Lab 3

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Lab 3-1 question:
OQ1: Bob’s Repair is a likely match for Slainte
Analysis question
AQ1. The method known as fuzzy matching locates
matches that might not meet the search parameters
precisely. The degree of similarity may be the reason
why only one of the fuzzy matches in the first match is
a likely match and not the others. Every possible match
receives a score from the fuzzy matching algorithm;
only matches that score higher than a predetermined
threshold is deemed "likely matches." It's possible that
the remaining ones received lower scores than this.
AQ2.The additional information below may help clarify
the nature of the matched values:
Contextual Information: Knowledge of the setting in
which the data is utilized can shed light on the reasons
behind the matching of values.
Metadata: Details about the data, including where it
came from, when it was created, and whether it was
altered, can be used to interpret values that match.
Correlated Information: Correlated information can
offer further understanding. Analyzing the complete
dataset may yield insightful information, for instance, if
the matched values are a portion of a larger dataset.
AQ3. An employee might try the following if they were
attempting to commit fraud and avoid being
Alter Data: They may attempt to make changes to the
data so that it seems normal and presents no warning
Hide Patterns: To avoid leaving observable patterns,
they may attempt to vary up their fraudulent activity


Lab 3-2 Objective Questions (LO 3-3)

0Q1. When we Place our cursor over the data point in
the top-right cluster of your cluster analysis tool (such
as Power BI or Tableau) to see the interest rate
associated with that particular value. The precise
interest rate may change based on the dataset you use.
0Q2. Loans in the bottom-left cluster should typically
have interest rates that are closer to 6%.But, you ought
to verify this by examining the real data points
contained in that cluster.
0Q3. You must count the clusters in your cluster
analysis results that satisfy this requirement in order to
ascertain the number of clusters that have five or more
distinct interest rates assigned to them.
Analysis questions
AQ1. Interest rates and loan amounts and debt-to-
income ratios may or may not be related. The dataset
and the relationships within it determine the
correlation. You should examine your data to verify
whether higher interest rates are related to larger
loans or higher debt-to-income ratios.
AQ2. Outliers stand out from the rest of the data
because they frequently possess distinctive qualities.
Outliers in the loan market may have extremely high or
extremely low interest rates in comparison to the
majority of loans. Investigating the causes of these
anomalies can reveal information about the variables
influencing interest rates.
AQ3.The cluster assignments in Tableau and Power BI
may vary or match based on the parameters and
algorithms employed in each tool. Variations in each
tool's handling of data and clustering algorithms may
cause discrepancies. To account for any similarities or
differences in cluster assignments, it is imperative to
comprehend the intricacies of each tool's clustering




Lab 3-3 question:

OQ1: 0.642367541
OQ2: Yes, SAT Average appear to be predictive of
college completion rate. Because in scatter chart, there
is relationship between SAT Average and C150_4.
OQ3: y = -0.57417365 + 0.001059838 * 1100 = ~60%

We can use the regression

model to predict a student's
likelihood of finishing college
they have a SAT score of
The regression model's
equation is as follows:
=-0.57417+0.00106 * SAT
Upon entering a SAT score of
1100, the anticipated college
completion rate is as
Consequently, the likelihood
that a student with a SAT
score of 1100 will graduate
college is 0.5918.
Lab 3-3 Analysis Questions
(LO 3-4)
AQ1. Would you expect SAT
average and completion rate to
be correlated? If so,
would you expect the
correlation to be positive or
Indeed, I would anticipate a
correlation between the SAT
average and completion rate.
Higher SAT scores are
associated with greater college
success and, consequently,
higher degree completion rates
for students. It is reasonable to
anticipate a positive
correlation between higher
SAT scores and higher rates of
college completion.
AQ2. When determining
relationships between
variables, one of the criteria
for a
potential causal relationship is
that the cause must happen
before the effect.
Regarding SAT average and
completion rate, which would
you determine to be
the potential cause? Which
would be the effect?
I would conclude that the
college completion rate is the
effect and the SAT average is
the possible cause. A student's
academic ability is gauged by
their SAT average, which
is a fairly stable indicator over
time. Conversely, the college
completion rate is a gauge
of a student's academic
performance in college and is
subject to several factors,
including SAT average.
AQ3.Identifying the cause and
effect as you did in 2 can help
you determine the
explanatory and response
variables. Which variable,
SAT average or completion
rate, is the explanatory
variable? The response
variable is the college
completion rate, and
the explanatory variable is the
SAT average. This is because
the explanatory variable is the
that is used to explain the
variation in the response
We can use the regression
model to predict a student's
likelihood of finishing college
they have a SAT score of
The regression model's
equation is as follows:
=-0.57417+0.00106 * SAT
Upon entering a SAT score of
1100, the anticipated college
completion rate is as
Consequently, the likelihood
that a student with a SAT
score of 1100 will graduate
college is 0.5918.
Lab 3-3 Analysis Questions
(LO 3-4)
AQ1. Would you expect SAT
average and completion rate to
be correlated? If so,
would you expect the
correlation to be positive or
Indeed, I would anticipate a
correlation between the SAT
average and completion rate.
Higher SAT scores are
associated with greater college
success and, consequently,
higher degree completion rates
for students. It is reasonable to
anticipate a positive
correlation between higher
SAT scores and higher rates of
college completion.
AQ2. When determining
relationships between
variables, one of the criteria
for a
potential causal relationship is
that the cause must happen
before the effect.
Regarding SAT average and
completion rate, which would
you determine to be
the potential cause? Which
would be the effect?
I would conclude that the
college completion rate is the
effect and the SAT average is
the possible cause. A student's
academic ability is gauged by
their SAT average, which
is a fairly stable indicator over
time. Conversely, the college
completion rate is a gauge
of a student's academic
performance in college and is
subject to several factors,
including SAT average.
AQ3.Identifying the cause and
effect as you did in 2 can help
you determine the
explanatory and response
variables. Which variable,
SAT average or completion
rate, is the explanatory
variable? The response
variable is the college
completion rate, and
the explanatory variable is the
SAT average. This is because
the explanatory variable is the
that is used to explain the
variation in the response
We can use the regression
model to predict a student's
likelihood of finishing college
they have a SAT score of
The regression model's
equation is as follows:
=-0.57417+0.00106 * SAT
Upon entering a SAT score of
1100, the anticipated college
completion rate is as
Consequently, the likelihood
that a student with a SAT
score of 1100 will graduate
college is 0.5918.
Lab 3-3 Analysis Questions
(LO 3-4)
AQ1. Would you expect SAT
average and completion rate to
be correlated? If so,
would you expect the
correlation to be positive or
Indeed, I would anticipate a
correlation between the SAT
average and completion rate.
Higher SAT scores are
associated with greater college
success and, consequently,
higher degree completion rates
for students. It is reasonable to
anticipate a positive
correlation between higher
SAT scores and higher rates of
college completion.
AQ2. When determining
relationships between
variables, one of the criteria
for a
potential causal relationship is
that the cause must happen
before the effect.
Regarding SAT average and
completion rate, which would
you determine to be
the potential cause? Which
would be the effect?
I would conclude that the
college completion rate is the
effect and the SAT average is
the possible cause. A student's
academic ability is gauged by
their SAT average, which
is a fairly stable indicator over
time. Conversely, the college
completion rate is a gauge
of a student's academic
performance in college and is
subject to several factors,
including SAT average.
AQ3.Identifying the cause and
effect as you did in 2 can help
you determine the
explanatory and response
variables. Which variable,
SAT average or completion
rate, is the explanatory
variable? The response
variable is the college
completion rate, and
the explanatory variable is the
SAT average. This is because
the explanatory variable is the
that is used to explain the
variation in the response
We can use the regression
model to predict a student's
likelihood of finishing college
they have a SAT score of
The regression model's
equation is as follows:
=-0.57417+0.00106 * SAT
Upon entering a SAT score of
1100, the anticipated college
completion rate is as
Consequently, the likelihood
that a student with a SAT
score of 1100 will graduate
college is 0.5918.
Lab 3-3 Analysis Questions
(LO 3-4)
AQ1. Would you expect SAT
average and completion rate to
be correlated? If so,
would you expect the
correlation to be positive or
Indeed, I would anticipate a
correlation between the SAT
average and completion rate.
Higher SAT scores are
associated with greater college
success and, consequently,
higher degree completion rates
for students. It is reasonable to
anticipate a positive
correlation between higher
SAT scores and higher rates of
college completion.
AQ2. When determining
relationships between
variables, one of the criteria
for a
potential causal relationship is
that the cause must happen
before the effect.
Regarding SAT average and
completion rate, which would
you determine to be
the potential cause? Which
would be the effect?
I would conclude that the
college completion rate is the
effect and the SAT average is
the possible cause. A student's
academic ability is gauged by
their SAT average, which
is a fairly stable indicator over
time. Conversely, the college
completion rate is a gauge
of a student's academic
performance in college and is
subject to several factors,
including SAT average.
AQ3.Identifying the cause and
effect as you did in 2 can help
you determine the
explanatory and response
variables. Which variable,
SAT average or completion
rate, is the explanatory
variable? The response
variable is the college
completion rate, and
the explanatory variable is the
SAT average. This is because
the explanatory variable is the
that is used to explain the
variation in the response
AQ1. Indeed, I would anticipate a correlation between
the SAT average and completion rate. Higher SAT
scores are associated with greater college success and,
consequently, higher degree completion rates for
students. It is reasonable to anticipate a positive
correlation between higher SAT scores and higher rates
of college completion.
AQ2. I would conclude that the college completion rate
is the effect and the SAT average is the possible cause.
A student's academic ability is gauged by their SAT
average, which is a fairly stable indicator over time.
Conversely, the college completion rate is a gauge of a
student's academic performance in college and is
subject to several factors, including SAT average.
AQ3.The response variable is the college completion
rate, and the explanatory variable is the SAT average.
This is because the explanatory variable is the one that
is used to explain the variation in the response variable

OQ1: Field has the highest average (mean) is
OQ2: The maximum for ORIG_PRICE is 2195
OQ3: The maximum for SALE_PRICE is 3699
Analysis question
AQ1. the TRAN_AMT not only takes into account
discounts, but also is negative when the transaction is
a return. So since there are negatives it can not have
an average more than the other two

OQ1. The highest outlier from the in-person

transactions is 3699.
OQ2. The highest outlier for online transactions is 698.
OQ3. The median transaction for in-person
transactions is 15.
OQ4. The median transaction for online transactions is
Lab 3-5 Part 1 Analysis Questions
AQ1. You can see the range and skewness of data as
well as the maximum, minimum, and median.


Lab 3-5 Part 2 Objective Questions

OQ1. The p-value for the one-tailed test is 0.
OQ2. You should fail to reject the null hypothesis.
Lab 3-5 Part 2 Analysis Questions
AQ1. The p-value showing 0 shows that there is not a
significantly difference statistically between online and
in-person sales.
AQ2. Based on this hypothesis, Dillard’s shouldn’t
make any changes to their online and in- person sales.
AQ3. They should continue to analyze transactions the
same way based on the hypothesis


OQ2. R square value is 0,0088

OQ3. P-value for the explanatory is 0
OQ4. The significance F value is 0
Analysis question
AQ1. The low R square value and low significance F/p
value indicates that changes in the predictors are
related to changes in the response variable

OQ1. The coefficient for the BANK- dummy is 23,28

OQ2. The coefficient for the online-dummy variable is
Analysis question
AQ2. It lowered the R square value

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