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Year 5 assembly.

Aradeen, a pebble in the smooth

Narrator 1 - Liyaanah
Narrator 2 - Vinjeru
Mitzi - Lusubilo
Reuben - TJ
Julius - Amaan
Mr Fielvard - Christian
Mrs Frost - Tabonga
Sithe - Sithe
Rylan - Rylan
Aradeen - Zayd
Kassim - Chisomo
Omar - Michella
Babkak – Akuzike
Mrs Phillips – B’ella
Teacher 1 - Zuri

Brian: Welcome to our class assembly!

Narrator 1: It was a normal school day, the year 5 and 6 classes were busy rehearsing for the
play “Aradeen, a pebble in the smooth”.
Narrator 2: However, putting on a play is not without its’ challenges…
Sithe: (mumbling) salam and welcome to the city of agrab….. (trails off)
Mitzi: NO! Louder! More energy!
Sithe: (normal volume) Shalom and welcome to the city of Agrabah- (gets cut off)
Mitzi: Again!! more energy!!!!
Sithe: (Loudly, waving arms everywhere) SALAM! AND WELCOME TO THE CITY OF
Mitzi: Mr Axel, what do you think?
Mr Fielvard: Yeah, looks great Mitzi (shrugs)
Mitzi: Fine. Let’s do the dance number now, where’s my music? REUBEN! JULIUS!
Reuben and Julius: Yes Mitzi! (running in, then they start fiddling with the computer)
(Loud talking behind the stage)
Mitzi: (runs up and pokes head through the curtains) STOP TALKING!! (sits back down) ok
(Juju on the beat)
(music starts, dancers come out, all wearing black, Rylan is wearing bright t-shirt)
Rylan: It’s a funny story actually, I got dressed in dark so all my clothes looked black! So it’s
not technically my fault.
Mitzi: I don’t want to hear it! Do you want to be in this play??
Rylan: yes…
Mitzi: Then you’ll come in a black shirt! Do it again!
(Music starts again, everyone is dancing looking miserable)
Mrs Frost: This isn’t working, you all look so miserable! Do it again, remember to smile at
the audience.
(music starts again, dancers come out with ridiculous huge creepy grins on their faces, Mrs
Frost buries her head in her hands)
Mrs Frost: That’s…fine, let’s do that market scene with the friends again, Mr Fielvard, can
you take that scene?
Mr Fielvard: (looks up and shrugs, walks to the center, and stands with one heel dug into the
ground, and puts hands up) soooo, let’s start with “what did you steal this time”.
(Omar, Babkak, Kassim, and Kasper come out, the friends an stand awkwardly in a line)
Mitzi: Where is my Aradeen?? ARADEEN! ARADEEN!
Aradeen: (runs down the middle) I was in the bathroom!! (gets on stage) I had taco bell last
Mr Fielvard: Alright, start!
Mitzi: Wait what’s that noise??
Reuben and Julius: (Poke their heads through the curtain) Everyone be quiet!
Mr Fielvard: Let’s go!
Kasper: (super quietly and boringly) I catch you stealing from my shop again…
Mr Fielvard: Kasper you need anger!
Kasper: (louder) I catch you stealing from my shop again you’ll…
Mr Fielvard: Imagine I just deleted all your fortnite progress!
Kasper: (Super angry and loud, waving the rolling pin like a wild man) I CATCH YOU
(everyone takes a step back in fear).
Mr Fielvard: That was…good! Ok Aradeen and friends, lets do your bit now!
(they all just stand in a line, and say their lines super super fast with no expression)
Kassim: so what did you steal this time
Aradeen: I don’t know what you’re talking about Kassim
Babkak: come on Aradeen you’ve taught us every swindle we know
Omar: Babkak’s right, You and Abu are the best this side of the Mudi river.
Mr Fielvard: We need more movement on stage, move around more! Mrs Frost could you
hear any of that??
Mrs Frost: Nope I couldn’t hear a word!
Mr Fielvard: Let’s do it again, remember, volume and movement!
(The friends start walking around aimlessly, saying their lines loudly and quickly to no-one in
Teachers: groan!
Mrs Frost: Ok, that’s enough for now, it’s breaktime anyway!
Chisomo: Mr Fielvard can’t we have extra break, it’s not faaaaaiiiirrrrrrrr……
Mr Fielvard and Mrs Frost: NO!!!!
(Teachers sitting on chairs on the stage drinking coffee out of mugs looking tired)
Mrs Phillips: So how’s it going with the play?
All teachers: (groan and fall off their chairs).
Narrator 1: Somehow despite everything and through hard work and tears…
Sithe: Mitzi I can’t find my umbrella!
Mitzi: AGGHHH (chases Sithe)
Narrator 2: everything worked out in the end!
Anna: Thank you watching our class assembly!
Sithe: (Sneaks on) Oh how I love a happy ending! (Get’s chased off again by Mitzi)

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