Cloud Modeling

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Cloud computing services are available to the end users and customers with various platforms
(Private, Public, Hybrid & Community) and service models (Iaas,Paas,Saas). According to the
cloud organizational structure and the framework of reference models provided by various
companies , the following are the cloud models which will be designed to meet the customer

 Basic cloud model

 Multi cloud model
 Federated cloud model
 Ecosystem cloud model


 It is an abstraction of a complex infrastructure that enables the processing of software,

hardware, computing and data storage services.
 It is the general cloud services adapted by the majority of companies and users


 Multicloud computing is the use of multiple public cloud services from different vendors
within one architecture at the same time.

Example: A business might use AWS for data storage, Google Cloud Platform for
development and testing, and yet Microsoft Azure for disaster recovery.

Load balancing server

 Server load balancing (SLB) is a prominent component of multicloud infrastructure. It

intercepts web traffic and reroutes it to multiple servers to balance server loads.

Application server

 Multicloud application servers provide companies with an efficient environment to test,

run, and host applications.

Database server

 Database servers operate as dedicated servers for database services which can be used to
run database

Redundancy & Backup Server

 Redundancy is the strongest advantage offered by multicloud infrastructure.

Horizontal Auto Scaling

 This feature that gives organizations the ability to expand or limit their cloud resources as


 Increase productivity
 Increase flexibility
 Cut costs
 Avoid vendor lock-in
 Recover from disasters
 Improve response time


 Architectural complexity
 Extra agility -managing nodes in multiple cloud applications and shifting between
them when required
 Security concerns


Federation means associating small divisions to a single group for performing a common
task. Federated cloud is formed by connecting the cloud environment of several cloud providers
using a common standard.


The architecture has three basic components:

Cloud Exchange
 The Cloud Exchange act as a moderator between cloud coordinator and cloud broker
 The cloud exchange maps the demands of the cloud broker to the available services
offered by the coordinator.
 The cloud exchange has the track record of what is the current cost, demand patterns
and available cloud providers and this information is periodically updated by the
cloud coordinator.

Services offered by cloud exchange

Database Repository: Cloud exchange act as a database repository

or directory where cloud broker announces their resources, service and the price they
offer for the services.

Dealer: The cloud exchanger always updates policies of its participants, they
always act as a third party between broker and coordinator.

Bank: Cloud exchanger facilitates the financial transaction between cloud

vendors and its clients thus maintaining the trust.

Cloud Coordinator

 The cloud controller manages the cloud enterprises and their membership.
 The cloud coordinator allocates the cloud resources to the remote users based on the
quality of service they demand and the credits they have in the cloud bank.

Cloud Broker

 On behalf of the customer, it is the cloud broker who interacts with the cloud coordinator
 Cloud broker finalized the most appropriate deal for their client.

 Federated cloud allows scaling up of resources.

 Federated cloud increases reliability.
 Federated cloud has increased collaboration of cloud resources.
 Connects multiple cloud service provider globally to let providers buy and sell their
services on demand.
 Dynamic scalability reduces the cost and time of providers.


 A cloud ecosystem is a dynamic system of interdependent elements, all of which work

together to make cloud services possible.
 The ecosystem consists of hardware and software in cloud computing, as well as cloud
clients, cloud developers, consultants, integrators, and collaborators.


 Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the most popular and evolving cloud
 IBM is also the most know cloud ecosystem
 Tally is the popular cloud accounting solution

The main actors of the Cloud Ecosystem are:

Cloud Service User

 Cloud service user (CSU) is an individual or company who uses cloud services that are
 End-users may be individuals, machines, or apps.

Cloud service Provider

 A company that provides and manages the cloud services provided.

Cloud Service Partner

 An entity or organization which supports the creation of the service offer by a partner.

 The cloud ecosystem helps many companies to construct a new business model.
 It is easy to aggregate data and identifies the trends in the data

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