Conwor Final Output

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A. Project Title: Interview with an Global Citizen (BY GROUP)

Description: The final project is a group project that involves interviewing a person
and presenting the content of that interview in audio-visual format. The
project comprises 35% of the final grade.

Specific Instructions:

1. The class shall be divided into groups of Five. The students can choose their
group mates. You may opt to follow the previous groupings made in class (Note
should you change your group mates inform the me right away)
2. Each group is tasked to look for a Global Citizen in the region (Zamboanga
Peninsula). The choice can be one of the following:
a. Foreign National (can be a residing in the city, or a naturalized filipino)
b. Overseas Filipino Worker (Currently working or retired, as long as they are
physically in the City)
c. Foreign Traveler/Nomad
d. Frequent Flyer/International Traveler
3. The focus of the interview must be on the person’s experience outside of the
Philippines or experiences in other countries. The questions you asked are to be
aligned with the previous topics discussed in class.
a. Appadurai’s Globalization & Five Scapes
b. Globalization of Economics
c. Global Governance (United Nations)
d. Environmental & Sustainable Dev’t (SDG30 & COP21)
e. Demography and Migration
f. Globalization of Food, Religion, and sport
g. Globalization of Media Cultures
4. The following is the structure of your interview/feature video:
a. Group’s opening spiel on how Globalization affects us all
b. Their Personal Journey (where are they originally from and how they
traveled outside the country)
c. Share experiences of the outside culture (work or travel experience, why
they travelled, etc.)
d. Synthesis on the shared experiences and explaining why we are all Global
5. Creatively organize the content of the interview in a docu-feature video. Create
your own title for the feature. The length of the video would depend on the
content but 5minutes (minimum) & 10 minutes (Maximum) will suffice. The
groups have the liberty on how to format the content (creativity is a criterion).
Make sure to include a credits section in the final part of the video and be sure to
write the names of the group members. It is up to the discretion of the group if
they want to add bloopers.

Note: Video should not be longer than 10 minutes, this includes the credits scene.

6. The final product will be presented before the class on November 22, 2023
(Wednesday). If you are able to present in class by the said date you will be
granted 10 points additional to your output.
7. Final Submission is through the shared folder in your google drive found in your
eclass. File name has to be the title of your video, followed by “Final project” and
the group members names, for example: Crispin’sWorldTravel_-DelaCruz-etc.
8. Finale deadline of submission November 30, 2023. (Note: this is for any
alterations to the video)
Rubric for Grading
Category Score of 5 Score of 4 Score of 3 Score of 2

Required Goes over Includes all of the Missing one or more Several
Elements (x4) and above required elements as of the required required
all the stated in the elements as stated in elements are
Score: required directions/instructions the missing
elements directions/instructions from the
stated in the project
directions &

Creativity Exceptionall Thoughtfully and A few original Shows little

y clever uniquely presented; touches enhance the creativity,
(x3) Score: and clever at times in project to show some originality
unique in showing understanding of and/or
showing understanding of the the material effort in
deep material understandin
understandi g the
ng material

Organizatio Exceptionall Organized and neat Acceptably organized Distractingl

n (x3) y organized in design and layout but may be messy at y messy or
and times and/or show very poorly
Score: particularly lack of organization designed.
neat in Does not
design and show pride
layout. in work.
Language No A few Several Many
grammatical grammatical/ grammatical/ grammatical
(x3) Score: or mechanical mistakes mechanic al mistakes or
mechanical which are not which are distracting mechanical
mistakes in distracting mistakes
the project throughout
the project.
Clearly not

Understandin Shows a Shows an Displays a somewhat Does not

g of Content sophisticated understanding of the limited show an
(x3) understandin impact of the art to understanding of the understandin
g of the local culture impact of the art to g of the
Score: impact of local culture impact of
the art to the art to
local culture local culture

Overall Project is Project is somewhat Project is disorganized Project is

Effectiveness engagingly organized, complete and and incomplete at incomplete
of Content organized holds the attention of the times and is somewhat and not easy
and and presents viewer able to hold the to follow
Completion material that attention of the viewer
(x4) is captivating
for the
Score: viewer.

Total Score: __________/100


This is the individual part of your final project to ensure that everyone has
contributed equally. This will account for 5% of your final grade.

Individually, every member of the group must send a “Progress Report” of the
project. This includes personal contributions as well as the group progress.

The format for the Progress Report is found on the next page. Dates of
Submission are as follows:

November 12, 2023 11:59pm

November 19, 2023 11:59pm

Submission will be via Google Classroom. Format of the file should be in PDF
format with the Filename: FinalProjectIndividual-FamilyName
Late Submissions will NOT BE ACCEPTED and furthermore means that you
have failed to submit.
Family Name, First Name, Middle Initial
CONWOR – Section

1. Group Progress
(Discuss what the group has achieved so far – this should be done
individually but should coincide with your groupmates progress reports)

2. Personal Contributions
(Discuss what you have personally contributed to the project – be it ideas,
paper work, money, etc.)
(This section is dedicated for you to include your personal complaints or
comments among your peers including whether or not they are properly
contributing or just slacking, you do not need to share anything you write
here to your groupmates, if you do not have anything to write here you may
opt to leave it blank.)

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