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Teachers / Technicians Guide

What is Colorimetry?

Colorimetry is simply the measurement of colour.

While you can see with your eyes if water is cloudy or clear, or if it is coloured, it is not
possible to get an accurate measurement of just how intense a colour is or how cloudy a
solution may be.
That said, given a suitable range of colours to compare with, the human eye is very good at
matching shades. It is possible to determine the concentration of a solution quite accurately,
given enough intermediate colours to compare.

A colorimeter is a device that passes light of a particular “wavelength” through a sample.

Using a detector, the colorimeter can measure how much of the light has been absorbed by
the sample. The amount of light absorbed by the sample is related to the concentration of the
chemical of interest.
This way it is possible to get numerical values for the amount of light and given such data,
there is much more that can be done.


possible to follow the progress of many reactions by using Colorimetry

a. If a coloured compound is becoming decoloured.
b. If a colourless solution is developing colour
c. If a suspension is forming in a solution
d. In the case where none of the above are true, it is often possible to work at one remove
by reacting samples of the reaction mixture with a chemical that will give a coloured
Commercial Colorimeters
There are many colorimeters on the
market, ranging from less than £100
to over £3,000. The simple ones we
use at SSERC are made by Mystrica.

Why bother making one?

1. Cost
Even with a cheap model, a class set is the best part of £1,000. If it is possible to make a
working colorimeter for a few pounds then it means that this important technique can be used
more often.

2. Access
Making a colorimeter for a few pounds means that it is possible for each pupil to use one and
thus everyone gets to use and understand the technology.

3. Understanding
If you can make something, you are likely to have a clearer understanding of how it works.
Making a colorimeter

You will need

Jablite insulation board (grey) either Cork borer (no 7 or 8 depending on the
1. 50mm thick or a double layer of the diameter of the LDR)
1 x rubber bung 1 x LDR
1 x white 5mm LED 1 x 180 ohm resistor
1 short piece of insulated wire 1 x multimeter
1 x power supply (about 4.5v)
Cut a piece of the board to approximately 5cm x 5cm (a hot knife is the most effective
method for this as it provided a firm, non crumbly edge.
2. Select a cork borer that is suitable for your LDR.
3. Select a rubber bung that will fit the hole made by the
cork borer.
4. Cut the length of the bung in half, with a knife or
scalpel, and keep the narrower end.
5. Use the cork-borer to make a hole horizontally
completely through the block. Take care to keep it as
horizontal as possible.

6. Use the borer again to make a hole vertically down from the top,
taking care to make sure it crosses the line of your first hole. Don’t
take this hole all the way through to the bottom.

7. Check the size with a cuvette – you may need to press on the sides
of the hole with a spatula. The idea is that it is a snug fit and the
cuvette does not rotate.

8. Cover the whole block with one or two layers of aluminium foil (to
lightproof it). Pierce where the holes are with a screwdriver or pencil
and push the foil in.
9. Insert the LED into the hole in the bung.
10. Bend the arms of the resistor 90 degrees.

11. Take the insulated wire and use it to connect the positive arm of the
LED (the longer one) to one arm of the resistor.
12. Gently push the bung into one of the
holes on the side of the block.
13. Push the arms of the resistor into the
polystyrene block.
14. Connect the + terminal of the power
supply to the resistor and the – to the
LED and switch on briefly to make sure it
lights up.

15. Gently push the LDR into the hole opposite the LED.
16. Connect the arms of the LDR to the Multimeter and select resistance – pick the range that
gives you a good value. (20KΩ usually on the ones we are using here.

To Use
Put your sample in a cuvette.
Place it in the hole in the top.
Take a lid from a drinks bottle and use that as a cap over the cuvette to prevent stray light
Switch on the LED and the multimeter
Take the reading on the multimeter.
Using the colorimeter

The detector in your colorimeter is a Light Dependent Resistor (LDR). When a light
shines on it, the resistance is reduced. You are using a multimeter to measure the
resistance of the LDR.
Commercial multimeters give you a choice of measuring either transmittance or
Transmittance is a measure of how much light is passes through; the highest value
is when a blank cuvette is used.
Absorbance is a measurement of how much light is absorbed and in this case the
blank cuvette will give a low reading.
In this colorimeter, the more light gets through (the more transparent the solution)
the lower the reading. Thus it is measuring absorption rather than transmittance.

You can use this simple device in much the same way as a ‘proper’ colorimeter for
a. Plotting a standard curve and using it to Work out concentrations.
b. Following the course of a reaction to determine its rate

This colorimeter is not quite as consistent as commercial one but, considering the
difference in price, that is perhaps to be expected. Nonetheless, quite accurate results
can be obtained with a small amount of care.
a. Be careful in the construction to make sure the LED and LDR are aligned.
b. It is best to make sure that a single experiment/investigation is only carried
out on one device as they may give slightly different results.
c. Similarly, as the brightness of the LED obviously varies with the input voltage.
You will need to make sure the same voltage is being used each time the
colorimeter is used. (If there is an ongoing investigation, it might be an idea to
put a voltmeter into the circuit with the light)
d. So these devices are probably not suitable for an Advanced Higher project but
they do give an easy and cheap entry in to the very important topic of
Colour Adjustment

While many experiments can be carried out quite satisfactorily using white light,
many are much better using a more restricted colour range. There are two simple
ways to adjust the design to allow for this.
1. Use a heated knife to melt a narrow slit in the foam block between the LED and
the cuvette. You can then insert filters in here.
If you are near a large-ish centre of
population, then find a theatrical
lighting supplier and you can pick up
free swatch books of lighting gel
filters. (The two main suppliers are
Lee and Rosco) (You may have some
of these filters already that you can
cut up).
Any coloured filters, cellophane for
instance, will work. The advantage of
the lighting gels is that each sample
is on a backing card that gives you its
absorption spectrum.
An advantage this gives over the cheaper commercial colorimeters is that you hae
a far wider range of colours to choose from.

2. Alternatively, you can simply replace the LED with one of a different colour.
This is the method used in several of the lower end commercial colorimeters, you
have a choice of Red, Green or Blue and your choice determines which LED is
It also highlights one of the advantages your new, home-made colorimeter has
over all but the most expensive commercial ones. You have a much wider range.
As well as visible light, it is possible to purchase LEDs that give out either Infra
Red or Ultra Violet – both of which have been successfully tested.
Standard cuvettes are still transparent in the near UV, down to about 370nm so
are quite suitable for this use.
Selecting a filter

There are two methods for choosing a suitable filter to use:

a. Examine the absorption spectrum and use a filter of a wavelength that is

absorbed most.

eg, to measure the

concentration of carotenoids,
the best filter would be one
around 500nm. High
absorption by the carotenoids
and low by chlorophyll.

b. A simpler method that will work for many coloured compounds is to use a
colour wheel. This helps you determine the colour that is absorbed most from
the colour you are you are seeing.

Simply look at where the colour of your

solution lies on the wheel and use a filter
of the colour opposite it.
For instance, copper sulphate solution
should use a yellow filter.
Interpreting the data

In most cases, the figures for resistance can simply be used as they are.
For instance, when determining concentration against a reference graph, a simple
plot of resistance against concentration will be quite usable and enable you to read
the resistance of an unknown off the scale.
The graph will often look neater if it starts from zero – in which case simply take the
blank, calibration reading (which you should do anyway) and subtract this from each
of the other readings – excel or any other spreadsheet makes this a very easy task.

There are times when you might want to try to get more accurate data, in this case
you will need to convert your resistance reading into the actual absorbance.
From the Beer-Lambert law, it is possible to work out that

A = log10 I0
Where I0 is the intensity of light passing through the blank and I is the intensity of
light passing through the sample
Once again, excel can come to the rescue and make the calculation quite

Once you have this value, you can use the Beer-Lambert law to work out other
information you may need.

A = εl c
Where ε= the molar absorption coefficient of the substance (at that

l = the length of the path through the solution (1cm in a standard

cuvette) and

c = the concentration of the solution

Sample Results
Here are some results obtained for the rate of reaction of the iodination of propanone
with varying concentrations of acid.
a. Using a Mystrica colorimeter (graph taken from Mystrica website)

b. Using a home made colorimeter.

Note – the value for the 1M acid is roughly twice as long as for the Mystrica graph –
but I used HCl , not H2SO4 so the top graph has twice the concentration of hydrogen
Technicians Guide
Materials Needed

1. Body – Most materials will do but the easier they are to cut, the better. Early
experiments with ordinary, white expanded polystyrene were quite successful
but there was too much internal light scattering to be really accurate.
Most recently, we have been using Jablite TM insulation board. It is available in
large sheets from DIY stores either 50mm or 25mm thick
2. Dimensions - 50mm is a good thickness to allow the cuvette to sit in well. If
you have 25mm board, stick or tape two thicknesses together. As for the width
and depth, it is best to have it as small as is manageable to make sure the light
falling on the LDR is as bright as possible. (50 – 70mm seems to be fine
without being too fiddly)
3. Covering – it is important that the body of the colorimeter is lightproof. It may
well be possible to do this by painting the outside black but simply wrapping in
aluminium foil is quicker, easier and effective.
4. Lid – A lid is needed over the top of the cuvette to stop light leaking in. The lid
of an ordinary soft drink bottle is perfectly adequate – wrapped in foil to be
extra careful.
5. Cutting – It can be quite difficult to get a good smooth cut. A hot knife makes a
good job but will give off hazardous fumes so work in a fume cupboard or in a
well-ventilated area. (The knife is also hard to clean!)
6. Boring holes – by far the easiest method of making the holes is to use a cork
borer. The exact size will depend on your LDR (check it against the borer
before making any holes) but probably a No 7 or 8 will be right.
7. Cuvette holder – It is best to square off the hole for the cuvette to make sure
the cuvette will sit firmly without rotating. You can use a hot knife (or spatula
for this but be careful not to get it too hot and melt too large a hole – you can
probably just press the hole into a square-ish shape using the handle of a cold
8. LED – We have used 5mm white LEDs from Rapid electronics – this is the
perfect size to sit snugly in the bung hole. It is best to have a small resistor in
series to make sure you don’t inadvertently overload it. We use a 180Ω one.
9. LDR – again from Rapid
10. Power supply – Any low voltage power supply should be suitable – beware of
fluctuations in output though – if the output voltage is not steady, there will be
variations in brightness of the LED which will make the device unusable. (and
make sure you don’t blow the resistor/LED)
It is also possible to use batteries to power the device, meaning it can be used
in the field.
11. Multimeter – we have used a variety and not found any problems. The range
will depend on your device and the brightness of its LED – most commonly, we
have found the 20kΩ range to be suitable.

Item Unit cost Cost per 20

LED £0.45 £9.00
LDR £0.90 £18.00
Resistor £0.15 £3.00
Jablite Board £15.99* £15.99*
(for a 1.8 x 2.4M board!)
Cost per unit when
Total £17.49 £45.99 £2.30 making 20

Multimeter† £7.00 £140.00

Power Supply† £5.00 £100.00

£29.49 £285.99

* If you do buy this board, 1 board will be all you will need. One of them will give 432
10 x 10 cm blocks – at an average cost of 4 pence each! However, for making smaller
numbers you still have to buy the whole board so I have factored that in.
† It is probable that a school will already have access to these items – if not
these are the cheapest prices I can find on the internet – including delivery.
Real cost may be more for better quality but equally, buying 20 will probably
bring a discount.

I think we can assume a class will have access to power supplies and
If we do that then, for a class set of 20 of these devices, the price is about £2.30
each. (plus a bottle cap and some foil)
How to assemble the colorimeter

You will need

Jablite insulation board (grey) either Cork borer (no 7 or 8 depending on the
1. 50mm thick or a double layer of the diameter of the LDR)
1 x rubber bung 1 x LDR
1 x white 5mm LED 1 x 180 ohm resistor
1 short piece of insulated wire 1 x multimeter
1 x power supply (about 4.5v)
Cut a piece of the board to approximately 5cm x 5cm (a hot knife is the most effective
method for this as it provided a firm, non crumbly edge.
2. Select a cork borer that is suitable for your LDR.
3. Select a rubber bung that will fit the hole made by the
cork borer.
4. Cut the length of the bung in half, with a knife or
scalpel, and keep the narrower end.
5. Use the cork-borer to make a hole horizontally
completely through the block. Take care to keep it as
horizontal as possible.

6. Use the borer again to make a hole vertically down from the top,
taking care to make sure it crosses the line of your first hole. Don’t
take this hole all the way through to the bottom.

7. Check the size with a cuvette – you may need to press on the sides
of the hole with a spatula. The idea is that it is a snug fit and the
cuvette does not rotate.

8. Cover the whole block with one or two layers of aluminium foil (to
lightproof it). Pierce where the holes are with a screwdriver or pencil
and push the foil in.
9. Insert the LED into the hole in the bung.
10. Bend the arms of the resistor 90 degrees.

11. Take the insulated wire and use it to connect the positive arm of the
LED (the longer one) to one arm of the resistor.
12. Gently push the bung into one of the
holes on the side of the block.
13. Push the arms of the resistor into the
polystyrene block.
14. Connect the + terminal of the power
supply to the resistor and the – to the
LED and switch on briefly to make sure it
lights up.

15. Gently push the LDR into the hole opposite the LED.
16. Connect the arms of the LDR to the Multimeter and select resistance – pick the range that
gives you a good value. (20KΩ usually on the ones we are using here.

To Use
Put your sample in a cuvette.
Place it in the hole in the top.
Take a lid from a drinks bottle and use that as a cap over the cuvette to prevent stray light
Switch on the LED and the multimeter
Take the reading on the multimeter.

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