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Tiếng Anh Chuyên Ngành 2


How technology helps facilitate human lives and

business activities

Nhóm :6
Lớp học phần : 232_ENTI1012_05
GVHD : Nguyễn Quỳnh Anh

Hà Nội, 2024


ST Họ và tên Mã sinh Chức vụ Nội dung làm Đán

T viên h giá

36 Đỗ Bích Ngọc 21D100409 Thành viên 2.3.3+2.3.4

37 Lã Thanh Nhất 21D100272 Thành viên 2.1

38 Hoàng Lan Nhi 21D100038 Nhóm trưởng 2.4+2.5

39 Nguyễn Thảo Nhi 21D100319 Thành viên 2.2.1+

Introduce +

40 Nguyễn Thị Nụ 21D100226 Thành viên 2.2.2+2.2.3

41 Phan Thị Lan Oanh 21D100273 Thành viên 2.2.4+2.2.5

42 Bùi Trung Quân 21D100322 Thành viên 2.3.1+2.3.2

Table of Contents

Part I. Introduction................................................................................................................
Part II. Body...........................................................................................................................
2.1. Concept and the development of technology.................................................................
2.2. Technology helps change human life............................................................................
2.2.1. Technology helps improve quality lives.................................................................
2.2.2. Technology has changed our communication and information systems.................
2.2.3. The changes in education system..........................................................................
2.2.4. Technology has changed how we get entertainment.............................................
2.2.5. The effects of technology in the case of healthcare system..................................
2.3. Technology helps change the way people do business................................................
2.3.1. Technology and the growth of E-commerce.........................................................
2.3.2. Technology helps to improve competitiveness.....................................................
2.3.3. Technology changes the way customers approach...............................................
2.3.4. Technology accelerates globalization...................................................................
2.4. Restrict of technology..................................................................................................
2.4.1. Cryptography and information security................................................................
2.4.2. The rise of technology addiction...........................................................................
2.4.3. Sedentary lifestyle.................................................................................................
2.4.4. Environmental pollution........................................................................................
2.5. Solutions......................................................................................................................
Part III. Conclusion.............................................................................................................

Part I. Introduction
In an era defined by rapid advancements and digital transformations, technology has
emerged as an indispensable asset, profoundly impacting the way we navigate our
daily lives and conduct business operations. From the advent of the internet to the
proliferation of cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) systems, the integration of
technology has ushered in a new age of efficiency, connectivity, and innovation.

At its core, technology serves as a facilitator, streamlining processes, enhancing

communication, and empowering individuals and organizations to achieve their
objectives with greater speed and precision. In the realm of human lives, technology
has revolutionized how we interact, communicate, and access information. Through
the ubiquity of smartphones and social media platforms, communication barriers have
been shattered, allowing individuals to connect with one another instantaneously
regardless of geographical distance.

Moreover, technology has revolutionized the way we approach daily tasks and
activities, offering a myriad of solutions to simplify and streamline various aspects of
our lives. From the convenience of online shopping to the efficiency of smart home
devices, technology has become intertwined with our routines, offering unparalleled
convenience and accessibility.

In the realm of business activities, technology has catalyzed significant shifts,

empowering organizations to optimize processes, expand market reach, and drive
innovation. Through the adoption of digital tools and platforms, businesses can
leverage data analytics, automation, and AI to enhance operational efficiency, identify
new opportunities, and deliver personalized experiences to customers.

Furthermore, technology has facilitated the globalization of business operations,

enabling companies to transcend geographical boundaries and access markets on a
global scale. The advent of e-commerce platforms, remote collaboration tools, and
virtual communication channels has redefined the traditional paradigms of business,
offering unprecedented opportunities for growth and expansion.

Part II. Body
2.1. Concept and the development of technology

Technology is the application of scientific and technical knowledge to create products

and improve production processes to solve practical problems and meet human needs.
It includes both the techniques, processes, means and products created from advances
in the field of science and engineering. Technology plays an important role in
expanding the scope of production, creating new products, improving quality,
increasing productivity, and reducing production costs. It also helps to increase the
competitiveness of the enterprise, increase capacity and give people access to higher
quality products and services.

In recent decades, we have witnessed an extraordinary technological renaissance, a

time when digital innovations not only reshaped industries and social structures, but
also changed the very nature of human existence. Rapid access to and adaptation to
these technological trends will help businesses position their development and create
competitive advantages in the future. Growing industries include:

- 5G technology continues to grow strongly: 5G is the latest generation of mobile that

is being commercially deployed by many countries around the world. According to
data released in October 2023 by the Global Association of Mobile Providers (GSA),
more than four years since South Korea launched the world's first commercial 5G
network in April 2019, there are 292 commercial 5G networks globally and 578
mobile operators are investing in 5G networks. Compared to 4G, 3G and 2G network
generations, 5G will bring users completely new experiences with an ideal maximum
speed 100 times faster than 4G. By 2024, 5G networks will become widespread in
many countries around the world, becoming a new mobile information standard,
providing users with ultra-fast data rates and ultra-low latency.

- Artificial intelligence will penetrate every field: Artificial intelligence (AI) is not
only a technological trend, it is arguably the most important technological innovation
of our century. AI are creating systems that are self-learning, adaptive, and capable of
functioning. Combined with platforms, the data economy as well as the digital
ecosystem, it will drastically revolutionize our understanding of customers,
preferences, as well as methods of manipulation to activate the best customers and
change their behavior into desired outcomes. AI will enable every business to leverage
its power to create smarter products and services. In addition, AI will also be enhanced
in almost every business process of industries.

- Virtual Reality Technology and Augmented Reality: Virtual Reality (VR) and
Augmented Reality (AR) are merging the physical and digital worlds. While VR
enables a rich digital experience, AR adds digital components to our real world.

VR and AR technologies will redefine how we interact with digital content. By 2024,
it is expected that there will be more enriching educational experiences, improved
virtual workshops, and AR applications integrated into everyday life, enhancing
navigation and access to information.

- Quantum Computing: Quantum computing is a multidisciplinary field that

encompasses many aspects of computer science, physics and mathematics that utilize
quantum mechanics to solve complex problems faster than classical computers.
Quantum computers can solve certain types of problems millions of times faster than
conventional computers. Quantum computing, which uses subatomic particles to
create new ways of processing and storing information, is a technological leap that is
expected to give us computers capable of operates trillions of times faster than today's
fastest traditional processors.

- The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing strongly: Simply put, the Internet of Things
(IoT: Internet of Things) is a network of interconnected devices and sensors, all of
which communicate, collect and exchange data with each other. Connection can be
done via Wi-Fi network, mobile information network, etc. Devices can be
smartphones, coffee makers, washing machines, headphones and many other devices.
IoT will be a giant network of connections to connect everything including people, and
there will exist relationships between people and people, people and devices, devices
and devices. The number of IoT devices worldwide is forecast to nearly triple from 9.7
billion in 2020 to more than 29 billion IoT devices in 2030.

- Biotechnology and medical technology: Biotechnology is a high-tech field built on

the theory of life with the combination of research processes and technical equipment

to create high-quality biological products. These products will meet the needs and
interests of people in the socio-economy and provide environmentally friendly
products, while minimizing current environmental pollution. At the same time, this
field of technology also helps industrial production processes become much safer and
more efficient.

Besides, a number of advanced technologies such as: Edge computing, digital ethical
blockchain technology and privacy,.... will be developed and increasingly widely
applied. All of these technological advances will play a central role in reshaping our
world. Technology brings incredible opportunities, it also brings responsibilities, and it
is our responsibility to ensure these innovations improve our lives and the world in a
positive way.

In Vietnam, facing the strong development of new technologies of the Fourth

Industrial Revolution to take advantage and exploit the potential of this industry, the
state has issued strategies, policies and laws to promote promote digital technology
development. Because developing and mastering digital technology will play a key
role in determining the position and strength of countries and peoples in the
international arena in all fields of economics, society, politics and security. - national
defense... In our country, one technology that will thrive in 2023 is 5G. With high
speed, large capacity and low latency, 5G is promoted for commercialization with the
goal of creating changes in connectivity, so that communications infrastructure
becomes an important infrastructure of the economy."

In addition, artificial intelligence (AI) will continue to be a leading technology trend in

Vietnam. The year 2023 will reignite the model of integrating artificial intelligence
(AI) with the Internet of Things (IoT), providing many new utilities. Artificial
intelligence will also be widely applied in manufacturing, finance, healthcare,
education, virtual assistants on mobile phones... Accessing and quickly adapting to
these technology trends will help users Enjoying many amenities, businesses are
positioned to develop and create competitive advantages in the future.

Besides, investment in R&D (Research & Development) is still relatively low and
scattered. However, there are signs showing businesses' active participation in R&D to

localize foreign technology and increase innovation on existing systems and
technologies. R&D results in Vietnam have also improved a lot. According to the
Global Innovation Index 2020, Vietnam scored relatively well in trademark and
industrial design registration by origin (ranked 20 and 43, respectively) while patent
registration by origin ranked relatively low ranking, at position 65.

Vietnamese businesses largely aim to innovate and absorb technology as a means of

improving efficiency and competitiveness. Vietnamese businesses are still limited in
industrial innovation compared to countries in the early stages. However, there are
encouraging signs that Vietnam is increasing its application of digital technology.
According to data from a survey on Industry 4.0 readiness in Vietnam, in 2018, about
15.1% of businesses applied cloud computing, 12.4% connected machines to digital
devices chemicals and 9.8% have installed digital sensors in their factories. The
Covid-19 pandemic also emphasized the importance of technology as businesses
quickly applied or developed digital technologies to address the impact of outbreaks in
Vietnam on health and the economy.

2.2. Technology helps change human life

2.2.1. Technology helps improve quality lives.

Technology has significantly improved household activities and daily living in various
ways. Here are some specific examples:

- Smart Appliances: Technology has introduced smart appliances such as washing

machines, refrigerators, ovens, and lighting systems that can be controlled remotely
via smartphones. These appliances allow users to monitor and adjust settings from a
distance, leading to energy savings and optimizing resource usage.

- Smart Home Management Apps: Technology has led to the development of smart
home management apps, enabling users to monitor and manage household activities
remotely. Features include tracking energy consumption, controlling security systems,
and managing ventilation and environmental sensors.

- Information Technology and Internet Access: Information technology and internet

access provide users with the ability to access information and services remotely.

Users can engage in activities such as online shopping, obtaining information on
appliance usage and maintenance, and connecting with communities to share
experiences and knowledge.

- Time Management Apps: Technology offers time management and household chore
apps that help users organize schedules and divide tasks more efficiently. Features
include planning shopping trips, managing to-do lists, and reminders for important

- Automated Cleaning Robots: Technology has introduced automated cleaning robots

for vacuuming and mopping floors, reducing the need for manual cleaning tasks.
These devices can operate according to preset schedules or be controlled remotely via
smartphone apps.

These advancements in technology have improved household activities by enhancing

convenience, efficiency, and time savings in managing and performing daily tasks.

2.2.2. Technology has changed our communication and information systems.

According to Forbes, American adults spend over 12 hours a day in front of screens.
Technology has drastically changed the way people communicate with each other.
There are so many benefits of technology, and one of the biggest being enhanced

Media channels like social media, blogs, and websites have changed the way that our
world communicates with one another. Before the internet and social media, people
received information via newspapers and television. Now individuals can access
information immediately with the click of a button on Twitter, Instagram, and

Technology has created a plethora of communication methods. We can now choose

from email, messaging apps, video conferencing, social media platforms, and more,
depending on the context and purpose of our communication. Geographical distance is
no longer a barrier. We can stay in touch with friends, family, and colleagues
regardless of their location. This fosters stronger connections and global collaboration.

Technology has democratized access to information. The internet provides a vast
library of knowledge at our fingertips. Search engines and online resources make
research and learning significantly easier.

Communication in the workplace is now easier than ever before. With the use of
communication tools such as social media, video chatting, and cloud-based systems it
is much easier to collaborate and reach people quickly within the workplace. Along
with improving communication, technology has also improved workplace efficiency
and productivity.

Technology makes communication faster. It started with text messaging and has only
improved from there. We can now send a text message within seconds and add images,
emojis, and other effects to friends and family members around the world. If you have
compatible smartphones, like two iPhones, you can send iMessages which has plenty
of options for personalizing your messages. Another example of faster communication
is FB Messenger – Hundreds of millions of people around the world have Facebook.
An easy way to communicate quickly with other FB users is through their FB
Messenger app. Send messages, videos, images, emojis and more.

2.2.3. The changes in education system.

Technology has profoundly changed education. For one, technology has greatly
expanded access to education. In medieval times, books were rare and only an elite
few had access to educational opportunities. Individuals had to travel to centers of
learning to get an education. Today, massive amounts of information (books, audio,
images, videos) are available at one’s fingertips through the Internet, and opportunities
for formal learning are available online worldwide through the Khan Academy,
MOOCs, podcasts, traditional online degree programs, and more. Access to learning
opportunities today is unprecedented in scope thanks to technology.

Opportunities for communication and collaboration have also been expanded by

technology. Traditionally, classrooms have been relatively isolated, and collaboration
has been limited to other students in the same classroom or building. Today,
technology enables forms of communication and collaboration undreamt of in the past.
Students in a classroom in rural Vietnam, for example, can learn about the Arctic by

following the expedition of a team of scientists in the region, read scientists’ blog
posting, viewing photos, e-mail questions to the scientists, and even talk live with the
scientists via a videoconference. Students can share what they are learning with
students in other classrooms who are tracking the same expedition. Students can
collaborate on group projects using technology-based tools such as wikis and Google
Docs. The walls of the classrooms are no longer a barrier as technology enables new
ways of learning, communicating, and working collaboratively.

Technology has also begun to change the roles of teachers and learners. In the
traditional classroom, such as what we see depicted in de Voltolina’s illustration, the
teacher is the primary source of information, and the learners passively receive it. This
model of the teacher as the “sage on the stage” has been in education for a long time,
and it is still very much in evidence today. However, because of the access to
information and educational opportunities that technology has enabled, in many
classrooms today we see the teacher’s role shifting to the “guide on the side” as
students take more responsibility for their learning using technology to gather relevant
information. Schools and universities across the country are beginning to redesign
learning spaces to enable this new model of education, foster more interaction and
small group work, and use technology as an enabler.

Technology is a powerful tool that can support and transform education in many ways,
from making it easier for teachers to create instructional materials to enabling new
ways for people to learn and work together. With the worldwide reach of the Internet
and the ubiquity of smart devices that can connect to it, a new age of anytime
anywhere education is dawning. It will be up to instructional designers and educational
technologies to make the most of the opportunities provided by technology to change
education so that effective and efficient education is available to everyone everywhere.

2.2.4. Technology has changed how we get entertainment.

Today, as human life develops, entertainment needs are increasingly receiving people's
attention. As technology becomes more and more familiar and appears in human
activities, it has also partly changed the way we entertain.

Firstly, television and movies. Technology has brought about the popularity of
streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, and Disney+, allowing
users to watch movies and TV shows online right on their devices. This has changed
how we watch television and movies by providing a premium account to access a large
content library.

Secondly, technology has changed the way we access and listen to music. People can
listen to music through streaming services like Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube
Music, allowing access to millions of songs and playlists from anywhere and on any
device. Initially, compact discs revolutionized the music industry because they were
cheaper to record. However, with the advent of the digital age, you no longer need to
stream music from the Internet using MP3 technology. Technology has also brought
convenience to downloading and storing digital music on mobile devices.

Thirdly, there is the video game industry. High-quality graphics, online multiplayer
capabilities, and virtual reality technology have revolutionized the gaming experience.
Esports, or competitive video games, have also become popular as entertainment.

In addition, there are social networking platforms. Technology has created social
media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitch, allowing users to
create and share entertaining content. This has given rise to a new wave of influencers,
content creators, and online stars entertaining and interacting with audiences through
videos, livestreams, and other forms of content.

It can be seen that technology has changed the way we entertain ourselves in ways we
have never seen before, laying the foundation for a brighter future and helping us
move forward.

2.2.5. The effects of technology in the case of healthcare system.

Health care is considered a major human concern. In the current development context,
technology has had a huge impact on the medical field and brought many significant

Firstly, improve the quality of medical services. Technology has helped convert
patient records from paper to electronic form, helping to store medical information

securely and easily access it. Electronic records enable healthcare providers to share
information quickly and effectively, improving patient care and reducing errors.

Secondly, use technology in disease diagnosis and treatment. Technology has

developed advanced medical tools and devices that help improve the process of
diagnosing and treating diseases. These include types of technological equipment such
as computerized tomography scanners, ultrasound machines, molecular imaging
machines, etc. These products allow doctors to examine details inside the body. to
make a more accurate diagnosis.

Thirdly, use surgical robots. Currently, the use of robots to perform surgeries or
support complex surgical procedures is becoming increasingly popular. Surgical robots
have become effective support tools for doctors, performing precise surgical
techniques and minimizing blood loss, infection, and pain for patients.

Fourthly, support remote medical care. Information technology and

telecommunications have opened up the possibility of remote medical care, allowing
patients to be monitored and cared for at home. Technology is developing smart
medical devices such as smart watches, bracelets, and health sensors. These devices
can track health markers such as heart rate, blood sugar levels, physical activity, and
sleep. This data may be shared with healthcare providers for health monitoring and

In addition, nowadays, people can use mobile phones to integrate medical utilities such
as online health consultations, personal health monitoring, appointment scheduling,
and medication reminders. These applications enhance personal health management
and interactions between patients and healthcare providers.

In conclusion, technology has had a profound impact on the medical field. All of these
contribute to improving the quality of medical care, enhancing diagnostic capabilities,
reducing errors, and enhancing personal health management.

2.3. Technology helps change the way people do business

2.3.1. Technology and the growth of E-commerce.

The growth of E-commerce, as a result of technological advancements, has

revolutionized the traditional business landscape. Online platforms enable businesses
to reach a broader audience, breaking geographical barriers and creating new
opportunities. This accessibility fosters convenience for both consumers and
businesses, as transactions can occur with just a few clicks, making the buying process
smoother and more efficient.

2.3.2. Technology helps to improve competitiveness.

Furthermore, technology enhances competitiveness among businesses. Adopting

innovative tools and systems helps companies streamline their operations, making
them more agile and responsive to market demands. Automation of tasks, data
analysis, and improved communication channels contribute to increased efficiency,
allowing businesses to stay ahead in a dynamic and competitive market environment.

2.3.3. Technology changes the way customers approach.

Technology has changed the way people approach various aspects of life. Once
technology comes into our life and develops fast, everything gets more convenient,
flexible, and automatic. Then people will acknowledge everything around them
quickly, connect to others more easily, and get information quickly,... There are some
aspects that people will connect to.

Firstly, the way people communicate, technology has made communication faster,
easier, and more accessible. With the advent of smartphones, social media platforms,
and instant messaging apps, people can now connect with others globally in real-time.
This has changed the way people maintain relationships, collaborate on projects, and
share information.

The second, work more easily with the rise of technology has significantly impacted
the workplace. Remote work has become increasingly common, enabled by tools like
video conferencing, cloud computing, and collaboration software. Additionally,

automation and artificial intelligence have streamlined many tasks, leading to changes
in job roles and skill requirements.

Furthermore, Technology has revolutionized the education sector, making learning

more accessible and interactive. Online courses, virtual classrooms, and educational
apps allow individuals to pursue education at their own pace and convenience. In
addition, In entertainment, the entertainment industry has been transformed by
technology. Streaming services, online gaming platforms, and digital content creation
tools have changed how people consume and create entertainment. Additionally,
advancements in VR and AR have introduced new forms of immersive entertainment
experiences. In medicine, technology has revolutionized healthcare delivery and
patient care. Telemedicine allows patients to consult with healthcare providers
remotely, improving access to medical services, especially in remote areas. Wearable
devices and health apps enable individuals to monitor their health and fitness levels,
leading to a greater emphasis on preventive healthcare.

With transportation, technology has disrupted the transportation industry, with the rise
of ride-sharing services, electric vehicles, and autonomous vehicles. These
advancements have not only changed how people commute but also have the potential
to reduce traffic congestion, lower carbon emissions, and improve road safety. People
can go shopping with E-commerce, with online retailers offering a wide range of
products and services accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. Mobile
payment solutions and digital wallets have simplified the checkout process, making
online shopping more convenient and secure.

Overall, technology has fundamentally altered the way people approach various
aspects of life, offering new opportunities, efficiencies, and challenges. As technology
continues to evolve, its impact on society will continue to shape how people live,
work, and interact with one another.

2.3.4. Technology accelerates globalization.

Then how does technology affect the world? Technology has played a significant role
in accelerating globalization by facilitating, foreign affairs, trade, and the exchange of
ideas across borders.

When people exchange information, the internet has democratized access to
information, allowing people to access news, research, and educational resources from
anywhere in the world. This free flow of information has facilitated the spread of
ideas, cultures, and knowledge, contributing to greater global awareness and
interconnectedness. The rise of e-commerce platforms has transformed the way goods
and services are bought and sold globally. Online marketplaces enable businesses to
reach customers worldwide, breaking down traditional barriers to trade and opening up
new markets. Additionally, digital payment systems and logistics technologies have
streamlined cross-border transactions and shipping processes. Technology has
facilitated greater cultural exchange and understanding by allowing people to share
their traditions, customs, and experiences with a global audience. Social media
platforms, video-sharing sites, and online forums provide a platform for individuals to
connect, collaborate, and celebrate diversity. In addition, technology has enabled
global collaboration on a scale never seen before. International organizations,
businesses, and research institutions can collaborate remotely on projects ranging from
scientific research and development to humanitarian efforts and climate change

Overall, technology has accelerated globalization by breaking down barriers to

communication, facilitating cross-border trade and collaboration, and fostering greater
cultural exchange and understanding. As technology continues to advance, its role in
shaping a more interconnected and interdependent global society will only continue to

2.4. Restrict of technology

2.4.1. Cryptography and information security.

Technologies, including digital devices, are everywhere, so just a security breach on

an email account can lead to the theft of personal information, banking data, credit
cards,... In fact, peer connectivity makes it easy for individuals and employees to
switch devices between work and play, but it also gives cybercriminals easy access to
everything related to connectivity.

Firstly, the privacy of individuals will be impaired. For example, users often post
updated photos of personal activities, family and friends, even locations and addresses,
on online platforms such as Facebook, Zalo, Instagram,... to share with everyone as
well as record beautiful memories that they want to preserve; or when installing social
networking platforms, technology car booking services, and online purchases, users
are often forced to share private information: phone numbers, contacts, addresses, etc.
Even a citizen ID or bank card to link in the most specific way to continue using for
free;… are some of the common reasons why users can reveal personal information on
the internet. That can create favorable conditions for hackers to steal, buy, and sell
your information to use for bad purposes.

Secondly, the security risk posed by technology. Businesses depend on the use of
computers and digital devices to operate transportation. The majority of business
transactions and transactions are done through computers and using the internet. Any
surprise from employees or workers could reveal your business information to
competitors, hackers, or online scammers. For instance, in April 2011, hackers who
attacked the Sony PlayStation network were tricked and stole information such as
usernames, addresses, and signal card information, costing Sony $171 million.

2.4.2. The rise of technology addiction.

One of the most negative effects of technology is the rise of technology addiction.
Internet use disorder or Internet game disorder is a fairly new genre and a growing
trend, but many addictive video games are built with that in mind. Most importantly,
some video games are violent in nature and if adults have no control over the games
their children play, those children who don't have enough understanding will be
curious and act in real life as they see in the game. We can see a lot of tragic cases
caused by addiction to technology or games in the press, including the game "Blue
Whale Challenge" in 2016 which spread fear to many countries around the world.

We are almost always exposed to some kind of technological device and it's hard to
ignore. It is a rapidly growing phenomenon and shows no signs of slowing down.

2.4.3. Sedentary lifestyle.

The rise of technology has undeniably contributed to a growing trend of sedentary
lifestyles. This makes people live more passively because technological devices help
them solve work, reduce brain stimulation, making people lazy to think and move. For
example, many people often sit at home and order online without having to go out to
buy them even though they are completely free. Or in calculation, nowadays people
often use computers to calculate including simple calculations and this makes many
people lose their ability to calculate themselves and reduce their thinking ability.

Moreover, our constant engagement with smartphones, computers, and televisions

keeps us glued to our seats, significantly reducing our daily physical activity. This lack
of movement has numerous health consequences, including an increased risk of
obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even mental health issues.

2.4.4. Environmental pollution.

The vast majority of technological devices are electronic, and they obviously need
electricity to run, which means it costs more to use all this technology.

The manufacturing and disposal of electronic devices also generate e-waste,

containing toxic materials that can leach into landfills and contaminate soil and water.
The energy consumption to power our devices and data centers releases greenhouse
gases, accelerating climate change. Electronic waste processing often occurs in
developing countries with lax environmental regulations, further exacerbating
pollution and posing health risks to local communities.

Additionally, the rapid innovation cycle leading to frequent upgrades often results in
planned obsolescence, further exacerbating e-waste and resource depletion.
Addressing these challenges requires responsible manufacturing practices, sustainable
waste management solutions, and a shift towards more energy-efficient technologies.

2.5. Solutions

In fact, there were a lot of damage occurs due to human causes. For instance, the
situation of leaks, theft, and trading of personal data has been common in cyberspace
in recent times due to people's low awareness of data protection. Perhaps a bad habit of
ours is to easily post our personal information anywhere on social networking sites.

This creates a huge risk. People need to consciously consider their personal
information as an asset to protect. This is one of the core solutions to the problem of
personal information leaking.

Technology was born to serve people. So we must know how to take advantage of the
advantages and overcome the weaknesses. We should use automation appropriately, at
the right time, and for the right purpose. But we should not be too dependent on
machinery because we will become passive and reduce our thinking ability.

Part III. Conclusion

In conclusion, the pervasive influence of technology on human lives and business
activities is palpable, as it continually reshapes our interactions, processes, and
possibilities. The seamless integration of technology into our daily routines has
fundamentally altered the way we perceive and navigate the world around us. From the
convenience of online communication platforms to the efficiency of digital
transactions and the accessibility of information through the internet, technology has
become an indispensable aspect of modern existence.

Moreover, the transformative impact of technology extends beyond personal spheres

into the realm of business activities. Organizations across industries are leveraging
technological innovations to optimize operations, drive growth, and remain
competitive in an increasingly digital marketplace. Through the adoption of cutting-
edge tools such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, and cloud computing,
businesses can enhance decision-making, improve customer experiences, and unlock
new revenue streams.

Furthermore, technology has facilitated unprecedented levels of connectivity and

collaboration, transcending geographical boundaries and enabling seamless
communication and cooperation among individuals and teams worldwide. Remote
work, virtual meetings, and digital collaboration platforms have become
commonplace, offering flexibility and efficiency in conducting business activities
irrespective of physical location.

Looking ahead, the trajectory of technological advancement promises even greater
transformation and disruption across various facets of human existence and
organizational operations. Emerging technologies such as blockchain, augmented
reality, and the Internet of Things hold the potential to revolutionize industries,
redefine business models, and address complex societal challenges.

However, amidst the rapid pace of technological innovation, it is imperative to remain

cognizant of the ethical, societal, and environmental implications associated with the
deployment of technology. As we embrace the opportunities afforded by technological
advancements, it is essential to prioritize responsible and sustainable practices to
ensure that technology serves as a force for positive change, driving inclusive growth
and addressing global challenges.

In essence, technology serves as a catalyst for progress, offering boundless

opportunities for enhancing human lives and driving business activities forward. By
harnessing the power of technology responsibly and ethically, we can navigate the
complexities of the digital age and pave the way for a future characterized by
innovation, prosperity, and sustainable development.


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