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1. Saya makan nasi. I eat rice
2. Saya duduk. I sit
3. Saya lapar. I’m hungry
4. Dia laki laki berada disini. He’s here
5. Dia (pr) cantik. She’s beautiful
6. Anak itu nakal. That kid is such a nasty baddie
7. Ayahku seorang guru. My dad is a teacher
8. Doni seorang pelajar. Doni is a student
9. Wanita itu belajar. That women is learning
10. Gadis itu lupa. The girl forgot
11. Ibuku pintar. My mom is smart
12. Anak itu menangis. That kid is weeping
13. Dia (pr) mencuci. She’s washing
14. Dia (lk) menonton tv. He’s watching tv
15. Dia (pr) berenang. She’s swimming
16. Aku minum air. I drink water
17. Dia (lk) memiliki mobil. He has a car
18. Mereka memotong kertas. They are cutting paper
19. Meja itu bersih. The table is clean
20. Upin dan ipin membangun rumah. Upin ipin is working as a child labor
21. Ayahku dan Ibuku dokter. My mom and dad are working as a doctor
22. Ibuku mengendarai mobil. My mom drives a car
23. Anak itu bermain. The kid is playing
24. Aku dan temanku mempercayai dia(pr). My friend and I trust her
25. Orangtuaku membeli sebuah baju. My parents are buy a shirt

Translate into English!

Yola adalah seorang guru. Dia pergi ke sekolah setiap pagi. Dia
mempunyai adik perempuan. Nama nya dhea. Dhea adalah anak yang rajin. Dia
selalu mengerjakan PR.
Yola is a teacher, she goes to the school every morning. She has a sister
named dhea, she’s a diligent girl; she always does her homework. And that’s the
story of Yola and her slay sister called doja cat

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