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‘entertain the world’ Enhance Netflix’s new features’ adoption rates with a comprehensive
solution, prioritising user needs and business goals. Establishing guardrails
260.8 million paid for fair access, monitoring, and prevention of misuse to maximize impact.
subscribers gllobally
Available in over 190
countries and territories Newly launched product features not adopted by users, results in
underutilisation of valuable features. This undermines the product's
Acclaimed, Award-Winning innovation potential, reduces user satisfaction, and hampers the company's
Quality Content competitive edge and revenue growth opportunities.

5% share Relevance
of $600+billion TAM
Competitors Solving for low adoption of newly launched features will benefit users,
driving satisfaction and retention, revenue growth, competitiveness, and
resource optimisation, while providing product teams a fair chance for
successful feature visibility.
INSIGHTS FROM USER RESEARCH [Survey Link] [Survey Results]

All the respondents of the survey belong to the age group 1 on 1 User Interview Insights
from 18-30 year olds, mostly belonging to Tier 1 & 2 cities of After conducting one on one interviews with 3 of
India. All respondents’ household income being >= Rs. 10 lakhs/annum. the 21 survey respondents, the following where
the key insights gained:
67% of respondents consume content over 2 hrs/week.
Interviewees dislike push notifications
67% Followed by 24 % of users who watched it between 1-2
from Netflix as they associate the platform
hrs/week. with recreational time. Notifications
disrupt non-recreational tasks, making
57% of respondents find push notifications ineffective for
them unwelcome interruptions.
57% new feature awareness, while 24% are unsure, and the rest
agree. When interviewees were asked about
suggesting new features for Netflix that
would suit them, they provided varied
Survey finds Survey shows Top reasons for responses reflecting diverse usage
offline download rating new feature non- patterns and content preferences.
and multiple recommendatios, adoption: lack of
accounts as & customised awareness, inadequate Interviewees were aware of new Netflix
widely popular subtitles knowledge of features in concept but unsure how to
features underused how to use utilize them effectively for their needs.

The cohort selected for the user persona is aged between 18-30 who List of Pain Points
watch Netflix for more than 2hrs/week. After gathering insights from user research
Rationale - According to the survey taken by me (which comprised and outlining the User Persona, these are
all of 18-30 yr olds), targeting such users would significantly increase the major pain points hindering new feature
new feature adopters with even minor percentage improvements. adoption on Netflix.
Users aren’t adopting newly launched
Age: 26 year old
features on Netflix because these
Location: Gurugram, Haryana
updates are often not effectively
Occupation: Software Developer (WFH)
communicated or highlighted within the
Relationship Status: Single
"Netflix binges are my go-to for unwinding after a long day of Users aren't adopting new features
coding; it's like a mini-vacation without leaving my couch." because they don't address specific
issues, lacking relevance to enhance
Goals: Desires seamless streaming without interruptions, insights
into Netflix's new features to enhance her viewing experience, and
Users aren't adopting new features even
accessible tutorials for effectively leveraging these functionalities.
when aware because they don't know
Frustrations: Confusion from unclear features. Ignorance of helpful how to use them.
new tools. Complexity complicates feature utilization.

IDEATING SOLUTIONS *PP1, PP2, PP3 - Pain Point Numbering
To initiate the ideation phase, we converted these pain points into "how might we" questions to reframe the
issue and begin brainstorming solutions: Quick Tip Videos:
User Feedback Integration: Create short, engaging video
Actively incorporate user tutorials that demonstrate how
feedback into development to to use new features effectively.
tailor features that directly solve Email Campaigns:
PP1 - How might we ensure new viewer problems. Utilize targeted email PP3 - How might we simplify the
campaigns to introduce and
features address specific user learning process for new features
detail new features,
issues and enhance the viewing In-App Notifications: encouraging to ensure users know how to use
Send personalised in-app
experience to encourage them, thereby increasing
notifications about new features
adoption? directly related to users' viewing adoption?

PP2 - How might we better In-App Practice Mode:

Personalised Feature
Recommendations: communicate and highlight newly Offer a practice mode where users
Use viewing data to suggest Feature Spotlight: launched features on Netflix to can explore and experiment with
new features relevant to each Dedicate a section on new features without affecting their
user's habits and preferences. the homepage for encourage user adoption? account or settings.
highlighting and
explaining new features.

We will now move on to prioritizing the above brainstormed solutions, Aiming to select one solution for each pain point,
combining them into a comprehensive final solution that effectively addresses all identified issues.
PRIORITIZING SOLUTIONS *PP1, PP2, PP3 - Pain Point Numbering


Personalised Feature
70% 2 80% 2 56
User Feedback
70% 3 70% 2 32

Feature Spotlight 80% 2 80% 2 64

In-App Notifications 50% 1 50% 0.5 12.5
Email Campaigns 30% 0.5 40% 0.25 6

Quick Tip Videos 50% 2 60% 1 15

In-App Practice Mode 80% 2 80% 3 32

Based on the RICE scores, we propose a solution that integrates Personalised Feature Recommendations,
Feature Spotlight, and In-App Practice Mode for newly launched features on Netflix.


A Feature spotlight button is

added to the top right corner
of the home-screen, adjacent
to the search bar

An occasional pop up
notification comes up under
the Feature Spotlight button,
indicating to the user that they
can checkout the newly
launched features

The Feature Spotlight button, strategically highlighted through a contrasting colour pop-up notification by Netflix's
algorithm, directs users to explore newly launched features at optimal moments. This addresses Pain Point 2.


When the Feature Spotlight button is

clicked, it converts into a drop-down
menu, listing all the newly launched
recommended features

Each feature is listed individually with

a short description of the feature,
and why the algorithim deemed it fit
to recommend to the user

A feature guide button accompanies each

feature row, which when clicked Introduces a
practice mode for users to test new features
without altering their settings.

Netflix's algorithm tailors feature recommendations to users based on their viewing patterns, enhancing personalization & utility. Eg. if a user
frequently activates subtitles, the 'customizable subtitles' feature will be suggested, assuming, not yet utilized. Accompanying each
recommendation is a concise explanation, providing clarity & transparency about why the feature could be beneficial, making the
suggestion more meaningful & targeted. This addresses Pain Points 1, 3.
To ensure the 'Feature Spotlight' feature is used appropriately and effectively, while preventing misuse or overuse by
other product managers at Netflix, a structured launch process and set of guardrails should be established. Here’s a
logical and categorical outline of the process and checks:
Feature Submission Initial Screening Performance Data Review Cross Functional Evaluation Approval and Scheduling
Submission Form - Submit Compliance with Guidelines - A/B Testing Results - Evaluate Committee Review - Cross Final Approval - Designated
form detailing feature’s Confirm feature adheres to A/B testing or pilot outcomes functional committee evaluates authority approves evaluated
objective, audience, impact, innovation, relevance, and for potential user experience submissions, ensuring diverse features for spotlight.
and strategic alignment. user-centricity guidelines. impact. decision-making perspectives. Spotlight Scheduling -
Justification - Provide Alignment Check - Check User Feedback - Assess early Scoring System - Use Schedule approved features
justification focusing on user feature's alignment with feedback for feature predefined criteria for an for optimal visibility and
value and viewing experience Netflix's strategic priorities and acceptance and utility. objective scoring system to impact.
enhancement. engagement goals. prioritize spotlight features.

Monitoring and Feeback Limitations and Rotation By strictly adhering to this well-structured process for both pre
Performance Monitoring -
Continuously track performance,
Usage Limitations - Establish
limits on spotlight frequency to
and post launch of features using ‘Feature Spotlight’, Netflix can
engagement, adoption rates, and
feedback for each feature
avoid saturation and maintain
effectively maintain the integrity and overall effectiveness of the
Iterative Feedback Loop -
Feature Rotation - Enforce a 'Feature Spotlight' feature, ensuring it fulfils its intended purpose
rotation policy to ensure
Create a feedback-driven fairness and feature diversity. of significantly boosting meaningful feature adoption while also
process for dynamic spotlight
decision-making. preventing any potential misuse.


North Star Metric Risk: Users might feel overwhelmed by too many
Increase in adoption rates of spotlighted features being spotlighted, leading to decision
features among targeted user segments. fatigue.
Mitigation: Limit the number of features
Other essential metrics:
spotlighted at any given time and ensure a clear,
concise presentation.
Adoption Rate: Percentage of users engaging with
spotlighted features versus those exposed. Risk: Focusing too much on new features could
dilute the core Netflix experience users come for.
User Retention: Changes in retention rates indicating Mitigation: Ensure that new features enhance
enhanced session times or frequency due to new features. rather than overshadow the primary content
consumption experience.
Feedback Scores: Satisfaction levels from user surveys on
Risk: The additional functionality of the Feature
each spotlighted feature.
Spotlight could potentially slow down app
Feature-Specific Metrics: Key Performance Indicators
Mitigation: Optimise code and perform thorough
(KPIs) directly linked to the objectives of each new feature.
testing to minimize impact on performance.


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