BUS 5113 Discuston U 5.

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Portfolio Activity Unit 5

BUS 5113-01 - AY2024-T3/Portfolio Activity Unit 5

Instructor Robert Schaefer

1. What key elements should be included in a strategic communication plan aimed at

rebuilding the technology company's reputation after misleading public statements?

2. How can the company effectively address the concerns of the public through its
communication plan during the reputation crisis?

3. What strategies or tactics should be employed to regain public trust and restore
the brand credibility of the technology company?

4. How can the communication plan ensure transparency, authenticity, and

accountability in addressing misleading public statements and rebuilding the
company's reputation? Provide relevant examples.

Crucial Components of a Reputation-Rebuilding

Strategic Communication Plan
1. Situation Analysis: Evaluate the present standing, pinpoint the main problems, and
comprehend stakeholders' opinions. (Mayes, 2012),(Wilpert, 1995)

2. Clear Messaging: To address the false assertions and the company's willingness to
change, provide clear, transparent messaging. (Mayes, 2012),(Wilpert, 1995)

3. Stakeholder Engagement: List the important parties, rank them, and make sure your
communications speak to their issues. (Mayes, 2012),(Wilpert, 1995)

4. Media Relations: Create a proactive media plan to steer the story and offer factual
data. (Mayes, 2012),(Wilpert, 1995)

5. Crisis Response Protocol: Clearly define a process for handling upcoming problems
and averting reoccurring(Mayes, 2012),(Wilpert, 1995)
Resolving Public Issues Throughout the Crisis

1.Open Dialogue: To directly address issues, and participate in open forums, Q&A
sessions, and social media exchanges.(Laegaard, n.d.)

2. Transparency: Provide thorough details about the actions being done to address the
problem and avoid it from happening again.(Laegaard, n.d.)

3. Empathy and Accountability: Show true empathy, accept accountability, and provide
specific steps to resolve issues.(Wilpert, 1995)

Techniques for Regaining Credibility and Public

Trust in Your Brand
1.Rebranding Initiatives: Through rebranding, highlight the company's updated
principles and dedication to openness. (Mayes, 2012)

2. Community Engagement: To show the company's beneficial influence, take part

in volunteer work and support projects. (Mayes, 2012)

3. Endorsements and Partnerships: To regain credibility, look for endorsements

from reliable sources and form alliances.(Mayes, 2012)

Keeping Accountability, Authenticity, and Transparency

1.Public Apology: Express regret in public for the deceptive remarks and their
effect on the parties involved. (International, 1962)

2. Internal Communication: To preserve authenticity in external communication,

make sure that internal message is constant. (International, 1962)

3. Regular Updates: To show accountability, give regular updates on how the

reputation-rebuilding initiatives are going. (International, 1962)
International, M. (1962). Management According to Task : Organizational Differentiation
Author ( s ): Harold J . Leavitt Published by : Springer Stable URL :
http://www.jstor.com/stable/40225273 Management According to Task : Organizational.
2(1), 13–22.
Laegaard, J. (n.d.). 5113Textbook-OrganizationalTheory.
Mayes, M. D. (2012). Principles of management. Scleroderma: From Pathogenesis to
Comprehensive Management, 571–576. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-5774-0_47
Wilpert, B. (1995). Organizational Behavior. Annual Review of Psychology, 46(1), 59–90.

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