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1. Circuit Training
 Characteristics
 8–12 various workouts
 each exercise for a certain period of time (typically 30 to 50 seconds) or repetitions (10 to 20).
 with 0 to 60-second rest periods in between each workout; with one to three-minute breaks in
between circuits
 particularly multi-joint workouts.
 Objective’s
 The resistance training that targets several muscle groups are a part of circuit training, which
increases muscle endurance and general strength.
 Advantages
 Improves muscular endurance
 Improves heart health
 May promote weight loss
 Perfect for all levels
 Examples
 Push-Up
 Burpee
 Lunge
 Squats
 How does Circuit Training contribute to physical performance and well-being?
 Circuit training is a great technique to push your cardiovascular system and raise your heart rate;
it's also great for the health of your heart and lungs. It can help you increase your overall fitness
and endurance by including exercises like mountain climbers, high knees, and jumping jacks.
2. Cross Fit
 Characteristics
 prepares you for any physical contingency.
 Workouts are constantly varied, and incorporate weightlifting, gymnastics, running, and
 Objective’s
 The aim of CrossFit is to forge a broad, general and inclusive fitness and a combination of
strength and functional movements.
 Advantages
 Improved Cardiovascular Health
 Reduced Risk of Injury
 Greater Energy and Productivity
 Better Sleep
 Examples
 Deadlift
 Pull-ups
 Push Jerk
 Air Squats
 How does Cross Fit contribute to physical performance and well-being?
 Similar to other high-intensity activities, CrossFit is a type of high-intensity interval training.
3. Sports-Specific Training
 Characteristics
 Sports training is a planned and systematic process
 This focuses on the work to rest ratio that many athletes use
 Workouts should be done with this same ratio so that the athlete’s body can perform properly
rather than getting tired.
 Objective’s
 The main aim of sports training is to prepare a sportsman for a highest possible performance
in a main competition in a particular sport / event.
 Advantages
 Increased Agility
 Increased strength
 Gaining a competitive edge
 Increased Speed

 Examples
 Broad Jumps
 Reverse Throwing
 Jumping Rope
 Power Squats
 Push-Ups
 How does Sports-Specific Training contribute to physical performance and well-being?
 Athletes can practice muscle memory drills and conditioning forms that are intended to
enhance their overall performance in their sport while optimizing their response to and
recovery from the physical demands of their sport by committing to a sport-specific training
4. Plyometric training
 Characteristics
 high velocity eccentric and concentric muscle loading;
 reflexive reactions;
 functional movement patterns
 Objective’s
 Plyometrics increase neuromuscular coordination by training the nervous system and making
movements more automatic during activity (training effect).
 Advantages
 increased power output in the muscles.
 increased force in muscle contractions with less energy consumption.
 faster speed of muscle contractions or speed in general.
 improved ability to change directions quickly, which fitness professionals may refer to as
agility or nimbleness.
 Examples
 Squat Jump
 Box Jump
 Broad Jump
 Plyo Push Ups
 Pop Squat
 How does Plyometric training contribute to physical performance and well-being?
 enhanced muscle power production. greater force during muscle contractions while using less
energy. increased muscular contraction speed or overall speed. enhanced direction-changing
speed, sometimes known as agility or nimbleness by fitness experts.

5. Trail Running
 Characteristics
 outdoor trails
 often in mountainous terrain
 often includes significant ascents and descents.
 Objective’s
 To promote a healthy lifestyle and boost environmental consciousness among international
citizens through the sport of trail running.
 Advantages
 Improves Your Balance
 Improves Your Heart
 Builds Powerful Legs
 Strengthens Your Joints
 Examples
 Split Squats
 Hamstring Walkouts
 Pull-Ups
 Box Step-Ups
 Single-Leg Calf Raises
 How does Trail Running contribute to physical performance and well-being?
 Trail running increases proprioception and muscle engagement. Trail running not only
strengthens the muscles used for road running but also the smaller, stabilizing muscles
required for proprioception, balance, and lateral movement.
6. Martial arts and combat sports
 Characteristics
 involves one-on-one combat
 Objective’s
 One of the main objectives of combat sports is to measure oneself against other fighters, and
to make progress towards competition.
 Advantages
 Improved Physical Health.
 Increased Flexibility.
 Enhanced Mental Well-Being.
 Reduce Stress Levels
 Examples
 Thrusters
 Overhead Presses
 Deadlifts
 Squats with a Barbell
 Burpees
 How does Martial arts and combat sports contribute to physical performance and well-being?
 Combat sports are suitable for players of all ages since they promote overall fitness and
provide a diverse range of physical activities. Players of this form of activity tend to be more
resilient and stronger as well as possess superior motor coordination, focus, balance, and
flexibility (12–14).
7. Dance Workouts
 Characteristics
 whole-body workout that's actually fun
 It's good for your heart
 help with balance and coordination
 A 30-minute dance class burns between 130 and 250 calories, about the same as jogging.
 Objective’s
 Through Dance, students express, question and celebrate human experience, using the body
as the instrument and movement as the medium for personal, social, emotional, spiritual and
physical communication.
 Advantages
 improved condition of your heart and lungs.
 increased muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness.
 increased aerobic fitness.
 improved muscle tone and strength.
 Examples
 Triceps Stretch
 Frog Stretch
 90/90 Stretch
 Butterfly Stretch
 Shoulder Squeeze
 How does Dance Workouts contribute to physical performance and well-being?
 Exercise that involves dancing strengthens your heart and lowers blood sugar and
cholesterol. It works wonders for lowering stress, which helps lower hypertension. Three
times a week, simply twenty minutes of dancing can significantly enhance heart health.
8. Obstacle Course Training
 Characteristics
 involves more than just running
 require participants to have the upper-body strength to lift their own body weight
 The coordination to climb over walls
 Flexibility to low-crawl through tunnels or under barbed wire
 Objective’s
 Learning objectives include enhancement of gross motor skills, strength, and coordination of
large muscles as well as moving the body in relation to objects and other people.
 Advantages
 Encourages physical growth
 Strengthens body-brain connection
 Combat stress
 Empowers through physical challenges
 Examples
 Spiderman Push-ups
 Clock Lunges
 Army Crawl
 Band Muscle-Up
 Elevated Step-Downs
 How does obstacle course training contribute to physical performance and well-being?
Body awareness and muscle strength
 Making your way through an obstacle course strengthens your body maps. Applying pressure
to the muscles and joints helps you become more aware of where your limbs are, which will
enhance your coordination and prevent you from running into objects.
Critical factors involve in choosing optimal training method for specific sports or fitness objective
1. Assess your fitness level
To assess your aerobic and muscular fitness, flexibility, and body composition, consider recording:
 Your pulse rate before and immediately after walking 1 mile (1.6 kilometers)
 How long it takes to walk 1 mile, or how long it takes to run 1.5 miles (2.41 kilometers)
 How many standard or modified pushups you can do at a time
 How far you can reach forward while seated on the floor with your legs in front of you
 Your waist circumference, just above your hipbones
 Your body mass index

2. Design your fitness program

Consulting an exercise professional when designing your fitness program can help you reduce injury and
customize your program to your needs, especially if you are new to exercise or you haven’t done any physical
activity for a while.

3. Assemble your equipment

 You'll probably start with athletic shoes. Be sure to pick shoes designed for the activity you have in
mind. For example, running shoes are lighter in weight than cross-training shoes, which are more
 If you're planning to invest in exercise equipment, choose something that's practical, enjoyable and easy
to use. You may want to try out certain types of equipment at a fitness center before investing in your
own equipment.
 You might consider using fitness apps for smart devices or other activity tracking devices, such as ones
that can track your distance, track calories burned or monitor your heart rate.

4. Get started
Now you're ready for action. As you begin your fitness program, keep these tips in mind:
 Start slowly and build up gradually. Give yourself plenty of time to warm up and cool down with easy
walking or gentle stretching. Then speed up to a pace you can continue for five to 10 minutes without
getting overly tired.
 Break things up if you have to. You don't have to do all your exercise at one time, so you can weave in
activity throughout your day.
 Listen to your body. If you feel pain, shortness of breath, dizziness or nausea, take a break. You may be
pushing yourself too hard.
5. Monitor your progress
Retake your personal fitness assessment six weeks after you start your program and then again every few
months. You may notice that you need to increase the amount of time you exercise in order to continue
improving. Or you may be pleasantly surprised to find that you're exercising just the right amount to meet your
fitness goals.
If you lose motivation, set new goals or try a new activity. Exercising with a friend or taking a class at a fitness
center may help, too.

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