Soal Ujian Madrasah Kelas XII 2023-2024

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Waktu : 90 menit
Kelas : XII MIA/IIK Tanggal : Maret 2024

I. Multiplied Choice

Choose the right answer by crossing A, B, C, D or E! Fill in the blank short dialogue correctly!
Daniel : How is your job?
Fill in the blank short dialogue correctly! Maria : There is left one more
Daniel : I have finished all parts my job______________
Ahnaf : Good morning, everybody._________.
Maria : No, thank you. I can handle it.
I’m Ahnaf Khaizuran Noor, I am a new
Daniel : Are you sure?
student in MAN 2 Bogor, I study here
Maria : of course, no problem for me.
because my family move to
Daniel : Okay
Lewisadeng - Bogor. Nice to meet you.
All students : Good morning. Nice to meet you.
4. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is….
1. What is appropriate utterance to complete the A. Do you mind if I leave you alone?
dialogue? B. Do you want me to help you?
A. I like to know you all here C. Are you really okay to do your job alone?
B. This is the first time to meet you D. Would you like to go out with me?
C. let me to introduce myself E. Do you mind working with me?
D. I can introduce myself
E. I will to tell you my name Fill in the blank short dialogue correctly!

Fill in the blank short dialogue correctly! Mom : What are you doing, Jean? It is late!
Jean : I have a lot of homework, I must finish it
Ahnaf : I heard that you won in Match Olympiad,
________________ but it makes me headache, mom
Azka : Yes, I am just lucky Mom : If you want to finish it, _____________
Ahnaf : I am sure you can do your best because I know Jean : Yeah, mom
you are smart Mom : You will continue it before subuh, I will
Azka : Thank you so much wake you up.
Jena : Thank you mom
2. What expression should Ahnaf say?
A. Congratulation for you 5. The suitable if clause as suggestion for the blank….
B. You are really strong man A. You should take a rest first
C. I know you will be the winner
B. You must go to the bed first
D. I don’t believe it
E. You can do that, Azka C. You ought to give up now
D. You had better eat some food
Fill in the blank short dialogue correctly! E. You can give it to me

Andy : Hey, Boy! How do you know about Indonesian

movie? Read the following dialogue carefully!
Boy : I just know a little about horror movie. I have
ever watched “bisikan jenajah” movie. Hikmah : Why were you absent yesterday?
Andy : ________________ Lukita : I got the trouble toothache
Boy : I honestly think the storyline of movie is quite Hikmah : Have you seen the dentist?
good, although there are parts of the shooting Lukita : Yes, I have. But it is still being felt by me
video that are unclear. Hikmah : You would be better to avoid the sweet drink
and food, freeze drink and food and must
3. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is….
clean your tooth
A. What is your point of view about the video? Lukita : Yes, I will. Thank you for your advice.
B. What is your opinion about storyline of movie?
C. What is your favourite actor in that movie? 6. What are they talking about?
D. What do you think about the acting skills? A. The reason of Lukita’s absence
E. What do you think about that movie? B. How to cure the trouble tootchahe
C. Avoiding the toothache
D. Hikmah’s anger to Lukita
E. Going to dentist
7. What does the dialogue express? 10. Which statement is TRUE based on the text?
A. Giving opinion A. Pink beach is located in the Komodo Island,
B. Giving intention West Nusa Tenggara
C. Giving direction B. There are so very little marine organisms in
D. Giving suggestion Pink Beach
E. Giving help/service
C. Pink beach occurs only because of the
combination of white sand and coral
Read the following dialogue carefully!
D. Pink beach is the right spot for snorkelling
Haikal : Hi, guys! Have you heard about the new rules in and diving for marine
our school? E. There are morer than 1,000 species of fish, 260
Dirga : Yeah. species of coral, and 70 in Pink Beach
Haikal : What do you think?
Dirga : Personally I think that arriving at school before Read the following text carefully!
6.30 is too early. We don’t have time to have
breakfast. General Offensive of March 1st, 1949
Jerry : I don’t think it’s bad. We can wake up and go to
school earlier. The Dutch launched a military offensive on 19th of
Haikal : Yeah, I see your point, Jerry. But, it will extend December 1948 which it termed Operation Crow.
our school hours. In my point of view, studying By the following day it had conquered the city of
in such a long hours is ineffective. Yogyakarta, the location of the temporary Republican
Dirga : Yeah, I heard that some student council members capital. By the end of December, all major Republican
would talk to the teachers so that they could held cities in Java and Sumatra were in Dutch hands.
reconsider that point. The Republican President, Vice-President, and all but six
Jerry : Uhmm.. I see. For me, it doesn’t matter if we Republic of Indonesia ministers were captured by Dutch
should arrive at school before 6.30, but if you troops and exiled on Bangka Island off the east coast of
guys have any objection to the rules, maybe it is Sumatra.
better if the rules are changed as before. In areas surrounding Yogyakarta and Surakarta,
Republican forces refused to surrender and continued to
wage a guerrilla war under the leadership of Republican
8. What do you think the relationship between them? military chief of staff General Sudirman who had escaped
A. Classmate the Dutch offensives. An emergency Republican
B. Discussion friends government, was established in West Sumatra.
C. Student and teacher On March 1st, 1949 at 6 am, Republican forces
D. Friends in arms launched March 1st General Offensive. The Offensive
E. Playmate caught the Dutch by surprise. For his part,
Hamengkubuwono IX allowed his palace to be used as a
9. What do you think of “Jerry’s opinion” about new hide out for the troops. For 6 hours, the Indonesian troops
rules in the school? had control of Yogyakarta before finally retreating.
A. He really disagree about it The Offensive was a moral and diplomatic success,
B. He really agree about it inspiring demoralised troops all around Indonesia, as well
C. He likes it very much as proving to the United Nations that the Indonesian army
D. He doesn’t want it happened still existed and were capable of fighting. On the other
E. He is very enthusiastic about it hand, the offensive had demoralized the Dutch forces,
because they never thought that Indonesian forces could
assault and control the city, even for a few hours.
Read the following text carefully!
11. How long was the city of Yogyakarta as the temporary
Pink Beach Republican capital occupied by Dutch?
A. For around a year
B. For around a month
Pink Beach or Pantai Merah Muda is one of the C. For around two months
beaches in Komodo Island, East Nusa Tenggara. The D. For around three months
beach is called Pink Beach because the sand beach is pink. E. For around four months
The pink colour of its beach is a mixture of white sand
beach colours mixed with crushed coral, shells, calcium 12. What is the impact of the success and victory of
carbonate from marine invertebrates that are very small, General Offensive of March 1st, 1949?
and also Foraminifera, microscopic amoeba that has a red A. Indonesian troops can able to control the city of
body shell. Yogyakarta, the temporary Republican capital.
B. Indonesian troops can free the President, Vice
At Pink Beach, there are so many marine organisms.
President and all ministers of the Republic of
No fewer than 1,000 species of fish, 260 species of coral,
and 70 species of sponge can be found here. Having so
C. General Sudirman got the appreciation from the
much marine life, this place is a proper spot for
precident because successed to escape from the
snorkelling and diving for sea sports lovers.
Dutch offensives
D. It increased a moral and diplomatic, and also Read the following text carefully!
inspiring demoralised troops all around Indonesia,
as well as proving to the United Nations The rapid advancement of technology has had a
E. It could drive away Dutch colonialism in profound impact on various traditional industries. While
Indonesia's homeland forever technology offers numerous benefits and opportunities, it
is important to critically analyse its impact on these
Read the following short functional text carefully! industries and consider both the positive and negative
December 25th, 2023 Firstly, technology has improved efficiency and
productivity in traditional industries. Automation,
Merry Adele artificial intelligence, and digitalization have streamlined
Jakarta, Indonesia processes, reduced manual labor, and increased
productivity. This has resulted in cost savings, faster
Dear Merry, production cycles, and improved quality control in sectors
such as manufacturing, agriculture, and logistics.
It is with great pleasure that we will be hosting a dinner Technology has disrupted traditional job markets.
party that will be held on December 31st at 9 pm. We would Automation and robotics have replaced certain jobs,
like to invite you. leading to concerns about unemployment and job
displacement. However, technology has also created new
We will be hosting a formal dinner party at the The Ritz- job opportunities in emerging sectors such as information
Carlton Hotel due to a big announcement. We would like technology, digital marketing, and data analysis. The key
to make it in front of all of our dear ones. lies in reskilling and up skilling the workforce to adapt to
the changing demands of the labor market.
We hope you will be able to attend. Please let us know you Technology has had a significant impact on
will present, as soon as possible. We look forward to traditional industries, improving efficiency and
seeing you soon. productivity while also disrupting job markets. It is crucial
to embrace technological advancements, leverage their
With love, benefits, and invest in workforce development to navigate
Ratna and Michael. the changing landscape. By finding a balance between
technology and human resources, we can ensure the
13. When did the party begin? sustainable growth and competitiveness of traditional
A. In the night industries in the digital age.
B. In midnight
C. In the morning 16. What is the topic of passage?
D. In the afternoon A. The impact of technology on traditional industries
E. In the evening B. The important of technology on traditional
14. What is the goal of party? C. The benefits of technology on traditional industries
A. To invite all their friend for dinner and eat D. The using of technology in modern era
everything they want E. The impact of technology in modern era
B. To share Ratna and Michael’s sweet warm
memories in the party 17. The following statement is FALSE based on the text…
C. To invite everyone to discuss their project as soon A. Automation, artificial intelligence, and
as possible digitalization have streamlined processes, reduced
D. To enjoy the hosting a dinner party because it is manual labor, and increased productivity.
an anniversary day B. Automation and robotics have replaced certain jobs,
E. To announce the big thing to their loved ones leading to concerns about unemployment and job
15. We hope you will be able to attend. Please let us know C. The advancement of technology has had a profound
you will present, as soon as possible impact on various traditional industries
D. Technology has had the disadvantage impact on
What is the same meaning of underlined word? traditional industries, improving efficiency and
A. give productivity.
B. treat E. Technology has made new job opportunities in
C. check in emerging sectors such as information technology,
D. join digital marketing, and data analysis
E. dedicate
18. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A. Automation and robotics help certain jobs
B. Traditional job markets are being disrupted by
C. Technology is a solution for traditional market
D. Technology opens new job opportunity
E. Traditional job markets disrupted the development
of technology
Read the following text carefully! Read the following letter carefully!

Global Warming Ms. Anne

Personnel Office
As we know now, global warming which is Bryan Medical Center
happening right now has a very big impact on natural 3452 Texas Avenue
conditions, animals, and humans. Well, do you know how Bryan, TX 77805
global warming which has a particularly serious impact on
life happens? To know the process of how this Dear Ms. Anne
phenomenon occurs, see the following explanation.
The process starts when sunlight shines on the earth I had the opportunity to meet with you last month at
where most of the heat is absorbed by the earth and a half the Texas A & M University Job Fair and to learn about
of it is reflected back onto the air (atmosphere). Sunshine the new Bryan Medical Center. I am interested in the ward
returning to the air is trapped by gases in the atmosphere clerk position that I found posted on your employment
such as carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, methane, water website.
vapor, and so on. This event is known as the greenhouse I have worked for five years as a Licensed Vocational
effect. Nurse and hold a bachelor's degree in biology from Texas
Solar radiation on the earth's atmosphere makes the A & M University. My nursing experience on medical and
ozone layer get thinner and makes the sunlight that shines surgical wards would help me in the ward clerk position,
on the Earth become hotter. The greenhouse effect also having reviewed lab reports, read doctors' orders, and
causes the sunlight which is reflected back onto space is scheduled procedures using two different hospital
reflected back into the earth. This phenomenon causes the computer programs.
earth continuously get hotter. This condition is known as The enclosed resume will give you the details of my
global warming. medical training and experience, along with my other
qualifications. I would appreciate an interview with you at
19. What is the main idea of paragraph 3? your convenience.
A. Solar radiation on the earth's atmosphere
B. The sunlight makes the Earth hotter Sincerely,
C. How global warming occurs
D. How solar radiation makes the earth hotter Paula
E. The phenomenon of solar radiation

20. Which statement is TRUE based on the text? 22. In your opinion, what are the strongest requirements
A. Global warming doesn’t have a very big impact on that an applicant has based on the letter above?
natural conditions, animals, and humans. A. Medical training
B. The global warming process begins when sunlight B. Bachelor degree
shines on the earth and a half of it is reflected back C. Know how to read doctor’s order
onto the air D. Five years experiences in the required field
C. Solar radiation on the earth's atmosphere makes the E. Know to schedule procedures using two different
ozone layer get thicker hospital computer programs
D. The greenhouse effect also causes the sunlight
which is reflected back onto space is reflected back 23. Which statement is FALSE based on the text?
into the greenhouse. A. Ms. Anne is the personnel of Human Office
E. Sunshine returning to the air isn’t trapped by gases Bryan Medical Center
in the atmosphere B. The writer had the chance to meet Ms. Anne in
Texas A & M University Job Fair
21. As we know now, global warming which is happening C. The writer have worked for five years as a
right now has a very big impact on natural conditions, Licensed Vocational Nurse
animals, and humans. D. The writer just send the application letter, she
isn’t enclosed the curriculum vitae
What does the underlined word refer to? E. The writer wants to apply the ward clerk position
A. writer and reader in Bryan Medical Center
B. writer and the conditions
C. animals For detail, I enclosed my CV, Academic Transcript and
D. humans a recent photograph. Hopefully I may have the
E. natural conditions opportunity of proving my capability by being granted
an interview. Thank you for your kind attention.

24. What part of the letter are the sentences above?

A. Opening paragraph
B. Closing paragraph
C. Middle paragraph
D. Complimentary close
E. Salutation
Read the following caption carefully! Read the following text carefully!

Indonesia and Japan Sign Agreement on Defense


Indonesia and Japan signed an agreement on defense

cooperation on Tuesday, January 17th, 2024. The
agreement was signed by Indonesian Defense Minister
Prabowo Subianto and Japanese Defense Minister Nobuo
The agreement aims to strengthen defense
cooperation between Indonesia and Japan. The agreement
covers a wide range of areas, including military training,
exercises, and technology transfer.
Prabowo Subianto said that the agreement was a
significant step towards strengthening Indonesia's defense
capabilities. He also said that the agreement would help to
promote peace and stability in the region.

28. What is the goal of an agreement on defense

cooperation, except?
A. To strengthen defense cooperation between
Indonesia and Japan
25. What does the caption mean? B. To promote peace in the region
A. Negative thinking is useless in the world C. To promote stability in the region
B. We must have positive thinking if we want to get D. To strengthen Indonesia's defense capabilities
our dream E. To be super power country in Asia region
C. There is not only negative things but also positive
things that can be achieved in the world 29. In your opinion, why does our country do the
D. Michael Jackson is dare to believe to get success agreement with Japanese on defense cooperation?
in the world A. Because Japanese is one of Indonesia’s ally
E. The world is only filled with things that are not B. Because Japanese has very good technology, so
good for us Indonesia can get technology transfer especially
on defense
26. What type of caption is that? C. Because Japanese look very strong country in Asia
A. Identification and also has a good economy
B. Quote D. Because Japanese has good quality defense
C. Cutline department in Asia
D. Summary E. Because Japanese is ready to help Indonesia in
E. Expended technology military

Think the suitable caption for the following picture! 30. The agreement covers a wide range of areas,
including military training, exercises, and technology
transfer. (paragraph 3)

What is the same meaning of underlined word?

A. masks
B. keeps
C. brings
D. contains
E. includes

27. The most suitable caption for the picture above

A. Irfan Hakim looks unfortunate because of his
B. Irfan Hakim looks cheerful because of his
C. Irfan Hakim looks grateful because of his aviary
D. Irfan Hakim looks relax because of his aviary
E. Irfan Hakim looks calm because of his aviary
II. Short Answer Questions 38. Fill in the blank by appropriate verb to build if clause
as imperative!
Question for number 31-32: Fill in the blank using to be /
verb (giving personal information expression)! Biya : What’s wrong with you? You look so
Hello everybody! Della : I need much money right now, because I must
pay my rent.
Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Zidan Paku Biya : If you want to have much money, _______
Bumi, you can call me Zidan. I live in Leuwisadeng- hard.
Bogor. I ____ (a) two brothers and a sister. My hobbies Della :’re right
_____ (b) playing football and reading comic. Nice to
meet you (work)

What is appropriate word to fill in the (a) blank? 39. Fill in the blank by appropriate verb to build if clause
(have) as reminder!
Donny : By the way, have you watched Kungfu
Question for number 33-34: Fill in the blank using simple Panda 4 movie?
past tense or present perfect tense! Diva : no, I haven’t
Donny : me too
Nanda : Have you ______ (a) the new movie that Diva : If you want to watch it, you ______me
everyone’s talking about? Donny : Alright, how about this Saturday night.
Ami : No, I haven’t had the chance yet. I was busy Diva : That’s good idea.
with work last week.
Nanda : Well, I ________ (b) it yesterday. It was really (must invite)
Ami : Oh, great! Maybe I’ll catch it this weekend 40. Fill in the blank using if clause type 1!
Dona will get the job soon if she _______ her study
What is appropriate word to fill in the (a) blank? in MAN 2 Bogor.

(seen) (finishes)

35. Fill in the blank using cause and effect conjunction!

He does not prepare for his final exam, ________the

result is bad.

36. Fill in the blank using correct to be (passive voice


Harry : Hi Kim… Do you know about our new

semester’s subject?
Kim : Yepp, on Monday we’ll get Phonetics and
Harry : Really? Who is the lecturer?
Kim : Don’t you know, Harry? We will ______
taught by Mr. Hutchinson who is the
grumpiest lecture in this college.
Harry : Wow, you really scared me.


37. Fill the blank by appropriate verb to build asking and

giving help/service!

Mother : It’s really cold tonight. Would you mind

_______ me a blanket, Jess?
Jessica : Okey, I don’t mind, mom.
Mother : Thank you so much, sweetie
III. Essay
1 Insert the plug into the electricity socket.
Squeeze the trigger gently to check if the
41. Jason : I am so sad. Why can it be happened to 2
glue stick has changed into liquid form.
me? Check and clean the glue gun from any old
Mike : What has happened dude? 3 glue clogging in the nozzle.
Jason : It was my fault. I wouldn’t have done this to
Finaly, you can apply it on any surface that
Mike : It seems so serious. 4
you want to stick by using this glue gun.
Jason : Definitely it is. I am divorced with my wife.
5 Put the glue stick into the gun nozzle.
Mike : How come?
6 Wait until the gun get warmer.
Jason : If I had understood her, she wouldn’t left
me alone. Prepare a sheet of paper and put the glue gun
Mike : What sort of problem that you both had? on it.
Jason : It was just about understanding each other. It
was just my selfishness.
Mike : Regret always come late, doesn’t it? 44. Write the caption for the following picture!
Jason : Yes it’s true.

What does the italic utterance mean? (tell the fact of


42. Fill in the blank using following utterance in the


1. Can you please recommend a good inspiring

story for me?
2. Alright, Is there anything else I can help with?

3. Can you please take it for me?

4. Thank you so much

45. Read the following lyric song!
Alika : Excuse me. I want to take that book, but it’s
too high. _____________ (a) We Will Not Go Down
Raza : Sure no problem. Here it is. Michael Heart
Alika : ______________ (b)
Raza : I can see that you read a lot of novels. You A blinding flash of white light
like fiction stories so much, don’t you? Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
Alika : Yes, I like it so much. People running for cover
Raza : _____________ (c) Not knowing whether they are dead or alive
Alika : Sure, I think Andrea Hirata’s story is one of
the best. They came with their tanks and their planes
Raza : Really? I’ll read one then. With ravaging fiery flames
Alika : ____________(d) And nothing remains
Reza : No, that’s enough. Thank you very much. Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze
Alika : You’re welcome
We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
43. Rearrange the jumbled sentences into the correct form! You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our
How To Use A Glue Gun But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Women and children alike

Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who’s wrong or right

But their powerless words were in vain

And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze
We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

We will not go down

In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our
But our spirit will never die

We will not go down

In the night, without a fight
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

What does the song illustrate?

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