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Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Being a teacher

Commonwealth Education Trust

Second assignment on: An environment for learning

Crea ng a comfortable environment for teaching and learning is the very first task as a teacher. Actually,
the nature of the environment may different from one teacher to another depending on the physical
environment, the passion and the ability of the teacher, the content (the subject), also the purpose and
aim of the teaching and learning and so on. I think all teachers try to create an environment that is
comfortable for their teaching as well as the learners.

As a teacher I try to create a posi ve environment in class room. But, since the word posi ve in this
sense is rela ve, I will try to discuss what I mean when I say “posi ve environment for learning”.

A posi ve environment for learning means a place and a me in which the teacher is comfortable for
teaching and the students are willing and interested for learning. So, this where is this place? and when?

Obviously! The place is the school. but it has to be made as required that means it has to be free from
disturbance and noises that affect the a en on and thinking of both the teacher and the learners. The
environment has to be suppor ve for the content. for example: when I was a student, I pay more
a en on when we go to science laboratory because it makes me very passionate to know what the
teacher tells us, and I went to discover and do what he/ she dose. So now, I try to teach my students
with prac cal aid, even if it is not easy because of financial problems I try as much as I can. Addi onally,
as much as possible when the student come to the class room his/her a en on has to be on the lesson
however, some mes it may be difficult to get a en on of full students. It may be due to the impact of
their environment and their condi on for example: - when students get ill, when they get hangry, if they
get some difficulty either physical or mental and so on. In such situa ons the environment become
disrupted so se ng up a good environment for learning requires understanding the different aspects
and condi ons. Making the environment a rac ve, peace full, filled with helpful resources and the like,
is not enough. The mood of the students also has to be well prepared to learning.

In my opinion, se ng up the environment of learning is not one me process, it needs con nuous
learning about it and improving. for example: in this course I have learned that, the learning
environment as well as different resources has to consider the diversi es of learners in terms of gender,
disability, race. so next me I will try to include this concern and set up a be er environment for
learning. And s ll it is not done I will try to learn more about the environment, the constrains and the
concerns to consider and I will try to achieve the posi ve environment for learning.

By nardose teshome

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