EDUC2011 Visual Arts Meng-Yuan Chung 242272618

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Student Name and Number: Meng-Yuan Chung 24272618

Arts Assessment Task and Model Response Title:

Art Subject: Visual arts. Year 3

Learning Goal:
Content Descriptor (ACARA) OR Syllabus Outcome (NSW Syllabus):
Australian Curriculum: Use visual conventions, visual arts processes, and materials to create artworks that communicate
ideas, perspectives, and/or meaning. (AC9AVA4C01)

Six-Pointed Star Brainstorm: about 300 words.

Theme and integration possibilities:

● Students chose one of their favorite animal character storybooks and created the story characters using natural
● Integration of general capability: Literacy, critical and creative thinking.
● Integration of cross-curriculum priorities: Sustainability, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and
Invent steps to support inventive thinking and imaginative responses:
● Support students and give them suggestions as they choose the storybook and characters.
● Explore the natural environment to collect some natural materials for creating natural materials book characters.
● Encourage students to collect more different natural materials for artwork such as stone, sticks, and flowers.

Principal arts ideas and terminology: Arts concepts and understandings:

● Using different natural materials to create natural materials story characters.
● Using different colors, and shapes of natural materials to create story characters.

● Share their opinions and the story of the book by showing their animal story characters that they created with
natural materials.

Goals and motivations:

● Choose a storybook for making natural materials book characters.
● Use different natural materials to create animal characters and describe the story on the task sheets.
● Short oral presentations to share their artwork in the class and to share the story that they.

Making: processes and skills:

● Choose a favorite book to find the characters and ask students to collect some natural materials outdoors to
prepare for creating their natural materials story characters. (Connect the book characters with nature using
their creativity and imagination skills.)
● Create book characters using different natural materials. (Explore different natural materials, textures, and
colors, then use their creativity to create natural materials and book characters)
● Students take photos of their portfolio, research the book cover of the book which they choose, and upload
them in the task sheet. (Link the storybook to their artwork to show their imagination as they engage with the
● Write down their own opinion of the reason to choose the book and use their word to describe the story.
(Connect with the literacy skills as they introduce their portfolio.)
Connect- Cultural references:
● The ideas of natural materials story characters connect the concept with Indigenous culture that Indigenous
people use natural materials to create handicrafts and art.

Reflect and respond opportunities:

● The teacher will give students some feedback as they share their portfolios in front of the class.

● Students will write down their reflections after sharing their portfolios in front of the class.

Brief Assessment Task description

Students work individually to choose the storybook that they would like to explore. This activity is for students to engage
with different natural materials and connect with the storybook that they have read in their lives. In the portfolio,
students will be able to use various natural materials to create animal story characters that appear in the storybook they
choose. The assessment task is for students to share their presentation of artwork by using different natural materials to
create natural materials book characters, and for students to describe the story of the book. Students develop their
sense of natural materials and also build up their creativity and literacy skills as they engage with the activity.
Insert the following components:
● Appendix 1: Task sheet
● Appendix 2: Marking guide rubric
Use visual conventions, visual arts processes, and materials to create artworks that communicate ideas, perspectives,
and/or meaning. (AC9AVA4C01)

Achievement standards:
Students use visual conventions, visual arts processes, and materials to create artworks that communicate ideas,
perspectives, and/or meaning.

Year 3 Visual Arts Assessment: Natural Materials story characters

Criteria Standard A Standard B Standard C Standard D Standard E

Creativity Demonstrates Demonstrates Shows some Demonstrates Does not

exceptional creativity in the creativity in the limited creativity in attempt to
creativity in the design and design and creation the design and create animal
design, creation of creation of animal of animal story creation of animal story characters
animal story story characters characters using story characters using natural
characters using using natural natural materials. using natural materials.
natural materials. materials. Student Student uses materials. Student Student does not
Student skillfully effective usage of techniques to uses some use any
usage of techniques to explore visual techniques to techniques to
techniques to explore visual conventions as explore visual explore visual
explore visual conventions as creating artwork. conventions as conventions as
conventions as creating artwork. creating artwork. creating artwork.
creating artwork.

Use of Skillfully integrates Integrates various Uses some Uses natural Does not use any
natural a wide range of natural materials different natural materials in the natural materials
materials natural materials into the creation materials in the creation of animal in the creation of
into the creation of of animal story creation of animal story characters, animal story
animal story characters, story characters, but could not see characters.
characters, effectively using and show the the animal
effectively using their textures, characters' feature
animal characters'
their textures, colors, and shapes in the portfolio.
feature in the
colors, and shapes to enhance the
to enhance the animal characters' portfolio.
animal characters' feature in the
feature in the portfolio.

Description Student skillfully Student effectively Student describe Student were Student does not
of the describes the describe the the name of animal limited to describe the
animal story names of animal names of animal story characters describing the name of animal
characters story characters story characters any the story of the names of animal story characters
and the story of and the story of book on the task story characters any the story of
the book on the the book on the sheet. and the story of the book on the
task sheet. task sheet. the book on the task sheet.
task sheet.
● Appendix 3: Model responses

1. Standard A (portfolio part)

2. Standard C (portfolio part)

● Appendix 4: C-level response and feedback:

Good Job! You have used different natural materials such as stone, leaves, and sticks to create the story
characters. To improve for next time, you could use some more different natural materials to create your story
characters. You could even add some leaves on the background so that it will make your portfolio look colourful
and let people imagine the story of the book.
⚫ Reference:
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA]. (2017). Foundation to year 10 Curriculum: Visual
arts (9.0).


Katrina, G. (2022). Ben and Kev (M. Foot, Illus.). Little Book Press.

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