, students
preparing f or the CUET 2024 exam should prepare thoroughly f or the Mathematics syllabus
which is taught in the Class 12 of their school. T o gather more insights f or the CUET UG
exam, candidates should ref er to the previous years’ question papers to know the chapter-
wise weightage, topics and question types.

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CUET UG of f ers 27 domain subjects. T his page brings the complete syllabus f or CUET
Mathematics. T he CUET 2024 Mathematics syllabus is expected to remain the same as last
year. T he subject-wise CUET syllabus has been announced along with the CUET 2024
inf ormation brochure.

CUET 2024 Exam Pattern

According to NT A, section II, or the domain-subject section carries 50 questions, out of
which candidates will have to attempt 40 questions. T he duration f or this section is 45
minutes. In case a test taker attempts more than 40 questions, no marks would be awarded
or deducted. T he f ollowing table brings the complete structure of the CUET exam pattern.

Section Number of Questions Duration

IA 40 questions to be attempted out of 50 in
45 minutes f or each language
Section each language

Section 35/40 Questions to be attempted out of 45 Minutes f or each Domain-

II 45/50. Specif ic Subjects

60 Questions to be attempted out of 75 60 minutes

Marking scheme: Candidates will be awarded f ive marks f or each correct answer. T here will
be a negative marking of one mark f or each incorrect answer.

T here will be one Question Paper which will contain two Sections i.e. Section A and Section B
[B1 and B2]. Section A will have 15 questions covering both i.e. Mathematics/Applied
Mathematics which will be compulsory f or all candidates. Section B1 will have 35 questions
f rom Mathematics out of which 25 questions need to be attempted. Section B2 will have 35
questions purely f rom Applied Mathematics out of which 25 questions will be attempted.

CUET Mathematics/ Applied Mathematics Syllabus

Below is the entire CUET Mathematics syllabus, which have section A consisting 6 units,
section B1 consisiting 6 units and section B2 consisting 9 units. Each unit carries several
chapters or sub-topics. T ake a look at the complete syllabus here.

Section A

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Here is the list of units and its topics that are needed to be studied.


Unit I: Algebra
(i) Matrices and types of Matrices
(ii) Equality of Matrices, transpose of a
Unit IV: Differential Equations
(i) Order and degree of dif f erential
Symmetric and Skew Symmetric Matrix
(iii) Algebra of Matrices
(ii) Formulating and solving of dif f erential
(iv) Determinants
(v) Inverse of a Matrix
with variable separable
(vi) Solving of simultaneous equations
using Matrix

Unit V: Probability Distributions

(i) Random variables and its probability
Unit II: Calculus
(i) Higher order derivatives
(ii) Expected value of a random variable
(ii) T angents and Normals
(iii) Variance and Standard Deviation of a
(iii) Increasing and Decreasing Functions
(iv). Maxima and Minima
(iv) Binomial Distribution

Unit VI: Linear Programming

Unit III: Integration and its Applications
(i) Mathematical f ormulation of Linear
(i) Indef inite integrals of simple f unctions
Programming Problem
(ii) Evaluation of indef inite integrals
(ii) Graphical method of solution f or
(iii) Def inite Integrals
problems in two
(iv) Application of Integration as area under
(iii) Feasible and inf easible regions
(iv). Optimal f easible solution

Section B1
Here is the list of units and its topics that are needed to be studied.

Unit I: Relat ions And Funct ions

1. Relations and Functions: T ypes of relations, Ref lexive, symmetric, transitive and
equivalence relations. One-to-one and onto f unctions, composite f unctions, the inverse of a

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f unction, and Binary operations.
2. InverseT rigonometric Functions: Def inition,range, domain, principal value branches. Graphs
of inverse trigonometric f unctions. Elementary properties of inverse trigonometric f unctions.

Unit II: Algebra

1. Matrices: Concept, notation, order, equality, types of matrices, zero matrix, transpose of a
matrix, symmetric and skew symmetric matrices. Addition, multiplication and scalar
multiplication of matrices, simple properties of addition, multiplication and scalar
multiplication. Non-commutativity of multiplication of matrices and existence of non-
zeromatrices whose product is the zero matrix (restrict to square matrices of order 2).
Concept of elementary row and column operations: Invertible matrices and proof of the
uniqueness of inverse,if it exists; (Here all matrices will have real entries).

2. Determinants: Determinant of a square matrix (upto3×3matrices), properties of

determinants, minors, cof actors and applications of determinants in f inding the area of a
triangle. Adjoint and inverse of a square matrix.Consistency, inconsistency and number of
solutions of system of linear equations by examples, solving system of linear equations in
two or three variables (having unique solution) using inverse of a matrix.

Unit III: Calculus

1. Continuity and Dif f erentiability: Continuity and dif f erentiability, derivative of composite
f unctions, chain rule, derivatives of inverse trigonometric f unctions, derivative of implicit
f unction. Concepts of exponential, logarithmic f unctions. Derivatives of log x and e to the
power x. Logarithmic dif f erentiation. Derivative of f unctions expressed in parametric f orms.
Second-order derivatives. Rolle’s and Lagrange’s Mean Value T heorems (without proof ) and
their geometric interpretations.

2. Applications of Derivatives: Rate of change, increasing/decreasing f unctions, tangents

and normals, approximation, maxima and minima (f irst derivative test motivated geometrically
and second derivative test given as a provable tool). Simple problems (that illustrate basic
principles and understanding of the subject as well as real-lif e situations). T angent and

3. Intergrals: Integration as inverse process of dif f erentiation. Integration of a variety of

f unctions by substitution, by partial f ractions and by parts, only simple integrals to be
evaluated. Def inite integrals as a limit of a sum. Fundamental T heorem of Calculus(without
proof ). Basic properties of def inite integrals and evaluation of def inite integrals.

4. Applications of the Integrals: Applications in f inding the area under simple curves,
especially lines, arcs of circles/parabolas/ellipses(in standard f orm only), and area between
the two above said curves(the region should be clearly identif iable).

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5. Dif f erential Equations: Def inition, order and degree, general and particular solutions of a
dif f erential equation. Formation of dif f erential equation whose general solution is given.
Solution of dif f erential equations by method of separation of variables, homogeneous
dif f erential equations of f irst order and f irst degree. Solutions of linear dif f erential equation
of the type –

dy/dx Py = Q , where P and Q are f unctions of x or constant

dx/dy Px = Q, where P and Q are f unctions of y or constant

Unit IV: Vect ors And Three Dimensional Geomet ry

1. Vectors: Vectors and scalars, magnitude and direction of a vector. Direction cosines/ratios
of vectors.T ypes of vectors(equal, unit, zero, parallel and collinear vectors), position vector
of a point, negative of a vector, components of a vector, the addition of vectors,
multiplication of a vector by a scalar, position
vector of a point dividing a line segment in a given ratio. Scalar(dot) product of vectors,
projection of a vector on a line.Vector(cross) product of vectors, scalar triple product.

2. T hree-dimensional Geometry: Direction cosines/ratios of a line joining two

points.Cartesian and vector equation of a line, co-planar and skew lines, the shortest
distance between two lines. Cartesian and vector equation of a plane. T he angle between
(i)two lines,(ii)two planes,(iii) a line and a plane. Distance of a point f rom a plane.

Unit V: Linear Programming

Introduction, related terminology such as constraints, objective f unction, optimization,
dif f erent types of linear programming (L.P.) problems, mathematical f ormulation of L.P.
problems, graphical method of solution f or problems in two variables, f easible and inf easible
regions, f easible and inf easible solutions, optimal f easible solutions (upto three non-trivial

Unit VI: Probabilit y

Multiplications theorem on probability. Conditional probability, independent events, total
probability, Baye’stheorem. Random variable and its probability distribution, mean and
variance of haphazard variable. Repeated independent (Bernoulli) trials and Binomial

Section B2: Applied Mathematics

Unit I: Numbers, Quant if icat ion and Numerical Applicat ions
A. Modulo Arithmetic

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1. Def ine modulus of an integer
2. Apply arithmetic operations using modular arithmetic rules
B. Congruence Modulo
1. Def ine congruence modulo
2. Apply the def inition in various problems
C. Allegation and Mixture
1. Understand the rule of allegation to produce a mixture at a given price
2. Determine the mean price of a mixture
3. Apply rule of allegation
D. Numerical Problems
1. Solve real lif e problems mathematically
E. Boats and Streams
1. Distinguish between upstream and downstream
2. Express the problem in the f orm of an equation
F. Pipes and Cisterns
1. Determine the time taken by two or more pipes to f ill or
G. Races and Games
1. Compare the perf ormance of two players w.r.t. time,
2. distance taken/distance covered/ Work done f rom the given data
H. Partnership
1. Dif f erentiate between active partner and sleeping partner
2. Determine the gain or loss to be divided among the partners in the ratio of their
investment with due consideration of the time volume/surf ace area f or solid f ormed using
two or more shapes.
I. Numerical Inequalities
1. Describe the basic concepts of numerical inequalities
2. Understand and write numerical inequalities

UNIT II: Algebra

A. Matrices and types of matrices
1. Def ine matrix
2. Identif y dif f erent kinds of matrices
B. Equality of matrices, T ranspose of a matrix, Symmetric and Skew symmetric matrix
1. Determine equality of two matrices
2. Write transpose of given matrix
3. Def ine symmetric and skewsymmetric matrix

UNIT III: Calculus

A. Higher Order Derivatives

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1. Determine second and higher-order derivatives
2. Understand the dif f erentiation of parametric f unctions and implicit f unctions Identif y
dependent and independent variables
B. Marginal Cost and Marginal Revenue using derivatives
1. Def ine marginal cost and marginal revenue
2. Find marginal cost and marginal revenue
C. Maxima and Minima
1. Determine critical points of the f unction
2. Find the point(s) of local maxima and local minima and corresponding local maximum and
local minimum values
3. Find the absolute maximum and absolute minimum value of a f unction

UNIT IV: Probabilit y And Dist ribut ions

A. Probability Distribution
1. Understand the concept of Random Variables and its Probability Distributions
2. Find probability distribution of discrete random variable
B. Mathematical Expectation
1. Apply arithmetic mean of f requency distribution to f ind the expected value of a random
C. Variance
1. Calculate the Variance and S.D.of a random variable

UNIT V: Index Numbers And Time Based Dat a

A. Index Numbers
1. Def ine Index numbers as a special type of average
B. Construction of index numbers
2. Construct dif f erent type of index numbers
C. T est of Adequacy of Index Numbers
1. Apply the time reversal test

UNIT VI: Index Numbers And Time Based Dat a

A. Population and Sample
1. Def ine Population and Sample
2. Dif f erentiate between population and sample
3. Def ine a representative sample f rom a population
B. Parameter and Statistics and Statistical Interferences
1. Def ine the Parameter with ref erence to the Population
2. Def ine Statistics with ref erence to Sample

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3. Explain the relation between parameter and Statistic
4. Explain the limitation of Statisticto generalize the estimation f or population
5. Interpret the concept of Statistical Signif icance and statistical Inf erences
6. State Central Limit T heorem
7. Explain the relation between population -Sampling Distribution-Sample

UNIT VII: Index Numbers And Time-Based Dat a

A. T ime Series
1. Identif y time series as chronological data
B. Components of T ime Series
2. Distinguish between dif f erent components of time series
C. T ime Series analysis for univariate data
1. Solve practical problems based on statistical data and Interpret

UNIT VIII: Financial Mat hemat ics

A. Perpetuity, Sinking Funds
1. Explain the concept of perpetuity and sinking f und
2. Calculate perpetuity
3. Dif f erentiate between sinking f und and saving account
B. Valuation of Bonds
1. Def ine the concept of valuation of bond and related terms
2. Calculate value of bond using present value approach
C. Calculation of EMI
1. Explain the concept of EMI
2. Calculate EMI using various methods
D. Linear method of Depreciation
1. Def ine the concept of linear method of Depreciation
2. Interpret cost, residual value and usef ul lif e of an asset f rom the given inf ormation
3. Calculate depreciation

UNIT IX: Linear Programming

A. Introduction and related terminology
1. Familiarize with terms related to Linear Programming Problem
B. Mathematical formulation of Linear Programming Problem
1. Formulate Linear Programming Problem
C. Different types of Linear Programming Problems
1. Identif y and f ormulate dif f erent types of LPP
D. Graphical Method of Solution for problems in two Variables
1. Draw the Graph f or a system of linear inequalities involving two variables and to f ind its

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solution graphically.

Also Read:

Ncert Solutions Maths class 12th

CUET Mathematics Question Paper PDF

Download CUET Section/Domain Wise Question Paper and Syllabus

Candidates preparing f or CUET can download the CUET 2024 syllabus and CUET previous
year question paper f or the f ollowing subjects mentioned in the table below:

Download CUET Syllabus and CUET Question Paper PDF

CUET Question Paper

Subjects CUET Syllabus PDFs

CUET English Syllabus CUET English Question

PDF (Awaited) Paper PDF

CUET Biology Syllabus CUET Biology Question


Accountancy/ Book CUET Accountancy CUET Accountancy Question

Keeping Syllabus PDF Paper PDF

CUET Business Studies CUET Business Studies

Business Studies
Syllabus PDF Question Paper PDF

CUET Chemistry Syllabus CUET Chemistry Question


Computer Science/ CUET Computer Science CUET Computer Science

Informatics Practices Syllabus PDF Question Paper PDF

Economics/ Business CUET Economics CUET Economics Question

Economics Syllabus PDF Paper PDF

CUET Engineering
CUET Engineering Graphics
Engineering Graphics Graphics Syllabus PDF
Question Paper PDF

CUET Entrepreneurship CUET Entrepreneurship

Syllabus PDF Question Paper PDF

CUET Geography CUET Geography Question

Syllabus PDF Paper PDF

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o n 19 -Jan-20 24.
Syllabus PDF Paper PDF

CUET Home Science CUET Home Science

Home Science
Syllabus PDF Question Paper PDF

CUET Knowledge CUET Knowledge T radition

Knowledge T radition and T radition and Practices and Practices of India
Practices of India of India Syllabus PDF Question Paper PDF
(Awaited) (Awaited)

CUET Legal Studies CUET Legal Studies

Legal Studies
Syllabus PDF Question Paper PDF

CUET Environmental CUET Environmental Science

Environmental Science Science Syllabus PDF Question Paper PDF
(Awaited) (Awaited)

Physical Education/ NCC CUET Physical Education CUET Physical Education

/Yoga Syllabus PDF Paper PDF

CUET Physics Syllabus CUET Physics Question


CUET Political Science CUET Political Science

Political Science
Syllabus PDF Question Paper PDF

CUET Psychology CUET Psychology Question

Syllabus PDF Paper PDF

CUET Sociology Syllabus CUET Sociology Question


CUET T eaching Aptitude

CUET T eaching Aptitude
T eaching Aptitude Question Paper PDF
Syllabus PDF

CUET Agriculture CUET Agriculture Question

Syllabus PDF Paper PDF

CUET Mass Media/ Mass CUET Mass Media/ Mass

Mass Media/ Mass
Communication Syllabus Communication Question
PDF Paper PDF (Awaited)

CUET Anthropology CUET Anthropology

Syllabus PDF Question Paper PDF

Fine Arts/ Visual Arts

CUET Fine Arts Syllabus CUET Fine Arts Question

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o n 19 -Jan-20 24.
Fine Arts/ Visual Arts
CUET Fine Arts Syllabus CUET Fine Arts Question
PDF Paper PDF (Awaited)
Painting)/Commercial Arts

CUET Perf orming Arts

CUET Perf orming Arts
Performing Arts Question Paper PDF
Syllabus PDF

CUET Sanskrit Syllabus CUET Sanskrit Question

PDF (Awaited) Paper PDF (Awaited)

CUET History Syllabus CUET History Question


CUET General T est CUET General T est

General T est
Syllabus PDF (Awaited) Question Paper PDF

Top Books f or CUET Mathematics

NT A has already suggested NCERT books f or dif f erent subjects of the CUET 2024
examination. NCERT books ideally are used f or the preparation of CUET 2024 because they
are exclusive of all the possible topics that might be asked in the CUET 2024 examination.
T he list of appropriate books including NCERT books as well as other types of books
and/or materials has been given below:

NCERT class 12 Mathematics T extbook

Pradeep’s A T ext Book of Mathematics class 12

R S Aggrawal class 12 Mathematics

How to Prepare f or CUET Mathematics

T he preparation strategy f or CUET Mathematics is no dif f erent f rom other entrance exam
preparation. Mathematics being a vast subject, candidates must strategically plan the
preparation f or the exam accordingly. Here we bring some of the salient preparation
strategies f or Mathematics.

Know the syllabus and exam pattern: T he f irst and f oremost preparation strategy f or any
exam or subject is to know the exam pattern and syllabus. Once you know the structure,
then it willg be easier to decide on the preparation strategy.

Know the important chapters and topics: Go through the previous years’ question papers
and analysis to understand the question types and the important topics, or those that
carry a higher weightage. Focus on those areas which carry a higher weightage.

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Identif y strengths and weaknesses: By now, you must have completed the syllabus and
identif ied your areas of strengths and weaknesses. Based on that, you have to decide
which chapters to prepare thoroughly and which to leave out. Ideally, you should f ocus
more on the areas of strength and leave out those in which you are not conf ident.
However, bef ore deciding on the topics to leave out, check the weightages or importance
of those areas. In case your weak areas carry a high weightage, then you must try to
improve them. In case of a lower weightage, you can leave them and concentrate on
preparing f or the stronger areas.

Practice and solve mock tests and question papers: Af ter the completion of the syllabus,
the next step f or CUET Mathematics preparation is to practice by taking regular CUET
2024 mock tests and solving the previous year’s question papers. Only practice is not
enough. Af ter taking tests, get those analysed by mentors or teachers to understand the
areas of improvement and how to be more accurate and manage time in a more ef f ective

T he CUET 2024 exam will be conducted in computer-based mode over a window of 10 days,
in two slots each day, f rom May 21 to May 31. T he date and slot of the exam will be
determined based on the programme or paper opted f or by candidates.

Read More:

CUET Chemistry Syllabus

CUET UG Eligibility Criteria

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