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Topic 5.

Elderly people

In my country's culture, for example, it's common to offer your seat to the elderly
in public transport. However, when it comes to their quality of life, I believe it's
quite poor, given the very low pensions and minimal wages. Also, as far as I know,
not all people in my country show respect to the elderly.
To improve the lives of older people in Ukraine we must change many general
things for their living.
First of all we could make healthcare easier.(5) We need to ensure if they can
easily see doctors and afford the medicines they need. Also, each elderly person
needs more money to live normally. Our government ought to increase the amount
of money elderly get each month (pensions) to help them live better and allow
certain life basics. It is important not to forget about entertainment and create some
activities. We need to arrange fun things for them to do, like gatherings or games,
to keep them happy and engaged. (10)
Do not forget about make sure their houses are safe and comfortable for them to
live in. It is common thing in Ukraine when elderly people live in old apartments.
Fungus growing on walls, old and creaky furniture, squeaky floors, and outdated
household items. Not to mention the awkwardness of taking a bath in old age.
Another important thing is that not everyone in retirement feels old. So, it is good
idea to offer work options. (15) We should provide opportunities for them to work
if they want, in a way that suits their needs.
To sum up, making life better for older people in Ukraine means improving
healthcare, giving more money and better homes, and offering things to do and
ways to work. These changes will really help older people feel happier and
respected. (19)

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