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Dee n Ban dhu Sir Chh otu Ram Gov
t.Po lyte chn ic Edu cati on Soc iety ,Sa
Not ice No. 6 mpi a (Ro htak )
Dated: '3 /ct!
This is to info rm tha t opp ortu nity
hav e bee n crea ted for 2 app ren tice train ees (01 for Surveyor,01 for
Net wor king Tec hnic ian) in the inst Com pute r
itut e.
The stip end is to be paid to the app ren tice @7 700 /- p.m. having one Year ITI course
to the app ren tice @ 805 0/-p .m. hav and the stip end is to be paid
ing two years ITI course.
The follo win g is the sch edu le for
the rec ruit me nt process:
• Vacancies cre ate d on app rert ices
hip por tal: on 30 th January 2024
• Cut off dat e of rec eivi ng/ con side
ring app lica tion s from candidates
th thro ugh onli ne por tal:
8 Feb rua ry 202 4
• Sel ecti on of can dida tes, app rov al and gen era tion of app ren tice ship trai ning con trac t bon d
th on por tal: up to
16 J.r;1uary, 202 tf
• Join ing of can dida tes for app ren tice
ship trai ning : up to 23 rd February20

DBSCR Govt. Pol ytec hnic Education
Sarnpla ( Rohtak)
End st.N o: f f 3 Dated: 3< ' \~ \ \i_ ~
A cop y of the above is forw ard ed to the foll owi ng for kind info rma tion and furt her necessary acti
on Please :-
1. 0/1 Apprenticeship
2. 0/1 Cash
?· 0/1 Website
Prin cipa l
DBSCR Gov t. Pol ytec hnic Edu cati on
I Society
,-,. >

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