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LESSON 1: Surveying Fieldwork & Introduction to SURVEY PARTY

Surveying Chief of Party Rear Tapeman

Assistant Chief of Party Flagman
FIELD NOTES Instrument man Rodman
 Constitute the only reliable and permanent record of Technician Pacer
actual work done in the field. Data processor Axeman or Lineman
 If notes are incorrect or incompletely done, time, Recorder Aidman
money and effort in data gathering are wasted. Head Tapeman Utilitymen
 The quality of field work is reflected directly in the
manner he keeps his field record. SURVEY HAND SIGNALS
 Field notes become the official record of the survey.  An arm and hand signal is any gesture or motion that
conveys information or gives a command, direction or
1. Sketches  Usually employed due to the difficulty to
2. Tabulations communicate verbally in the field due to distance,
3. Explanatory notes wind conditions, and surrounding noise.
4. Computations
1. Know how to use the instrument.
INFORMATION FOUND IN FIELD BOOKS 2. Always place them in stable grounds when in use.
1. Title or Name of the Project 3. Place them properly in their container.
2. Time of Day and Date 4. Do not use them if weather does not permit.
3. Weather Conditions 5. Check their functionality before and after field work.
4. Names of Group Members and Their Designations 6. If wet, dry them by carefully wiping excess water and do
5. List of Equipment not put them immediately in their storage or container.
7. Carry the instrument properly
RECORDING OBSERVED DATA 8. Be mindful of the surrounding when transporting any
To eliminate common mistakes in note keeping, the equipment.
following guide points are given: 9. Avoid playing with the instrument.
10. Always make sure that the equipment is secure.
1. Follow a consistent simple style of writing.
2. Use of sharp pencil.
3. Record directly in the field book immediately following a INTRODUCTION TO SURVEYING
measurement, rather than on a sheet of scratch paper for
copying. GEOMATICS
4. Do not erase recorded data. If a number has been  The science concerned with the measurement,
recorded incorrectly, a line is run through it without representation, analysis, management, retrieval and,
destroying its legibility and the correct value is written display of spatial information describing both the
above the mistake. If entire page is to be deleted, diagonal Earth's physical features and the built-in environment.
lines are drawn from opposite corners and “VOID” is  Includes disciplines such as:
lettered prominently. Surveying Cartography
5. Avoid crowding observed data. Geodesy Global Positioning Systems
6. Always bring along a straight edge for ruling lines, and
Remote Sensing and Geographic Information
a small protractor for laying off angles.
Photogrammetry Systems
7. To avoid misinterpretation of data, use sketches other
 The art of making measurements of the relative
than tabulations. Also use explanatory notes.
positions of natural and manmade features on the
8. Indicate north at the top of the page of the field
earth's surface, and the presentation of this
notebook for all sketches shown in plan and draw a
information either graphically or numerically.
meridian arrow.
(Traditional Definition)
9. Tabulated values should be kept inside the column
 The art and science of determining angular and linear
rulings, with the decimal point and digits aligned vertically.
measurements to establish the form, extent, and
Notes should not be made to appear either more precise
relative position of points, lines, and areas on or near
or less precise than they really are.
the surface of the earth or on other extraterrestrial
10. Computations made in the field should be recorded in
bodies through applied mathematics and the use of
the field notebook in order that they can be checked later.
specialized equipment and techniques. (Modern
The checks are necessary to determine if there is a need
to repeat a particular observation or measurement.
11. Number every page of the field notebook. There
IN 1990
should be no doubt with regard to the correct sequence of
 The military requirements of World Wars I and II
recorded field data.
provided the motivation for vast improvements in the
design of surveying equipment and execution of
surveying operations.
USES OF SURVEY  Vertical line - a line perpendicular to the horizontal
1. Establishment of boundaries of land. plane.
2. Fixing of national and state boundaries.  Vertical plane - is a plane in which a vertical line isan
3. Charting of coastlines and navigable streams and lakes. element.
4. Precise location of definite reference points throughout  Vertical angle - angle between two intersecting lines
the country. in a vertical plane.
5. Collection of valuable facts concerning the earth’s  Zenith angle - angle between two lines in a vertical
magnetism at widely scattered stations throughout the plane where it is understood that one of the lines is
country. directed toward the zenith.
 Nadir angle - angle between two lines in a vertical
SURVEYING plane where it is understood that one of the lines is
 Plane Surveying - the type of surveying in which the directed toward the nadir.
mean surface of the earth is considered as a plane,  Horizontal distances - distances measured along a
or in which its spheroidal shape is neglected. level line.
 Geodetic Surveying - takes into account the true  Elevation of a point - vertical distance above (or
shape of the earth. below) some arbitrarily assumed level surface, or
TYPES OF SURVEYS  Contour - an imaginary line of constant elevation on
 Control Survey - consists of establishment of the the ground surface.
horizontal and vertical positions of arbitrary points.  Difference in elevation - vertical distance between
 Property Survey - performed to determine the length two points.
and direction of lot lines and to establish the position  Leveling - operation of measuring difference in
of these lines on the ground. elevation.
 Topographic Survey - made to secure data from  Grade or Gradient of a line - slope of the line or rate
which may be made a topographic map indicating the of ascent or descent.
configuration of the terrain and the location of natural
and human-made objects.
 Hydrographic Survey - refers to surveys of bodies of
water for the purposes of navigation, water supply, or LESSON 2: Errors and Statistics and Probable Errors
subaqueous construction.
 Mine Survey - utilizes the principles for land, geologic MEASUREMENT
and topographic surveying to control, locate and map  Process of determining the extent, size, or
underground and surface works related to mining dimensions of a particular quantity in comparison to a
operations. given standard.
 Route survey - refers to those control, topographic,  Consists of several physical operations which renders
and construction surveys necessary for the location a numerical value.
and construction of lines of transportation, etc.  Maybe direct or indirect.
 Construction Survey - performed to lay out, locate
and, monitor public and private engineering works. MEASUREMENT VS. OBSERVATION
 Photogrammetric Survey - measurements made on  A measurement entails the entire process of
photographs are used to determine the positions of obtaining a desired quantity, including preparations
photographed objects. (instrument calibration and setup), pointing, matching,
and comparing.
DEFINITION OF TERMS  An observation is a single, unadjusted determination
 Total Station System of a linear or angular value.
 Digital Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
 Geographic and Land Information Systems  Measurements are numerical values for random
 Level surface - a curved surface every element of variables which are subject to statistical fluctuations.
which is normal to a line that is directed exactly  An inherent quality of physical properties.
toward the Earth's center of gravity (plumb line).  Statistical variations due to observational errors.
 Zenith - direction away from the center of the Earth
and above the observer’s head. ERROR AND CORRECTION
 Nadir - direction towards the center of the Earth. Error - difference between the measured or calculated
 Horizontal plane - plane tangent to a level surface at value of a quantity and given or established (“true”) value
a particular point. of that quantity.
 Horizontal line - a line tangent to a level surface. In
surveying, it is commonly understood that a Ɛ=� −Ƭ
horizontal line of sight is straight.
 Horizontal angle - an angle formed by the intersection Correction - the negative of error.
of two lines in a horizontal plane.
���������� = Ƭ − �
SOURCES OF ERRORS - Provides comparison.
1. Natural Errors - caused by variations in the phenomena - Explains action that has taken place.
of nature such as changes in magnetic declination, - Justifies a claim or assertion.
temperature, etc. - Predicts future outcome.
2. Instrumental Errors - due to imperfections in the - Estimates unknown quantities.
instruments used.  Statistics summarizes data for public use.
3. Personal Errors - arise principally from the limitations of
the senses of sight, touch, and hearing of the observer. PRECISION VS. ACCURACY
 Precision - degree of refinement and measure of
TYPES OF ERRORS uniformity of the result.
1. Mistake or Blunders  Accuracy - degree of conformity with a standard or
2. Systematic or Cumulative Errors accepted value. Denotes how close a given
3. Random or Accidental Errors measurement is to the absolute value of the quantity.


 Actually not errors because they are usually so gross  Probability - is the likelihood associated with a
in magnitude compared to the other types of errors. random event.
 One of the most common reasons is simple  Random Variable - a variable that takes on any of
carelessness on the part of the observer. several possible values.
 An observation with a mistake is not useful unless the  Random Event - is one whose relative frequency of
mistake is removed. occurrence approaches a stable limit as the number
of observations is increased to infinity.
1. Reading the wrong graduation on the tape. REPRESENTATIONS OF PROBABILITY DENSITY
2. Omitting a whole length of tape. Frequency Diagrams:
3. Transposition of figures.  Histogram – represents the probability density of a
4. Misplacing a decimal point. single random variable.
5. Incorrect recording of field notes.  Stereogram - represents the probability density of two
6. Sighting the wrong target. random variables.


 So called because they occur according to some  Sample Median - positional middle of the arrayed
deterministic system which, when known, can be data.
expressed by some functional relationship.  Characteristics:
 Caused by physical and natural conditions that vary - Affected by the position of each item but not by the value
in accordance with known mathematical or physical of each item.
laws. - A stable measure of central tendency.

TYPES OF SYSTEMATIC ERROR  Sample Mean - sum of all the values of the
 Constant Error - if its magnitude and sign remains the observations divided by the number of observations.
same throughout the measuring process or field (Most Probable Value)
conditions are unchanged.  Characteristics:
 Counteracting - if its sign changes while its - Most familiar measure of central tendency used.
magnitude remains the same. Due to personal bias of - Affected by the value of every observation.
the observer. - In particular, it is strongly influenced by extreme values.
- Since it is a calculated number, it may not be an actual
1. Equipment out of calibration.
2. Personal biases of the observer.  Sample Mode - value that occurs most frequently in
3. Use of incorrect units (feet instead of meters). the sample.
 Characteristics:
RANDOM OF ACCIDENTAL ERRORS - Not always exist. If it does, it may not be unique (2 or
 Produced by irregular causes that are beyond the more sample modes).
control of the observer. - Not affected by extreme values.
 This variation results from observational errors which - Easiest to compute.
have no known functional relationship based upon a
deterministic system.  Midrange - value of observation that is midway along
 Must use probability models. the range. Arithmetic mean of the largest and
smallest observations.
General Uses of Statistics:
 Statistics aids in decision making.
SAMPLE STATISTICS FOR DISPERSION Probable error of any single measurement of a series:
1. Range - the total spread of the sample.
��� =± 0.6745
����� = ������� ����� − �������� ����� �−1

2. Mean Deviation - arithmetic mean of the absolute Probable error of the mean:
values of the deviation from any measure of position.
��� =± 0.6745
� �(� − 1)
�� = �� − X

 Expressed by a fraction having the magnitude of the
error in the numerator and the magnitude of a
3. Variance - parameter of dispersion or spread. measured quantity in the denominator.

(�� − X )2
 Example:
�2 = If PEm= 0.10 m and MPV = 235.50 m,
�−1 Relative Precision = 0.10/235.50 = 1/2355 or 1:2355.

 Example:
3. Standard Deviation - positive square root of the
The following values were determined in a series of tape
measurements of a line in meters: 1000.58, 1000.40,
1000.38 1000.48, 1000.40, 1000.46

(�� − X )2 Determine:
�=1 A. MPV of the measured length.
�= �
�−1 ��� �� X =

1000.58 + 1000.40 + 1000.38 + 1000.48 + 1000.40 + 1000.46

Weight - the quantity that is inversely proportional to 6
Relative Error or Precision - ratio of the error to the X = ����. �� �
measured or estimated quantity.
Ratio of Misclosure - ratio between the total error and the B. PEs and PEm.
total length of the survey. Measured Length Residual (v) Square of
(x) Residual (v2)
1000.58 -0.13 0.0169
PROBABLE ERRORS 1000.40 0.05 0.0025
1000.38 0.07 0.0049
RESIDUAL 1000.48 -0.03 0.0009
 Sometimes called the deviation. 1000.40 0.05 0.0025
 Defined as the difference between any measured 1000.46 -0.01 0.0001
quantity and its most probable value (MPV).
∑X = 6002.70 ∑v = 0 ∑v2 = 0.0278
v = residual
�=X −� X = an individual measurement �2 0.0278
��� =± 0.6745 =± 0.6745
X = MPV of thequantity �−1 6−1

��� =± �. �� �
 A quantity which, when added to and subtracted from
the MPV, defines a range within which there is 50% �2 0.0278
��� =± 0.6745 =± 0.6745
chance that the true value lies inside (or outside) the �(� − 1) 6(6 − 1)
limits thus set.
��� =± �. �� �
X ± ��
C. Final expression for most probable length.  Product of errors:
��� =± �1 × ��2 2 + �2 × ��1 2
= 1000.45 ± 0.02
�����: ����. �� − ����. �� Where:
PEp= Probable error of the product
D. Relative Precision of the measurement. Q1 & Q2 = Measured quantities
PE1, PE2 = PE corresponding to each quantity
��� 0.05
��� = =
��� 1000.45  Example:
A rectangular lot has sides a = 51.17 m and b = 27.30 m
� each having probable errors 0.02, 0.05 meters
��� =
����� respectively. Compute for the probable error of the
calculated area.
��� 0.02
��� = =
��� 1000.45 ��� =± 51.17 × 0.05 2 + 27.30 × 0.02 2

��� = ��� =± �. �� ��
Note: The MPV of the area is 1396.94 ± 2.62 m2.
 Degree of reliability.
 Usually based upon:
- Judgment of the surveyor. LESSON 3: Horizontal Distance Measurement
- Number of measurements taken for a particular quantity.
- The assumption that it is inversely proportional to the HORIZONTAL DISTANCE MEASUREMENT I
square of the probable error.
 Example:  Spatial Distance - distance between any two random
Measured Length Assigned Weight Weighted Length points in 3D space.
(X) (W) (X*W)  Horizontal Distance - linear distance between two
points on any surface. If points are at different
110.26 6 661.56
elevations, distance is the horizontal length between
110.13 2 220.26
plumb lines at the points.
110.20 3 330.60
P 1322.73 1. Purpose of the Measurement
Weighted Mean = =
W 12 2. Required Accuracy
- Rough reconnaissance ( 1 part in 100 )
= ���. �� � - First-order surveys (1 part in 1,000,000)
3. Cost


 Summation of errors: ����� =± ��21 + ��22 + . . . ��2� HORIZONTAL DISTANCES
1. Pacing
Where: 2. Tacheometry
PESUM = Probable error of the sum 3. Graphical and Mathematical Methods
PE1, PE2, etc. = PE of each measurement 4. Mechanical Devices
5. Photogrammetry
 Example: 6. Taping
A triangular-shaped tract of land has sides a = 35.02 m, b 7. EDM
= 22.15 m and c = 12.65 m, each having probable errors 8. Global Positioning Systems
of 0.05, 0.07 and 0.03 m, respectively. Compute for the
probable error of the perimeter. PACING
 consists of counting the number of steps or paces in
a required distance.
����� =± (0.05)2 + (0.07)2 + (0.03)2
 furnishes a rapid means of approximately checking
more precise measurements of distance.
=± �. �� �  used on:
 reconnaissance surveys
Note: The MPV of the perimeter is 69.82 ± 0.09m.
 small-scale mapping locating details A stadia rod held at a distant point B is sighted by an
instrument set up at A. The upper and lower stadia hair
PACE readings were observed as 1.30m and 0.90m, respectively.
 defined as the length of a step in walking If the stadia interval factor is 100 and the instrument
 2 paces is equivalent to a stride or a double step constant is zero, determine the length of line AB.
 Relative Precision: 1/200 to 1/100 seldom less than
1/300 � = �� + � = (100)(1.30 − 0.90) + 0


 walk at a uniform step along a line of known length on
a level ground and count the number of paces to 2. Subtense Bar Method - a subtense bar is set up at a
cover the whole stretch distant station while a theodolite at the end of the line
 compute the pace factor (in m/pace) measures the horizontal angle subtended by the distance
between the two targets.
 Speed of pacing � �
The formula for subtense bar method is: � = 2 ���
 Roughness of the ground 2
 Weight of clothing and shoes
 Fatigue on the part of the pacer Where:
 Slope of the terrain D = horizontal distance
 Age and sex of the individual s = length of the subtense bar
a = angle subtended by the targets
1. Pedometer Relative Precision: 1/3000 with sights of about 150m or
- a pager-size device worn on the belt that simply records less using a 1” theodolite
the number of steps made based on the body’s movement
(hips). Example:
- old pedometers are hand carried. Using a theodolite, a subtended angle of 0º22’20” was
- registers number of paces and distances. read on a 2-m subtense bar. What is the horizontal
distance from the theodolite to the bar?
2. Passometer
- registers a pace by impact each time a foot touches the � � 2 0°22'20"
�= ��� = ���
ground 2 2 2 2
- about the size of a watch
� = ���. �� �
- an indirect method of measuring horizontal distances. GRAPHICAL AND MATHEMATICAL METHODS
- it is based on the optical geometry of the instruments  distances are determined geometrically.
- uses subtended intervals and angles observed with a �= �2 − �1 2 + �2 − �1 2

transit or a theodolite on a graduated rod or scale.

- relative accuracy is 1 part in 300 to 400. Example:
Compute the distances of lines AB, BC and CA using the
METHODS IN TACHEOMETRY given coordinates of the three points
1. Stadia Method - uses a telescope with 2 horizontal Eastings (X) Northings (Y)
cross hairs called stadia hairs, and a graduated rod called A 20,000.00 20,000.00
stadia rod. B 20,050.00 18,900.00
C 20,650.00 19,000.00
Precision depends on the ff:
 Refinement with which instrument was manufactured 2 2
�= �2 − �1 + �2 − �1
 Skill of the observer
 Length of measurement
��� = 20,050 − 20,000 2 + 18,900 − 20,000 2
 Effects of refraction

Stadia Method formula: � = �� + � ��� = ����. ��

Where: ��� = 20,650 − 20,050 2 + 19,000 − 18,900 2

K = stadia interval factor
s = stadia interval ��� = ���. ��
C = distance from the center of instrument to principal
focus (instrument constant)
��� = 20,650 − 20,000 2 + 19,000 − 20,000 2 ADVANTAGES OF EDM
 speed and accuracy
��� = ����. ��  lightweight and portable
 low power requirement
MECHANICAL DEVICES  easy to operate
 Odometer - attached to a wheel for purposes of  ease in measurement over inaccessible terrain
roughly measuring surface distances (speed).  applicable to measurement of both short and long
 Relative Precision: 1/200 on fairly level ground  automatically measures, displays and records
 Uses: needed data
- Route Location Surveys  slope measurements are internally reduced to
- Preliminary Surveys horizontal and vertical components
- Small-scale Mapping  automatically accumulates and averages reading for
slope range, horizontal and vertical angles
 Measuring Wheel - very similar to odometer except
that it is a more portable and selfcontained device. TOTAL STATION
- a combination electronic transit and electronic distance
 Use: measuring device (EDM).
- Determining distance along irregular or curved lines and - angles and distances from the instrument to points to be
boundaries surveyed are determined.
- using trigonometry, angles and distances may be used to
 Optical Rangefinder - determines distances calculate the actual positions (x, y, and z or northing,
approximately by focusing. easting and elevation) of surveyed points in absolute
 Mileage Recorder - attached to ordinary automobile
speedometer. TAPING
- involves direct measurement of distances with steel
• Measuring of images on a photograph - most common method of measuring or laying out
• Uses scale to obtain ground distances horizontal distances.
- consists of stretching a calibrated tape between two
����� �������� points and reading the distance indicated on the tape.
����� =
������ ��������
- by Sir Edmund Gunter (1620)
Example: - 66 ft with 100 links
A line connecting two electric posts and defining a lot - 1 link = 0.66ft = 7.92 inches
boundary is 2.6cm long on a photo. Determine its ground
distance in meters if the photo scale used is 1:500 TYPES OF MEASURING TAPES
1. Steel tape
1 2.6( ) - ribbon of steel
= 100
500 � - 0.5-1.0cm in width; weighs 0.8-1.5kg / 30 meters
- for most conventional measurements in surveying and
= �� � engineering works

2. Metallic tape
- made of water-proof linen fabric
ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT - woven longitudinally with small brass, copper or bronze
(EDM) - reduce stretching, increase strength
 Measurement of distance is based on the invariant - for short distances
speed of light or electromagnetic waves in a vacuum. - unsuitable for precise measurements and around
 Classification: electrical installations
 Electro-optical
- e.g. Geodimeter 3. Non-metallic tape
 Electromagnetic (microwave) - coated with plastic material
- e.g. Tellurometer - reduce effects of moisture, humidity and abrasion
 EDM formula: - safe to use when working around electrical installations
� = (�� + �) 4. Invar tape
- made of an alloy of nickel (35%) and steel (65%)
where l = v / f, n = integral # of wavelengths, d = phase diff - with a very low coefficient of thermal expansion
- (1/30 to 1/60 of steel tape)  Third Rule: When a line is measured or laid out with a
- “Invariable” tape that is “TOO SHORT”, corrections applied are
- used for precise measurements opposite of 1st and 2nd rules.
- 10 times as expensive as steel  GENERAL STATEMENT: “When measuring with
- easily bent and damaged tape TOO LONG, ADD; TOO SHORT, SUBTRACT.
Do the reverse when laying out.”
5. Lovar tape
- properties and costs between steel and invar tapes CORRECTIONS TO TAPE
1. Tape Not of Standard Length
6. Fiberglass tape  Often due to imperfections in their manufacture,
- woven with fiberglass (longitudinal and transverse stretching or wear.
pattern)  Also due to constant use of tapes becoming worn,
- strong and flexible kinked, and improperly repaired when breaks
- best used in vicinity of electrical equipment occurred.
 Corrections may vary from few millimeters or
7. Wires centimeters.
- used before thin flat steel tapes
- still practical in hydrographic surveys ���� = �� − ��

8. Builder’s tape Where:

- smaller cross sections and lighter than engineer’s tape Corr = correction per tape length
- graduated to suit commonly used dimensions in building TL = true length
constructions NL = measured length

9. Phosphor-bronze tape
- rust-proof tape ��
�� = �� ± ����
- used in vicinity of salt water ��

10. Nylon-coated steel tape Where:

- flexible and crack-resistant CL = corrected length of the line to be measured or laid
- steel core tape out
- with coating of permanently bonded non-conducting ML = length measured or laid out
nylon Corr = correction per tape length (TL - ML)
- designed to be resistant to corrosion and rust TL = true length
NL = nominal length of tape
 Tension Handle  Example:
 Chaining Pins The length of line AB measured with a 50-m tape is
 Leather Thong 465.285 m. The tape used is found out to be 0.016 m too
 Range Pole long. Determine the correct length of AB.
 Clinometer
 Plump Bob �� 465.265
�� = �� ± ���� = 465.285 + 0.016( )
 Wooden Stake �� 50

OPERATIONS IN TAPING �� = ���. ��� �

 Breaking Tape - measurement of shorter distances
which are accumulated to total a full tape length. 2. Due to Slope
 Slope Taping - taped measurements are made When distances are measured along a slope, the
directly along the slopes when the ground is of equivalent horizontal distance may correspondingly be
uniform inclination and fairly smooth. determined by applying an approximate or exact slope

� = � − �ℎ
LESSON 4: Tape Corrections


Gentle Slopes (<20%): �ℎ = 2�
 First Rule: When a line is measured with a tape that
is “TOO LONG”, corrections are ADDED.
 Second Rule: When laying out a length with a tape ℎ2 ℎ4
Steep Slopes (Between 20%-30%): �ℎ = 2� + 8�3
that is “TOO LONG”, corrections are SUBTRACTED.
Very Steep Slopes (>30%): �ℎ =s(1-cosθ)
Where: 20.60
sinθBC = → θBC = 14.04°
Ch = slope correction = s-d 84.94
h = Delev between pts
s = measured slope distance
d = equivalent horizontal distance �ℎ�� = 76.52(1 − ���23.53) = 6.362
�ℎ�� = 84.94(1 − ���14.04) = 2.537
 Example: ���� = �. ��� �
Slope distances AB and BC are measured with lengths
76.52 m and 84.94 m, respectively. The differences in
elevation are 30.55 m for points A and B, and –20.60 m � = � − �ℎ
for points B and C. Determine the combined slope
correction for line AC assuming slopes are gentle, steep ��� = 76.52 − 6.362 = 70.158
and very steep. Finally, calculate the corrected horizontal ��� = 84.94 − 2.537 = 82.403
distance AC for each slope type. ��� = ���. ��� �

 Gentle Slope
ℎ2 3. Due to Alignment
�ℎ =
2�  Linear error due to inaccuracy in alignment of a tape.
 Similar to the effect of slope.
(30.55)2  Easier to control and smaller in magnitude.
�ℎ�� = = 6.098  Generally least important among different tape
( − 20.60)2
�ℎ�� = = 2.498 4. Due to Temperature
 Change in the length of the tape due to variations in
���� = �. ��� �  Occurs when measurements are taken at
temperatures above or below the standard
temperature of the tape.
� = � − �ℎ  Correction is usually small and negligible.
 Proportional to the number of tape lengths.
��� = 76.52 − 6.098 = 70.42
��� = 84.94 − 2.498 = 82.44 �� = ��(� − �� )
��� = ���. �� �
 Steep Slope Ct = Correction due to change in temperature
ℎ2 ℎ4 k = coefficient of linear expansion (steel = 0.0000116/°C)
�ℎ = +
2� 8�3 L = length of line measured
T = temperature of tape at time of measurements
(30.55)2 (30.55)4 Ts = standard temperature of tape (usually 20°C)
�ℎ�� = + = 6.341
2(76.52) 8(76.52)3
 Example:
( − 20.60) 2
( − 20.60) 4 A steel tape is known to be 50 m long at 20°C. The tape
�ℎ�� = + = 2.535 was used to measure a line 532.28 m long at 35°C.
2(84.94) 8(84.94)3
���� = �. ��� � a) Whether the tape is “too short” or “too long”.

�� = ��(� − �� )
� = � − �ℎ �� = (0.0000116)(50)(35 − 20)
�� = 0.0087 �
��� = 76.52 − 6.341 = 70.179 ��� ����!
��� = 84.94 − 2.535 = 82.405
��� = ���. ��� � b) Ct per tape length

 Very Steep Slope �� = ��(� − �� )

�ℎ = �(1 − ����) �� = (0.0000116)(50)(35 − 20)
�� = �. ���� �
No angle:
30.55 c) Ct total
sinθAB = → θAB = 23.53°
�� = ��(� − �� )
�� = (0.0000116)(532.28)(35 − 20) 3. Magnitude of the angle itself
�� = �. ���� �
d) Corrected length of line 1. Zenith Angle - angle measured in the vertical plane.
� = 532.28 + 0.0926 2. Vertical Angle - angle measured from the horizontal.
� = ���. �� �
5. Due to Tension  Fixed line of reference for determining direction of
 Arises whenever the pull applied is different from the lines.
standard tension used in calibration
 A function of: TYPES OF MERIDIAN
 Difference between applied and standard pulls  True Meridian - north-south line passing through the
 Measured length geographic poles of the earth.
 Cross-sectional area of the tape  Magnetic Meridian - lies parallel to the magnetic lines
 Modulus of elasticity of the tape material of force of the earth and is indicated by the direction
of the magnetized needle.
(�� − �� )�  Grid Meridian - line parallel to the central true
�� = meridian.
 Assumed Meridian - arbitrarily chosen for
Where: convenience.
CP = correction due to incorrect pull applied on the tape (m)
E = modulus of elasticity of the tape material (kg/cm2) UNITS FOR MEASURING ANGLES
L = length of line measured (m) 1. Degree
PM = pull applied to the tape during measurement (kg) 2. Grad
PS = standard pull applied to the tape (kg) 3. Radians
A = cross-sectional area of the tape (cm2) 4. Mil

6. Due to Sag THE DEGREE (DMS)

 Occurs when tape supports are only at its ends or at  Sexagesimal system is used (circumference of a
the 2 points measured. circle is divided into 360 parts or degree)
 Will sag because of its own weight.  Basic unit is degree ( ° ) which is further subdivided
 Similar to electric or telephone wires which swings into minutes (’) and seconds (”): 1° = 60’ = 3600’’
loosely between two posts.
�2 �3  Centesimal system is used (circumference of a circle
�� = is divided into 400 parts or grads).
 Basic unit is grad (g) subdivided into centesimal
Where: minutes (c) and centesimal seconds (cc).
CS = correction due to sag (m)
w = weight of tape per unit length (kg/m) 1g = 100c
L = interval between supports or unsupported length of 1c = 100cc
tape (m) Note: 200g = 180° & 400g = 360°
P = tension or pull applied on the tape (kg)
e.g. 235.2618g = 235g26c18cc
Note: The effect of sag always shortens the tape.
7. Due to Wind  1 radian is defined as the angle subtended at the
 Caused by wind blowing perpendicular to the center of a circle by an arc length exactly equal to the
direction of taping. radius of the circle.
 Wind moves the middle and unsupported portion of  Sometimes referred as the natural angle because
the tape to one side of the line measured. there is no arbitrary number in its definition.
 Similar to the effect of sag but is usually much less.
 Preferable not to undertake any taping work during 1 radian = 180/p ≈ 57.2958°
windy days.
 Circumference of circle is divided into 6400 parts
called mils.
LESSON 5: Angle and Direction Measurements  1600 mils = 90°
 Commonly used in military operations as in fire
COMPONENTS OF AN ANGLE direction of artillery units.
1. Reference line
2. Direction of the turn
What is the equivalent angular unit of 128°15’05” in:  angle between adjacent lines inside a polygon.

= 128 + 15' + 05"
60' 3600"  angle between the line and the prolongation of the
preceding line.
= ���. ����°
a. Grad  measured clockwise from the preceding to the
400g following line.
= 128.2514°( )
 Example:
= 142.5016 g Compute for the bearing and azimuth from South of lines
12 and 13.
= ���°��'��"

b. Radians
2π rad
= 128.2514°( )

= �. ��� ����

c. Mil
6400 mil
= 128.2514°( )

= ����. �� ���� β13 = 360° − 220°05' = 139°55'

BEARING β13 = 139°55' − 25°15' − 90°

 direction of any line with respect to a given meridian. ��� = � ��°��' �
 indicated by the quadrant in which the line falls and
the acute angle that the line makes with the meridian ��(�) = ��°��'
in that quadrant.
a. True bearing β12 = 90° − 25°15'
b. Magnetic bearing ��� = � ��°��' �
c. Assumed bearing
Az(S) = 270° − 25°15'
��(�) = ���°��'


1. Tape
2. Magnetic Compass
3. Engineer’s Transit
4. Theodolite
AZIMUTH 5. Total Station
 direction as given by the angle between the meridian
& the line measured in a clockwise direction. MAGNETIC DECLINATION
 on any given survey the direction of zero azimuth is  The angle between the true meridian and the
either always South or always North. magnetic meridian.
a. True azimuth
b. Magnetic azimuth
c. Assumed azimuth
1. Secular Variation
- the magnetic meridian swings in one direction for
perhaps 150 yrs until it gradually comes to rest and then
swings in the other direction, due to an unexplainable

2. Annual Variation
- small annual swing distinct from secular variation; the
value is less than a minute.

3. Daily Variation
- periodic swing of the magnetic needle occurring each

4. Irregular Variation
- due to magnetic storms and disturbances caused by
solar flares.

 Example:
The magnetic declination in a locality is 2°30’E. Determine
the true bearing and true azimuths reckoned from north
and south of the following lines whose magnetic bearings
are given.

a. AB, N 25°40’ E
b. AC, S 50°12’ E
c. AD, S 62°18’ W



1. Compute and Adjust interior angles
2. Select the best line (line in the traverse w/c is
unaffected by local attraction)
3. Adjust observed bearings of successive lines

 Example:
Adjust the closed compass traverse with the following
observed bearings:


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