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Joebie M.

BSED Science – II
EDUC 106 – K1

Reflection for Philosophical Foundations in Education

The philosophical foundation of education is the set of beliefs and values that guide

educational aims, procedures, and outcomes. It presents a framework for comprehending the

nature of education, the roles of teachers and students, the goal of education, and the values that

support the educational process. Western ideas, realism, idealism, and pragmatism were

mentioned. Perennialism, essentialism, progressivism, and reconstructionism are Western

educational ideologies. Perennialism, essentialism, progressivism, and reconstructionism are four

educational philosophies with opposing viewpoints on the nature of education, the role of the

teacher, and the aim of education. Each of these ideologies provides a unique viewpoint on

education, and educators may use a combination of them in their practice.

From my understanding of the topic in Western philosophies and the other three

philosophies, all of these can be applied in a classroom setting because it emphasizes the

importance of critical thinking and questioning. Educators can draw on a variety of philosophical

viewpoints to develop a comprehensive and effective educational strategy. A teacher, for example,

can adopt a progressivist approach to establish an inclusive and engaging classroom atmosphere

while also emphasizing the important information and abilities that students require to succeed.

An example that I can come up with is a high school math curriculum that stresses the basic skills

and information that students need to be successful in college and the workplace. The teacher

may concentrate on teaching students’ fundamental math concepts such as algebra, geometry,

and calculus, emphasizing the necessity of knowing these subjects. In this example, the teacher

employs an essentialist approach by emphasizing the fundamental knowledge and abilities

required for success in the actual world. The teacher emphasizes the practical applications of

math in domains such as science, engineering, and business rather than simply teaching

arithmetic for the sake of teaching math. The teacher is assisting students in developing a solid
Joebie M. Senados
BSED Science – II
EDUC 106 – K1

foundation of information and abilities that they can utilize throughout their lives by doing so.

These philosophies can assist educators in a variety of ways in delivering an interactive learning

environment by enhancing student engagement, fostering creativity and innovation, and

promoting critical thinking.

From my perspective, education is not simply about transmitting knowledge and skills from

one generation to the next, but rather about shaping the very essence of who we are as individuals

and as a society. This involves a profound understanding of the nature of human beings, their

potential for growth and development, and the ways in which they can best be supported in

realizing their full potential. Philosophical foundations of education involve a critical examination

of the values and assumptions that underlie our educational systems, such as the role of the state,

the purpose of education, and the relationship between the individual and society. This requires

a deep engagement with a range of philosophical perspectives, including political philosophy,

epistemology, ethics, and metaphysics. The philosophical foundations of education offer many

viewpoints on the aim of education and instructional methods. These approaches reflect various

views and attitudes that influence how educators create and execute educational programs. Each

method has advantages and disadvantages, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution to education.

These philosophies are significant because they give a framework for understanding the purpose

of education, the role of the teacher, and teaching and learning methods. Each philosophical

approach reflects a unique viewpoint on these topics and can assist educators in clarifying their

own educational views and ideals. They can also use these ways to create a greater range of

teaching strategies and approaches to better suit their students' different requirements. By

comprehending these different philosophical approaches, educators can gain a more nuanced

knowledge of the educational process and make more educated judgments about how to design

and implement educational programs.

Joebie M. Senados
BSED Science – II
EDUC 106 – K1

In summary, the philosophical foundations of education are about creating a vision of the

kind of society we want to live in, and the role that education can play in realizing that vision. This

requires a rigorous and ongoing process of inquiry, reflection, and dialogue, as we seek to

understand the complexities of the human experience and the challenges of creating a more just,

equitable, and compassionate world.

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