Unit 3

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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI

Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP

3.1 Creating classes and objects

3.2 Constructor and Destructor

3.3 Inheritances, overloading, overriding, cloning object

3.4 Introspection, Serialization

3.1 Creating classes and objects:-

Creating classes:-

A class is defined by using the class keyword, followed by the name of the class and a pair of
curly braces ( { } ).

All its properties and methods go inside the braces:

Syntax :-
class Student
// code goes here... properties and methods

Creating objects:-
 To create an object of a given class
 We use “new” keyword followed by class name for which we want to create object
$object_name=new class_name;
 If we are having class Student as shown above then we create stud object for class student
 $stud=new Student;
 i.e stud is object of class Student.

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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI

Accessing Properties and Methods using object:-

 once we have an object
 we can use the -> ( object operator ) to access Properties and Methods of the class.
$object_name -> properties _name;
$object_name -> methods _name ([arg1, arg2……..]);
$stud ->name;
$stud ->show ();

class Student
// Properties
public $name;
public $rno;

// Methods
function set_name($name)
$this->n1 = $name;
function get_name()
return $this->n1;

//for Roll No
function set_roll_no($rno)
$this->r1 = $rno;
function get_roll_no()
return $this->r1;

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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI

$s1 = new Student(); //object create

echo $s1->get_name();
echo "<br>";
echo $s1->get_roll_no();
echo "<br>";


$this Keyword :-
 The $this keyword refers to the current object, and is only available inside methods.

 change the value of the $name property?

 There are two ways:

1.Inside the class (by adding a set_name() method and use $this):


class Student

public $name;
function set_name($name)

$this->n1 = $name;

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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI
$s1 = new Student ();


2. Outside the class (by directly changing the property value):


class Student

public $name;

$s1 = new Student ();

$s1->name = "Ram";

 PHP - instanceof
 You can use the instanceof keyword to check if an object belongs to a specific class:



$s1 = new Student();

var_dump($s1 instanceof Student); //true


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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI
PHP has three visibility keywords –




 Public :- A class member declared with public keyword is accessible from anywhare.

 Protected :-A protected member is accessible from within its class and by inheriting

 Private :-private member can only be accessed by the same class in which it is defined
and is not visible to anything outside it.

3.2 Constructor and Destructor [ __construct() __destruct() ]

 A constructor allows you to initialize an object's properties upon creation of the object.

 If you create a __construct() function, PHP will automatically call this function when you
create an object from a class.

 Notice that the construct function starts with two underscores (__)

 We see in the example below, that using a constructor saves us from calling the
set_name() method which reduces the amount of code:

Constructor types:

 Default Constructor: It has no parameters, but the values to the default constructor can
be passed dynamically.

 Parameterized Constructor: It takes the parameters, and also you can pass different
values to the data members.

 Copy Constructor: It accepts the address of the other objects as a parameter.

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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI
Constructor in inheritance

If the parent class has constructor defined in it, it can be called within child class's constructor

1. __construct

2. parent::__construct

Scope resolution operator ::

However, if child class doesn't define a constructor, it inherits the same from is base class.

class Student
// Properties
public $name;
public $rno;

// Methods
function __construct ($name) // constructer
$this->n1 = $name;
function get_name()
return $this->n1;

$s1 = new Student("Ram"); //object

echo $s1->get_name();


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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI
Program2:- constructer having name as class name
class Student
// Properties
public $name;
public $rno;

// Methods
function Student() //class == constructer
echo " constructer having name as class name Student";
function __construct() //1
echo "Student constructer having name __construct"."<br>";

$s1 = new Student();


The __destruct Function

 A destructor is called when the object is destructed or the script is stopped or exited.

 If you create a __destruct() function, PHP will automatically call this function at the end
of the script.

 Notice that the destruct function starts with two underscores (__)!

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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI
 The example below has a __construct() function that is automatically called when you
create an object from a class, and a __destruct() function that is automatically called at
the end of the script:

 PHP code is executed completely by its last line by using PHP exit() or die() functions.

 As constructors and destructors helps reducing the amount of code, they are very useful!

class Student
// Properties
public $name;
public $rno;

// Methods
function __construct($name) //constructor
$this->n1 = $name;
function get_name()
return $this->n1;

function __destruct() //destructor

echo "destructor called,My Name is {$this->n1}";

$s1 = new Student("Ram"); //object

echo $s1->get_name();

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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI

3.3 Inheritance, overloading, overriding, cloning object

 Inheritance is the way of extending the existing class functionality in the newly created

 We can also add some additional functionality to the newly created class apart from
extending the base class functionalities.

 When we inherit one class, we say an inherited class is a child class (sub class)

 from which we inherit is called the parent class.

 The parent class is also known as the base class.

Base class = old class = parent class = super class

Derived class = new class = child class = sub class

Types of Inheritance in PHP

PHP supports various types of inheritance like JAVA/C++. The below table shows the list of
inheritance types and the supporting status in PHP.

Inheritance Type Support in PHP

Single Inheritance YES

Multilevel Inheritance YES

Hierarchical Inheritance YES

Multiple Inheritance NO

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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI
1. Single Inheritance

PHP supports Single inheritance. Single inheritance is a concept in PHP in which one class can
be inherited by a single class only. We need to have two classes in between this process. One is
the base class (parent class), and the other a child class itself. Let’s understand the same with an
example. It is popularly known as simple inheritance. This type of inheritance in PHP
language remains the same as JAVA, C++, etc

2. Multilevel Inheritance

PHP supports Multilevel Inheritance. In this type of inheritance, we will have more than 2
classes. In this type of inheritance, a parent class will be inherited by a child class then that child
class will be inherited by the child class. This type of inheritance in PHP language remains the
same as C++ etc.

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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI
2. Multiple Inheritance

Not supported in php

PHP doesn’t support multiple inheritance but by using Interfaces in PHP or using Traits in PHP
instead of classes, we can implement it.

Traits (Using Class along with Traits):

The trait is a type of class which enables multiple inheritance.

Classes, case classes, objects, and traits can all extend no more than one class but can extend
multiple traits at the same time.

3. Hierarchical Inheritance

PHP supports Hierarchical inheritance. Hierarchical inheritance is the type of inheritance in

which a program consists of a single parent and more than one child class. Let’s understand the
same with this example. This type of inheritance in PHP language remains the same as JAVA,
C++, etc.

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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI

//class a(Base) b (child) c (child)

class a
function showa()
echo "this showa of base class a";
echo "<br>";

//b (child) parent class a

class b extends a
function showb()

echo "this showb class b";

echo "<br>";
class c extends a
function showc()
echo "this showc class c";
echo "<br>";

$b1=new b(); //child class


$c1=new c();

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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI

Que.Write a Program to implements following types inheritance using given classes with its

1. Single
2. Multilevel
3. Hierarchical

Class person class student class employee

Name Branch company name
Age roll no salary

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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI

Overloading:- (Compile Time Polymorphism)

 Function overloading is a feature that permits making creating several methods with a
similar name that works differently from one another in the type of the input parameters
it accepts as arguments.

 Method overloading is performed within class.

 In case of method overloading, parameter must be different.

 Method overloading is the example of compile time polymorphism.


//class a(Base) b (child) c (child)

class a
function show()
echo "in class a show function"."<br>";

public function display()

echo "in class a display function"."<br>";

//b (child) parent class a

class b extends a
function show()
echo "in class b show function"."<br>";

//call to base class function show

parent::show(); //Scope resolution operator ::


$b1=new b();


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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI

Overriding:- (Run Time Polymorphism)

 In function overriding, the parent and child classes have the same function name with and
number of arguments

 Method overriding occurs in two classes that have IS-A (inheritance) relationship.

 In case of method overriding, parameter must be same.

 Method overriding is the example of run time polymorphism.


//class a(Base) b (child) c (child)

class a
function show()
echo "in class a show function"."<br>";

//b (child) parent class a

class b extends a
function show()
echo "in class b show function"."<br>";


$b1=new b();

$a1=new a();


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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI

Cloning object:-
 Object cloning is process in PHP to create a copy of an object.

 An object copy is created by using the clone keyword

 When object is cloned PHP will perform a shallow copy of the objects properties


$new_object_name=clone $old_object_to_be_copied


$b1=new b(); //object of class b

$newb= clone $b1; // copy of object b1 of class b

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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI

3.4 Introspection and Serialization

Introspection in PHP offers the useful ability to examine classes, interfaces, properties, and
methods. PHP offers a large number functions that you can use to accomplish the task. In order
to help you understand introspection, I’ll provide a brief overview of some of PHP’s classes,
methods, and functions using examples in PHP to highlight how they are used.

Examining classes:
Introspection Functions to be used to examining classes are,

1.class_exists ()

2. get_class_methods ()

3. get_class_vars ()

4.get_parent_class ()

1.class_exists ()

Returns True if passed class name exists if not then false


$yesno= class_exists (‘class_name’);

We can use function instead of class_exists

get_declared_classes ()

this returns an array of all defined classes


$classesnames= get_declared_classes ();

2. get_class_methods ()

This function Returns an array of class methods name


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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI
$methods= get_class_methods (‘class_name’);

3. get_class_vars ()

This function Returns an array of properties of class (variables names)


$variablename= get_class_vars (‘class_name’);

4.get_parent_class ()

This function Returns an name of parent class or false if there is no parent class

This function accepts as parameters object of class or class name


$baseclass= get_parent_class (‘class_name’);

class a
//properties of class (variables names)
public $name;
public $rno;

function sum ()

function add ()

function sub ()

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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI
class b extends a
function Show()

class c extends b

//1 class_exists
echo "Class presnt";
echo "<br>";
echo "Class not presnt";
echo "<br>";

//2 get_class_methods
$cm=get_class_methods ('b');
echo "class methods names :- ";
echo "<br>";

//3 get_class_vars
$cv=get_class_vars ('a');
echo "variable names :- ";

//4 get_parent_class
echo "<br>";
echo "parent class :- ";

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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI

Examining an Object:
Introspection Functions to be used to examining an object are,

1. is_object ()

2. get_class ()

3. get_object_vars ()

4. method_exists ()

1. is_object ():-

Returns True if passed parameter is an object


$yesno=is_object ($obj);

2. get_class ()

Returns the name of the class of an object.


$classname= get_class ($obj);

3. get_object_vars ()

Get the properties of given object.


$array= get_object_vars ($obj); //obj-----class-----variable

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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI
4. method_exists ()

Check if the class method exit or not.


$ yesno = method_exists ($obj,$method_name);

class a
//properties of class (variables names)
public $name;
public $rno;

function sum ()

function add ()

function sub ()

class b extends a
function Show()


class c
public $comp_name;
public $Branch;

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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI
$a1=new a();
$b1=new b();
$c1=new c();

//1 is_object
echo "object or not :- ";
echo "<br>";

//2 get_class
$cm=get_class ($b1);
echo "class names :- ";
echo "<br>";

//3 get_object_vars
$objv=get_object_vars ($c1);
echo "variable names :- ";
echo "<br>";

//4 method_exists
echo "parent class :- ";


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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI

 The serialize() function converts a storable representation of a value.

 To serialize data means to convert a value to a sequence of bits, so that it can be stored in
a file, a memory buffer, or transmitted across a network.

 We can use two functions serialize ( ) and unserialize() to implement our own form of
persistent object

For example

$encode= serialize ($somedata);

$somedata= unserialize ($encode);

 Serialize ()method returns a string containing a byte-stream representation of any value

that can be stored in PHP.

 Unserialize () method can use this string to recreate the original variable values



 While saving an object, all the variables of the object will be saved, but the functions will
not be saved.

 After serialization of an object the byte version can be stored in a file.

 To unserialize () an object in another PHP file, the class must be defined in that file.

 This can be done by including rile where the class has been defined


unserialize( value)

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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI
Que.The following program shows how object is serialized and stored in a text file, then the
object is unserialize



class Student

var $age =18;

function show_Age()

echo this-> age;

$stud= new Student

$stud->show_Age();// Outputs 10

$sri_obj= serialize ($stud); / $stud is serialized, converted to string

$fp=fopen ("a. txt", “w”);

fwrite ($fp, $sri_obj); / / storing serialized obj into the file

fclose ($fp);

$us_obj= unserialize ($sri_obj); // new object $us_obj created

$us_obj->show_Age(); // outputs 10


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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI

 Storing serialized obj into the file a.txt

PHP has two hooks for objects during the serialization and unserialization process

1. __sleep( )

2. __wakeup()

 These methods are used to notify objects that they are being serialized or unserialize.

 Serialize() checks if our class has a function with the magic name __sleep(), If so, that
function is executed prior i.e. just before to any serialization.

 It can clean up the object and is supposed to return an array with the names of all
variables of that object that should be serialized.

 if the method doesn't return anything then Null is serialized. The __sleep() function is
useful if we have very large objects which do not heed to be saved completely.

 Unserialize() checks for the presence of a function with the magic name __wakeup(). if
present, this function can reconstruct any resources that the object may have.

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Unit 3 Apply Object Oriented Concepts in PHP SVERI

class Student
public $name;
public $rno;
public function __construct($name, $rno)
$this->name = $name;
$this->rno = $rno;
public function __sleep()
echo "Sleep calling <br>";
return array('name','rno');
public function __wakeup()
echo "Wakeup calling <br>";
$s1=new Student("Ram",01);
$data= serialize($s1);
echo $data."<br>";


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