5hypertrophy and MI

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M.D. PhD.

Yunzhe Wang
1st Affiliatd Hospital of Zhengzhou University
Cardiology Dept.
 P wave is peaked in Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF leads,
voltage≥0.25mV, termed as “P pulmonale”
 P wave is also steep & high in V1、 V2, but may be
lower, flat, even inverted in some cases
 Voltage of erect P wave≥0.15mV; arithmetic sum
of voltage of biphasic P≥0.20mV
 duration is normal, 0.12~0.20s
 P become wider in Ⅰ、Ⅱ、aVR、aVL, ≥0.12 s
 Bifid, termed as P “mitrale”, distance
between 2 peaks ≥0.04 s
 Arithmetic sum of voltage for biphasic P >
0.2mV in V1; terminal negative component,
wider than 1mm (0.04 s), deeper than 1mm
 Ptfv1 ≥0.04mV*S(P-wave terminal force in V1)
 QRS complex (adult, over 30 yrs old)
 RV5 or RV6 ≥2.5mV
 RV5+SV1 ≥4.0mV(M)(note: RavF
 RⅠ≥1.5mV
 RⅠ+SⅢ ≥2.5mV
 RaVL ≥1.2mV or RaVF ≥2.5mV
 QRS interval & peak of R wave: QRS interval
>0.10 Sec; Width of RV5 or RV6 >0.05 Sec
 ST-T: secondary changes
 ST segment:Downward shift of in V5、V6、
aVL or aVF ≥0.05mV
 T wave: Lower, flat, biphasic changes
 TV5 or TV6 lower than 1/10 RV5 or RV6
 ST segment upward shift, erect or peaked
T wave in V1
 Axis deviation
 Left axis deviation, ≤-10º
 Anticlockwise rotation
 QRS complex
 RV1 ≥ 1.0mV, RV1+SV5 ≥1.2mV
 V1 qR
 RaVR ≥ 0.5mV, R/S >1 in aVR
 V1 R/S>1, V5 R/S <1
 Significant clockwise deviation, rS complex
in V1~V4, even V1~V6
 QRS interval & peak of R wave
 QRS interval: normal in most cases
 Significant RV hypertrophy, QRS interval>
0.10 Sec
 Timing of R peak in V1 over 0.03 Sec
 ST-T
 Downward shift of ST in V1~V3
≥0.05mV, inverted T wave
 Downward shift of ST in Ⅱ and Ⅲ, T
wave may become lower, flat, even
inverted in these leads
 Upward shift of ST and erect peaked T
wave in V5
 Axis deviation
 Right axis deviation, >+90°
 Clockwise rotation
 Necrotic changes and abnormal Q wave: in
leads that main waves is upward, QRS → QR or Qr;
in leads that main waves is downward, QRS → QS
or Qr

 Injured region → arc-type elevated ST segment

 Ischemic changes → inverted or peaked T
 Necrotic Q wave

 Timing ≥0.04s

 Amplitude ≥ ¼R in the same lead

 Presented region: opposite to the

necrotic region
Super acute Acute Later Remnant

Inverted, but Erect in most

T wave peaked inverted
shallower cases
Arc-type Arc-type Come back to
ST segment
elevation elevation Base line
Abnormal Q — + + +
anterior wall of LV
anterior septum
lateral wall of LV
posterior wall of LV(most)
inferior wall of LV(most)
I II III avR avL avF V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6

Inferior — + + — — + — — — — — —
anterior — — — — — — ± + + + + +
al wall — — — — — — + + + — — —

Anterior — — — — — — — + + + ±

Lateral + — — — + — — — — — + +
Components & measurement of normal ECG
ECG Paper
Normal S. rhythm

 Originated from SAN (sino-atrial node)

 P wave: upright in lead Ⅱ, inverted in lead
 PR interval: 0.12 - 0.20 Sec
 P-R relationship is normal, every P is followed
by a QRS
 Frequency: 60-100 tpm
S. bradycardia
 Originated from SAN (sino-atrial node)
 P wave: upright in lead Ⅱ, inverted in lead aVR
 PR interval: 0.12 - 0.20 Sec
 R-R or P-P interval = or > 1.0 Sec
 In most cases, P-R relationship is normal, every
P is followed by a QRS
 Frequency: < 60 tpm, but seldom <40 tpm
 Accompanying with S. arrhythmia sometimes
S. tachycardia

 Originated from SAN (sino-atrial node)

 P wave: upright in lead Ⅱ, inverted in lead
 PR & QT interval are shorter than usual
 R-R or P-P interval < 0.6 Sec
 P-R relationship is normal, every P is followed
by a QRS
 Frequency: > 100 tpm, but seldom > 150 tpm
 ST is slightly depressed, T may be flattened
Differential Diagnosis of Escape beats

P’ wave divergent from None or inverted
sinus P
N. or prolonged
P’-R interval if intervened

QRS complex supraventricular Wider & bizarre

Opposite to main
T wave Normal
wave of QRS

Incomplete Complete
Conduction block

Classification on block degrees

 Ⅰº: delayed conduction

 Ⅱº: some excitations blocked, unable to


 Ⅲ º: completely blocked

 PR interval >0.20 Sec

Ⅱº type I (Mobitz I, Wenckebach type)

 P-R interval progressively, until one QRS complex is

 R-R interval →shorter
 Timing of Longest RR interval <algebraic sum of 2
shorter ones
 Timing and morphology of QRS complex is normal
except for accompanying abnormal intra ventricular
 NP: NQRS >2:1, for example, 3:2, 4:3
Ⅱº type Ⅱ AVB

 PR intervals invariable, but has regular dropped

 RR interval is fixed
 Longer RR intervals is the euploid of shorter ones
 NP: NQRS = 2:1, 3:1, etc.
 Consistent dropped beats is more severe
 More severe than type I

 No relationship between P wave and

escape QRS
 Frequency of P > FQRS
 PP interval and RR interval is regular
 Sinus P, or atrial flutter, fibrillation
 QRS complex
 Determined by site of pacing point
 Before His branch, QRS is with normal
morphology, frequency 35-50 bpm
 After His branch, QRS wider and bizarre,
Frequency less than 35 bpm
Right bundle branch block
1. QRS malformation:V1、V2 show rsR’ or M
shape,R’ wide and high;V5、V6 leads shows
qRS or RS pattern,S wave deep and wide;
2. QRS duration≥0.12s(complete),<0.12s
(incomplete); V1 VAT≥0.06s;
3. secondary ST-T changes:V1、V2 ST segment
slightly depress,T inverted;V5、V6 ST
segment elevate,T positive。
Left bundle branch block
1. QRS : V1、V2 wide and large QS 、 qrS/rS
pattern,r wave very small,S wave deep and
large; V5、V6 wide R wave,notched; I 、
V5、V6 no q;
2. QRS duration≥0.12s(complete),<0.12s(
incomplete);V5 VAT≥0.06s;
3. secondary ST-T changes:V1、V2 ST elevated,
T(+);V5、V6 ST depressed、T inverted。
Pre-excitation syndrome

1. shorter P-R<0.12s
2. (△ wave,delta wave) in initial part of QRS
3. QRS duration≥0.12s, P-J interval normal(<0.26s)
4. secondary ST-T changes:ST segment depression,T
inverted in leads with positive QRS and delta waves)
Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia

 (1)from atrium or junctional area,P’ wave

hard to find
 (2)clinical symptoms with sudden appear and
sudden arrest
 (2)fast,regular,160~250bpm
 (3)QRS shows supraventricular shape,may
accompanied with bundle branch block or
intraventricular block
ventricular tachycardia

 (1)QRS 140~200BPM;may slightly irregular

 (2)QRS wide,malformation duration>0.12s in
 (3)AV dissociation( P less than QRS)will confirm
the diagosis
 (4)A to V conduction to capture ventricles or form
ventricular fusion wave can support the diagnosis
 note:last for <30s,non-sustained VT ;>30s,
sustained VT
Atrial Flutter

 ECG presentations
1. P disappear,replaced by regular F waves with
identical shape ,amplitude and intervals

2. 250-350bpm of atrium

3. QRS shows supraventricular shape, RR

interval decided by the ratio of AV conduction

4. T wave not clear

Atrial Fibrillation

 P wave disappear,replaced by irregular f waves

with different shape ,amplitude and intervals
 350~600bpm of atrial
 QRS shows supraventricular shape, RR interval
absolutely irregular
 T wave not clear
 note:in II、III、aVF、V1、V2 f waves clear
Ventricular Flutter

 ECG presentations
1. P-QRS-T disappear,replaced by
identical waves with same shape ,
amplitude and intervals
2. 200~250bpm
3. lose of cardic output
Ventricular Fibrillation

 P-QRS-T disappear,replaced by irregular

fibrillation waves with different shape and
amplitude and intervals
 200~500bpm
 totally lost of cardiac output

Ⅰ aVR V1 V3 V5






V1 V3 V5 V6

remember the triad of ST segment depression,

low amplitude T waves, and prominent U waves
K+< 3 mmol/L
 P wave is peaked in Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF leads,
voltage≥0.25mV, termed as “P pulmonale”
 P wave is also steep & high in V1、 V2, but may be
lower, flat, even inverted in some cases
 Voltage of erect P wave≥0.15mV; arithmetic sum
of voltage of biphasic P≥0.20mV
 duration is normal, 0.12~0.20s
 P become wider in Ⅰ、Ⅱ、aVR、aVL, ≥0.12 s
 Bifid, termed as P “mitrale”, distance
between 2 peaks ≥0.04 s
 Arithmetic sum of voltage for biphasic P >
0.2mV in V1; terminal negative component,
wider than 1mm (0.04 s), deeper than 1mm
 Ptfv1 ≥0.04mV*S(P-wave terminal force in V1)
 QRS complex (adult, over 30 yrs old)
 RV5 or RV6 ≥2.5mV
 RV5+SV1 ≥4.0mV(M)(note: RavF
 RⅠ≥1.5mV
 RⅠ+SⅢ ≥2.5mV
 RaVL ≥1.2mV or RaVF ≥2.5mV
 QRS interval & peak of R wave: QRS interval
>0.10 Sec; Width of RV5 or RV6 >0.05 Sec
 ST-T: secondary changes
 ST segment:Downward shift of in V5、V6、
aVL or aVF ≥0.05mV
 T wave: Lower, flat, biphasic changes
 TV5 or TV6 lower than 1/10 RV5 or RV6
 ST segment upward shift, erect or peaked
T wave in V1
 Axis deviation
 Left axis deviation, ≤-10º
 Anticlockwise rotation
 QRS complex
 RV1 ≥ 1.0mV, RV1+SV5 ≥1.2mV
 V1 qR
 RaVR ≥ 0.5mV, R/S >1 in aVR
 V1 R/S>1, V5 R/S <1
 Significant clockwise deviation, rS complex
in V1~V4, even V1~V6
 QRS interval & peak of R wave
 QRS interval: normal in most cases
 Significant RV hypertrophy, QRS interval>
0.10 Sec
 Timing of R peak in V1 over 0.03 Sec
 ST-T
 Downward shift of ST in V1~V3
≥0.05mV, inverted T wave
 Downward shift of ST in Ⅱ and Ⅲ, T
wave may become lower, flat, even
inverted in these leads
 Upward shift of ST and erect peaked T
wave in V5
 Axis deviation
 Right axis deviation, >+90°
 Clockwise rotation
 Necrotic changes and abnormal Q wave: in
leads that main waves is upward, QRS → QR or Qr;
in leads that main waves is downward, QRS → QS
or Qr

 Injured region → arc-type elevated ST segment

 Ischemic changes → inverted or peaked T
Super acute Acute Later Remnant

Inverted, but Erect in most

T wave peaked inverted
shallower cases
Arc-type Arc-type Come back to
ST segment
elevation elevation Base line
Abnormal Q — + + +
Location Diagnosis of infarction region
I II III avR avL avF V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6

Inferior — + + — — + — — — — — —
anterior — — — — — — ± + + + + +
ptal — — — — — — + + + — — —

Anterior — — — — — — — + + + ±

Lateral + — — — + — — — — — + +
ECG 01
ECG 01

Old inferior Wall Myocardial Infarction

ECG 02
ECG 02

ECG 03
ECG 03

sinus bradycardia
ECG 04
ECG 04

Second degree AV block (Mobitz I)

ECG 05
ECG 05

atrial fibrillation
ECG 06
ECG 06

atrial flutter
ECG 07
ECG 07

ECG 09
ECG 09

acute anteroseptal myocardial infarction

ECG 10
ECG 10

third degree AV block

junctional escape rhythm
ECG 11
ECG 11

ventricular tachycardia
ECG 12
ECG 12

premature ventricular contractions

ECG 13
ECG 13

ventricular flutter
ECG 14
ECG 14

first degree AV block

ECG 15
ECG 15

sinus tachycardia
Right atrial hypertrophy
ECG 16
ECG 16

complete right bundle branch block

ECG 17
ECG 17

pre-excitation syndrome (type A)

ECG 18
ECG 18

ventricular fibrillation
ECG 19
ECG 19

complete left bundle branch block

ECG 20
ECG 20

Left ventricular hypertrophy

ECG 21

ECG 21

supraventricular tachycardia
ECG 22
ECG 22 ventricular tachycardia
ECG 23
ECG 24
ECG 24 Acute MI (Extensive anterior)
Normal ECG
pre-excitation syndrome:type B

Second degree AV block (Mobitz II)
Sinus bradycardia
 R-R interval  QT interval  Heart rate
 P wave duration  QRS duration  Rv5+Sv1
 P-R interval  Axis
Have a good day

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