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Business Development (Sales) Assessment

Congratulations on reaching the assessment stage for the Business Development

Internship at K-Rite Innovations. In this assessment, you will assume the role of a
salesperson for a marketing agency. Your task is to prepare a script for a deal-breaking
package tailored to different types of customer profiles. Additionally, you will outline
your strategy for tracking and managing leads generated from these pitches.
Finally, you will respond to various scenarios to showcase your problem-solving and
communication skills.

Scenario 1: Small Business Owner
Imagine you are pitching a marketing package to a small business owner who runs a
local cafe. Develop a script outlining the benefits of your services and how they can
specifically help increase foot traffic and customer engagement for the cafe.

Scenario 2: Corporate Executive

You are meeting with a corporate executive from a large retail chain. Craft a script
highlighting how your marketing solutions can enhance their online presence, boost
sales, and improve customer retention.

Scenario 3: Startup Entrepreneur

Your next pitch is to a startup entrepreneur launching a new tech product. Create a
script showcasing how your marketing strategies can help them build brand
awareness, attract investors, and drive user adoption.
Lead Tracking and Management

Outline your approach for tracking and managing leads generated from your pitches.
How will you prioritize leads, follow up with prospects, and ensure a seamless
transition from initial contact to closing the deal?


Respond to the following scenarios:

1. A potential client expresses skepticism about the effectiveness of your marketing
services. How do you address their concerns and instill confidence in your

2. You encounter a prospect who seems interested but hesitant to commit. How do
you overcome objections and encourage them to move forward with your services?

3. One of your leads goes cold, and you're struggling to re-engage them. Describe your
strategy for reigniting their interest and bringing them back into the sales pipeline.

Submission Guidelines:

Please submit your assessment in a document format, addressing each part

separately. Ensure your responses are concise, yet thorough, and demonstrate your
understanding of the role and responsibilities of a business development intern.
Use of AI prohibited.


Best of luck!

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