Grammatical Signals - Cause and Effect

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Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of: South and West Asian literature as

an expression of philosophical and religious beliefs; information flow in

various text types; reality, fantasy, and opinion in listening and viewing
materials; word decoding strategies; and use of information sources,
active/passive constructions, direct/reported speech, perfect tenses, and logical
connectors in journalistic writing.
Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by composing a variety of journalistic texts, the
contents of which may be used in composing and delivering a memorized oral
speech featuring use of properly acknowledged information sources,
grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and emphasis, and
appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
Learning Competencies Use appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to each pattern of
idea development:
● general to particular
● claim and counterclaim
● problem-solution
● cause-effect and others

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
A. identify grammatical signals used in Cause and effect pattern of idea;
B. construct a sentence demonstrating the cause and effect relationship on the given
various scenarios using appropriate grammatical signals or expressions of idea
development; and
C. reflect on the results of actions, considering long-term effects before deciding.
II. Subject Matter: Using Appropriate Grammatical Signals or Expression of Idea Development:
Cause and Effect
English Quarter 4 – Module 1: Using Appropriate Grammatical Signals or Expressions to Each
Pattern of Idea Development from
Transition Words: A Comprehensive List to Enhance Your Writing from
Materials: Slide Deck, printed materials

III. Procedures: 4As Method

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Preliminary Activities

Good Morning, class!

Kindly all stand for the prayer. Let us all remember… Amen.

Before you take your seat, kindly align your chairs

properly and pick up some pieces of papers on the (Students do as told)

Since I already introduce myself to you last meeting,

how are you going to call me again, class? Ms. Marie


How are you this morning? We are good, miss.

Are there any absentees? None miss.

Are there any assignments that need to be passed? None miss.

Just like your any other teachers, I also have my set

of classroom rules, and it has an acronym of LRBB.

L- Listen
R- Respect
B- Be quiet and stay focus on the lesson
B- Be attentive and participate in our discussion.

What is the acronym of our classroom rules? LRBB

I want you to observe these classroom rules

throughout the class.

Am I clear? Yes miss.

1. Review

Before we proceed with our new lesson this morning,

let us first have a short review through an activity.

What topic did we discuss last meeting? The topic that we discussed last meeting was all
about using appropriate grammatical signals or
expressions to Claim and Counterclaim Pattern of
Idea development.
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Alright! Kindly read the directions of our activity.

Directions: Read each statement on the screen and (Students do as told)

provide the correct answer.

1. It refers to the structure of presenting a side of an

issue in an argumentative manner. Claim and Counterclaim pattern
2. What do you call the main argument of the text? Claim
3. What do you call the opposite stand of the issue
or the main argument? Counterclaim
4. Can give an example sentence demonstrating a
claim and a counterclaim pattern? Ernest insisted that he need to buy a new phone;
however, his mother said that he does not need it
Wow! You got 4/4 score and excellent for that! It since his cellphone is still working.
means that you really understood our topic last
meeting and now ready for a new topic this morning.

Give yourselves a round of applause. (Students do as told)

2. Motivation

Before we move on to a new topic this morning, let

us take a look at these photos on the screen.

What do you see on the left side of the picture? I can see a dead fish in the shore and a flood.
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Correct! What do you think is the cause of it? I think the cause of it is the contamination of
water bodies by industrial waste from factories.
While the cause of the flood is the illegal logging
or what we call deforestation.
Exactly! The pollution from factories and
deforestation are just the cause of dead fish on the
shore and flooding, respectively.

What we are currently discussing is related to our

new lesson this morning. We will explore how to
effectively structure arguments around cause and
effect relationships by building upon our
understanding of how pollution from factories and
deforestation can lead to dead fish on the shore and
flooding, respectively.

3. Statement of the Subject Matter and Objectives

This morning, we will delve into understanding how

cause and effect informs the organization of a text
and enhances students' ability to fully comprehend
what they have read. We will discuss the importance
of "Using Appropriate Grammatical Signals or
Expression of Idea Development: Cause and Effect."

Kindly read again our topic this morning. Using Appropriate Grammatical Signals or
Expression of Idea Development: Cause and
Everyone must listen attentively because at the end of
the lesson you are all expected to attain these
following objectives.

A. Identify grammatical signals used in Cause and

effect pattern of idea.
B. Construct a sentence demonstrating the cause
and effect relationship on the given various
scenarios using appropriate grammatical
signals or expressions of idea development.
C. Reflect on the results of actions, considering
long-term effects before deciding.

Are the objectives clear, class? Yes miss.

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Activity

Before we start our activity this morning, let us first

define what cause and effect are.

Kindly read the definition of cause on the board

- is the driving force in the text. It is the reason that
things happen. In essence, cause is the thing that
makes other things happen

- refers to what result is. It is what happened next in
the text that results from a preceding cause.

To put it concisely, cause is the “why” of something

happened and effect is the “what” happened.

Any questions? None miss.

Directions: Divide the class into 4 groups. Each group

will read the short passage and identify the cause and
effect by answering the guided questions.

Last weekend my friend Karen slept over. We

stayed up very late playing with our dolls. My
mom came into the room to tell us we had to go to
sleep. It was dark so Karen and I took my dad’s
flashlight and played under the covers. I’m not sure
when we finally fell asleep, but we left the
flashlight on. In the morning, it no longer worked.
The batteries were dead. Yesterday, there was a
thunderstorm and we lost our electricity. Dad went
to get his flashlight so we could see, but it didn’t
work. He wasn’t very happy when he found out
that I had left it on all night and wasted the
batteries. Now I have to rake up all the leaves that
blew around from the storm!

Group 1
1. What caused the flashlight to not work in the The cause of the flashlight not working in the
morning? morning was leaving it on all night.
2. What was the effect of leaving the flashlight Leaving the flashlight on all night drained the
on all night on the batteries? batteries, resulting in it not working in the
Group 2
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
1. How does the loss of electricity during the The loss of electricity during the thunderstorm
thunderstorm connect to leaving the flashlight was connected to leaving the flashlight on all
on all night? night, which drained its batteries.
2. What were the consequences of leaving the The consequences of leaving the flashlight on for
flashlight on for the narrator? the narrator included anger from their father and
having to clean up leaves blown around by the
Group 3
1. Why is the father unhappy? The father is unhappy because the narrator left the
flashlight on all night, causing the batteries to
2. Can you identify the causes and effects in the In the sequence of events, leaving the flashlight
sequence of events in the text? on all night led to drained batteries, resulting in
the flashlight not working when needed during the
Group 4
1. How could the story have unfolded differently If the narrator had turned off the flashlight before
if the narrator had turned off the flashlight falling asleep, the batteries would not have drain.
before falling asleep?
2. How did the events involving the flashlight The events involving the flashlight and the
and the thunderstorm relate to each other in thunderstorm are connected in terms of cause and
terms of cause and effect? effect, as leaving the flashlight on all night caused
the batteries to die and make the narrator’s dad
Thank you everyone. Kindly give yourselves a
GOOD JOB clap. Begin! (Students do as told)

B. Analysis

Now, based on the activity you did earlier, let us

check all of your answers.

What is the passage all about? The passage is about a series of events that
occurred over the weekend, involving staying up
late with a friend, playing with dolls, using a
flashlight, experiencing a power outage during a
thunderstorm, and facing consequences for
leaving the flashlight on overnight.
That is right! So, as a summary of all your answers,
you accurately identified various cause and effect
relationships within the passage.

Cause and effect in a piece of writing helps the reader

follow a coherent thread through the material.

It also helps the writer engaged in the writing process

to organize and structure the information into a
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
logical form.

Kindly observe this example

Regular exercise brings many benefits to your

health. First, it improves blood circulation and can
result to a strong heart. Because of these, it
reduces the risk of heart disease, high cholesterol,
and diabetes. When you exercise, your bones and
muscles will be strengthened which can slow down
the loss of bone density that comes when you age.
As a result, it can help you maintain or increase
your muscle mass and strength. Also, regular
exercise improves your mental health and mood.
During an exercise, your body releases chemicals
that can improve your mood and make you feel
more relaxed. As an effect, it can help you deal
with stress and reduce your risk of depression.
These are the benefits that you get when you

What have you observe in the example given? What

are those underlined words? In the example provided, the underlined words
and phrases are used to signal transitions and
organization within the text.

How is the development of idea going the passage? The passage demonstrates cause and effect by
explaining the effects of regular exercise.
Exactly! This sentence concisely summarizes the
cause and effect relationship depicted in the passage.

What are the underlined words? ‘Because of these’, ‘as a result’ and ‘as an effect’

So, these types of grammatical signals emphasized in

this example are the…

Cause and Effect pattern

- explains the causes or the effects of something.
When a writer presents reasons, he or she is
explaining the causes. When a writer explains the
results, he or she is explaining the effects.

To present the effects of regular exercise,

grammatical signals are used such as ‘because of
these’, ‘as a result’, and ‘as an effect.’
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Let us discuss the used transitional signals one by

1. ‘first’, and ‘also’

- these transitional signals are used in the paragraph
because the paragraph enumerates the effects of
regular exercise.
2. ‘and’
- this connector is used to connect ideas within the
3. ‘regular exercise’
- the phrase is repeated for emphasis

Read the example again, who can extract a cause and Cause: regular exercise
effect pattern of idea development? Effect:1) improves blood circulation and can
result to a strong heart 2) it reduces the risk of
Very good! heart disease, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

Questions? None miss.

Here are examples of these expressions:

Cause (the why) Effect (the what)
 because  so
 because of  therefore
 since  this resulted in
 as a consequence of  hence
 if  Accordingly
 for  thus
 due to  then
 owing to  as a result
 one cause  in effect
 resulting from  as consequence,
 consequently
 leads to
 one of the effects is
 that is why

Remember: The sequencing of ideas to show

cause and effect relationship may be arranged in
two ways depending on the connector used:

a. (Cause) + connector + (effect)

Ex: Water is precious so we must conserve it.
b. (Effect) + connector + (cause)
Ex: We must conserve water because it is precious.
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Another example:
1. The plant dies because it was not watered for two
Cause: It was not watered for two weeks
Effect: The plant dies
2. She wanted to serve the people, so she chose to be
a social worker.
Cause: She wanted to serve the people
Effect: She chose to be a social worker
3. Sab missed her bus; consequently, she arrived late
to school.
Cause: Sab missed her bus
Effect: she arrived late to school

Any questions? None miss.

C. Abstraction

Again, what do we call with the pattern that explains

the causes or the effects of something? Cause and Effect pattern

Very good!

How about the driving force in the text or the reason

that things happen Cause is the driving force in the text or the reason
that things happen
What about the word that refers to the result that
happened from a preceding cause? Effect refers to the result that happened from a
preceding cause
Can give an example sentence demonstrating a cause
and effect pattern? I got a low score in the quiz, as a result of not
studying last night.
Magnificent! It means that you really understood our
discussion this morning.

Give yourselves a clap A. Begin! (Students do as told)

D. Application

Now that we have identified the concept of Cause and

Effect pattern of idea development and their
relevance in expressing ideas effectively, let us delve
into our second activity focusing on utilizing
appropriate grammatical signals or expressions in
crafting cause and effect patterns of idea
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Activity 2: What’s happening?

1. Divide the class into four (4).
2. Choose 1 writer and reporter in each group.
3. Construct a sentence demonstrating the cause
and effect relationship on the given various
scenarios using appropriate grammatical
signals or expressions of idea development
4. Present your work before the class.
5. Do this in 5 minutes.

Are the mechanics clear class? Yes miss.

Kindly go to your groups now, at the count of 5, 4, 3,

2, 1.

Group 1
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

(Students do as told)

None miss.

Time is up! Let us check your activity.

Good job everyone! Thank you for your brilliant

thoughts about the various scenario I gave you.

Give yourselves a round of applause. Begin!

Are there any questions about our topic today, class?

Reflecting on the long-term effects of actions
Values Integration before making decisions is important for ensuring
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
responsible and informed choices.
Going back to our discussion earlier, understanding
the development of cause and effect patterns of ideas Anticipating the effects of our action is important
is essential for comprehending the relationship to make sure that we will not regret in the end.
between events or actions and their outcomes. By
recognizing the cause-and-effect structure, we can
better understand how one event leads to another and
anticipate the consequences of certain actions. Yes miss.

Now, class, why is it important to reflect on the long-

term effects of actions before making decisions?

Exactly! We should always anticipate and think of the

possible effects of our actions before making a
decision. Also, to prevent potential regrets and to
ensure favorable outcomes in the future.

Am I making sense here?


Now, to further assess your understanding on our

lesson this morning, let us have a quiz.

Kindly read the directions. Begin!

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Read and analyze the statement very
carefully. Identify which is cause and effect by
writing the phrase in the blank. (2 pts. each)

1. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many

citizens have lost their jobs.
Cause: ___________________________
Effect: ___________________________
2. High fuel costs lead to higher food prices.
Effect: ____________________________
3. Betty ate too fast; therefore, she had a
stomach ache.
Cause: ____________________________
Effect: ____________________________
4. They have been so happy because they won
first prize in the contest last week.
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Cause: ____________________________
Effect: ____________________________
5. Some water pipes under the house broke this
morning, so we had no water for hours.
Cause: ____________________________
Effect: ____________________________
6. I got high grades because studied last night.
Cause: ____________________________
Effect: ____________________________
7. I want to be a teacher because I want to teach
young children.
Cause: ____________________________
Effect: ____________________________
8. Since examination day is fast approaching, I
have to study hard.
Cause: ____________________________
Effect: ____________________________
9. I am aiming for a first place; therefore, I have
to work harder.
Cause: ____________________________
Effect: ____________________________
10. Water is precious so we must conserve it.
Cause: ____________________________
Effect: ____________________________

V. Assignment

Directions: Write one (1) paragraph essay about the

benefits and drawbacks of technology in education,
incorporating appropriate transitional signals to
introduce the cause and effects effectively. Write it in
½ crosswise.

Introduction of cause - 5
Introduction of effect – 5
Grammatical signals – 10
Grammar – 5
TOTAL: 25 pts.

Prepared by


Pre-service Teacher, BSED
Cooperating Teacher, OCSAT

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