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2012/ 2020

Number of Items: 60 Time Allowed: 1 Hour


1. In agrarian society which physical factor affects population distribution?

A. Favorable climate C. Advanced technology B. Peace

and security D. Provision of fertilizers

2. It is clear that sparsely populated places are hostile environment. Can you explain
how sparsely populated areas are hostile? Areas with

A. plain surface is difficult to live.

B. heavy rainfall is challenging to live.
C. mineral deposits cause conflict.
D. very hot climate is difficult to live.

3. One of the following future Trans African highways extends directly from

A. Lagos to Juba. C. Cairo to Cape Town.

B. Mombasa to Asmara. D. Djibouti to Rabat.

4. How would you describe the inner most layer of the earth?
A. It’s made of light liquid materials.
B. It’s the smallest layer of the earth.
C. Its temperature is about 148C.

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1 D.

It’s about 6371 km below the surface.

5. What is the economic importance of coal in Ethiopia?

A. For energy source

B. For road construction
C. To make decoration
D. To make fertilizer

6. Which herbivore animals are common in the savannah grassland of Africa?

A. Monkey and Apes

B. Hippopotamus and crocodiles
C. Zebra and elephant
D. Lion and Leopard

7. Can you explain the benefit of wild animals obtain from natural vegetation? Wild
animals get

A. food and shelter from natural vegetation.

B. supply of carbon dioxide from natural vegetation.
C. safety of illegal hunting from natural vegetation.
D. protection of disease from natural vegetation.

8. Which statement supports those human factors responsible for soil erosion?

A. Tree farming in high land area

B. Crop cultivation in desert area
C. Growing different crops at once
D. Up and down slope cultivations

9. Which renewable energy can be used instead of fuel minerals?

A. Natural gas C. Petroleum

B. Wind power D. Coal

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Which air pollution controlling mechanism is helpful?

A. Avoiding cars that release smoke by laws.
B. Encouraging people to use private cars.
C. Enforcing car owners to use electric power.
D. Making industries to fix smoke filtering system.

11. Every year in most developing nations millions of people have died due to food
shortage. What is the major cause for this problem?

A. Rapid population growth

B. Inaccessibility of resources
C. Poor transport facilities
D. Lack of soil fertility

12. In which continent is Mount Kilimanjaro found?

A. Asia C. Africa
B. Australia D. Europe

13. A river with 2303 km length in North America is called

A. Nile C. Volga
B. Mississippi D. Yangtze

14. Can you identify densely populated area based on its environment?

A. Nile valley of Africa C. Area of Arctic Ocean

B. Great Australian desert D. Hot and dry area

15. Among the following social factors which one NEGATIVELY affects population

A. Economic development C. Civil war

B. Technological progress D. Transport facility

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16. What is the possible outcome of soil erosion?

A. Volcanic eruption C. Climate change

B. Loss of ocean water D. Environmental degradation

17. The formation of ups and downs on the earth’s crust caused by compressional forces
is known as

A. earthquake. C. volcanism.
B. folding. D. exfoliation.

18. What is the effect of volcanic eruption?

A. Large scale global warmiing C. Loss of life and property damage

B. Water shortage and drought D. Scarcity of fertile soil

19. Can you explain the possible danger of volcanic eruption?

A. It creates ash cloud and hazard air plan.

B. It releases intense heat and causes famine.
C. It causes to a rise in the amount of oxygen.
D. It throws out dust and causes soil loss.

20. What is the effect of the destruction of tropical rainforest in Africa?

A. Reduction in carbon dioxide

B. Availability of high rainfall
C. Enrich soil fertility
D. Loss of biodiversity

21. What measures should be taken to conserve natural resources in Ethiopia?

A. Privatizing natural resource

B. Preventing individual use of resource
C. Wisely using natural resource
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1 D.

Freely using nonrenewable resource

22. Which ones are affected by hot water released from thermal power station?

A. Plant and fish C. Soil and rock

B. Peoples in the city D. Farmers that raise cattle

23. How would you explain the results of global warming?

A. It causes the loss of non-renewable resources.

B. It brings starvation and death in developing nations.
C. Its responsible for oxygen to increase two times.
D. It causes to decrease the volume of ocean water.

24. How can you describe the trend of Ethiopian population growth since 1900?

A. It was similar with developed nations.

B. The country had low population growth rate.
C. The population growth was at the fastest rate.
D. It took 100 years to be doubled.

25. Regarding the role of men to reduce rapid population growth in Ethiopia, what
describes the strategic plan?

A. Providing men applicable work choice.

B. Participating men in the family planning.
C. Involving men in caring children at home.
D. Encouraging men to have more children.
26. What is the responsibility of Ethiopian youth in the poverty reduction process?
Ethiopian youth should

A. collect money for poor.

B. engage in roadside trade.
C. provide food for poor peoples.
D. keep natural resource properly.

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27. How would you explain the differences of the terms ‘Sex’ and ‘Gender’?

A. ‘Sex’ is for children while ‘Gender’ is for adults.

B. ‘Sex’ is biological while ‘Gender’ is social.
C. ‘Sex’ is social while ‘Gender’ is individual. D. ‘Sex’ and ‘Gender’ have
similar meanings.

28. What is the combined effect of communication, technology and international trade in
the world?

A. Making the world easily accessible.

B. Classifying the world into ‘rich’ and ‘poor’.
C. Enabling poor countries economically advantageous.
D. Helping farmers to eradicate drought.


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29. The line of longitude that crosses the eastern-tip of Africa is approximately

A. 100′0′′W C. 400′0′′N
B. 300′0′′S D. 500′0′′E
30. The type of scale given in the margin of the map is

A. graphic scale. C. R.F. scale.

B. statement scale. D. areal scale.

31. What is the relative location of Madagascar in the map?

A. South-east of Africa C. East of Africa

B. North-west of Africa D. North of Africa


32. Sedimentary rocks are useful for

A. decorative material. C. energy resource.

B. machinery production. D. wire making.

33. In which major type of soil erosion is gulley erosion belong?

A. Wind C. Sea wave

B. Glacial D. Running water

34. Ethiopia is rich in water resource, but there is unsafe domestic water problem. How
could you describe this problem in Addis Ababa?

A. Rivers crossing the city that could use for domestic purpose are polluted.

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1 B.

Many rivers in the city hold small amount of water for domestic use.
C. Water bodies that could use for home consumption in the city are few.
D. There are many spring waters in the city but they are not accessible.
35. One of the following is NOT a super language family in Africa

A. Volta Congo C Niger Congo

B. Nilo Saharan D. The Khoisan

36. The people who founded Carthage civilization were called

A. Egyptians. C. Phoenicians.
B. Romans. D. Greeks.

37. Mali achieved its highest stage of political power and cultural development under the
rule of

A. Mansa Musa. C. Sundiata Keita.

B. Amara Dunkas. D. Ibn Battuta.

38. Which one of the following best describes the architectural achievements of ancient

A. They built large tombs called pyramids for their kings.

B. They were effective in constructing roads for their cities.
C. Temples, palaces and large buildings found in the country today is a tourist
attracting area.
D. The ruins found in the city include a tower of 9 meters high and 240 meters

39. Besides exchange of goods long distance trade had

A. slowed people’s interaction.

B. created a strong attachment among peoples.
C. caused conflicts between rulers in need of resourceful areas.
D. limited the Ethiopia people’s movement.

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Which area was the origin of long distance trade in the 19th century Ethiopia?

A. South Western C. North Western

B. South Eastern D. North Eastern

41. Which one of the following is a commercial crop in Africa?

A. Teff C. Maize
B. Coffee D. Bean

42. Which one of the following African country has better development railway

A. Egypt C. Libya
B. South Africa D. Kenya

43. In what way did HIV/AIDS affect the economy of a country?

A. Reducing the labour supply through increased mortality and illness

B. Dropping of students from education and women engaging in sexual activity.
C. Reducing the progress of life expectancy.
D. Children take on more responsibility to care for family members.

44. Which one of the following is NOT a convention of a child endorsed by the United

A. Children have the right to express their views and freedom of thought.
B. Children have the right to protection from abuse and good standard of living.
C. Children have the right not to perform any work that is likely to be harmful.
D. Children should get physical punishment when they commit mistakes.
45. Employment of children as wage earners is

A. Child Labour. C. Child Abuse.

B. Child Care. D. Child Discrimination.

46. A democratic government is a government

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A. with unlimited power and transparent to the people.
B. do not recognize nor respect human rights.
C. which is accountable and limited power.
D. power is concentrated in the hands of small group officials.

47. Which one of the following regional organizations found by West African countries?


48. The Organization of African Unity was founded in

A. Dare slam. C. Addis Ababa

B. Tripoli. D. Nairobi

49. The main purpose of African regional organizations is

A. political unity. C. social development.

B. cultural development. D. economic development.

50. Who were the first European people to become civilized?

A. Romans C. German
B. Greece D. England
51. One of the following is the heritage of ancient Roman Empire?

A. Sculpture C. Latin Alphabet

B. Pottery D. Architecture

52. One of the following is NOT dominant kind of livelihood in developing countries?

A. Manufacturing C. Trade
B. Transportation D. Agriculture.

53. When did the industrial revolution begin?

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A. In the middle of 19th Century
B. In the middle of 18th Century
C. At the end of 19th Century
D. At the end of 18th Century

54. Which one of the following is NOT an impact of industrial revolution?

A. socialism C. pluralism.
B. colonialism D. democracy

55. One of the following is the major religion in India?

A. Judaism C. Hinduism
B. Buddhism D. Islam

56. On March 1, 1896 Ethiopian troops under the leadership of Emperor Menelik II
crushed an Italian army at the battle of

A. Mekele. C. Adwa.
B. Ambalage. D. Maychew.
57. Which one of the following group of population has a great risk of getting

A. young people C. children

B. students D. farmers

58. Gender equality states that

A. inequality of men with women.

B. naturally men and women born unequal.
C. the avoidance of discrimination based on sex.
D. encouragement of women to get equal chances in social affairs.

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In Ethiopia which one of the following is a common delinquent action committed by

A. theft
B. making attacks in groups
C. burning down houses and property
D. loyality

60. Which one of the following is NOT an organ of the United Nation?

A. The secretariat C. The Security council

B. The World Bank D. The General Assembly

61. In most developing countries rural areas ,women used to

A. enjoy equal rights with men.

B. get equal opportunity for education.
C. be forced to marry at an early age.
D. enjoy equal rights with women in urban.

62. The current secretary General of United Nation is

A. Koffi Annan. C. António Guterres.

B. Ban Ki-moon. D. Filippo Grandi.

63. Which one of the following statement is true about globalization?

A. It made the life complex with technological development.

B. It made economical, social and political influence in any country.
C. Rich countries could be free from any influences of globalization.
D. It creates barriers between national boarders in order to facilitate the flow of

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