Vamsi - Krishna - 2023 - IOP - Conf. - Ser. - Earth - Environ. - Sci. - 1130 - 012025

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ITSCMSI-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1130 (2023) 012025 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1130/1/012025

Comparative Analysis & Design of RCC & Steel Preheater

Tower Structure by Using STAAD. Pro

B. Vamsi Krishna1, P. Sudheer Kumar2, Kurma Chandana3, Shyamala Bhoomesh4,

P. Venu Gopal5
Department of Civil Engineering, Malla Reddy Engineering College, Secunderabad-500100, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Balaji Institute of Technology and Science (Autonomous),
Warangal-506330, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Balaji Institute of Technology and Science (Autonomous),
Warangal-506330, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Malla Reddy Engineering College, Secunderabad-500100, India
PG-Research Scholar, Structural Engineering, Malla Reddy Engineering College, Secunderabad-
500100, India
Abstract: A liquid material after water concrete is the most consuming material in the world,
concrete is the most important construction material used extensively to construct buildings, dams,
roads, etc. As we know that concrete is a composite material with cement, coarse & fine
aggregates bonding together with water that gives hardness with time. As per the 2018 year
statistics, India is the second largest producer of cement in the world with 460 million tonnes per
year which is over 8% of the global installed capacity. Cement is the most important material in
concrete, In India, at present, there are 120 major cement plants and nearly 300 mini cement plants
are manufacturing the cement. In Cement plants 'Preheater tower’ is used, these preheater tower
consists of several cyclones, these raw materials are fed at the top of the preheater tower through
cyclones it travels to the bottom of the preheater tower, each cyclone in the preheater serves as a
heat exchanger and a separate. In this project, a comparative analysis & design will be done
between both the RCC structure & Steel structure Preheater tower as per Indian design standards
by using Staad Pro software. In this design process, the loads which are affecting the structure will
be taken and designed. And also the pros & cons will be discussed between the RCC & Steel
structure Preheater tower. Here the height of the RCC and steel Preheater tower taking as 110
meters. It is observed that Maximum displacements at a height of 110 mts in RCC preheater tower
are 130.59 mm and Steel preheater tower is 102.238 mm. The Maximum Moment at critical load
combination is more in RCC preheater tower (i.e 205.6 kN.m) than Steel preheater tower (i.e 190.1
kN.m).The Maximum shear at critical load combination is more in Steel preheater tower 62.0 kN
is more than RCC preheater tower 28.7 kN.
Keywords: Preheater, Cement Tower, STAAD.Pro, RCC, Steel Structure

1. Introduction

Preheaters are utilized in modern dry oven concrete creation plants to warm the crude blend and drive off
carbon dioxide and water before it is taken care of into the furnace. Preheater Building is one of the most
indispensable pieces of a concrete plant where the crude dinner is preheated utilizing outlet hot gases of
the oven. A 5-stage single-string in-line calciner framework is utilized for this reason. Each phase of the
Preheater comprises of manufactured tornadoes and associating gas riser pipes. A logical model of a
summed up four-stage suspension tornado preheater framework is introduced. This model was utilized to
concentrate because of waste preheater gas and residue sidestep frameworks on preheater execution and
productivity. As the detour size (rate) was fluctuated, the intensity content of the detour gas was
determined for various steady calcination degrees. These outcomes show that the calcination degree is
contrarily relative to the intensity content of waste preheater sidestep gases. While expanding of sidestep
opening at steady how much residue oven gas will cause a reduction in the waste intensity content of
furnace gases [1].

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
ITSCMSI-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1130 (2023) 012025 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1130/1/012025

Cyclone preheater, otherwise called suspension preheater, is the principal concrete technology normally
utilized in the new dry cycle concrete creation line. It is the fundamental gas-strong response unit of the
concrete crude feast pre-deterioration framework, which takes full advantage of the great temperature
fumes gas released from the oven tail and the high-temperature vent gas produced by the burning at the
lower part of the decay heater to warm unrefined components in a suspended manner. It replaces the
material preheating cycle and halfway calcium carbonate disintegration process in the oven, making the
unrefined substance powder completely in touch with the hot air displayed in Figure 1. The quick intensity
move speed and high effectiveness of the twister preheater are gainful to work on the warm productivity
and clinker result of the calcining framework. In the meantime, it has less moving parts, less helper gear,
straightforward support, little space occupation, and its presence abbreviates the length of the concrete
rotating oven, the speculation cost is by and large low [2].

Figure 1: Preheater Tower in Cement Plant

Preheating framework is outfitted with a programmed control framework that can send important
information to the PLC control stage. Furthermore, it can likewise understand a solitary guide control
toward make the creation interaction more helpful. The preprocessing segment is viewed as the core of the
concrete business on the grounds that the real arrangement of concrete clinker happens in the pivotal part
(oven) of the handling area. It comprises of the accompanying activities: preheating the unrefined
substances; pre calcination, consuming inside the oven; and clinker cooling. The concrete plant and any
remaining gear sizes are resolved in view of the handling segment. Run of the mill of concrete plants, the
handling unit is nuclear power serious and represents around (90%) of the nuclear power utilized in the
concrete creation process displayed in figure 2. With late mechanical advances, most of the fuel is
consumed in the calciner to such an extent that the natural substance is completely calcined when it arrives
at the rotating oven gulf. This has brought about much lower energy utilization per ton of clinker created

ITSCMSI-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1130 (2023) 012025 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1130/1/012025

Figure 2: Pre-heaters classification with different pre calciners designs

2. Literature Review
In dry cycle furnaces in ongoing works, the mixed unrefined substance passes the pre-radiator pinnacle to
enter the oven. The crude dinner becomes hot before it goes into the furnace in view of utilizing of hot
gases from the oven and potentially the cooled clinker at the exit of the cooler to warm the crude feast.
The crude dinner is taken care of to the pre-warmer at the highest point of the pinnacle and passes in it by
means of the series of twisters. Furnace hot gas and, regularly, the hot air from the cooling framework are
blown by means of the series of tornadoes effectively; the crude feast gets the intensity from the hot gases.
Mujumdar et al. [5] grown at first separate models for the preprocessing units (preheater, calciner,
revolving furnace, and cooler) and afterward coupled these models together to construct a coordinated test
system in the concrete business. The cutting edge clinker creation frameworks involve a rotating furnace, a
suspension preheater, and a calcinator. One arrangement that works on the warm productivity of the
consuming system is the advancement of the typhoon heat exchanger (suspension preheater). Its
proficiency of residue detachment and use of intensity significantly relies upon the applied typhoons and
the quantity of their stages, and it likewise influences the warm effectiveness of the furnace. Renovation of
existing intensity exchangers involves tremendous monetary misfortune because of the need to stop the
activity of the furnace for long free time and high venture costs. Thusly elective and easier arrangements
are looked to empower the activity of the intensity exchanger with the base margin times of the oven.
Kozołub et al. [6].
Pre-heater furnaces arrangement of four-stage typhoon separators is applied to the extraction of huge
particles for control defilement of air as well with respect to smooth course of innovative cycles.
Application to unforgiving circumstances incorporates such cycles as partition of coal dust downstream
coal crushes at power plants or lack of hydration of materials at drying frameworks. They can be likewise
utilized as gas reactors or intensity exchangers.
McGlinchey et al. [7] showed the connection of both, the noticed temperature and examples of
calcination to the cycles of intensity move which control the oven execution and give techniques for
practical estimation to furnace plan. Hypothetical Examination There are many variables influencing heat
balance in pre-radiator, for example, sidestep opening, calcination degree in pyroclon framework, the
dampness content in crude feast, and measure of overabundance air which restricts the quantity of gases
created in this framework. The mass equilibrium of each stage (crude feast and gases) is impacted by the
responses occurring in every tornado. In every twister, how much crude feast doesn't approach how much
crude dinner outlet, and the contrast between the two amounts results to be the distinction in gas sum
between the two positions (gulf and outlet). The mass and intensity adjusts are depicted numerically by
framework conditions relying on many elements.

ITSCMSI-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1130 (2023) 012025 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1130/1/012025

3. Objective and scope of Current Study

The main objective of the project is

The methodology carried out to create the model, calculation of the loads, analysis and design procedures,
all the load calculations and the load's aspects are taken by the Indian standard code procedures for
industrial structures, each segment of modeling, loading, and, analysis is represented step by step In the
rest of this chapter the following are the different aspects of methodology which are been covered

The structural model details of preheater towers for both the RCC and Steel model are listed, which
include the cross-sectional data of beams, columns, slab thickness plan, and elevation data of the model
shear wall placement for the RCC model and Steel bracing placement for the Steel structure, the different
materials used for this modeling and the step by step development of the model using the Staad pro
software is represented.

4. Methodology

Discussing the different methodology carried out to create the model, calculation of the loads, analysis and
design procedures, all the load calculations and the load's aspects are taken following the Indian standard
code procedures for industrial structures, each segment of modeling, loading and, analysis is represented
step by step in the rest of this chapter the following are the different aspects of methodology which are
been covered show in flowchart figure 3:

x Model development
x Loadings
x Load combinations
x Analysis Procedure
x Design procedure

Figure 3: Model development

ITSCMSI-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1130 (2023) 012025 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1130/1/012025

4.1 Loadings

Both the structures are loaded with the same type of loads and load intensities except for the dead loads of
the structure as they are taken based on the materials which are used in the structural elements the
following are the different loads that are applied to the structure

1. Dead Load
2. Live Load
3. Equipment Load
4. Temperature Load
5. Wind Load

4.2 Equipment load

The equipment load is considered from the dead load of the cyclones as they are directly connected to the
slab elements there is no need to impose the equipment load again on the structure, the dead load of the
cyclone itself is considered as the equipment load on the structure.

4.3 Temperature load

A difference of 1000°C is considered for the temperature load; this load is assigned as the change in
temperature for the plates of cyclones

4.4 Load combinations

For the design of concrete sections and steel sections, the load combinations are required as they provide
the maximum load carrying a capacity load that the structure should withstand when it is designed for the
maximum capacity load combination results are taken from the load combinations and to those loads the
concrete design is done, all these loads are taken following the IS 875, and IS 456 the following are the
load combinations which are taken for both the RCC and Steel model are shown in Table 1 and the
structural model load was represented in figure 4

Table 1: Load Combinations

Load Combination Factor and loads

Combo1 1.50(DL+LL)
Combo2 1.20(DL+LL+WL)
Combo3 1.20(DL+LL-WL)
Combo4 1.2(DL+LL)
Combo5 1.5(DL+LL+WL)
Combo6 1.5(DL+LL-WL)
Combo7 0.9(DL+LL)

The above table represents all the load combinations that are used for the structure

ITSCMSI-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1130 (2023) 012025 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1130/1/012025

Figure .4 a.) Self-weight of structure (dead load) b.) Floor loads (live loads) c.) Wind load
d.) Temperature loads complete structure view e.) Temperature loads cyclones

4.5 Analysis Procedure

For the analysis of the model in this study equivalent, lateral load method confining to the IS 1893-2016
was employed using the Staad Pro software to generate all the different results of bending moments, shear
forces, displacements, and resultants. The detailed step-by-step procedure for the analysis is described in
the Analysis and Design chapter.

5. Modeling

The structural model details of preheater towers for both the RCC and Steel model are listed, which
include the cross-sectional data of beams, columns, slab thickness plan, and elevation data of the model
shear wall placement for the RCC model and Steel bracing placement for the Steel structure, the different
materials used for this modeling and the step by step development of the model using the Staad pro
software is represented.

ITSCMSI-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1130 (2023) 012025 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1130/1/012025

Table 2: RCC model element Specification

Element Location Material Grade Thickness
(mm) mm

Primary beams
All the main beams in the structure Concrete M40 550x600 -

Support beams for the side tubes Concrete M40 230x300 -

Columns All the main columns Concrete M40 1200x1200 -

Slab plates All the floor slabs and roof slab Concrete M40 200 -

Shear wall
In both the direction Concrete M40 500 -

Cyclone plates Bottom hopper, cylinder, top cap Steel Fu500 125 3600

All the cyclone connecting tubes,

Duct plates Steel Fu500 100 2000
inlets, and outlets

Table 3: Steel model element Specification

Specifications/ Diameter
Element Location Material Grade
Thickness (mm) mm
beams All the main beams in the structure
Steel M40 I125016B55040 -

Secondary Support beams for the side tubes

Steel M40 ISA200X200X25 -

Columns All the main columns Steel M40 I160016C55040 -

Bracing Along the outer edge of each floor Steel M40 ISMC400 -

Slab plates All the floor slabs and roof slab Steel M40 200 -

Cyclone Bottom hopper, cylinder, top cap

Steel Fu400 125 3600
All the cyclone connecting tubes,
Duct plates inlets, and outlets Steel Fu400 100 2000

ITSCMSI-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1130 (2023) 012025 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1130/1/012025

Figure 5: a.) 3D view representing the height of the tower b.) Plan view

Figure 6: a.) RCC model 3D view b.) RCC model Front view c.) RCC model side view

ITSCMSI-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1130 (2023) 012025 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1130/1/012025

Figure 7: a.) RCC model bottomRCC model top b.) Cyclones view bottom c.) Cyclones View Top

Figure 8: a.) Steel model 3D view, b.) Steel model bottom view, c.) Steel model mid section view,

d.) Steel model Cyclones bottom view

ITSCMSI-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1130 (2023) 012025 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1130/1/012025

6. Results and Discussions

The results of both the RCC and steel models obtained from the lateral load analysis for the given load
conditions include the displacements of the structure at different heights, moments, and shear generated on
each floor along the height of the structure temperature stresses in cyclones and concrete design of beams
and columns

6.1 Displacements

The following table 4 are the maximum displacements that are obtained from both RCC and steel models
at different heights for a critical load combination

Table 4: Displacements

Maximum displacements
Height (m)
RCC structure (mm) Steel structure (mm)
110 130.591 102.238
108 126.974 98.504
98 118.890 88.027
90 108.87 81.179
82 98.762 86.07
74 88.57 78.44
66 78.22 71.49
58 67.76 50.690
50 57.09 57.72
42 46.33 36.673
34 35.45 44.95
26 24.75 38.810
18 14.64 33.104
10 5.959 8.302
The following figure .9 plots the differences between displacements at different heights in both the models

Height vs Displacment
Height (m)

20 Steel
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Displacement (mm)

Figure 9: Displacements plot

ITSCMSI-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1130 (2023) 012025 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1130/1/012025

6.2 Moments

The following are the maximum moments generated in the central column for critical load combinations
shown in table 5

Table 5: Maximum Moments critical load combination

Maximum Moments
RCC structure (kN.m) Steel structure (kN.m)
L2 205.650 190.104
L3 222.364 36.107
L4 212.281 34.02
L5 189.98 36.630
L6 162.356 28.95
L7 133.58 22.86
L8 163.475 18.58
L9 72.280 13.636
L10 37.130 7.96
L11 4.515 6.478
L12 5.3957 9.389

Note: level 2 starts from the floor where cyclones start

6.3 Shear forces

The following are the maximum shear forces generated in the central column for critical load
combinations are shown in table 6

Table 6: Maximum Shear forces critical load combination

Maximum shear forces

RCC structure (kN) Steel structure (kN)
L2 28.70 62.0
L3 21.86 41.66
L4 9.918 38.94
L5 5.981 36.86
L6 7.121 32.53
L7 11.863 23.16
L8 26.05 22.05
L9 32.512 15.15
L10 45.815 6.14
L11 64.872 5.831
L12 6.776 15.304

Note: level 2 starts from the floor where cyclones start

ITSCMSI-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1130 (2023) 012025 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1130/1/012025

6.4 Temperature stresses

Due to the temperature loads given to the cyclones, this cyclone will undergo a larger amount of
temperature stresses in this analysis the maximum temperature stress observed in the cyclones are
Temperature stress = 2544 N/mm2 shown in figure 10.

A. B.

Figure 10: a.) Temperature stresses b.) Section view

6.5 Concrete Design

After analyzing the structure for different load cases and load combinations the critical load combination
is taken by default and the concrete design is being done to that load combination the following are the
outputs from the concrete design for critical elements which has the highest moment and shear forces
shown in table 7

Table 7: Concrete design outputs

Area of
Dimensions Concrete Rebar steel Reinforcement
(mm) grade grade required provided
550 x 600 M40 Fe550 1420 #28@18Ø

ITSCMSI-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1130 (2023) 012025 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1130/1/012025

230 x 300 M40 Fe550 120 #6@10Ø

Column 1200 x
M40 Fe550 2939 #40@20Ø

7. Conclusions:

The following conclusions have been drawn from the comparative assessment of the RCC & Steel
PreheaterTower structure: -
x Increasing of bypass opening value plays a major role in the calcination process because its high
proportion up to about (89- 97%) takes place in the pre-heating system in the dry process for cement
x Increasing of calcination degree with a constancy of bypass opening value will lead to an increase in
the heat content of gases, whereas at the stability of calcinations degree, decreasing of bypass opening
value will increase gases' heat content.
x The series of cyclones' temperature increasing will slightly increase about 1% of the heat content of
gases and 0.9 % of the dust heat content.
x It is observed that Maximum displacements at a height of 110 mts in RCC preheater tower are 130.59
mm and Steel preheater tower is 102.238 mm.
x The Maximum Moment at critical load combination is more in RCC preheater tower (i.e 205.6 kN.m)
than Steel preheater tower (i.e 190.1 kN.m).
x The Maximum shear at critical load combination is more in Steel preheater tower 62.0 kN is more
than RCC preheater tower 28.7 kN.

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