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Computer Organization and Assembly Language (CS-251)

Assignment # 1

1. Title
Beginner Level

2. Deadline
Your assignment must be submitted before Class – Thursday September 30, 2021.

3. Grouping
To be done individually.

4. Objective
The objective of this assignment is to check the skill of students in number system.

5. Problem Descriptions
Convert the following binary and hex numbers to decimal:
a. 1110
b. 100101011101
c. 46Ah
d. FAE2Ch

Convert the following decimal numbers:

a. 97 to binary
b. 627 to binary
c. 921 to hex
d. 6126 to hex

Perform the following additions:

a. 100101b + 10111b
b. 100111101b + 10001111001b
c. B23CDh + 17912h

Do the following binary and hex subtractions by two’s complement addition.

a. 10110100 – 10010111
b. 10001011 – 11110111
c. FE0Fh – 12ABh
d. 1ABCh – B3EAh

For each of the following 16-bit signed numbers, tell whether it is positive or negative.
a. 1010010010010100b
b. 78E3h
c. CB33h
d. 807Fh
e. 9AC4h

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