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1. Which of the following is a function of the CVS?

a. Metabolism
b. It is a filter to protect the systemic vasculature
c. Facilitates the exchange of O2 and CO2 between air and blood.
d. None of the above.
2. Which of the following is the following of the arterial tree that has material exchanging
a. Arterioles
b. Venules
c. Arteries
d. Capillaries
3. Which of the following does NOT happen to cardiac muscle?
a. It undergoes both systolic and diastolic phases.
b. The myogenicity is by AVN
c. Contractility obeys ALL OR NONE LAW
d. Conductivity s by conducting system
4. During atrial diastolic phase, how does pressure compare to system pressure?
a. Atrial Diastolic pressure is greater than systolic pressure.
b. Atrial Diastolic pressure is the same as system pressure
c. Atrial Diastolic pressure is the more as system pressure
d. Atrial Diastolic pressure is negative compared system pressure
5. Which of the following is FALSE concerning the cardiac pumps?
a. Right pump, pumps deoxygenated blood.
b. Left pump, pumps oxygenated blood.
c. Right pump is separated from left pump by septa

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d. Right pump, pump blood to system circulation
6. Which of the following is NOT a function of tunica media?
a. It’s the muscular layer of blood vessel.
b. Its innervated by autonomic nervous system
c. Controls vasodilation and vasoconstriction.
d. It thin layer in arteries compared to veins
7. Which of the following will NOT increase the heart rate?
a. An increase in contractility.
b. Exercise.
c. Sympathetic innervations
d. Parasympathetic innervations
8. The following factor(s) tend(s) to INCREASE the cardiac output except:
a. Increased contractility
b. Increased conductivity
c. Increased excitability
d. Fagability
9. The following factor(s) tend(s) to INCREASE the stroke volume except:
a. sympathetic stimulation (norepinephrine)
b. end diastolic volume
c. vasodilation of the arteriole
d. none of above
10. Concerning the function of the pericardial cavity, which one is not true?
a. it’s the cavity between epicardium and pericardium
b. it contains fluid that reduce friction during sliding of the heart
c. in case of friction leads to pericarditis
d. Parietal pericardium produces viscera fluid in pericardial cavity.
11. Concerning blood circulation which statement is not correct?
a. The right pump, pumps venous blood.
b. The left pump, pump arterial blood
c. A and C are not correct
d. Coronary circulation supplies blood to myocytes.

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12. Concerning angiotensin II which statement is correct?
a. The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system includes angiotensinogen production by
the liver, renin secretion by the juxtaglomerular apparatus and angiotensin-
converting enzyme present at the luminal surface of pulmonary endothelial cells
of the lungs.
b. aldosterone, but not A-II, stimulate thirst and salt appetite
c. angiotensin II induces marked increases in sodium reabsorption by the loop of
Henle and the collecting duct
d. A and C are correct
13. Concerning arterial blood pressure regulation:
a. prostaglandins and dopamine and bradykinin are vasodilators
b. angiotensin II and epinephrine are vasoconstrictors
c. total peripheral resistance plus cardiac stroke volume and heart rate are
determinants of blood pressure
d. B & C are correct
14. The main function of Renin is?
a. Increased H2O reabsorption
b. Decreased sodium reabsorption
c. Angiotensin-I formation
d. Increased sodium reabsorption
15. Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANF) has the following function. Except?
a. Increased H2O reabsorption
b. Decreased sodium reabsorption
c. Angiotensin-II formation
d. Increased sodium excretion
16. The function ADH during blood pressure regulation is?
a. Increased H2O reabsorption
b. Decreased sodium reabsorption
c. Increased sodium reabsorption
d. A-II formation

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17. The following is not function of Angiotensin II in blood pressure regulation?
a. Increased H2O reabsorption
b. Decreased sodium reabsorption
c. Angiotensin-II formation
d. Increased sodium reabsorption

18. Stroke volume is increased by the following except?

a. A decrease in venous compliance
b. An increase in afterload
c. A decrease in contractility
d. An increase in heart rate
19. Myogenicity in the heart is generated at?
a. SA node
b. Atrial muscle
c. AV node
d. Purkinje fibers

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20. The following statements are true about the lungs except?
a. The lungs are floating in thoracic cavity
b. The lungs are balloon like.
c. Lungs has no elastin fibers
d. Lungs are controlled by movement of ribcage.
1. Briefly discuss cardiac output (5 marks)
2. Outline signs and symptoms of cardiac related conditions (5 marks).
3. Discuss briefly factors determining cardiac output ( 5 marks)

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