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Campus NOIDA Date

Name of student Class VIII

Name of examination MOCK TEST- ANNUAL EXAM Student Roll No.

Session 2023-24

Maximum marks 40
a. This question paper consists of 3 pages and 10 questions.
b. Read the instructions given for each question carefully.
c. Marks for all the questions are given alongside the questions.
d. The question paper is divided into 3 sections: Section A- Reading Section- B- Writing and
Grammar and Section -C- Literature
e. Please complete the paper within the time allotted.
I. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. (5)
1. Indian farmers have to live in extreme poverty and financial crisis, which is forcing them to commit
suicide. It is necessary for us to analyse those grave adversities that force the farmers to commit
suicide. Unfortunately, these incidents are happening at a time when Indian economy is powerful
enough to take on the world.

2.Firstly, Indian agriculture predominantly depends upon nature of crop irrigation. Irrigation facilities
are scant and they are not sufficient to cover the entire cultivable land. As a result insufficient and
uncertain rainfall adversely affects the fortune of the farmers.

3.Secondly, Indian agriculture is largely an unorganised sector. Farmers work on lands of uneconomical
sizes. Institutional finances are not available. Added to this, the cost of agricultural inputs like
fertilizers, pesticides and seeds, etc. have been steadily increasing over the years. Farmers' margins
of profits have been decreasing because the price rise in inputs is not compensated by an equal
increase in the price of the agricultural produce.

4.Thirdly, even today in several parts of the country, agriculture is a seasonal work. In many districts,
farmers can grow only one crop per year and for the remaining part of the year, they remain without
work. It becomes difficult for them to make both ends meet.

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5.Fourthly, failure of institutional finance to provide loan to farmers is a grave issue responsible for
suicides of farmers. Firstly, these financial institutions are not available in sufficient numbers and secondly
if available, their procedure of paying money is so cumbersome and time consuming that only large land
owners can get the facility of loans. In majority of cases, they have to take support of money lender. This
often gets farmers trapped in the vicious circle of debt.

6.Temporary measures like monetary relief would not prove to be the appropriate solution. The
government should work at improving the entire structure of the small farmers where they should be
taught to overcome their difficulties through their own skills and capabilities rather than giving them
temporary monetary relief when a drought happens. General public, NGOS, corporates and other
organisations can also play an important role in helping these farmers to rehabilitate. It is high time that
nation should realise the gravity of the problem and take effective measures to uproot this menace.
On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions
a. Why is agriculture called as an unorganised sector?
b. Why does insufficient and uncertain rainfall adversely affect the farmers?
c. Which of the given options is TRUE about Indian agriculture?
(i) Indian agriculture is an organized sector.
(ii) Institutional finances are available to most farmers.
(iii) Cost of agricultural inputs like fertilizers, seeds, etc. has been steadily increasing over the years.
(iv) The price of agricultural products has also been increasing at the same rate.

d. Choose the word which is similar in meaning to the given words.

Cumbersome- (i) easy to manage (ii)convenient (iii)difficult to manage (iv) Prosperity

e. The word from Paragraph 2 which is the antonym of ‘abundant’ is _____________

2. Attempt any one- (5)
a. Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying. Write a narra ve about a
successful person that inspires you to keep trying. (120- 150 words)
b. b. There is a need to improve exis ng condi ons and provide new facili es to a ract tourists from
within the country and from foreign countries to historical places of your city/state. You are
Shishir/Shweta. Write an ar cle in about 120- 150 words for publica on in the newspaper sugges ng
ways and means to a ract the tourists.

3.The following paragraph has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the error along
with its correction in the space provided. (7)

Error Correc on
Kashmir is right called the a.
“Paradise in Earth”. Its beauty b.

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Is to be see to be believed. c.
The rivers, hill, mountains and d.
gardens are the tourist a ract. e.
The snow-clad mountains is f.
a treat for the eyes. g.

4 Join the following sentences with the help of Infinitives. (2)

a. He has to support his family. He works hard for that reason.
b. She went to Kerala. She wanted to learn traditional martial arts.

5. Fill in the blanks with correct conditionals (2)

a. If she is late, we ______ without her. (leave)
b. She wouldn't have missed the train if she ________up earlier. (wake)

6 Fill in the blanks with the correct phrasal verbs. (2)

a. The coach __________________the match due to heavy rainfall. (called off/ called down)
b. I had to___________________ the job offer because the pay was too low.(turn off/ turn down)

7.Write the meaning of the given phrasal verb. (1)

a. Blow up
8.Join the given sentences using conjunctions. (1)
a. We all respect him. He is an honest man.


9.Read the following lines and answer the questions given below- (5)
“Came the boys like a flock of sheep. Hailing the snow piled white and deep. Past the woman so
old and gray. Hastened the children on their way.”
i. Name the poem from which the above lines are taken. Name its poet also
ii. What kind of a woman do you find in the poem?
iii. What are the children in the above lines compared to?
iv. Which figure of speech is used in the given line.
“Came the boys like a flock of sheep.” b.”Well, he showed me the adver sement

10. Answer the following in about 40-50 words each. (10)

a. What was the narrator’s impression of Mr Tallent’s writing and narration?
b. Why was the narrator not keen on buying diamonds from the man?
c. What were Millie’s apprehensions about the party?
d. When the glow-worm speaks of the “power Divine”, do you think he is truly glorifying God or is
simply acting cleverly? Justify your answer?
e. How does the narrator describe the two boys whom he sees one morning? ( Jamaican Fragment)

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