10 Common Working at Height Hazards and Control Measures

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10 Common Working At Height Hazards And

Control Measures
May 23, 2023
Working at heights presents a unique set of challenges and hazards. In
industries such as construction, maintenance, and utilities, where tasks are
often performed several feet off the ground, the risk of serious accidents and
injuries can be high. Understanding and mitigating these risks is crucial for
maintaining a safe working environment.

In this blog post, we will explore 10 common hazards associated with working
at heights and provide practical control measures to reduce the associated
risks. These hazards range from falls from heights – a leading cause of
fatalities in many industries – to the dangers posed by unstable working
surfaces, weather conditions, and the improper use of equipment.

Whether you’re an employer seeking to improve safety in your workplace or a

worker who frequently works at heights, this guide will equip you with
essential knowledge and strategies to prevent accidents and enhance safety.
Read on to learn more about these hazards and how to effectively control

Working At Height Hazards And Control Measures

Working at heights can introduce numerous risks; therefore, it is important to
identify hazards and implement appropriate control measures. Here are ten
common hazards related to working at heights, along with suggested control

1. Falls From Heights

Falls from heights are among the most common causes of fatalities and
serious workplace injuries, particularly in the construction, utilities, and
industrial sectors. It’s important to note that “height” doesn’t necessarily mean
hundreds of feet above ground. A fall from a relatively low elevation, such as a
ladder or a rooftop, can still result in serious injuries.

The circumstances of falls can vary widely but can include situations such as
falling through fragile surfaces, falling off ladders, scaffolding, roofs, or
other elevated work platforms and areas, and falling into holes or service
shafts. Each scenario might need different prevention methods.

Control Measures

Effective control measures should aim at preventing the fall from occurring in
the first place. Here are some ways to achieve that:

x Guardrails: Guardrails provide a physical barrier that prevents

workers from falling. They are commonly used around the perimeter
of roofs, platforms, and near any edge that presents a fall hazard.
OSHA standards specify the required height and strength of
guardrails to ensure effective protection.
x Safety Nets: In situations where it’s not practical to use guardrails
or other forms of fall prevention, safety nets can catch falling
workers, reducing the impact force and, therefore, the likelihood of
x Personal Fall Protection Equipment: This can include a range of
equipment, such as harnesses, lanyards, and retractable lifelines. It’s
important that this equipment is used and used correctly – it should
be regularly inspected and fitted properly, and workers need to be
trained on how to use it.
x Restraint Systems: These systems are designed to restrain workers
so they cannot reach the fall hazard.
x Safety Training: Workers who are working at heights should
receive appropriate training. This training should cover various
topics, such as identifying fall hazards, using fall protection
equipment, and understanding safe work procedures. Training
should be ongoing to account for changes in equipment,
procedures, and regulations.
If possible, the best approach is to eliminate the hazard by doing the work at
ground level or using machinery or tools that allow the work to be done from
the ground. Fall prevention measures should be implemented if work at height
cannot be avoided. The fall protection methods mentioned should be
considered a last resort when the fall cannot be prevented.

2. Unstable Working Surfaces

Unstable, uneven, or slippery surfaces can increase the risk of slips, trips, and
falls when working at heights. The instability can be due to various factors
such as weather conditions (rain, ice, snow), dirt or debris on the surfaces,
structural deficiencies, or the nature of the surface material (for example,
gravel roofs or loose scaffolding planks).

Workers might encounter unstable surfaces when climbing ladders, walking on

roofs, working on scaffolding, or walking on platforms. Conditions can change
quickly due to weather or the type of work being done, and often the change
is unpredictable, making it a persistent risk that needs to be managed.
Control Measures

To mitigate the risk associated with unstable working surfaces, the following
control measures can be put into place:

x Regular Surface Inspections: Frequent and thorough inspections

of working surfaces can identify potential hazards before they cause
accidents. This could include checking for loose materials, testing
stability, or looking for signs of wear or damage.
x Slip-Resistant Materials: Work surfaces should be made of slip-
resistant materials whenever possible. This can reduce the risk of
slips and falls, particularly in adverse weather conditions.
x Proper Footwear: Workers should wear footwear appropriate for
the conditions they will be working in. This often means shoes or
boots with non-slip soles and good ankle support.
x Housekeeping: Regular cleaning and maintenance can prevent the
accumulation of debris, dirt, or other materials that make surfaces
slippery or unstable.
x Weather Considerations: Monitoring and responding to weather
conditions is crucial. If surfaces become too dangerous due to rain,
snow, or ice, it may be necessary to postpone work until conditions
x Correct Equipment: For tasks involving ladders or other climbing
equipment, ensure they are securely footed and regularly inspected
for wear and tear.
x Training: All staff should be appropriately trained to understand the
risks and preventative measures associated with working on
unstable surfaces.
By implementing these measures, employers can significantly reduce the risks
associated with working on unstable surfaces at heights, helping to protect
their employees from potential injuries or fatalities.

3. Inadequate Edge Protection

Edge protection is critical when working at heights, especially near the edges
of roofs, platforms, and other elevated work surfaces. Inadequate or non-
existent edge protection significantly increases the risk of falls, one of the
most serious hazards when working at heights.

Edge protection might be necessary in many situations, such as when working

on roofs, elevated platforms, near excavations or holes, or near any drop-off.
Workers might be at risk of falling off the edge, or materials and tools might
be knocked off, posing a risk to workers below.

Control Measures

Here are some control measures that can help prevent falls due to inadequate
edge protection:

x Guardrails: These are barriers erected along the edge of a platform

or other elevated work surface to prevent workers from falling. They
usually consist of a top rail, a mid rail, and a toe board. The top rail
is at about waist height, the mid rail is halfway between the top rail
and the platform, and the toe board is at the platform level to
prevent tools or materials from falling.
x Toe Boards: Toe boards are low barriers placed at the edge of a
platform to prevent tools or other materials from being kicked or
knocked off the edge. They can be used alone or as part of a
guardrail system.
x Safety Netting: Safety netting can be used as an additional layer of
protection. It is installed below the work area and can catch falling
workers, tools, or materials.
x Fall Arrest Systems: These are systems designed to stop a fall in
progress. They typically consist of a full-body harness, a lanyard, and
an anchor point. Fall arrest systems should be used when other
forms of edge protection are not feasible.
x Safety Monitoring Systems: A safety monitor can be used in
certain situations. This competent person is assigned to watch
workers and warn them when working unsafely near the edge.
x Training: Workers must be trained in safety procedures when
working near edges. They need to understand the risks and the
proper use of any protective equipment.
It’s important to note that these measures are not mutually exclusive. The best
approach to safety will often involve a combination of these measures. The
specifics will depend on the situation, including the height, the nature of the
work, and the local regulations. Always conduct a thorough risk assessment
and implement a comprehensive safety plan.

4. Falling Objects

Falling objects pose a significant risk to those working at height and people
working or passing below. These objects range from small hand tools to larger
items like building materials. When an object falls from a height, it can gain
considerable speed and force, leading to severe injuries or fatalities upon

Workers could drop tools or materials from scaffolding, ladders, or elevated

platforms. Also, objects can get dislodged and fall during tasks like demolition,
construction, or during strong winds in outdoor environments.

Control Measures
To mitigate the risks associated with falling objects, a variety of control
measures can be implemented:

x Toe Boards: Installing toe boards around the edges of an elevated

platform can prevent objects from being accidentally kicked or
knocked off the edge.
x Netting or Screens: Netting or screens can be installed below the
work area or around the perimeter to catch falling objects. These
can be particularly useful in areas where people work or walk below.
x Tool Lanyards: Tools should be secured with lanyards or other
tethering devices when working at height. This prevents them from
falling if they’re dropped.
x Secure Storage: Secure and organized storage of tools and
materials can prevent accidental knocks. Loose materials on roofs or
platforms should be minimized.
x Debris Chutes: In construction or demolition scenarios, debris
chutes can safely transport materials from heights to the ground
x Exclusion Zones: Designated exclusion zones can be established
below work at height areas. These should be clearly marked, and
access should be controlled.
x Hard Hats: Hard hats should be worn in areas with a risk of falling
objects. They offer protection against small objects and should be
part of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
x Training: Workers should be trained in safe work procedures,
including the risks of falling objects and how to prevent them.
Remember, falling object risks should be considered part of a
comprehensive risk assessment for work at height. The best approach often
involves multiple control measures tailored to the specifics of the worksite and
the tasks being performed.

5. Scaffolding Collapse

Scaffolding is a common and crucial part of many work-at-height tasks,

especially in construction and maintenance. Scaffolding can collapse when
poorly constructed, inadequately maintained, or overloaded, leading to
serious injuries or fatalities.

Scaffolding collapse can be caused by various factors, including overloading,

use of damaged or defective components, lack of bracing, unsuitable
foundations, or poor construction practices. Environmental conditions such as
strong winds or impact from machinery can also lead to collapse.

Control Measures

To mitigate the risk associated with scaffolding collapse, the following control
measures can be implemented:

x Regular Inspections: Scaffold structures should be inspected

regularly by a competent person. These inspections should occur
during the installation and dismantling process and at set intervals
while the scaffold is in use. After severe weather, additional
inspections may be needed.
x Proper Construction and Installation: Scaffolding should be
designed, erected, and dismantled by competent persons following
the manufacturer’s instructions and local regulations. This includes
ensuring the scaffolding is level and stable and has appropriate
guardrails and toe boards.
x Load Limits: Scaffolding should never be overloaded. Workers
should be aware of the weight capacity of the scaffolding and avoid
exceeding it. This includes the weight of workers, tools, and
x Maintenance and Repair: Damaged or defective components
should be replaced immediately. Regular maintenance is crucial to
ensuring the long-term stability of the scaffold structure.
x Training: Workers should be trained on safe work practices related
to scaffolding, including understanding the risks associated with
overloading and the importance of regular inspections.
x Proper Foundations: Scaffolding should always be erected on solid,
stable ground. Mobile scaffolding should have its wheels locked to
prevent movement.
x Weather Conditions: Be cautious of weather conditions
destabilizing scaffolding, such as strong winds, heavy rain, or snow.
x Securing the Scaffold: Where applicable, scaffolding should be
secured to the building or structure to provide additional stability.
When implemented properly, these measures can significantly reduce the risk
of a scaffolding collapse and help ensure the safety of workers and others in
the area.

6. Failure Of Lifting Equipment

Lifting equipment, such as hoists, cranes, and lifts, is frequently used to move
workers and materials to elevated work locations. If this equipment fails, it can
lead to serious accidents, including falls, crushing injuries, or being struck by
falling objects.

Equipment failure can result from numerous causes, such as overloading,

mechanical failure, lack of maintenance, improper use, or environmental
factors like strong winds.
Control Measures

To reduce the risk of lifting equipment failure, several control measures can be
put into place:

x Regular Inspections: Inspections should be conducted regularly to

identify any issues before they lead to failure. This includes checking
for wear and tear, structural issues, or problems with the operation
of the equipment.
x Preventative Maintenance: Regular preventative maintenance can
prolong the life of the equipment and help prevent unexpected
failures. This might include lubricating moving parts, replacing worn
components, or correcting minor issues before they become major
x Safe Operation Practices: Equipment should always be operated in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and local
regulations. This includes observing speed limits, using safety
devices, and following proper procedures for loading and
x Load Limits: Every piece of lifting equipment has a maximum load
limit, which should never be exceeded. Overloading can cause
equipment to fail, often with catastrophic results.
x Training: Operators should be properly trained in using the
equipment, including understanding its limitations, how to inspect
it, and what to do in case of a malfunction.
x Emergency Procedures: Clear procedures should be in place for
what to do in the event of equipment failure. This can include
emergency stop procedures, evacuation procedures, and who to
report the failure to.
x Environment Considerations: Consider environmental factors such
as wind, temperature, and ground stability, which could affect the
equipment’s performance.
The goal is to prevent equipment failure before it happens. A proactive
approach to safety that includes regular inspections, maintenance, proper
operation, and training can significantly reduce the risk of lifting equipment
failure when working at heights.
7. Poor Weather Conditions

Working at heights becomes particularly hazardous during poor weather

conditions. Rain, snow, or ice can make surfaces slippery, while wind can cause
instability or make it difficult to handle materials. Severe hot and cold
temperatures can also pose health risks to workers.

Weather conditions can change rapidly, catching workers off guard. For
instance, a sudden rainstorm can make a rooftop or scaffolding slippery, or
strong winds can cause a worker to lose balance or knock loose materials off
an elevated work surface.

Control Measures

To mitigate the risks associated with poor weather conditions, a variety of

control measures can be implemented:

x Postponing Work: The simplest and most effective way to avoid

weather-related hazards is to postpone work during adverse
conditions. If the weather forecast predicts unsafe conditions,
consider rescheduling the work.
x Weather Monitoring: Monitor local weather reports and forecasts
to stay informed about upcoming weather conditions.
x Proper Clothing and Personal Protective Equipment
(PPE): Depending on the weather, workers might need waterproof
clothing, insulated gear, or sun protection. Footwear should have
non-slip soles to prevent slips and falls on wet or icy surfaces.
x Training: Train workers on the hazards associated with various
weather conditions, how to recognize them, and what protective
measures should be taken. This can help workers make informed
decisions about when it is safe to work and when it isn’t.
x Safe Work Procedures: Develop work procedures that define safe
working conditions, including limits on wind speeds, temperatures,
and precipitation.
x Weather Protection: Provide temporary weather protection such as
tents or covers to shield workers and work areas from the elements
where possible.
x Regular Surface Inspection: Regularly inspect the work surfaces to
ensure they are not slippery or unstable due to weather conditions.
By implementing these control measures, employers can help protect their
workers from the hazards of working at heights in poor weather conditions.
The primary goal should always be the safety of the workers, and sometimes
that means waiting for the weather to improve.

8. Lack Of Training

Lack of adequate training can significantly increase the risk of accidents when
working at heights. Workers may not understand the risks involved, how to
use safety equipment correctly, or what to do in an emergency.

Untrained or inadequately trained workers may not use personal protective

equipment (PPE) correctly, could ignore safety procedures, or might not
recognize potential hazards. They may also not know how to respond
appropriately to changing conditions or emergencies, leading to preventable
accidents or injuries.

Control Measures

To mitigate the risk associated with lack of training, the following control
measures should be considered:

x Comprehensive Training: All workers working at heights should

receive comprehensive training. This training should cover the
specific hazards of working at heights, how to use all relevant
equipment, including PPE and rescue equipment, and what to do in
an emergency.
x Regular Refresher Courses: Regular refresher courses can ensure
that workers’ knowledge is up-to-date and that they remember the
correct procedures. It’s also important to provide additional training
whenever new equipment is introduced, procedures are changed, or
if a worker is given a new task that they’re not familiar with.
x Competency Checks: Periodic assessments or competency checks
can verify that workers have understood their training and applied
their knowledge correctly on the job.
x Job-specific Training: Training should be specific to the tasks
workers will perform. For instance, a worker who will be operating a
cherry picker needs different training than a worker who will be
using a harness and lanyard.
x Safety Briefings: Conduct a safety briefing before beginning a task
at height to remind workers of the hazards and safety measures.
This can be especially helpful for complex or high-risk tasks.
x Create a Culture of Safety: Encourage workers to speak up if they
see unsafe behavior and to ask questions if they’re unsure about
something. This can help create a culture where safety is prioritized.
Remember, the training aims to comply with regulations and ensure that all
workers have the knowledge and skills to perform their tasks safely. Regular
training helps workers understand the risks and how to protect themselves
and their co-workers.
9. Improper Use Of Equipment

The misuse or improper use of equipment is a common cause of accidents

when working at heights. This could include using equipment for a purpose it
wasn’t designed for, not using safety equipment correctly, or not maintaining
equipment properly.

For example, workers might use a too-short ladder, leading them to overreach
or stand on the top rung. Another worker might not secure their harness
correctly, reducing its effectiveness in case of a fall. Or, workers might not
store equipment properly, leading to wear and tear or damage that makes it
unsafe to use.

Control Measures

To mitigate the risk associated with improper use of equipment, the following
control measures should be considered:

x Proper Training: Workers should receive comprehensive training

on how to use all equipment safely and correctly. This should
include how to use and inspect the equipment for damage, properly
storing it, and what not to do.
x Regular Supervision: Regular supervision can ensure that workers
are using equipment correctly. Supervisors can correct improper
usage on the spot and identify any training gaps that must be
x Enforcement of Safe Use Practices: Safe practices should be
clearly communicated and consistently enforced. Workers should
understand the potential consequences of misusing equipment in
terms of their safety and any disciplinary action that might be taken.
x Clear Instructions and Signage: Clear, easy-to-understand
instructions should be provided for all equipment, and warning
signs or labels should be used where appropriate.
x Regular Equipment Checks: Regular inspections can identify any
damage or issues that could make the equipment unsafe. Any
equipment that isn’t in good working order should be taken out of
service until it can be repaired or replaced.
x Provision of Appropriate Equipment: Providing the right
equipment for the job can reduce the temptation to misuse
equipment. For instance, if workers often find that the ladders
provided are too short for the task, they might be tempted to
overreach or to stand on the top rung, both of which are unsafe
Remember, these measures ensure that all workers use equipment safely and
correctly. Regular training, supervision, and enforcement of safe practices are
key to achieving this goal.

10. Lack Of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is crucial in worker safety when working

at heights. Without the proper PPE, workers are at a heightened risk of injury
from falls, falling objects, and other hazards.
A worker might fall from an elevated surface if they’re not using a proper
harness. They might be struck by a falling object if they’re not wearing a hard
hat. They could also slip and fall if they’re not wearing appropriate non-slip

Control Measures

To mitigate the risk associated with a lack of PPE, several control measures can
be taken:

x Providing Appropriate PPE: Employers should provide all

necessary PPE for working at heights. This might include fall
protection equipment (such as harnesses, lanyards, and anchor
points), hard hats, safety glasses, gloves, and non-slip footwear.
x Training in PPE Use: Simply providing PPE isn’t enough – workers
need to be trained to use it correctly. This includes how to wear it,
how to adjust it, how to inspect it for damage, and how to clean and
store it.
x Regular Inspection and Maintenance of PPE: PPE should be
inspected regularly to ensure it’s in good working order. Any
damaged or defective PPE should be replaced immediately.
x Enforcement of PPE Use: Employers should always enforce the use
of PPE. This might involve regular checks, disciplinary measures for
non-compliance, and fostering a culture where wearing PPE is seen
as the norm.
x Adaptation to Changing Conditions: PPE requirements might
change based on the work conditions. For example, workers might
need additional PPE like rain gear or non-slip footwear if work is
done in rainy conditions.
Remember, PPE is often the last line of defense against workplace hazards.
Employers can significantly reduce the risk of injuries when working at heights
by providing appropriate PPE, training workers in its use, and ensuring its use.

Additional Working At Height Hazards

x Poor Conceptual Design Of The Permanent Works

x Poor structural design
x Poor functional design
x Inadequate planning and provision of weather
x Structural elements incorrectly erected or installed.
x Poor (or perhaps no) workplace design
x Signaling systems (manual, mechanical, electronic) malfunction
x Misuse (elements and equipment not used as designed or planned)
x Unprotected edges and openings
x Loads insecurely attached
x Release of pressure (concrete pumps)
x Poor mechanical design (breaks in use, not powerful enough,
components fracture or malfunction)
x Poor functional design (not adequately designed for the stated
x Poor workplace design
x Signaling systems (manual, mechanical, electronic) malfunction
x Misuse (not used as designed)
x Loads insecurely attached
x Release of pressure (concrete pumps)
x Poor maintenance (breaks or emits noxious gases)

In conclusion, working at heights can present numerous risks, but proactively

identifying hazards and implementing appropriate control measures can
significantly mitigate these risks. Whether it’s preventing falls from heights,
addressing unstable working surfaces, ensuring the safety of lifting equipment,
or any other of the hazards we’ve outlined, it is critical that employers are
diligent in their efforts to ensure worker safety.

Ensuring comprehensive training, the correct use of Personal Protective

Equipment (PPE), and consistent adherence to safety regulations is crucial.
Regular safety inspections and maintenance routines should be part of any
work that involves working at heights.

While this blog post has outlined 10 common hazards and their control
measures, it is not exhaustive. Each workplace is unique, and the specific
hazards and necessary control measures can vary. It’s, therefore, essential to
conduct regular, thorough risk assessments tailored to your specific situation.

Remember, safety should always be a priority. These measures can prevent

accidents, save lives, and create a safer and more productive working
environment. After all, the key to effective workplace safety when working at
heights is a combination of vigilance, education, and a commitment to a safety

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