Policy Formulation: Presentation BY Alan Sabu

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• Understanding the meaning of Policy and Policy Formulation

• Characteristics of making a good Policy
• Steps in making a good Policy
What is a policy?
• Policy is a law, regulation, procedure, administrative action, incentive, or
voluntary practice of governments and other institutions.
• Policy decisions are frequently reflected in resource allocations. Health can be
influenced by policies in many different sectors.
• For example, transportation policies can encourage physical activity
(pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly community design); policies in schools can
improve nutritional content of school meals.
What is a policy formulation?

• Policy formulation is the process by which governments and other

organizations develop policies that guide decision-making and
action. Effective policy formulation is essential to addressing
social and economic challenges and achieving positive outcomes
for individuals

• Is the development of effective and acceptable courses of action

for addressing what has been placed on the policy agenda
Why Formulate policy?

• Why the need for policies and procedures in a workplace

• The purpose of policy formulation is to identify, analyze, and
create strategies to address societal issues or achieve specific
goals in a systematic and organized manner.
• It involves researching, drafting, and implementing guidelines or
regulations to guide decision-making and actions within a
particular domain.
What if there’s no policy formulated?

• If a policy has been formulated, it means that a set of guidelines,

rules, or regulations has been created to address a specific issue
or achieve a particular objective.
• The next steps typically involve implementing, monitoring, and
evaluating the policy’s effectiveness to ensure it achieves its
intended outcomes.
• Additionally, policies may undergo revisions or updates based on
changing circumstances or feedback from stakeholders.
Policy is necessary

• Policies are necessary for several reasons:

• 1. **Guidance**: Policies provide clear guidelines and rules for decision-making and actions within organizations, governments, or communities.

• 2. **Consistency**: They promote consistency and fairness by ensuring that similar situations are treated in a uniform manner.

• 3. **Risk Management**: Policies help mitigate risks by establishing standards and procedures to prevent or address potential issues or conflicts.

• 4. **Accountability**: They define responsibilities and expectations, fostering accountability among individuals and entities.

• 5. **Efficiency**: Policies streamline processes and operations by providing structured frameworks for achieving goals and objectives.

• 6. **Legal Compliance**: They ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and ethical standards, reducing the likelihood of leg al or ethical

• Overall, policies serve as essential tools for governance, management, and problem-solving in various contexts.
Functions of policy

• The functions of policy include:

• 1. **Problem Solving**: Policies address societal or organizational issues by proposing solutions and guiding actions to achieve desired outcomes.

• 2. **Resource Allocation**: They determine how resources, such as finances, time, and personnel, are allocated to support specific objectives or programs.

• 3. **Coordination**: Policies facilitate coordination among different stakeholders, departments, or levels of government by aligning efforts towards common goals.

• 4. **Decision Making**: Policies provide a framework for decision-making by establishing criteria, standards, and procedures to guide choices and actions.

• 5. **Communication**: They communicate organizational values, priorities, and expectations to internal and external stakeholders, promoting transparency and accountability.

• 6. **Evaluation**: Policies enable the evaluation of programs, initiatives, or processes by establishing benchmarks, indicators, and mechanisms for assessing performance and effectiveness.

• 7. **Adaptation**: Policies allow for adaptation to changing circumstances or emerging issues by providing mechanisms for review, revision, or amendment as needed.

• Overall, policies play crucial roles in governance, management, and problem-solving, shaping the direction and actions of organizations and societies.
Characteristics of a good policy
• Characteristics of a good policy include:

• 1. **Clear Objectives**: Clearly defined goals and objectives that the policy aims to achieve.

• 2. **Relevance**: Addressing current needs, issues, or challenges within the relevant context.

• 3. **Comprehensiveness**: Covering all relevant aspects of the issue or problem it seeks to address.

• 4. **Consistency**: Aligning with organizational values, mission, and other existing policies.

• 5. **Feasibility**: Being practical and achievable within the available resources and constraints.

• 6. **Clarity**: Using clear and understandable language, avoiding ambiguity or confusion.

• 7. **Flexibility**: Allowing for adaptation to changing circumstances or needs over time.

• 8. **Accountability**: Clearly assigning responsibilities and specifying mechanisms for oversight and enforcement.

• 9. **Fairness**: Ensuring equitable treatment and consideration of diverse perspectives and interests.

• 10. **Evaluation**: Including provisions for monitoring, evaluation, and feedback to assess effectiveness and make adjustments as necessary.

• 11. **Accessibility**: Being accessible and easily available to all stakeholders who need to understand and comply with the policy.

• By embodying these characteristics, a policy can effectively guide decision-making, actions, and outcomes within an organization or society.
Steps in policy formulation

• Problem emergence
• Agenda setting
• Consideration of policy options
• Decision making
• Implementation
• Evaluation

• http:/www.entretrain.net/UK/distribution-policy
• http:/www.businessdictionary.com/definition/distribution-policy.html
• http:/www.paloaltonetworks.com/features/policy-control
• http://searchcompliance.techtarget.com/definition/IT-controls
https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless politicalscience/chapter/the-policy-
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